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There have been 12 items by Lackey_h (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#96319 Garden of Sanctuary [Series] - Discussion Thread

Posted by Lackey_h on 31 December 2006 - 10:48 AM in Writing Discussion

Aaaaand this is why i should probably wander around NaruSaku more often... heh... hehehe...

interestingly enough i was reading through this all (the fics i mean) yesterday, when i was asked why i was reading something so depressing.

"Depressing?" I thought, pondering this. Y'see, i despise depressing fiction with a passion, really I do. When i read i want to forget how crap life is (or alternatively forget whatever injury i picked up that day... Or how assholish my students were... or stuff...).

Not once have i actually though of this set of fics as depressing.

Not once.

Weird huh?

Anyway, keep up the good work so i can read more not-depressing-supposedly-depressing goodness!

#75582 Debate: Yaoi/Yuuri Good or Bad?

Posted by Lackey_h on 05 August 2006 - 09:47 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

fact: Uke and Seme are bullsh**, nothing more.

It is rare, RARE, to find a person who is totally submissive like Uke are usually portrayed - and by totally i mean 'all the goddamn time'.

What's much more likely is for the balance of dominance and submission to shift dependin on situations - the most common being outer and inner dominance. Outer being that which is shown in public - In a HET pairing this is usually the man - while Inner is that in private or in the householed - in a HET pairing usually the woman.

Also, Uke ... good god people... just because someone is the 'submissive' of a duo, it doesn't mean they suddenly turn into simpering wusses who need hugs and attention every five goddam seconds lest they collapse under the weight of the world.

Likewise, not all Seme have to be arrogant bastards and/or total playboys who like to screw everything in sight everywhere, anywhere, however and anytime the want.

Geez... Most Yaoi - and all that uses the Uke/Seme theory - is homosexuality written by people who have likely never met, spoken to or in some cases probably never actually seen a real homosexual couple.

Come to that, most Yaoi is written by such people period.

Besides, gay ninja don't make bebbies. No bebbies = no new ninja. I'm pretty sure Konoha would have something to say about that.

#72847 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by Lackey_h on 22 July 2006 - 03:32 AM in Naruto General

TemariHina? Ey... lookie what i see on that subject...

Might not be a fic but... Hooray for crack pairings eh?

#70809 What are you listening to?

Posted by Lackey_h on 12 July 2006 - 02:26 AM in Fun Cafe

one metric load of Jpop music vids courtesy of jpopsuki.

hooray! Hooray!

Woo. MoMu for great justice.

#69189 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by Lackey_h on 04 July 2006 - 05:10 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Jeri-chan @ Jul 3 2006, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay...I won't post something stupid anymore...

A crack pairing? Uhmmm...headscratch.gif

What about Naruto/Naruko...

Naruto could do a kage bunshin and then transform it to Naruko...

After posting that, i'm afraid you asked for this (kudos to those who know where it's from):

o/' o/'
Oh give me a clone, a clone of my own,
with it's Y chromosome changed to an X,
oh give me a clone, a clone of my own,
and soon we'll have nothing but sex~
'\o '\o

#69039 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by Lackey_h on 02 July 2006 - 11:52 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (Random Nobody @ Jul 2 2006, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, they aren't exactly canon. They're just not so far outside of the range of canon they should be considered crack. Crack pairings could come true in canon (like Sasuke\Yuugao. I think I made a pretty good case for it... heh), and many of these pairings aren't likely to happen (such as any of the yaoi pairings). But they're not so out of the realm of likelyhood as to be crack, as I figure it.

I know there not canon which is why I wrote them as "canon" because as far as I know there isn't a term for pairings that have a chance to become canon, but aren't yet. I know canon is used for pairings that actually happen in the story and that crack is used for pairings that don't have a chance of happening but I don't know of any terms that cover pairings that are in between.

Why not just say 'Common' as opposed to saying 'canon' pairings?

Common pairings would be those people have thought of and made repeated usage of before. NaruSaku, for example, has been used a lot in various things (Fics, pics, etc) so is a 'common' pairing. NaruTayu has, to my knowledge, been done only once (though at most it's not more than than a handful of things) and so could be considered 'Crack' because it's so untouched.

Ubercrack should be a final term for pairings which are so far out of the realm of possibility, beyond even that of crack, that they simply make you brain hurt if you think about them. ... Ino/Gai perhaps. That's migraine material right there...

Obviously if an actual pairing occurs in the manga... then that'd be Canon pairing, which nicely leaves Common and Crack as still workable terms XD

#68970 favorite fics

Posted by Lackey_h on 02 July 2006 - 12:57 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

I remember once reading this MOST AWESOME Gaara/Sakura fic on ff.net waaaay back ('bout two, three years ago?) but it isn't there anymore.


Well, okay, it probably got removed for having some adult situations and dirty humor in places (touch, but don't rub) XD Wish i could find somewhere that still has it... (i think it was also written by a pro author who did it for something to get their mind off their work for a bit)

#68924 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by Lackey_h on 02 July 2006 - 02:46 AM in Naruto General

I remember seeing a pretty cool Chouji/Temari pic once before, that was a pretty random pairing. ... Wish i could find it again though, it was a most excellent picture.

#68843 favorite fics

Posted by Lackey_h on 01 July 2006 - 06:20 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Suiren is under revision? Holy hell o.o Good gravy. -many other statements of disbelief-


Then again, knowing Eimii's track record, i'ma not gonna hold my breath for that one XD ... well, okay, maybe a little. But not enough to die. Unless i can come back as a zombie, in which case i will.

Suiren doesn't seem to have any particular pairings yet, though it does seem to be having strong Saku/Naru hints at times.

And as to my comment on your fic, it was meant to be taken in a more 'You call yourself a NaruSaku fan and haven't read this yet?' kind of way. XD

Hrm. Mebbe i should go seeking paragons of each individual pairing. Hrm.

#68811 favorite fics

Posted by Lackey_h on 01 July 2006 - 03:29 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

What fics do i like... ohh... hell... difficult question... Especially since i read through, what, something like three or four different ones a day minimum? (yes, i have no life. I know, i know... Well what else am i supposed to do durign my holidays dammit?)

Top of the list are probably... In no particular order:

The Legend of Uzumaki Naruto - Dunno why i like this one since it contains a bunch of stuff i hate in a fic... but at the same time it just seems to drag me in anyway. Weird. (possibly 'cuz i'm a horrible WoW playing Geek and find some references frikkin' hilarious. Damn me.)

Team 8 - Good god, if there was ever a better example of 'Naruto on a different Team' done perfectly RIGHT then... then... well... there just isn't a better one.

For the Love of My Friends - If Team 8 was a shining example of one type of Narutofic plot, then this is the ultimate example of the 'Naruto goes back in time/gets a second chance' plotline. Again, i can't think of better in this category...

Training for the Job - ... Look, if you don't already know this one then WHY THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN HERE? That's all that needs to be said XD Awesomeness be it.

From Ramen with Love - Another shining example, this time Haremfic. Read it 'tis fun. Poor Naruto though, poor, poor Naruto.

Foxhound - Not the best fic around, it's dead, quite a lot of godmoding Naruto at points... buuuuut... it does get major props for one helluva awesome mega-rant against Kakashi in the last chapter XD Seriously, if nothing else read the last chapter and skim down to Naruto practically ripping him a new one XD


Suiren - Unfortunately also dead, but i loved this... Also it was by my hero, Eimii... who admittedly was a very lazy hero... but my hero nonetheless! (she got me into fics in the first place, though it was with her Ranma/AMG fusion 'Shattered hearts on the road' which died i think. Bah.) Basically it's... Sakura. Kicking ass. That's all.

Thats all my big favorites... Though there are a lot of smaller fics which are looking interesting and seem to have potential to be my favorites... As well as a crapload of smaller fics (Catch 22 springs to mind) which i love but don't seem appropriate to put here XD

#68731 Your Favorite Crack Pairings

Posted by Lackey_h on 01 July 2006 - 02:25 AM in Naruto General

... You know, it actually disturbs me how many of these so-called 'crack' pairings....

Actually exist as fics, one-shots and unfinished works on my hard drive. That i wrote.
I'm serious here. I got me:

Naru/Kin (Unfinished one-shot)
Naru/Hanabi (One shot)
Naru/Ten (Unfinished long fic)
Naru/Tem (Unfinished epic XD being re-written)
Naru/Tayu (unfinished something)

Tayu/Hina (Unfinished Something)
Ino/Hina (Unfinished one shot)

Shika/Saku (One shot... should probably do a sequal part to it someday)

Ino/Asuma (Unfinished one shot)

Ten/Gai (Don't ask, please, don't ask.)


To be honest, i don't think any crack can beat Ten/Gai, i mean hell...Ten is crack herself on account of being so underused and Gai... Gai... in any sort of relationship is crack beyond crack.

#67963 Strange Days

Posted by Lackey_h on 28 June 2006 - 01:55 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Yo! Tokehgekoh! XD Fancy seeing you here.

Now all we need is SOC and we'll have an unholy triumvirate of writers.

Anyways, it looks good, kept me interested all the way through at least (though, er, given you wrote it and i respect yoru work i would have read through entirely *anyway* ) ... that's it i guess. Nothing horribly constructive in terms of critisism 'cuz a) i'm too tired to think of anything and B) there is no b.