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There have been 28 items by Vyse (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#385455 On a scale of 1-10 rate the last movie you watched

Posted by Vyse on 28 April 2012 - 10:51 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

The Avengers - 10/10 --Click here to view--
After I fell in love with the first Iron Man movie, I've been enjoying Marvel's films to the fullest knowing many of them were building up the hype for this film. After two years of nerdgasms everytime they released info or pictures from this film, I had so insanely high hopes for this film, I can't really describe it properly. I'm a Marvel-guy before I'm a DC-fan, so to me this was the best thing that could have happened in the realm of superhero-movies, and I was scared to death that it would disappoint in the end; it didn't!

Everything I could have wanted from this movie was there, and more. I don't want to type out everything you can read from reviews on IGN or the likes of it, so I'll just say I loved this movie to death, and in my opinion this is the greatest Superhero-movie to date, including Nolan's The Dark Knight!

#379193 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Vyse on 04 April 2012 - 12:32 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

QUOTE (BrutalAssmaster @ Apr 4 2012, 01:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You missed the point entirely, jolly mate.

As you have obviously found our rules, please try your hardest to follow them. We have rules on the board for a reason you know.

We would really like for this thread to stay civil so we won't have to shut it down because of it's current status as a magnet to flamers and trolls. Calm down, and stop trolling please.

Consider this your first warning, read the rules and please abide by them so we can all enjoy a good discussion on the board.

#369788 Star Wars: The Old Republic

Posted by Vyse on 22 February 2012 - 05:26 PM in Gamer Lounge


I'm playing on Dune Bantha (PVE) on the European servers, and my characters are:

Flyre (16) Commando
Vyse (16) Jedi Sentinel

I'm thinking about starting a new character as well, but I'll wait a bit longer before I do that. tongue.gif

#368577 Star Wars: The Old Republic

Posted by Vyse on 14 February 2012 - 09:58 PM in Gamer Lounge

Perhaps I should think more about choosing an US-server for my next character? Hmmmm

#366475 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Vyse on 01 February 2012 - 04:37 PM in Otaku Square

QUOTE (harry4e @ Feb 1 2012, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chapter 655 @ Mangastream

We have a wet Robin!!!! And a Freaking Dragon!!! Not dragon like Luffy's old man but an actual Dragon, Freaking Dragon!!! This universe really does have everything.

No guesses for what's going to happen next, Luffy will either want to A) Eat the Dragon or more Likely B) want to tame it and have it join the crew.

Can't wait for next week.

That dragon might taste like a humongous chicken, but it would look awesome on their boat... just saying...

My favorite part must be Brook answering to Nami's "Bones! Bones! Bones!!"

#338528 The Multiversal Gaming Thread

Posted by Vyse on 06 September 2011 - 12:33 PM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (Smiter @ Sep 4 2011, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have got to say something.

Nintendo of America not releasing Xenoblade Chronicles in North America is positively criminal.

Being a lucky European, I've been able to play Xenoblade Chronicles, and it just feels amazing. The story so far is fantastic, and I really like the gameplay, which is a kind of twist on Final Fantasy XII (auto-attacks, and you decide where to move characters and what arts/magic to use). Shulk's ability to see the future is also implemented nicely, it isn't just a cut-scene thing. It's used in certain battles, and you have to take action to stop bad futures from happening by warning allies and/or using certain abilities. You can even see what items will be used for future quests, so you don't end up selling off important stuff by accident. You can also build relationships between your party members and also certain NPCs (of which there are many). There is so much stuff it's mind boggling, and I cannot see anyone getting 100% on Xenoblade for a very long time.

The art/graphics are also incredible. When you step out onto Bionis' Leg, and the terrain stretches out before you, you wonder just how the hell Monolith managed to pull it off on the Wii.

By the way, I just met Sharla in the game. She is just awesome. Do you know how she cures the other party members of aliments?

She shoots them. XD

Hopefully, Reggie will do the right thing and all Americans will be able to enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles. If not, there's always importing... (with the help of a little hacking on the Wii)

Agreed! I'm just about 11 hours into the game, and I'm loving it so far. This might also be the first game in a good while where I actually want to do side quests, since it makes grinding fun. The story and battle system makes it one of the best games for the Wii, so if you're American, this is the game that makes hacking your Wii worth it.

#333313 Terror Strikes Norway

Posted by Vyse on 26 July 2011 - 09:08 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

QUOTE (Insurrection @ Jul 26 2011, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yup. But Suicide?

It's not too far fetched really. Sociopaths who acts out violent crimes and ends up in a psych ward has been known to react to their punishment with severe depression and suicide before, but we can't be sure until it happens. It was just an educated guess from a man who has worked with psychiatric patients for over 35 years, so I trust his judgment on this.

By the way, I was listening to the radio on my way back home from work, and it seems he'll be charged with crimes against humanity, which will increase the maximum punishment to 30 years. This is pretty much unheard of, so I didn't know it was possible. I guess he'll be in prison for more than 22 years.

#333257 Terror Strikes Norway

Posted by Vyse on 26 July 2011 - 11:18 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

QUOTE (Insurrection @ Jul 26 2011, 12:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And Here's something I don't understand, the maximum sentence in Norwegian prison is 23 years?

If you're sentenced to life in prison here in Norway, that means 21 prison-years. One year in prison is nine months, so the maximum time someone can be sentenced to prison is 15,75 years. The worst part is that on good behavior he'll probably be out of prison in 13 (ordinary years), but he'll probably be sentenced to life in custody at some psychiatric hospital somewhere. My guess is that this person has a narcissistic personality disorder with hints of autism, which is more or less what the psychiatrist at my work said as well. He also shows signs of more than one subtype of antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy), so it's obvious that there's reason for him to never be a free man again. He fancies himself a great revolutionary, but the only thing the world will remember him as is one of the worst mass murderers the world has ever seen. That is his only legacy, and when he at one point... IF he at some point understands this, then there's a very real possibility for him to commit suicide as well. If that happens, I don't know if he'll still be hated enough for the nurse to "arrive too late to save him" or something...

Bottom line is, 21 prison-years is the maximum punishment in Norway, but there are possibilities for extended punishment both in prison and in a psychiatric asylum. At least that is what I think is correct, but this is a rather special case, isn't it.

#333053 Terror Strikes Norway

Posted by Vyse on 24 July 2011 - 11:38 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Anders Behring Breivik (32) about killings: - Gruesome but necessary

#332987 Terror Strikes Norway

Posted by Vyse on 23 July 2011 - 12:00 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I live about a 90 minute drive from Oslo, and I can tell you guys that it's been a crazy day yesterday. I want to thank those of you who sent me SMS yesterday! I really appreciate your concern. My mom and sister was 200 meters from the big blast, but they avoided any injury because they threw themselves into our car. Huge shards of glass was raining down over people walking around the city, more than four blocks from the blast. The news has been on non-stop since it happened, and there's no good news as far as we know other than the fact that the guy has been captured. The blast in Oslo wasn't so bad compared to the connected shooting at the campsite where the children were shot and killed. So far they say that 91 people died yesterday, and almost all of these were young people under 25. My sister's best friend has heard nothing from her brother who attended the camp, and her family is more or less certain that they will never see him alive again. He was 18 years old and just finished high school and got his IB diploma with excellent grades. The police thinks the number of dead will be a lot bigger as there are so many still missing, and around 20 people still in critical condition at the hospital. This is surreal.

One thing I think will be the only positive part of this is how people reacted when they found out who did this. Almost all the Islamic leaders in Norway all but apologized on the behalf of their religion, since the media blamed muslim terrorists for this. When they found out that the terrorist was not only ethically Norwegian, but a religious Christian white man with blond hair, I suspect people finally opened their eyes and accepted that terrorists doesn't have brown skin and pray to Allah. Any ethnic group can have terrorists, and all that is required is the proper mindset. I hope that people learn from this and stop all the idiotic racism messing up our world with hate and paranoia. Religious belief doesn't make you a terrorist. This is something that has almost been forgotten after 9/11.

A white man can be a terrorist! Stop hating, and try to learn to care for everyone instead. I'm not a religious man myself, nor am I into politics, but I do see that people have to stop thinking "MUSLIM" every time they hear the word "terror".

I'm still in shock, so it's hard to concentrate on my grammar at the moment, so I apologize for this. I'm just posting here to tell you my own experience with this.

G.W. Bush, 9/11: "We're gonna hunt you down."
Stoltenberg, 22/7: "We will retaliate with more democracy"

"They can not destroy us. Our country might be a small one, but we are proud. No one can ruin our attempts to create a better world. No one can bomb us into silence. No one can shoot us to silence us. No one can prevent us from being Norwegian!" Jens Stoltenberg

#327936 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 07 June 2011 - 05:39 PM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (alexander @ Jun 7 2011, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is there any video demonstration for the Wii U?

Not really. They only did a quick hardware demonstration and said that the machine had some test programs available for testing on the E3 grounds somewhere. I suspect most video game websites will have a video up by tomorrow though, so just keep checking up on it. I'm interested in hearing how the controller feels.

I just realized though. Aliens: Colonial Marines was in the presentation as well, which means Gearbox is producing games for the Wii U. Does this make room for a Borderlands on my Nintendo consoles? Perhaps a late late port of Duke Nukem next year?

#327932 Batman: Arkham City

Posted by Vyse on 07 June 2011 - 05:31 PM in Gamer Lounge

So now Nintendo can finally play with the big boys. I'll probably be playing this on the Wii U when I can get my filthy hands on it, which makes me really happy for some reason. I do own an Xbox 360 and a PS3 as well though, so we'll see where it gets the best treatment.

#327930 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 07 June 2011 - 05:28 PM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (Mik3 @ Jun 7 2011, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In terms of specs, they don't seem to have taken a leap ahead of Sony and Microsoft, but caught up.

Where did you find the specs. It's really murder on my studies, trying to look for these specs with two finals coming up in the next two days.

#327927 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 07 June 2011 - 05:18 PM in Gamer Lounge

Okay, it might have started out pretty boring without any great surprises, but I'm REALLY happy with the Wii U now. The second they announced Batman: Arkham City for this machine, I knew I'd be getting it at launch. A new Ninja Gaiden on a NINTENDO machine again is pretty damn sweet as well, so maybe we won't be stuck with the kiddy-stamp any longer.

And the controller looked funky and too large, but I won't judge it before I have it in my hands. The idea is brilliant though, and I can't wait to buy this.

#327907 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 07 June 2011 - 12:36 PM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (Kyuudaime @ Jun 7 2011, 04:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nintendo is a joke in my eyes now.

And why is that? Their show has yet to air, and I'm really getting pumped. They owned E3 last year, and they'll do it again imho, with Sony a close second/shared first. Microsoft lost with their obsessive Kinect b*llsh*t.

#327715 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 06 June 2011 - 06:00 PM in Gamer Lounge

Okay, so the entire Microsoft press conference was a Kinect advertisement? Okay, so they "shocked" us all with Halo 4, but come on. I don't have a Kinect, and I don't really want one either. Why does everything use it now? Okay, so the voice controlling was pretty cool, but I don't want to play games if I have to yell at the characters to get it to do anything...

EA, show me what you're all made of.

#327703 Remember the old theories from the past

Posted by Vyse on 06 June 2011 - 02:55 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Torxe @ Jun 6 2011, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay, some questions:

1. Hasn't akatsuki's leader always been Madara?

2. Where does the whole Nagato and Naruto are family thing come from?

3. What the kitten is SSP?

1. Yes and no. Pain was the leader as far as everyone knew, and he was the official leader of Amegakure. Madara never took official leadership status until Nagato died, even though he did give orders to Pain. You could say that Nagato was the leader of the Akatsuki, but Madara was Nagato's leader.

2. Click me!!

Check out the known members, and click links.

3. Sage of Six Paths.

#327562 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 05 June 2011 - 10:21 AM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (Sakura Blossoms @ Jun 5 2011, 07:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
God, I want this *.*

Was just going through my second playthrough with my friend tonight. But I heard that Gearbox has been vehemently denying a Borderlands 2 though.

I watched an interview with Randy Pitchford (current CEO of Gearbox) who was very shifty when he talked about this. He said that they love Borderlands in Gearbox, and that they want to continue supporting the franchise with more content. Since there's limited amount of DLC left for Borderlands 1, I think there's a good chance for a sequel down the road. It did spawn a pretty loyal fanbase after all, and as far as I know, it's also the only game used for a marriage proposal.

The Claptrap proposal
Her reaction

And their website says they have TWO mystery titles in progress, and I do so hope one of them is Borderlands 2.

Gearbox website

#327511 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 04 June 2011 - 09:20 PM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (Cloud @ Jun 4 2011, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Metal Gear Solid Rising won't be at E3. Neither will Hideo. They'll show off some new stuff he's worked on, but he won't be there (unless news sites are wrong)

Nintendo has disappointed me 3 years in a row, won't fall for their stuff again.

In my honest opinion, Nintendo more or less owned E3 in 2010. There was no other press conference that could even reach up to Reggie's overpaid knees, but then again... that's just me (and a plethora of gaming websites). The big problem for me this year is that I've been reading up on a lot of the Internet hype on IGN, and I have to realize that there's just no way for Nintendo (or any other company... ever) to do something that grand. One of my favorite threads on IGN thus far is the rumor about Nintendo's Project Café being set up for 4D gaming out of the box. I keep asking myself if they mean 4D like the movies (where the fourth dimension is just physical effects like water spraying in your face, or the air condition blowing a cold gust in your face), or if they actually believe that gaming can reach that height. If a bossfight (x) happens in the past, it's equally as real as the bossfight you're playing right now, or the fight you'll play two days from now... all at the same time, because Nintendo now has control over time and space. Hah, humbug. Let's perfect the 3D technology first, before we start on VR in some 15 years or so.

I've been watching Mass Effect 3 and Batman: Arkham City trailers now, so I'm so hyped. I can't wait to learn more.

Oh, and Borderlands 2 anyone?

#327473 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 04 June 2011 - 03:00 PM in Gamer Lounge

I'm really looking forward to EA's press conference this year, just because Bioware will release more info on Mass Effect 3. I really can't wait to get my hands on that game.

#327467 The Official E3 2011 Thread

Posted by Vyse on 04 June 2011 - 12:30 PM in Gamer Lounge

Alright people, it's almost time for the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011, more commonly known as E3. The Expo lasts from June 6th through June 9th, and will be absolutely packed with sweaty nerds trying to make their way from one grand unveiling to another while fighting with themselves trying not to perv too much on the deliciously clad "boothbabes". Sounds heavenly, am I right? What kind of insane person wouldn't want to be part of that?

You might remember the E3 convention of 2010, where we got our first real look at the Nintendo 3DS, a new Zelda, a new Xbox 360 (slim), Kinect, Playstation Move... the list goes on. If you're interested in catching up on some of what happened last year, head over to G4's archive from 2010 or just google. Last year was probably one of the best conventions yet, so there's quite a bit of rumours and hype blasting through gaming fora all over the internet as we speak.

G4's E3 2010 Archive

With that said, this year looks like it might be even better. As a Nintendo fan, I'm looking forward to seeing the Project Café in play, along with a couple of titles I look forward to for the Wii. The 3DS is sure to get massive treatment after a disappointing launch with poor launch titles and low sales. Just wait for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS or Metal Gear Solid 3 3DS to launch, and I'm sure we'll see changes. Sony will probably make it big with their next portable machine, and they will probably show some games for the Playstation Move. New Kinect-games? Incredible news about your favourite upcoming titles? It will all be there at the E3 convention 2011, so be sure to get ready for a massive spammage of gamer news next week, and make sure to stream your favourite firm's Press Conferance.

Microsoft's E3 2011 Press Conference should be full of info on Gears of War 3, Forza Motorsport 4, Kinect games galore and possibly the HALO HD remake. Check out the MSFT E3 live stream on June 6, 2011 at 9:30AM PST.

Sony's E3 2011 Press Conference will showcase Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, new Ratchet and Clank, StarHawk and more details on the NGP Vita portable. Tune in at 5PM PST on June 6 to get the inside scoop!

Nintendo's E3 2011 Press Conference will feature more details on Project Cafe (which is not the Wii2) and a much closer look at Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. We'll be getting you the live stream at 9AM PST on June 7, 2011.

G4TV's E3 2011 Main Hub
Official E3Expo-Website

What are you looking forward to this year? Let's start the discussion now, and keep it going next week. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun, and as a gamer, I would kill to be there. I suppose streaming the Press Conferences will have to suffice.


#327051 Scanlation Downloads?

Posted by Vyse on 01 June 2011 - 12:29 PM in Otaku Square

You could just try the websites of the Scanlating group

And you're very welcome!

#323628 Chuck

Posted by Vyse on 12 May 2011 - 04:33 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Aha, I see. ^^

Well, in other news, Chuck has been renewed for another season.
As usual, the network orders 13 episodes at the very last minute..

More info here.

#323453 Chuck

Posted by Vyse on 11 May 2011 - 12:24 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

QUOTE (desaix @ May 11 2011, 04:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't spoil it for me -- still have it TiVoed and waiting for the opportunity to watch it. (or rather, if you do want to post spoilers, use the spoiler tag, at least)

This season, I've actually found it a lot easier to watch by bundling up several episodes in a row (through TiVo) and watching them all at once, though I caught last weeks. Dunno why, just seems to be better that way.

Non-spoiler (as long as you saw Season 3, which I would hope everyone who clicked on this thread has), but just speculation that last weeks episode reminded me of: I still think Chuck's father might be alive. He was shot right outside the then-just-discovered "Bring Recently Dead Guy Back To Life" machine, for crying out loud -- what are the chances that tool isn't going to be used?

I'm not the only one thinking this, right?

I don't see how that was a spoiler, but I'm sorry if you feel like I said too much. I'll be more careful in the future.

#323398 Chuck

Posted by Vyse on 10 May 2011 - 10:31 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Oh my, someone's going to get her evil ass kicked in the next episode.

God, I love this show!