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There have been 89 items by hisaberpie (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#973043 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by hisaberpie on 05 June 2019 - 12:43 PM in Premiere Screenings

It gets worse, guys. I'm following this boruto account for this news on instagram and it says some page got leaked from the manga or script where naruto contracts this diesease thats not going to kill him right away. But weaken him slowly over the years. So it would be easier for kawaki to kill him later on.

These writers have really hit rock bottom. Could't think of a legit way to kill off naruto so they had to come up with this BS. Looks like even sakuras medicine won't sace him either.

#973036 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by hisaberpie on 04 June 2019 - 12:21 AM in Premiere Screenings

So the word on the street is that the next arc of the animes next few epsiodes are going to be out naruto falling dangerously ill so sasuke and sakura go out to look for a cure. Its either an anime or a light novel.

Its always like this with me. Just when i think im ready to get over this kitten anime something pops up that makes me insanely angry. Naruto falls sick and shikamarus gunna imply that he might die from this diesease. And maybe this give sakura and sasuke to go out on a date???

Its such a mess. Obviously the fandom doesnt buy this excuse for naruto falling deathly ill, its such BS. Can thanos please snap SP out of existence, please? Or that none of this turns out to be true.

#972897 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by hisaberpie on 17 May 2019 - 10:31 PM in Otaku Square

what character?

Theres a character who cant decide whether they are a boy or a girl and i just think that something like this will attract the wrong kind of fans.

Like i don't have anything against these type of characters but i feel like the fans are going to assume something and when kishi fails to deliver, they are going to tear him limb from limb. Ive seen this happen way too much. Voltron is the most recent example, gay pairing didn't happen so the fandom rioted. This thing happens with BNHA too except hori hasnt cracked under the fandoms pressure yet.

Kishimoto folds like a house of cards though so not sure how this creative decision will turn out for him. Its not the character that i have a problem with, its the toxic fans on tumblr that im worried about.

#972887 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by hisaberpie on 17 May 2019 - 05:12 PM in Otaku Square



The new chapters here and introduces a new character that im sure is going to become tumblrs new favorite.

#972856 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by hisaberpie on 12 May 2019 - 11:58 AM in Otaku Square

Potential, sure. Any manga has potential though.

Not in the case for boruto. That kitten was doomed from the start.

Their was philosophy debates in Naruto they just weren't handled well after Yahagi left.

If kishi focuses more on the philosphy debates this time, this series can easily become better then naruto in my opinion.

#972851 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by hisaberpie on 11 May 2019 - 10:36 PM in Otaku Square

You guys might not agree with my opinion but i really liked this first chapter and i think this has the potential to be better then naruto. It had a lot of heartfelt emotions and cool designs and characters. The world is interesting and i quite enjoyed the use of samurai philosphy. I find it amusing how kishi first wrote about ninjas and now about samurais.

Things i liked about it:

1) The little robot dog that meows was absloutely adorable. The design for the cat too was very endearing as well. A daruma doll cat who is actually prefers dogs, i love it.

2) I found hachi to be an endearing character as well. Why does he want to become a samurai? Because they are everything hes not. I really connected with that. Hachi spent his whole life sick and indoors so when he sees samurais being badass and protecting the galaxy, i can see why he would want to be them. I wont deny that his motivations are pretty generic but its a good first chapter.

3) The samurai philosphies is what stood out the most to me in this chapter. The villain and daruma both had different perspective on ritual suicide and honor which was very interesting and i hope to see more of these philosphies integrated into this sci-fi world later in the chapters. This is something we didnt see in kishis ninjas. And the stuff we did see regarding the shinobis belief wasnt explored so i hope kishi really dives into the samurai lore.

The red flgs that could crash and burn this series:

1) The black chick at the beginning. She looked pretty important and i hope kishi doesnt screw her over with a love interest or anything. Im calling it now, her and the daruma cat have history somehow!

2) Like bail says, there way too much exposition and i feel like there was way too much going on in one panel. Some of them were so crowded that i can barely make out the character from the background. With that said, i think this series might not become as mainstream as naruto because its too complicated and i think that the sci-fi and samurai philosphy stuff might bore some people.

3) The supposed princess that all the samurais protect. Now this princess character is the biggest red flag in my opinion. Cuz we know that hachi is gunna come across this princess person and i am convinced that hachi will form some sort of crush on her and hes gunna have to protect her. I swear if this princess turned out anything like hinata or has a dumb love triangle like team 7 did, im dropping this series right then and there. Maybe im reading too much into this too soon, the princess can turn out to be some older woman too. But i cant trust kishi with this.

With all that said, i think it was a solid chapter with great world building and i look forward to seeing it more.

#972637 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by hisaberpie on 27 April 2019 - 06:36 PM in Naruto General

I always thought that hinata was supposed to get over her crush on naruto just like sakura was supposed to get over sasuke. Her arc should have made her look past naruto and made her realize that there is more to her life then just pining after a boy. She could've done something about neji and the enslavement going on in her clan but nope. She could've even become a godmother to kurenais child but kitten that noise.  Wasn't kurenai the one to defend her when her father was verbally abusing her as a child but we don't even see hinata being grateful to her for that.


Whats more upsetting is that after neji dies, we never hear about the lower branch of the hyuga clan ever again. We don't see them in the last or in boruto. I would think that if another hyuga child was born in the lower branch during borutos generation, they would've grown up to be just as hateful and angry as part 1 neji. They would've hated privileged ass boruto and himawari so much, that it would've been a repeat of hinata vs neji during the chunin exams. But we can't have anything that would make hinata-himesama and her children look bad, can we? The absence of any other hyugas other then the main branch family has led me to believe that they were all silenced or sacrificed during the war.


Its honestly so sad, they turned hinata in to a needy, pathetic, bland mary sue. Like every other character in the series, hinata was just another missed oppurtunity for something better.

#972636 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by hisaberpie on 27 April 2019 - 06:17 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Thanks, guys.

I have to go through 4 weeks of therapy to remedy it, but I did get 100% of my paid off for repairs and everything is covered. It wasn't my fault.

Here is an image of my car after the accident.



Sorry to hear that, james. Get well soon!

#972549 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 34

Posted by hisaberpie on 23 April 2019 - 12:23 PM in Latest Releases

Just read the chapter and boy this one made a lot of people angry. Fans don't like it that narutos taking kawaki on as a student when he could be teaching salad or boruto. I even read someone saying that when boruto asks naruto to train he makes excuses that hes busy with holage work yet hes making time to teach kawaki.

Also i cannot understand the logic behind naruto chakra powering that prosthetic arm he gave to kawaki. It just seems too convinient.

#972497 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by hisaberpie on 19 April 2019 - 05:19 PM in Otaku Square

I'm looking forward to seeing it. The art looks amazing and kishi has always been an amazing at charater designs so i want to see how he does world building in a sci-fi setting.

Not excited about the story or the character themselves though. Im especially gunna steer clear of any ahipping involved. Although, i didn't see any prominent female character in the "trailer". Maybe kishis gunna avoid writing a love story this time too. XD

#972075 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by hisaberpie on 29 March 2019 - 09:43 PM in Premiere Screenings

Exactly, but nothing of the sort was ever incorporated so that is why the story fell flat on its own  "now ugly @$$ face"

Thats the thing. Then whole story is just a series of missed oppurtunities.

#971986 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 33

Posted by hisaberpie on 25 March 2019 - 04:21 PM in Latest Releases

The second picture is so funny. Those are the ugliest drawn kids in existence especially the mutant on the right.
Their eyes are weird, their face is creepy and those smiles look they are having a stroke.

Youre right but i think boruto has gotteb better. Himawari just looks plain aweful. Her hair is weird and her suffocating hoodie makes her look like she doesnt have a neck. Its a terrible design.

#971984 Avengers : ENDGAME

Posted by hisaberpie on 25 March 2019 - 09:54 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I loved the trailer too but i dont know if i can trust marvel, just take a look at this.




The russo brothers admitted that they basically put out a fake trailer. While im dying to get a glimpse of the movie, i can appreciate that theyre saving the real stuff for the theatres

#971983 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 33

Posted by hisaberpie on 25 March 2019 - 09:33 AM in Latest Releases

I think they nerfed naruto in this fight. He has the powers of a god and hes fought gods before. He should be wiping the floor with this woman...


And why the kitten does himawari look so clueless throughout this whole fight??? She has the most stupid looking expressions. I thought she was supposed to be some genius prodigy who unlocked the byakugan without training? Just look how dumb she looks, no expression of distress or anything. Just staring dumbly into space. And yeah we get it, boruto.. your dad looks angry, you dont have to point out the obvious.




I mean, she nearly died in the last chapter, you would think they would give her more dialogue. Its like nothing traumatic ever happened to her.



#971941 Menma

Posted by hisaberpie on 21 March 2019 - 10:51 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

So who is Menma's parents supposed to be?

Well i dont want to give away any spoilers but ill say one thing in this spoiler tag.


#971935 Menma

Posted by hisaberpie on 21 March 2019 - 10:38 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Chapter 2


And heres chapter 2 which is a work in progress. I've also made a discord serve for menma if anyones interested. :sweat:

#971934 Menma

Posted by hisaberpie on 21 March 2019 - 10:31 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Chapter 1


I realized that i had'nt posted here in a while so i thought i'd updated. This is chapter 1 completed.

#971777 Kakashi should have actually trained Sakura.

Posted by hisaberpie on 14 March 2019 - 04:51 PM in Naruto General

I think the reason kakashi ignored sakura and chose naruto and sasuke over her was maybe because he never felt a personal connection to her. Like naruto is the host of a tailed beast, son of the fourth hokage and his former teacher while sasuke is an uchiha, a relative of his old teammate and a reflection of himself when he was younger.


Sakura was neither of those things, she came from a civilian family and compared to a jinchurriki and the last surviving uchiha, she was a nobody. Shes practically just like the countless, nameless students kakashi failed in his previous bell tests. Thats why kakashi sidelined and ignored her through most of the series.


And while thats annoying i think it turned out for the better. I like tsunade being sakuras teacher more then kakashi, she has that personal connection to sakura, unfortunately kishi never did anything more with them. In fact, i dont think we see orochimaru doing much with sasuke either. Id also say that kishi couldve set yamato up as sakuras teacher too but here we are. Another missed opportunity, another fault in the story.

#971773 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by hisaberpie on 14 March 2019 - 02:10 PM in Premiere Screenings

You know hinata couldve had potential. She couldve been something more then just a housewife. And i also feel like there couldve been a better way to redeem sasuke then just glossing over everything he ever did.

#971745 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by hisaberpie on 12 March 2019 - 03:20 PM in Premiere Screenings

You know i thought i had finally gotten over this series but then i saw a clip of sasuke saying "my kawaii peanut" from the recent anime episode and i just went into rage mode. :bash:

#969556 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 29

Posted by hisaberpie on 02 December 2018 - 10:12 PM in Latest Releases

Is it just me or are they trying to make it all seem different by doing the reverse?
Let me explain. So Boruto is actually being more like Sasuke and Nail here is more like Naruto...so to speak. So does that mean that Boruto is basically the Naruto story, but instead it is Naruto who turned evil and Sasuke was the good guy? I am getting this vibe with it. Unlike Sasuke though, Nail will actually succeed in destroying the village and not just conveniently distracted by events that some how change his view point.

I got this vibe too. Its still unoriginal as beck though. And man, do i hate the whole tribal tattoo designs on nail and boruto. You can see how theyre apeing the cursed seal thing as well.

#968939 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 27

Posted by hisaberpie on 19 October 2018 - 04:45 PM in Latest Releases

A sasusaku account on twitter is already under fire for calling this cover sexy. Its honestly so disgusting.

And some boruto fans are in denial. They just won't admit that narutos willing to show a random kid he just met more affection then his own children. Its so sad and funny to watch these fans fumble for an explanantion.

#968934 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by hisaberpie on 19 October 2018 - 03:13 PM in Naruto General

The Hinata wanking never ends. They're making a figure of her in her wedding outfit.  :sick:


Oh no... :down:

#968933 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 27

Posted by hisaberpie on 19 October 2018 - 03:11 PM in Latest Releases

I just saw some spoilers for the new chapter and apparently its supposed to be super emotional. Naruto takes kawaki to inos flower shop maybe and we get a karasara "moment" and somehow naruto ends up hugging kawaki. Yes, hugging kawaki.. has naruto ever hugged his own son the way hes treating some strange, random kid? Dont even get me started on the cover of this whole mess of a chapter... just look at it!!


Just Why?


And heres naruto being a father to his future, possible murderer...




And the alleged kawasara "moment"..


Again.. why?

#968587 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 27

Posted by hisaberpie on 29 September 2018 - 02:01 PM in Latest Releases

This might be an unpopular opinion here and as much as it disdains me to say it, i think boruto is actually popular. I dont know about ratings or anything but ive seen a lot people liking and supporting not only the manga but also the anime. Its mostly younger kids though, they take this series very seriously.