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There have been 2 items by soodarling (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#985732 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by soodarling on 25 November 2021 - 10:38 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Naruto is probably one of the most emotionally intelligent characters but according to The Last does not know the difference between romantic love and love... food? I don't understand how NH fans can even accept such a stupid film. It could have been a beautiful film if Naruto's love for Hinata were not so weird. Basically he likes it because she loves it, it's as simple as that. He had his brain washed by a genjutsu. If it had been an NS film, this scene could have worked because Naruto already loved Sakura so it wouldn't have been problematic. And I really liked the part where you talk about Sasuke. He is ultimately one of the least boring characters at the end.

#985731 Présentation

Posted by soodarling on 25 November 2021 - 10:24 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Hi! I'm doing this topic to introduce myself obviously! I would like to thank eushingo on Twitter first, I don't know what his nickname is here but it's thanks to him that I was able to open an account.. in short, I don't know if someone will answer me? I'm not sure if this forum is still very active? I signed up a little late to tell the truth lol First of all, I will introduce myself so my name is Thomas, I am 22 years old and I am French, I live in France and I am a student to become a journalist! I started Naruto by chance when I was very young (around 9-10 years old) on a channel called Game One.. at first I didn't like it at all and I think I started to love it from the chunin exam (Orochimaru had traumatized me at the time aha) and I very quickly became attached to the relationship between Naruto and Sak So I was really a pure fanboy despite the rather miserable work that SP did on Sakura, which I realized much later. In short, I was a NaruSaku shipper from the beginning. I really thought they complemented each other. For me, these two? It was obvious, to begin with because Naruto was in love with her and he was so gentle with her. And because Sakura changed to her contact, she became strong, independent, charismatic thanks to Naruto's encouragement and the example he gives to everyone, among other things. You can imagine that I was quite disappointed when I read the end lmao but I wasn't that disappointed because I had detached myself from the manga. Indeed, it was not going in the direction I wanted. I was following the last chapters from afar. I wasn't involved in fandom at all, I wasn't interested at the time. I was disgusted but nothing more. Except that I watched The Last, I made this mistake.. how can I tell you that I wanted to vomit throughout the film? I felt so deceived and betrayed. I didn't want to know more and I stopped Naruto and moved on for 7 years lol, yes I picked up the manga this year by chance or I came across a fanfiction but really by chance on NaruSaku, it was very bad but it intrigued me and I wanted to read another one that was much better! And from then on my love for NaruSaku woke up, it's as if I had a big flashback of why The Last and the end itself was inconsistent, why I felt like the manga and Kishi had sold. Since I inquired I realized that everything was a marketing issue. That NaruSaku was less profitable for publishers than two good big NH and SS fandom who harassed NaruSaku fandom well at the time aha! Especially NH who still does it today (insecurity when you hold us).. So here someone advised me this forum that I knew by name before and I wanted to chat with other NaruSaku fans to share my theories, to know some too, to just talk about NS in fact. On Twitter we are not much.. I have the impression that the fandom is a little scattered and destroyed.. I fully understand myself having let go of the case for years. NS hasn't become great and I can conceive that. What I can't imagine is that KIshi turns against NS fans and pass them off as fools.. by declaring what NH fans were saying. That it was a joke, that Naruto loved Sakura only out of rivalry. I have this feeling that NH stole that what NS should be. This whole story of the common thread of destiny belonged to NS with this line on the forehead like Kushina. I would talk about it in more detail elsewhere. So here I am, I'm going to shorten or I'm not going to stop writing, I don't think I said everything I wanted to say but it doesn't matter! I hope there will be some answers because I don't know the forum at all so thank you to those who will answer me and see you later! NaruSaku forever