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There have been 2 items by puckreathof (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#657888 The Future of Heaven & Earth.

Posted by puckreathof on 11 November 2014 - 11:26 PM in News and Announcements

I haven't posted in ages, though I do occasionally come here to lend a silent shoulder in support for the bad times and cheer silently in the background in the good times (I lurk), but I felt the need to come out and post. For one I applaud Smiter's decision to stay open. Just because a ship is not canon does not mean you must abandon. One of my favorite ships was not ever canon (well, AUs did happen) and now it is actually canon in a reboot. (SMWW for the win). Even then, you like what you like, you interpret a story a certain way regardless of what the author may have intended or even like a pair regardless of canon acknowledgement. (I like Ranma with various girls even if I realize and recognize that Akane is the main ship). So it is good to know that this will stay open, I'll keep coming here and lurking and maybe once a decade posting as time goes on. 


Onto Naruto: Wow. What crap. Naruto was not even remotely himself as Kage, which as some have mentioned seems meaningless now, really. I contemplate all the themes that got crushed not just at the end now but also throughout the story. The whole Hard Work theme is pretty much eviscerated, the Generational theme is only barely less killed. The only success was peace and if the third movie is in the 'present' so to speak, there will be violence, so the whole 'cycle of hatred' will not be as dead as one would think. (I wasn't a huge fan of that theme, honestly.)


Rambling now, but I'd like to see a workup of all the important thematic elements that basically got wrecked as the story came closer and closer to its ending. I'd contribute a lot if I wasn't working near 60 hrs a week right now. I like most of you (I don't know you all well enough to say love) and I am happy that this place will still exist as time goes on. (Also, to the joker who said Bolada (that's the portmanteau I'm going with) is like Naruto Sakura it's actually more like Naruto Hinata all over again, or maybe Sasuke Hinata or maybe Smiter is correct and it is basically a 100% hetero Naruto Sasuke in which case the yaoi fans had it right) I recall someone mentioned the story worked better if you rule 63d either Naruto or Sasuke and darned if I don't agree. 

#522889 Naruto 673

Posted by puckreathof on 16 April 2014 - 06:05 AM in Latest Releases

Didn't somebody call this?