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#664268 Cultural differences in reading the manga

Posted by ciardha on 18 November 2014 - 07:23 AM in Naruto General

No, this isn't natural in Japanese manga at all. I've been reading manga for over 30 years and sorry, I don't recall even one manga that had an ending that made a complete travesty of the whole story- I'm not just talking about the nonsensical pairings, but look at Naruto- he's stern and clearly unhappy (no smile like he always had for everyone), an alcoholic (whiskey bottle right out in the open at his desk,along with stacks of instant ramen cups- another point he's ignoring his mother's advice on) who avoids his so called family as much as possible, physically and verbally puts his son for wanting him to be a father. This  is a Naruto who acts like Sasuke... Note as well Kishimoto did not write this epilogue nor will he be writing the part 3 limited series- one of his assistants is doing both. Kishimoto talked about how his assistants hated Sakura even back in part 1, remember as well. Plus there's been quite a bit of noise in the Japanese Naruto fandom about how wrong this ending is and how it was forced by the huge number of fans that Nana Mizuki has- voice actor for Hinata and also a very popular idol singer. (Far more popular than any of the other Naruto voice actors, including Junko.) Only the voice actor for Shikamaru comes anywhere near Nana Mizuki's fanbase. But her fans have no real ties to Naruto fandom, it's just about Mizuki's idol singer popularity- they'll buy or see anything she does, as long as she's the star of it. Japanese fans are thanking Kishimoto for what he wrote, but are making the same critical reactions about the complete nonsensical chapter 700.

#648348 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by ciardha on 07 November 2014 - 08:38 AM in Latest Releases

Okay, was figuring out which one of my Tumblr posts expressed my feelings best to post here, I think it's this one:

I’m going to throw all my Naruto cosplay costumes in a closet and never wear them again, and the one that used modified real clothes- the top and pants of a Konoha ninja uniform- I’m seam ripping those Konoha ninja patches off tonight and tossing them in the trash- converting the clothes back to regular use.. Also I’m removing my Naruto and Sakura and other Naruto character customizations from my ABJ dolls tonight- going to have several dolls now open to becoming new character dolls.
Seriously, I thought the lowest I’d see a writer go was Moffat not following through with what he repeatedly made clear- the Doctor Capaldi is playing was meant to be River’s most beloved face of the Doctor. He was supposed to be the one that wooed her back into being deeply in love with him…
Moffat’s done nothing onscreen to show this though, other than vague hints the Doctor still loves her as much as always. But he did already make clear on screen that River was the only woman the Doctor was: in love enough to actually seriously propose to and marry, and the only woman he married he truly felt he was married to- the greatest love of his entire life. Plus Moffat repeatedly vaguely hinted River is the mysterious mother of the Doctor’s children (and once pretty strongly hinted she is Susan’s grandmother- in River’s own words) and point blank- for him, said that River and the Doctor did have children- he just wasn’t showing them. Moffat at least did half ass do part of what the narrative promised…
I think Kishimoto’s father’s death back in January made him completely lose himself as a writer-  everything written after his father died was rushed and much less well written…from about 667 onward. He was so disinterested in the story anymore that he didn’t even write the absolute garbage can liner that was chapter 700, nor will he be writing part 3 of the manga. All the characters were completely off, including the title character- he  literally became a crap father that physically abused his lonely neglected child.It was the complete antithesis to 15 years of his character. development.
Here’s the contrast- I still have my River Song and 11th Doctor ABJ dolls, I still happily cosplay as River Song. I will never, ever cosplay as a Naruto character again.
Actually, no there was something I shipped that the company that owned the characters screwed over nearly as bad- but still the characters did get together as a couple, and in one timeline had two kids together, and still to this day they get thrown through the endless cycle of get together and break up that is the set structure of “romance” in superhero comics- Gambit and Rogue from X-men comics.
Because I know it’s bs Marvel policy I still defiantly and proudly ship Rogue and Gambit, and customized two of my ABJ dolls as  Gambit and Rogue long after Marvel initiated their bs policy and long after I stopped reading the comics- except when they decide they need to up their comic sales by getting Gambit and Rogue back together again. I just point blank ignore the bs that was done to the characters during their break-up portions of the endless cycle.
What Kishimoto allowed to be done to his story is a far sight worse than even what Marvel does to Gambit and Rogue.



#610403 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by ciardha on 23 October 2014 - 11:08 AM in Konoha Theater

I would believe that if Kishi didnt insist in NaruSasu or Obito being Tobi when so much in the fandoms were against such concepts and honestly I don't think pairing fandoms are that important to begin with, most people just don't care about pairings.
Also I still don't think NH is canon or that Hinata will be a central part of the plot until I see it, most of what we got are teasing and marketing nothing concrete, I'm keeping an open mind but it seems to me they are pushing NH too hard, way too hard which is suspicious. Only time will tell.


Remember SP hyped nh/ss the same way on the poster and trailer for RTN and it had zip all to do with the actually plotline. Naruto ran away from scary crazy deluded stalker Hinata- with Sakura, and Sasuke turned out to be a jerkish playboy user that Sakura rejected. RTN was all about narusaku's growth and about Naruto and Sakura's emotional bond with their parents.


That's probably the only scene in the whole movie where Naruto says anything to Hinata, and it's pretty obvious it isn't anything positive. And looks like Kishimoto didn't even bother to do a costume design sketch for Hinata, and just let SP come up with something. Looks like they reused Tsunade's tunic (without the jacket) along with Sakura's belt and shorts design for The Last

#599009 The Scarf

Posted by ciardha on 09 October 2014 - 11:22 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

we could make the case that since its a red scarf, Sakura gave Naruto it because Sakura wears red. Thats how dumb NaruHina fans are they search in desperation for any clue to throw at us and claim it means Naruhina but, its a load of BS


Yeah it's completely bizarre to make the leap to Hinata.


1) Naruto's favorite color is orange why the heck would Hinata make a red scarf for Naruto

2) Sakura's mission uniforms have and will be red in The Last- it's also one of her family colors (Mebuki wears the colors just flipped from Sakura and has the symbol on her clothes too) and even Sakura's pink hair is a tint of red.

3) Hinta's colors have been beige, purple and white, her hair is black no red there.

#551100 Naruto 686

Posted by ciardha on 23 July 2014 - 10:49 AM in Latest Releases


Nope, I had absolutely no problem with it either. I actually thought it looked cool.

I was annoyed because Sakura should have been riding her own horse, being the manga's heroine. Missed opportunity there to show her in that light.

#541344 Let's talk about Sexism

Posted by ciardha on 26 June 2014 - 03:48 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar



This is a snapshot of what "everyday sexism" is for women in the US.


I also highly recommend following Jessica Valenti's columns on the Guardian online http://www.theguardi...-valenti-column

#532652 Naruto 678

Posted by ciardha on 28 May 2014 - 11:14 AM in Latest Releases

Another ship was ended by it's absence in either Shikamaru's or Ino's dream fantasy- ShikaIno. Made it clear that Ino doesn't think of Shikamaru that way and Shikamaru, although a completely lazy passive guy, makes it clear he knows he's romantically attracted to Temari.

#524114 Naruto 674

Posted by ciardha on 23 April 2014 - 10:56 AM in Latest Releases

Sasuke would need to have a teleportation jutsu to do that. 


And I agree with most of you, it's obvious Obito will save Sakura, probably just by pushing her at the beginning of next chapter. If something big was supposed to happen, like Sakura being hurt by Madara's shot, it would have happen at the end of this chapter, and that would have been the cliffhanger. Her not having been hurt in this chapter, makes me think she won't be in the next one. 


I think the focus of the next chapter will be a confrontation between Obito and Madara, maybe with Sakura's help for Obito. 


I agree


1) There's no evidence that Sasuke even saw Madara jump there

2) It makes narrative sense for Obito to save Sakura by sending her out of the kamui dimension- he couldn't save Rin, but he does Sakura, giving him a bit of emotional closure on that trauma

3)Obito needs to have his final confrontation scene with Madara. This gives him that chance.

4) It brings Sakura back to the main point of action

#518521 Naruto 668

Posted by ciardha on 12 March 2014 - 03:17 PM in Latest Releases

I found Dai to be a very endearing character. That's what I like about Kishi. He's really good at making people care about his characters. 


The saddest part about this chapter is the fact that Gai will most likely die though.  :confused:



I am opposite to a lot of you here...


In terms of story this chapter was beautiful, motivation heroism and dare I say YOUTH.


when else would Kishi present the backstory of Gai 


loved this chapter 


Definitely, I found it a very powerful chapter. Really don't get those that reacted so negatively at all. There's always an important point in the flashbacks that it's meant to make you think on that adds another layer of depth to the story.