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There have been 2 items by 14church (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#86440 Garden of Sanctuary [Series] - Discussion Thread

Posted by 14church on 01 November 2006 - 03:17 AM in Writing Discussion

weird how reading something can you give you so much inspiration to write an epic trilogy...

sweet! looking forward to the future of Emphyreal.

Anyway, how did writing a one-shot turn into this trilogy?
i mean......one-shots usually tend to be notoriously short........

Yay for Tainted Demon eyes! i read it and i liked the storyline. i was kinda dissapointed when you stopped writing but then i found out about The Garden of Sanctuary Series.

#86270 Garden of Sanctuary [Series] - Discussion Thread

Posted by 14church on 31 October 2006 - 01:52 AM in Writing Discussion

*Gasp!* No one has posted in this topic yet?!
dang and this series is awesome too!

anyway i have question for you Nes Mikel...

What exactly were you reading that made you think of Garden Of Sanctuary?
i mean...it must been helluva good to make you think of this wonderful plot.