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There have been 89 items by Unknown Entity (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#295172 Highschool of the Dead

Posted by Unknown Entity on 31 August 2010 - 05:38 AM in Otaku Square

Wow, those Saeko/Takashi additions to this episode were really surprising. They were following the manga pretty faithfully up until now (where Rei/Takashi is predominant with a little Saeko/Takashi on the side), but this episode pretty much just declared that Saeko/Takashi are the pairing of the animated series... at least that's what I got from it. I'm not complaining. I don't like Rei.

- The breast groping looked painful.
- Got a good laugh out of how they portrayed the "I'm (getting) wet" scene.

Next episode contains the Saya/Takashi moment. I'm kind of excited for that.

#294841 Highschool of the Dead

Posted by Unknown Entity on 27 August 2010 - 02:14 AM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Unknown Entity @ Aug 9 2010, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's pretty obvious where they're going to end it at this point (since they've been going at a chapter per episode pace). End of volume 3 will be the last episode.

Hrm, seems the anime will be changing things around next episode. They seem to really want to get the Saeko fanservice in before the series ends. The end of volume 3 will probably still be the final episode, but now I'm really wondering how they're going to be doing the next episode (getting the vehicle and all) and the stuff that follows (meeting back up with everyone). Aaaand... if they ever do a second season, they would then have to change things around again since they've already used some of the material in this season.

#294839 Fairy Tail

Posted by Unknown Entity on 27 August 2010 - 02:05 AM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Unknown Entity @ Aug 4 2010, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm waiting for the facepalm moment of when one of the Earthland mages (I'd guess Lucy), with their infinite magic, starts on a righteous speech about how you don't need magic to survive... you just need each other! I'm just waiting for it...

Ehh... so it wasn't a speech, and it turned out it was Gray that delivered the line, but I came close. I guess it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it was going to be... but it's still a stupid thing to say.

#294054 History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga

Posted by Unknown Entity on 21 August 2010 - 07:56 AM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Davidos @ Aug 20 2010, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seems that according to Mangafox.com this manga has taken over the number 1 spot of most readers per month from Naruto :O! I wouldn't have expected this lol

Probably has something to do with the fact that MangaFox doesn't even host Naruto chapters anymore?

#294053 StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Posted by Unknown Entity on 21 August 2010 - 07:54 AM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (roninmedia @ Aug 20 2010, 01:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can't even beat the last prophecy mission on hard, must less brutal. dry.gif

Hopefully, one of my friends in class can do it and do it for me. tongue.gif

Yay for my super brain fart of not upgrading. smile.gif

DT wall + mass carriers + mass cannons for that level... you probably don't even need the DT wall on anything less than Brutal. Just make some extra colossi.

I completely suck at this game. I'm getting destroyed in my 1v1 matches. I can't micro at all, and my macro... nah, I can't macro either. The only way I win is if my opponent really sucks.

#293470 StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Posted by Unknown Entity on 18 August 2010 - 02:19 AM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (Davidos @ Aug 16 2010, 04:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I tried some missions on brutal some of them made me want to cry how easily i got defeated xD. Still have to try the final missions on Brutal seeing how that is like. Bet i will get killed very easily kruemelmonsteryn0.gif

Certain missions on Brutal are pretty difficult. But others are so easy I have to wonder what they're like on the easier difficulties (which I'll find out since I'll be doing the 8 hour normal run achievement starting tomorrow).

All In (last mission) on Brutal certainly was pretty... brutal. It took me a part of a day to beat it, but that's mainly because I kept trying to get the only one artifact use achievement. Best I was able to get to was 95% (on the Nychus worms route). I think I would have been able to do it if I had chosen the final zerg research that slows them down instead of the mind control one (which I didn't end up using at all)... would have helped a lot. However, once I gave up on getting the achievement on Brutal (settling on getting it on Hard) the mission became a lot easier and wasn't too difficult at all.

#293205 StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Posted by Unknown Entity on 16 August 2010 - 07:23 AM in Gamer Lounge

It took me a week, but I finally beat the campaign on Brutal. Most of the time was spent getting all the achievements.

QUOTE (roninmedia @ Aug 15 2010, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyone tried brutal and get totally raped by the AI like me yet? There was an enemy siege tank on the second mission. rawr.gif arg.gif shamefulcry0js.gif

MMM ball will get you through most missions on Brutal pretty easily.

#292366 Official MMA Thread

Posted by Unknown Entity on 09 August 2010 - 08:40 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

QUOTE (Unknown Entity @ Aug 4 2010, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sonnen doesn't stand much chance against Anderson in my opinion... it's just Dana White and his hype-machine at work again to make people think he does... and it's working.

So I was wrong. Sonnen put on one hell of a fight. Anderson by triangle from the bottom isn't really surprising, it's just surprising how long it took him to lock it in. Thought (before the fight) it was going to happen in the 3rd round.

The JDS-Nelson fight was amazing. Nelson showed a ton of heart and an incredible chin. If he didn't gas out in the first round he may have actually had a chance to knock JDS out (he was able to land a few big right hand shots but didn't have any power behind them since he was already dead on his feet).

Don't have much comment on the other fights. Hughes was great. Bad break for Rafael dos Anjos breaking his jaw in the first round. Dominant, and expected, fight by Fitch.

#292365 Highschool of the Dead

Posted by Unknown Entity on 09 August 2010 - 08:32 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (untold62 @ Aug 9 2010, 01:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ehehe...the 6th episode was like drooling.gif
It was great to see the scenes animated. The anime itself is really ok and very good animations overall. At least there were no flashbacks in the last episodes happy.gif I can't wait to see how are they going to end it...

I think they really put in their best for this episode. Maybe it's just me or it was the content of the episode, but I thought that the quality took a noticeable jump (even though it's always been really good).

It's pretty obvious where they're going to end it at this point (since they've been going at a chapter per episode pace). End of volume 3 will be the last episode.

#291939 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Unknown Entity on 05 August 2010 - 08:33 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Sir Whirly @ Aug 5 2010, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Um, I think this chapter is implying something... unpleasant in regards to Rangiku. More than just a beating.

This made me go reread the chapter.

Yeah, I definately agree with you... you really could say that it seemed like Rangiku was raped by Aizen's men. Too bad we'll probably never get a confirmation though. Kind of surprising to see something like that (even if it's being miscontrued) in Bleach though!

#291915 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Unknown Entity on 05 August 2010 - 05:24 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (TheBugNinja @ Aug 5 2010, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aizen basically renders every other character in Bleach irrelevant. This is what makes it so boring to read. Since Ichigo is the main character, its obvious that he's the only one that is going to be allowed to fight Aizen fairly. Every other character will continue to out-think and out-fight Aizen but still lose because Aizen decides that he should win and Aizen is written in as god so whatever he says goes.

It isn't even that Aizen is winning because of skill or superior fighting ability. He wins because he's Aizen and Aizen must always win against everyone. Really, that's the law this manga is going by. Cut him, rip his arms off, shoot blow him up from the inside for good measure. He just auto-heals and then kills you with one swing of his sword. Fight over.

I was really hoping Gin killed him. It would have been a breath of fresh air, and a much-needed surprise to a way too predictable storyline.

But no, it's the same old crap we've been getting fed for years.

This is what Naruto would be like if Orochimaru never ever lost to anybody, devoured sasuke and was now in god mode beating up all 5 kages at once with one hand.

I'm kind of tired of God Aizen as well... but if you think about it... he's just showing us what shounen manga are like from the other side.

Aizen should know... only the protagonists of manga are allowed to be gods and undefeatable... jeez, get with the program already.

#291912 Summer JUMP Heroines Poster 2010

Posted by Unknown Entity on 05 August 2010 - 05:09 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Broken Figurine @ Aug 4 2010, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry if that sentence was unclear XD I was trying to say that just because a character has a large chest doesn't mean they catch my eye anymore. When so much effort and focus is put there, I kind of skim over it, not paying much mind. Though the character at the very left has a large chest that looks like it is popping out of her black bathingsuit, I'm more drawn to her face and her hair. Sakura, though not having much up-front, has a very cute expression and the colour of her hair is pretty, and her pose is great. She looks smooth and feminine in her own right, and I think that's part of the art style too.

Do I make sense? XD

Oh I knew what you meant. It's just a confusing statement since I, personally, don't understand how you can become desensitized to big breasts. I know people who don't like big breasts, that's fine... but to become desensitized... it's hard to fathom.

But then I just realized you're female and it all starts to make sense.

QUOTE (Puni~Chan(: @ Aug 5 2010, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey I just realized something...

How come they put Orihime instead of Rukia in there? :/
(It's not that I don't like Orihime...it's just isn't Rukia like the main heroine of Bleach?)

What makes Rukia more of a main heroine than Orihime? That she was the first one to appear as a main character in the series? Otherwise they've played equally important roles in the series... so Orihime's more appealing appearance (to most people) probably pushed her onto the poster.

#291700 Fairy Tail

Posted by Unknown Entity on 04 August 2010 - 07:48 PM in Otaku Square

I'm waiting for the facepalm moment of when one of the Earthland mages (I'd guess Lucy), with their infinite magic, starts on a righteous speech about how you don't need magic to survive... you just need each other! I'm just waiting for it...

#291690 Summer JUMP Heroines Poster 2010

Posted by Unknown Entity on 04 August 2010 - 05:42 PM in Otaku Square

Is that suppose to be Medaka in the top right corner? Anyone else find that it doesn't really look like her or is it just me? Only problem I have with the poster.

QUOTE (Broken Figurine @ Aug 4 2010, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been desensitized to large chests...

Wait... what?

QUOTE (sardns @ Aug 4 2010, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I like how Sakura is smack dab in the middle. Are the characters placed in the middle because they're in the most popular manga?

Very likely (yes).

#291689 Official MMA Thread

Posted by Unknown Entity on 04 August 2010 - 05:38 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

QUOTE (catsi563 @ Aug 3 2010, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He does, but you know what? smack talk aside I trully hope chael punishes, beats, destroys, and out right humiliates silva in this fight. Silvas become too complacent too the point where he treats every fight like a joke. And for a fighter of his caliber thats just not acceptable to me. Dana about fired him after that last mockery of a fight he put on where he half-@ssed it through the fight.

If were lucky chel will destroy him utterly and itll be a stepping stone for silva to get back into shape and rebuild his badly damaged rep as a top tier fighter.

That's cause every fight is a joke until some actual competition shows up for him at the MW division. Dana White said after the Maia fight “If you’re that talented, be Mike Tyson. Go in and finish it in two minutes.” and I think that's what most people have with Anderson. He's so good but doesn't finish fights dominantly. But the thing is is that he's a counter striker and doesn't put himself in needless danger. So I don't see why he needs to change up his style just to please White and the fans. That's just me though. And Dana White won't fire (arguably) the best pound-for-pound fighter in the sport. An empty threat.

Sonnen doesn't stand much chance against Anderson in my opinion... it's just Dana White and his hype-machine at work again to make people think he does... and it's working.

#291520 Official MMA Thread

Posted by Unknown Entity on 03 August 2010 - 06:45 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

QUOTE (Mik3 @ Aug 2 2010, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was super pissed at Munos, he did hurt Okami in the second round but he went back to his takedown attempts instead of following through. HAd he tried to stand and fight in the third instead of those time wasting, useless shoots he might have had the win. But since he wussed out on this fight im glad Okami was able to hurt him in the third and get the victory. If Munos keeps fighting like that, he shouldn't be around.

This is why I think the UFC should allow knees and kicks to a downed opponent like back in Pride. Would stop wrestlers from shooting all the time, failing, and laying there on their knees. It's just giving too much protection to wrestlers - allowing them to shoot without much consequence (and then the judges end up rewarding too much for takedowns even if the wrestler doesn't do anything while on top).

#291412 Highschool of the Dead

Posted by Unknown Entity on 02 August 2010 - 05:03 PM in Otaku Square

I like the Hero's Entrace they added in the anime for the 5th episode.

The much-awaited bath scene is next episode...

#291325 Official MMA Thread

Posted by Unknown Entity on 02 August 2010 - 03:01 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Munoz is such a boring fighter. Pretty much leg humps his opponents the entire round.

The Fireball Kid Gomi had a spetacular KO. He took some shots as they exchanged but a great right hook. Griffin, btw, is a sore loser. Dude, you face-planted into the mat and could barely stand back up. Accept the loss.

Ellenberger pretty much controlled his fight. Got rocked a couple times, but recovered quickly. Howard's eye looked crazy bad in the 3rd round. Really thought the doctor was going to stop it sooner.

Again, Munoz is a boring fighter. He commits to the takedown and rarely ever lets it go... even when he's being stuffed the entire round. This fight also displayed the UFC judges' BS ability to judge fights again. Split decision? Should have been UD Okami. But 1 judge, I guess, decided to give Munoz the first round because of a takedown that Okami got up from half a second later.

Jon Jones. Give him a top 10 fight already! Too much coddling to a guy that deserves to start moving up the ranks.

#290343 Highschool of the Dead

Posted by Unknown Entity on 28 July 2010 - 03:07 AM in Otaku Square

Has anyone else noticed that they're changing the ending theme every episode? I just thought that was cool...

I didn't mind the flashback bits of the episode 4 since I think it was pretty well done, but it's true I found it awkward considering we're only 4 episodes in and this is only a 12 episode series.

#290340 OneManga done for!!!

Posted by Unknown Entity on 28 July 2010 - 03:02 AM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Strangelove @ Jul 27 2010, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well...its been a week...and One Manga is still on...what they should do is basically shut down their site...

It's only been 5 days.

#288101 Official NHL Thread

Posted by Unknown Entity on 20 July 2010 - 04:16 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

QUOTE (Jwolf0 @ Jul 19 2010, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just working with my Canucks, but.

Mike Peca, Mike Wilson, and a 1st round pick (Jay McKee) to the Sabres for Alexander Mogilny. (oops)
Cam Neely and a 1st round pick (Glen Wesley) to the Bruins for Barry Pedersen. (aw @#$! me)
Roberto Luongo, Lukas Krajicek, and a 6th round pick (Sergei Shirokov) to the Panthers for Todd Bertuzzi, Bryan Allen, and Alex Auld. (yay!)

Regarding the Gagne trade, cap reasons I'm thinking because you still need a Goalie. Paging Marty Turco....

Yes, yes... I probably over-reacted when I first saw the news... but it doesn't change the fact that the trade was insanely bad (from a Philly perspective).

If it was just for cap reasons, they could have just waived Gagne and let someone pick him up. Or you would have to think that they would have at least been able to get another pick instead of a useless, defense-liability, and overpaid Walker. Which is another reason that this couldn't have been a pure salary dump trade since they took back a ~1.7 mil for 3 season cap hit (and let's not forget that Tampa also traded Meszaros to Philly on draft day whose cap hit is 4 mil a season... so they have, in a round-a-bout way, added to the cap hit) for a defenseman they don't need (they already had 7 defensemen before this trade). It just makes no sense from Philly's side.

Don't forget we're talking about Simon Gagne here. One of the best two-way forwards in the game (when he's healthy). Sure he gets injured a lot, but remember that this is his contract year so there's a high possibility he will try harder to stay healthy this season. Not to mention he only counts against the cap for 1 season so if he doesn't work out, he's gone by the next season.

Still has me scratching my head.

#288006 Official NHL Thread

Posted by Unknown Entity on 19 July 2010 - 07:11 PM in Arts & Entertainment District


Philly trades Gagne to Tampa for M. Walker + 2011 4th round pick.


Oh wow... that has to be one of the worst trades... ever.

#286986 Highschool of the Dead

Posted by Unknown Entity on 13 July 2010 - 09:14 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Cupcake-chan @ Jul 13 2010, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
BTW about the manga, Chapter 26 has been updated.

When did onemanga stop including the mature manga in their recent updates tab? I swear I remember seeing Sekirei (another 1000manga hosted manga) when it was last updated.

QUOTE (Sir Whirly @ Jul 13 2010, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you. Needed my Zombie fix. Poor Kohta.

Takashi really failed as the "leader" of their group this chapter. Pretty much let Kohta do whatever he wanted (without even trying to step in) and stood their dazed as "they" crept up on the group.

And is it just me? Or is keeping a mentally unstable member in your group during a zombie apocalypse not a good idea? Well, their entire group has something wrong in head so I guess it's not all too bad.

Finally, the Kohta/Saya relationship they've been developing disturbs me. Especially since the transition of her affection from Takashi to Kohta was kind of sudden (I'm still not sure where/how it exactly happened).

#286784 Highschool of the Dead

Posted by Unknown Entity on 12 July 2010 - 10:06 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (Muffins? @ Jul 12 2010, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What!?!?!?! you didn't like Kohta? I love Kohta probably my favorite character lol. Although I'd rather have more seasons that just keeps up with the manga.

He's bad-ass when he's in gun-otaku mode, otherwise he's a wuss and annoying (IMO).

I'm expecting more hiatuses, so I don't think the manga will be finished for at least a few more years (if it finishes at all). I would like to see another season, but I would also like to see a conclusion since I don't expect to be getting one from the manga any time soon.

QUOTE (krisk @ Jul 12 2010, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
why did you censor the word 'breast'?

I didn't. A mod must have done so.

#286746 Highschool of the Dead

Posted by Unknown Entity on 12 July 2010 - 07:31 PM in Otaku Square

Back in the summer preview thread, this anime seemed to be getting a lot of attention (I didn't realize so many people knew of this before... or maybe they didn't and the preview caught their eye) so I figured I'd start a topic on it now that there are 2 episodes out.

It seems it was hyped up to oblivion before its release across the otaku realm (the combination of zombies, gigantic breasts, and fanservice galore is just too much for an otaku to handle), and I think it did a pretty good job delivering as best it could. Madhouse's animation has been superb and consistent. They've also done well to effectively portray the atmosphere of a zombie outbreak. Nothing to really complain about the studio in charge except for maybe how they cut a few scenes from the first episode that I think really helped to develop the relationship between Takashi and Rei. But they only have 12-13 episodes to work with, so there's no avoiding them having to cut stuff.

I'm just wondering what they'll do for the ending. Since the manga isn't anywhere close to finishing, and they only have that 13 episode limit, it's either going to be an anime-original ending or stopping at a certain point and leaving it open-ended.

I'm actually hoping they'll be able to pull off a decent anime-original ending.

I also didn't like Kohta's character in the manga, but his voice actor (Nobuyuki Hiyama) might just win me over.