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There have been 27 items by IchaIcha (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#95954 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 29 December 2006 - 08:53 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Pite @ Dec 29 2006, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Might as well end pairing less to satisfy all readers... Thought leaving them with dirty Doujins and Fanfiction about "What could have happened."

Thought so... pairingless ending would solve everything, wouldn't it? sweatdrop.gif (poligamy solves everything too! *drops dead)

#95953 a shocking secret!

Posted by IchaIcha on 29 December 2006 - 08:46 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

They're nearly a year apart I think. WHats wrong with an older woman dating a younger man?! (unless it was like... some old granny with a teenage boy er something... EW lol)

#95951 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 29 December 2006 - 08:39 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

What makes SasuSaku dead?
-Sasuke left Konoha.
-Naruto and Sakura are getting closer.

is that all? Uhh... Naruto and Sakura are still trying to get Sasuke back, even after witnessing his bastard-like personality. I mean, if Naruto and Sakura gave up on retrieving Sasuke, than SasuSaku's status as dead would most likely be acceptable, yeah? ^^ Its still out there buddies.

Well, as a timid character with a passive personality and an unimportant role, she's not a character that leaves an impact on the series in general. She's too weak a character.

there isn't anything in that conversation that specifically screams that it was important that Hinata was with him at that very moment. I could honestly see Sakura, replacing her there. I say this only, because Hinata doesn't leave a very strong impact on the Naruto series.

And how does this decrease the possibility of the NaruHina? This just shows that she is a side character. Romantic relaitonships that relate to Naruto don't necessarly have great impact on the story nor are they considered to be important when compared to other issues in the series. mellow.gif (Naruto's feelings for Sakura doesn't really impact the storyline, unless I missed something) ... sorry, just keeping up an open mind ^^

Anyway as far as I know, evidance can prove less to nothing because the story can go any direction (FMA anybody?) eck, but Kishimoto would probably go with a clean& cliche storyline.

#92814 Sasuke's other goal

Posted by IchaIcha on 09 December 2006 - 12:03 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

woo, thats going a bit specific there. thats like asking "do criminals deserve the death penalty?". lets not go there, yeahh?

My point is that its not the same and I don't think you can make that analogy. I agree with the broader point that when considering the rightness of an action, the conext in which it occured is important. But the simple fact that an action has a context similar to the of Sasuke's does not mean its automatically justified. His past may have been bad, but that doesn't mean he doesn't or shouldn't know any better. In Sasuke's case I don't believe he past excuses his current behavior.

Anything can be compared to a certain level. But~
You're considering the little bits and peices of the two situations. The overall point of the analogy WAS to compare that both the theif and Sasuke have a strong motivation to do something inappropriate. The importance of the decision is the excuse. Sasuke's past (plus a few interactions/events/triggers here and there) drove him to abandon his friends, the dying daughter drove the theif to steal. The only different between the two is that one is doing "wrong" for his own selfish needs.

Ahh This isn't getting us anywhere though tongue.gif B'cause if you think of it, the subject really is opinion-based or rather, depends on the person viewing it. we have our differences ^^

#92622 Sasuke's other goal

Posted by IchaIcha on 07 December 2006 - 06:07 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

In the beginning of the series, Kishimoto emphasizes those who abandon their friends are worse than trash and that ninja who desert their village are normally hunted down and killed. Sasuke has done both of those. In this sense what Sasuke did was vile. The fact that he has suffered certainly explains WHY he did what he did, but I disagree that it excuses it because saying that makes it sound if what he did was okay and I don't think it does. It would have been wrong with or without the tragic past. The fact that his family was murder by Itachi doesn't make adandoning his friends and home a right. To me, the action was still inappropriate. Perhpas it makes Naruto more willing to forgive the bad act, but it doesn't change the fact that it was still the wrong this to do. Part of it is, it's not as if hasn't received plenty of guidance on the subject. He has obviously forgotten or ignored Kakashi most basic lesson.

people have different moral backgrounds- people kill for their religion, it seems wrong to us, but to them it's not. the author gave Sasuke certain qualities and lack of qualtiies: which creates his personality and actions. Acknowleding the circumstances that led to these actions can really change one's view. take a theif for example- this theif stole medicine. he is doing a bad thing. but lets say that he was stealing medicine to save his dying daugter. is he still considered bad? people have their motivation to do things. BUT... I guess you just don't look at things that way. tongue.gif

Second, I suppose it's tad difficult for me to feel sorry for him when he complains about the loss of family while he simultaneously pushes himself away from a family just obtained.

Well... its like asking for an apple but instead you get an orange. The orange might taste better than the apple, but its not the same LOL

Anyway, I think the ending is a bit predictable now (but you can't be so sure).

#92608 Sasuke's other goal

Posted by IchaIcha on 07 December 2006 - 04:06 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sorry, I was being a bit general! I didn't mean to make Naruto's pain look small compared to Sasuke's pain (I don't think I even mentioned that Sasuke experienced more suffering than Naruto...?) my words are kind of mixed tongue.gif

Second, in the case of Sasuke, it is sometimes used to excuse his current behavior. It explains it, but as Naruto shows does not excuse it. don't think you are doing this IchaIcha, but I've seen it in previous deabtes. One of the difference between his Naruto and Sasuke is that Naruto is rising above that suffering, doing the right thing and protecting others even when he could rely on his past as an excuse not to.

That is the case, but I believe that Sasuke's past does excuse his current (vile) personality. smile.gif The environment that a person surrounds is what shapes their character. I mentioned that Naruto has only experienced lonliness while Sasuke has experienced that AND loss (lonliness, in Sasuke's case, speaking the terms you've defined); this is what makes them so different, and why Naruto is much more optimistic than he is, mentioning that they do "pale in comparison". Naruto has not lost anything (despite the current situation in the series), compared to other characters who have experienced loss, you would notice that their personalities are structured with negatives. Naruto, Chouji, Lee--they were alone, rejected, and nobody really accepted them (with ALWAYS the exception of one: Iruka, Shikamaru and Gai in their case), yet they all seem to be a bit more brighter than the characters who have lost somebody important. Neji, Sasuke, Gaara, Tsunade--they all experienced loss and resulted with a dark(er) effect. THis means anybody could have an excuse to hold a vile personality, Nick explained a bit of it with Gaara's insanity. Ohhh... oh man. Naruto fixed Gaara. I guess... the fact that Naruto could even change him means that Sasuke can't pass his behavior as an excuse.

But wait~

I noticed that. They all need Naruto in their life to fix them, don't they? Thats what his character is used for--to make other characters grow or change (b'cause ironically, he can relate to everybody). He defeated Gaara in a fight, he defeated Neji in a fight, he won a bet with Tsunade, which in the end... defeated her, point being; he proved every one of them wrong and they changed b'cause of that. Most likely, those characters would have supported their "wrong" decisions/views if Naruto wasn't around to change them. They needed Naruto. And Naruto didn't defeat Sasuke.

[sorry, I'm just being defensive after reading a few earlier posts... Sasuke isn't that bad ^^]

#92297 Sasuke's other goal

Posted by IchaIcha on 05 December 2006 - 03:10 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

"I'm going to kill a certain man AND restore my clan"

Restore honor? Thats sounds pretty sugarcoated. Noooope, I'm sure he meant make babies LOL, but it seems like he threw out his second goal after he left Konoha. Otherwise... taking this in a more literal sense "killing Itachi" comes first.

Because those characters are so "deep". Naruto has suffered the same as Sasuke. The difference? Naruto choose to look ahead and try to make a future for himself, Sasuke on the other hand remained stuck in his past wich led ultimately to betray his friends seeking Orochimaru for power so he can kill his brother.

Hmm.... well, Naruto experienced loniness. Sasuke experienced a killing and then lonliness. Although it sounds kinda of simple it really does pales in comparison. They might've shared a simular feeling of being alone but certainly not the same pain (Sasuke mentions so much about Naruto NOT understanding ties) But whatever, its opinion based.

#81656 NaruSaku vs. SasuSaku

Posted by IchaIcha on 19 September 2006 - 07:38 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Pfft. I went there and they have some of the most ridiculous sayings.

"Sasuke said Sakura's name first because he is in love with her" - Referring to the 300s chapter where they are reunited with Sasuke for the first time in 2 1/2 years.

Um, excuse me but Naruto wasn't even in sight at the time. Sasuke didn't even know he was there. Stupid SasuSaku members need to get thier facts straight. They are just making up stupid excuses.

Um... sad.gif Its called "fangirling". I'm pretty sure every pairing fan does that. Otherwise, can you point out where a SasuSaku member actually used it as a fact in a debate?

#81654 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 19 September 2006 - 07:20 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't think SasuSaku is dead laugh.gif

Sasuke doesn't want Naruto to stop him, he just wants Naruto to leave him alone so he can do his power trip thing in peace. That's why he keeps saying, leave me alone. He hasn't killed Naruto because it hasn't been nessesary. It was clear Naruto was outclassed, so killing him would have been a waste of time.

IMO, Sasuke was actually very eager to kill Naruto. But I don't think he wanted to kill him entirely based on the reason for Naruto getting in the way of his ambitions, but rather to prove to himself that "the ties are broken". (Naruto and Sasuke had a strong friendship, thats a fact. And judging from his character traits, I'm guessing that he's the type that has the ability to act)

I think the real reason why I'm oppose to this whole Sasuke's given in to his dark ambition and blah, blah, blah. Because that reasoning obsolves him from whatever he's currently doing. Saying, "Its ok, he betrayed his friends and village. He's having a tough time now..." And that's just unforgivable. Like saying you can do whatever you want, because you have an angsty past. I mean that's how life goes sometimes, deal with it.

Naruto had a rough childhood too, on par with Sasuke. But I think his childhood and the many trials he had to go through has made him a better person for it. If anything Sasuke's a victem of having poor character and not a strong enough will. But that doesn't mean, what he's doing right now is ok. And it never should be.

I wanna say something about that, but its late, so I'll just copy and paste a few things I said in a different forum:

I would like to believe that Naruto and Sasuke's past are parellel, but I don't. But I do believe that Naruto and Sasuke shared the same lonliness.
Honestly, what do you find more painful? Not knowing or losing something important?

Naruto, as you can see, has begun with lonliness and rejection. It is pretty sad to begin life with people detesting you, and you wouldn't know any reason to being hurt. To begin with a hard life is unbearable, but this is where I find the situation ironic because I find that Naruto's pain is much more lighter than Sasuke's. Naruto started out with lonliness, never experiencing the feelings of love. Because Naruto doesn't know what having friends, family, ect. feels like, Naruto doesn't know the level of security he stands at. Overall, Naruto is completely clueless (or naive) when refering to holding company. He did not lose anything but, he didn't gain anything either, which obviously results to him trying to gain attention (a much more positive outcome compared to Sasuke)

If you guys notice, Sasuke was a bit like Naruto when he was young. He had positive goals, he was very idealistic and he looked up to people (solely Itachi) Sasuke was actually a very optimistic kid-in fact, Sasuke was like Naruto! Even if Sasuke was experiencing conflicts with his family, such as meeting up to his father's expectations, he still loved them not to mention that he knew the feeling of being important. Sadly, Itachi, the brother that he loved, killed off all of his family and any connection to the Uchihas. Its like taking candy away from a baby ^^ Sasuke had everything and now he has nothing. Because he had specific knowledge of holding connections, the pain is much more than just being rejected because there was actually something great to lose. Obviously, there wouldn't be any positive outcomes from this incident.

Character traits such as views, perspectives and speech are created from personal experiences (namely, one's past) Naruto has his own type of character because of his childhood experiences. His naive and care-free additude derives from "not knowing" what is there; meaning, no boundries and restrictions. If Naruto was supposedly BEGAN in Sasuke's situation, I would find that the conclusion would end up very simular, Naruto would be mimicing Sasuke's doing.

Personally, it would be pretty hard to imagine Naruto taking revenge, no? But its a fact that when people are young, they shape their character according to current events or surroundings. Notice how the mind of a child starts out very bias, none the less vunerable. Take the Uchiha Clan masscre and place it with any young person, the result will always end up the same because that person is "new" to the event. Lets skip the psychological steps and get to the first impressions to the incident. The first impressions that would be felt, judging from Sasuke's perspective, would be; hatred, decieved and hostility.

IMO, Naruto would not be able to stand any of those feelings with just optimistic thoughts alone. Also try to consider the fact that the incident would be experienced at such a young age- its like a chain. Sasuke may be some selfish-introverted prick, but I think hes got pretty good reasons to deciding negative paths. I stated before, children are bias, so a first impression would most likely latch on.

Otherwise, take Gaara's character for example, his past situation was exactly like Naruto's past but it involved the loss of something important, and the outcome of the experience was negative (like Sasuke's) The situation can also relate to Neji's experiences. Neji lost his father. I think you know where I'm going with this.

Ahh whatever. I'm just trying to defend Sasuke! sweatdrop.gif Sasuke is selfish... but seriously, who isn't?

#81652 I heard a rumor...

Posted by IchaIcha on 19 September 2006 - 06:39 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't think people say that Naruto and Sakura are siblings (wth? never heard of that huh.gif ) but people do say that Naruto and Sakura have a sibling-like relationship.

#81651 TsunadexJiraiya and NaruSaku.

Posted by IchaIcha on 19 September 2006 - 06:35 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Thats a really interesting connection! You do a lot of research! But Jiraiya in the story and Jiraiya in the series don't result to the same outcome. I'm pretty sure that Kishimoto just named Jiraiya's character, Jiraiya to make him sound legendary. Not to mention that Kishimoto does take a lot of influence on existing ideas and changes them, no?

Also almost all (except Iruka) his teachers are perverts so that doesn't helps the case. Who knows if he gets with Sakura he'll be straighten up besides I think she's the jealous type. With her jealous it be a presnt site to see and Naruto may find this way the hospital and possibilty a broken relationship.

Sakura? The jealous type? :o

#75511 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 05 August 2006 - 04:21 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Well... Thats because you like Naruto and Sakura as an intimate couple right? (I get kinda irretated when people say Sasuke and Sakura have a "mother-son relationship" so... I guess it come naturally?) I see Naruto and Sakura having a sibling relationship, but they don't exactly define eachother as siblings (well... so far in the story)

moreso then having someone say that she only shows signs of pity towards him.

Who said that? (anyone from NSvsSS?) I think in the beginning of the series... Sakura didn't really think much of Naruto, but its pretty obvious that she grew into him over part one and part two. (but I can't say if they hold romantic intentions or not)

#75508 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 05 August 2006 - 04:08 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

LMAO, yeah. I try not to debate on things that relate to predictions and such. Because the series can go any direction. I mean... if Kishimoto wanted to, he could go yaoi and make Sasuke and Naruto end up together (that thought... makes me shudder. Not that I totally hate it... SasuNaru is awesome crack! laugh.gif)

But you know... you're debates show a different view of things. Some could use a different point of view XD

#75504 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 05 August 2006 - 03:53 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Its a general quote (not from me) I've seen you debate Sono, I like reading your posts laugh.gif But anyway, yeah... people from all fandoms talk like that. Especially from the popular ones (SasuSaku, NaruSaku, NaruHina, ect.)

#75502 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 05 August 2006 - 03:38 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Thanks Nick Soapdish. And... I didn't mean to offend you Hopestar.

Somebody asked me to post this up in this topic as defense to SasuSaku (and partially NSvsSS) tongue.gif
QUOTE (SiretaInDisguise)
Unfortunetly, it seems like a lot of debators for NaruSaku have a problem with giving an alternative pairing a chance. I'm not saying this is everyone-- and I'm not saying that they are flaming or anything. But it seems to me that intelligent debate is almost impossible-- instead of disecting a SasuSaku or NaruHina or any other pairings post, you should be looking at reasons why it is possible-- and then kindly pointing out where there are inefficencies in their post while arguing your own pairings support, not throwing it in their faces with 'You must not have read Part II', 'Naruto deserves Sakura', 'It's never going to happen', 'NaruSaku MUST happen in order for the series Naruto to be the series Naruto', 'SasuSaku is dead', 'Sakura MUST see her feelings for him!', 'Yamato said something about it, and so did Sai'... etc, etc.

I understand many of your points-- and the moments you suggest are evidence are very good possibilities. Unfortuntely, people don't seem to understand that everything part 2 is circumstanial-- Yamato and Sai may say things, but we never see exactly what they are saying-- Yamato is cut off, and Sai's can be interpreted many ways. On top of this, neither of them has been with Team 7 since the beginning-- they have no idea of the history of the team (other than the general 'Sasuke left' part), or their past relationships and development. It's hard to put much faith in people who are stating opinions when they haven't been with the team for more than a few days-- and haven't seen Sasuke before he left for Orochimaru.

Also-- Naruto deserving Sakura just gets on my nerves. I've seen the argument in all pairing arguments, but the point is simpley this-- No one DESERVES Sakura. She is not a prize to be won or obtained. She's not a 'treat' for someone doing a good job or being a good person. Saying that simply pushes her down to being an object instead of a human being. Also, when it comes to love, it doesn't matter if someone 'deserves' someone better or vice versa. The heart decides things-- whether they make sense or not.

Considering we have heard nothing of Sakura's feelings in Part II for either Naruto or Sasuke, everything on either side pertaining to Part II is speculation. Sakura has left much to be wondered for both boys-- her unfinished statement to Naruto ( "Naruto, it's you I..."), and her increased defense of Sasuke ( She punches Sai and says "If I hear you talk bad about Sasuke-kun again, I won't go easy on you." and after discovering Sai's true mission, she shoves him up against the wall and says "What are you really after? How many more times are you going to stab us in the back?!") leaves both sides with lots of questions and speculation.

It is pretty close minded to say SasuSaku is dead-- irregardless of the reasons. No coupling is 'dead' until one of the characters themself is dead. Besides that, I see the argument of 'Sasuke tried to kill Sakura!'. No, he didn't. He tried to kill Naruto. Sai got in the way, and he injured them. Sakura CHARGED at him, and he turned. We see three panels of his eyes before we see him do anything-- which I think shows he's thinking of what to do, and hadn't expect her to come at him. He uses the sword he already has out-- as defense-- but ends up stabbing Yamato who jumps in the way. Instead of going after Sakura then, he goes into Naruto's mind and talks to Kyuubi. The final attack he was going to do, we do not know who he was going to attack, or if he was planning to attack the group-- all we know is that he made no special effort to attack Sakura other than when SHE charged at him and he went on the defensive. That is not him attempting to kill her.

I've seen the argument 'Naruto would not the series Naruto if he doesn't end up with the girl in the end'... which, to be honest, makes not real sense to me. Naruto is not a shoujo manga-- it's a shonen manga, meaning it does not revolve around romantic relationships-- and can easily end without one as well. The story of Naruto follows Naruto's character-- his growth and recognition by the village of Konoha, and his path to becoming Hokage-- not his trials of love. If the girl did end up with another character, we would not suddenly have a manga that makes no sense-- because the manga does not revolve around her. It revolves around Naruto trying to gain recognition and become Hokage. He doesn't need to win the girl to become Hokage, now does he? He doesn't need to have a girl fall in love with him to gain her recognition. This arugment is one of the few that makes no sense. It's like saying we'll have to totally change the name of the series and start focusing on another character if Naruto doesn't get the girl. Why would you do that?

On a final note, the other part that is very irritating is when a fact is 'ignored' or overlooked as 'That was Part 1' or 'Stop saying that, we're sick of hearing it'. Both fandoms use information from Part 1 and scenes from Part 1-- if you want to use that information for your fandom, do NOT disallow it from other fandoms because it threatens your pairing or posts. Do not ignore a fact someone else states-- you can conceded to having no argument if that is why you don't post a response to it, but do not just over look it-- it makes you seem closeminded. Both fandoms do this, and it is very irritating.

All in all, it is possible to debate intelligently with other fandoms, even one that is a huge threat to your own, if you simply OPEN YOUR MIND and look at what other people have to say instead of assuming one pairing won't work because you hate a character, or you feel yours is better. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, and there is no reason to bad mouth each other. It just makes you seem unintelligent and ignorant, and will just lower others views of you.

*messenger* laugh.gif

#75304 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 04 August 2006 - 11:25 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

My opinion on the topic. I would just simply agree with sharingank's statement laugh.gif NaruSaku seems highly possible, but I wouldn't brush off any other pairing. We'll just have to wait and see!
QUOTE (Jameshawking)
Lol. rofl I read that link to a NS/SS debate on the first page. I just had to laugh ridiculously. Somebody said that "NaruSaku people say that 'Naruto deserves Sakura more than Sasuke'. That's a really weak argument."

Oh, wow. You thought that was funny? Ahahah! Well... that person was me :o

QUOTE (Sono)
I really do feel I'm yelling at a brick wall sometimes. dry.gif Most people in there that I've seen that support SasuSaku have yet to read part II yet. I've even seen someone ask who the Akatsuki are.

If you're having trouble debating with the opposing side, you should try informing the MOD that controls that part of the forum.

#74686 SasuSaku dying?

Posted by IchaIcha on 02 August 2006 - 01:34 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm gonna quote somebody from NSvsSS!

QUOTE (PhoenixBlood)
*shrugs* real life and anime are 2 different things. Naruto being a Shonen manga, and trying to introduce some romantic comedy into it, pretty much result in Naruto and Sakuras current relationship playing out like this 'sibling love relationship'. Does that mean that the NaruXSaku relationship is intended to be a sibling one? I don't think so.

Again, this whole situation is a anime cliche. Naruto is the main character of this story. His crush/love interest, hated/ignored him at the begining of the story, has a crush on someone else that never coalesced into anything serious, and she gradually turned to like him as a best friend, possibly more (this much is irrefutable). This whole aspect of the story has been a backdrop throughout the whole series. (Another fact)

Then romance should be easy to add following a very simple formula that's been used countless times (and is the method of a lot of fanfics by amateur authors, from what I hear). But Kishi said it's not easy for him. He also said he hasn't really tackled romance yet, despite "seemingly" using this "obvious" cliche. He may be up to something different, or he may end up never really developing romance.

Now take a step outside the World of Naruto, and remember that this is a MANGA. A manga with a creator that does things in a story for a deliberate purpose, and has little space to fool around, because alloted pages are limited. Said artist also has an editorial staff of the magazines this manga is published in. Editors who have a tried and true method of storylines, plot twists and hooks that REALLY SELL.

Yes, he has spent time developing their relationship, but it's not necessarily a romantic one. He however took an entire chapter for Sakura to catch Sasuke trying to leave Konoha, as well as spout a confession of her love.

The plot devices mentioned in the quote are being used by Kishi, just not for romance so much because this series isn't focused on romance. Considering he says romance is difficult for him to add, I'm not expecting some messy triangle with twists and turns, but just him finding the right times to add bits and pieces along the way like he has been, only more of them, and actually getting somwhere.

Now, put yourself in their position. Knowing that you've spent a lot of time in developing the relationship of Naruto and Sakura, knowing your editors know that a 'get the girl who thought she hated you' plot arc sells well, would you even THINK about making the relationship between your MAIN character, and one of the BIGGEST supporting characters a sibling one? And leave it at that? After all the time and development? I don't think so.

This is why I say that NaruXSaku is all but official. This is a plot device that finds it's parallel in PLENTY of popular anime. If you're looking for one of the most prominent, I'd recommend Ken Akamatsu's Love Hina. Damn good series. And it's something you find in all genres. Hell, even Neon Genesis Evangelion did it with Shinji and Asuka (that's up to interpretation, but what ISN'T in Eva?). If memory serves, Even Dragonball did it slightly. I don't think ChiChi liked Goku at first, and I KNOW Bulma didn't like Yamcha OR Vegeta for a LONG time after they met. I've been predicting it since Vol. 1, but mark my words now. NaruXSaku is GONNA happen. whether it ends happily or tragically, that is the pairing for this series. Naruto may end up having foreshadowed his own death by saying he wanted his name on the memorial tablet, but before Sakura runs to Sasuke, we'll already know that her heart is with Naruto.

I've seen these series (well, not Dragon Ball, but I've seen a number more that use this common device), and except for on the surface similarities with the "violent comedic relationship", they handle relationships between the characters quite differently. It's not as close a parallel as many people think. Spork Ninja did a nice post on this at NF - I should see if I can find it.

And found it I did:
QUOTE (Spork Ninja)
And about the classic shonen romance, the thing NaruSaku lacks from being a classic shonen romance is the buildup and romantic tension. In most shonen anime, you have a guy and a girl...and usually on both sides, the guy and the girl pretend to not like each other when in fact, they both secretly have a crush on each other. So they cover it up by arguing and fighting, and blushing when someone mentions their relationship ( *cough* In reality...). And usually the reason a girl beats up a guy in shonen anime is because another girl was flirting with him or visa versa, or he insulted her. Sakura had no good reason to smack Naruto around, the poor kid . The problem with NaruSaku was that from the very beginning, Naruto had a crush on Sakura and that was all. He always liked her, always acknowledged her, and always fought to protect her. His feelings for her did not evolve in any way, unlike the other shonen characters of other anime. While Sakura's feelings for Naruto evolved, her feelings for both Sasuke and Lee evolved likewise ( she cared more about Sasuke than her actual feelings for him, and she grew to respect Lee). There was only one instance where Naruto tried to cover up his feelings for Sakura, but it wasn't by insulting her. Naruto and Sakura's relationship would be cute if they were the arguing couple, but they're not. No romantic tension here.

#71756 NaruSaku vs. SasuSaku

Posted by IchaIcha on 17 July 2006 - 02:15 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Pyroneko 28 @ Jul 17 2006, 02:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
IchaIcha, seriously. Did you join a couple of weeks or something ? I mean was on vacaction, and you pop up... Oh, whatever. Eh, I guess I could go see if there's anything interesting now.

I think I joined two weeks ago. But yeah... I haven't seen you around NSvsSS lately. tongue.gif

#71748 NaruSaku vs. SasuSaku

Posted by IchaIcha on 17 July 2006 - 01:51 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Icha Icha's here? I must've missed something.

Are you known as IchaIcha Paradise on SS vs. NS?

Well.. if you cross out the "paradise" laugh.gif Yes! I'm IchaIcha from NS vs SS a_hug.gif

It's not exactly the brightest idea to cheer on NaruSaku on a mostly SasuSaku board. SasuSakuers get brutal. VERY brutal. (I would know; I used to be a SasuSaku purist sweatdrop.gif) However, if I ever get around to it, I'll drop by and pitch in a few words for the home team. :thumbs:

NARUSAKU TIL THE END OF TIME! :naruto: x sakura.gif

Hey... we're not brutal! *stabs somebody* (JK)
Still... it would be nice if some of you joined up.

#71740 NaruSaku vs. SasuSaku

Posted by IchaIcha on 17 July 2006 - 01:33 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Flame wars are non-exsistant in the NS vs SS debate forum! laugh.gif
There hasn't been one flame since I joined that forum (and thats when it was recently new) except sometimes, some random unregistered people leave... *ahem* unwanted comments. But the mods take care of stuff like that! Most people in the forum are very open-minded and we really want more NaruSaku fans to join.

I recommend you guys to sign up! biggrin.gif

#69506 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by IchaIcha on 06 July 2006 - 02:34 PM in The Museum of NaruSaku

No no! I love reading long statements! Please continue if you have more a_hug.gif And thanks for the welcome!


After reading your post I realized that I missed out on a few facts about Naruto's feelings towards Sakura. I completely forgot about part one. (*tells myself* Look before you leap!) Hm... although its not directly confirmed, its true that Naruto might actually love Sakura. I keep an open-mind towards that fact because its highly possible. I can't really argue against your statement because most of your points are latched on with solid facts, but I do have my own interpretation to his relationship with her. I do believe that Naruto likes her, but its hard for me to understand his "love" for her. This intimacy he was feeling towards Sakura has altered into an understanding or caring feeling, after his encounter with the hospital scene. Instead of his crush growing into love, I always thought that he became a more passive and supportive person towards her. But for Part two, its hard for me to tell what Naruto's intentions are (considering his "dating" attempts laugh.gif) To me... I thought Naruto asking Sakura on dates was just a strategy to show that he has not changed or it was a way to hide his depression. BUT--I do believe that Naruto has feelings towards her. Its undeniable.

Its hard for me to see their get-together though. Here are my reasons (Its an old post, I don't know if I still side with it sweatdrop.gif )

#69490 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by IchaIcha on 06 July 2006 - 09:24 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

well if sakura didnt like naruto she would say no or saying I'M SORRY NARUTO.
BUT she didnt say that she just say, MAYBE WE CAN TRAIN together.

Honestly... its just how one interprets things but if I'm correct (I don't know if we're talking about the same thing) Sakura's line was translated to "Even if we had that kind of spare time, we'd be studying!" not "maybe we can train together" Ahha... well, it doesn't always hurt to play around with the translations a bit. Anyway--Sakura knows what it feels like to be rejected so her actions towards Naruto is not as hurtful as before. Its true that Sakura likes Naruto (as a friend or lover, take it anyway you want) but currently their connection is described as friendship, not a romantic relationship. We can't really argue that Sakura romantically likes Naruto because it hasn't been confirmed in the series yet. Currently, Sakura's feelings are unclear.

I also agree with AnimeGirl500, Naruto's feelings towards Sakura are still somewhat vague. He has never said anything on the lines of "I love Sakura". He asked Sakura out on dates countless times, but that doesn't exactly mean love.

#69488 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by IchaIcha on 06 July 2006 - 08:40 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Uhh... this may be a bit late, but I just wanted to make a note.
QUOTE (Pyroneko 28)
^ Good idea, actually. I tried to join so I could make some points, but there are so many SasuSaku fans that even if you make good points, it'll be disregarded in two minutes, and they'll just return to agreeing with each other.

QUOTE (Random Nobody)
Yea I noticed that most NaruSaku arguments just got ignored anyway, that's part of why I didn't want to join. Also they have this topic on chapter 311 that I think is hilarious, cause they keep debating about wether or not the scene were Sai was talking to Naruto and Sakura was NaruSaku or just friendship. Its funny because the important part to pairings in that chapter wasn't Sai talking to them, but when he read the book saying if you use the -kun or -san suffixes with people you won't become any closer to them, which kinda hurts both SasuSaku and LeeSaku.

(this note is from PhoenixBlood at the NSvsSS forum)

I just wanted to post a little defense for the NSvsSS forum in response to some of the comments that were made in this thread.

Pyroneko, I'm sorry to hear that you were dissatisfied with the forum. However, I searched through the whole debate section and didn't find any posts by you, so I then checked the opinion/rant section and found one thread (SasuHina/NaruHina) in which you posted. I also noticed that your one post was specifically commented for good points. Maybe not every single one of your points was addressed directly, but it seemed to me that at least parts of it or the overall concept was each time. Just because "SasuSaku-ers" weren't convinced and continued to counter with their beliefs does not mean your posts were forgotten. I'm sorry you got that impression. And actually browsing through all the threads, it seems the number of active NaruSaku-ers is slowly catching up, it's just that we (SasuSaku-ers) have some frequent posters that may make it seem more unbalanced than it really is. Again, I'm sorry that you were dissatisfied, but I'm not sure what we could have done differently to please you other than be converted by your arguments.

Random Nobody, again, I'm sorry you also got the impression that NaruSaku arguments were being ignored. What I mentioned above about compliments to Pyroneko's post is a common occurence in the debate/opinion threads, so I don't really see how that is ignoring NaruSaku arguments. It sounds to me like it's acknowledging that NaruSaku-ers makes good points. We have been trying to advertise in several places to bring in more NaruSaku-ers (although I have already mentioned that it seems that the debate/opinion threads seem to be slowly gaining a better balance of active members from each fandom), but whenever I try to advertise, it seems to be met with such negative comments as you and Pyroneko have responded with. Which I feel is not only is an inaccurate portrayal of our forum and the intentions behind it, it also discourages other NaruSaku-ers from joining, which would help remedy the imbalance which happens to be one of your complaints.

Also, since I'm guessing you didn't take too close of a look, a nice demonstration of the spirit of this forum tha you may have missed is the fact that despite how much I dislike NaruSaku and don't think it will happen, I (and other SasuSaku-ers) have on several occasions switched sides and helped out with defending NaruSaku just to keep things more balanced and to prevent NaruSaku-ers from feeling overwhelmed or ignored. And if that is not proof enough that we are trying to accomodate your fandom, then I don't know what would be.


It's disappointing to me that a forum that was created for members of opposing fandoms to get to know each other, through (no bashing allowed) debate or off-topic threads and contests, has its intentions misunderstood. I was excited when I first checked out this forum because I thought I had finally found a place that, through encouraging interaction rather than separation of the "opposing" fans, can perhaps help reduce the animosity that seems to spring up between opposing pairing fandoms.

I hope to have at least cleared up some of the misconceptions with this post and to have better illustrated the intentions behind the forum. Thank you for taking time to read this, and I hope to see more of you come join us and only add to the fun at NSvsSS because really, that's what this should all be about.


#69292 The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by IchaIcha on 05 July 2006 - 02:41 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Where do I start? Er... somebody start a topic and I'll continue from there laugh.gif

#69287 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by IchaIcha on 05 July 2006 - 02:31 AM in Naruto General

SaiIno would be funny.

QUOTE (Nick Soapdish @ Jul 5 2006, 02:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think so. They're on the same team so they have enough opportunity for interaction and they've both made attempts to be friendly - Sakura by talking with him about art and returning his book, Sai by giving Sakura her pet name.

True, true. Sai and Sakura have that level of intimacy. Its just Sai's actions that make me think they're a crack pairing. (Sai = clueless h*** laugh.gif) But--besides SaiSaku, another crack pairing I like is KakaSaku. Sakura is a very flexible character... I can see with basically anybody when refering to crack pairings! Uhh... except a few others, namely... Orochimaru