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There have been 43 items by NaruSaku122 (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#967974 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 06 September 2018 - 04:06 PM in Premiere Screenings

i saw a clip on Youtube that Tsunade is back. Is she back for good or just a ``guest`` appearance

#967158 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 23 July 2018 - 03:15 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't really have a OTP but i like Android 18 x Krillin and Gohan x Videl.

#967002 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 15 July 2018 - 10:48 PM in Arts & Entertainment District


I agree, I really did not care for the world cup before it started, the last few have been a let down for me, and I don't think I've even watched the finals. But this time around I felt it was the world cup for the underdogs, (though one of the favourites did end up winning it.) The likes of Croatia, Japan, Mexico, Sweden etc. all got people talking, Germany were knocked out in the group stages, Argentina lost to France, Brazil got knocked out by Belgium, this world cup has been a cup of surprises, even if it wasn't the best football, you saw the underdogs fight till the end.


The referee's were very hit and miss, (more miss than hit though) we had some like the complete jokes that officiated the Croatia v England game that should have relied on VAR because they were pathetically bad, and then others that relied on VAR too much for every decision and even then made poor decisions. Today's referee was somewhere in between, yeah the freekick decision was a bad one, but this is what players do, they go down with minimal contact, we saw Croatia do the same thing. (even one comical one against England where the player moved their leg towards the England defender and then trip.) and I think the penalty decision was correct, Perasic moved his hand towards the ball, it looked deliberate to me, so it's a penalty, but there are those that don't think that is the case, my brother doesn't think it was, It's going to be a topic of discussion for a months and maybe even years to come.

you do realize the ball came off the french players back right? he had no time to react. The french player who jumped  up half a metre in front of him. What the hell could he have done in that moment?

It was not a penalty


#966982 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 15 July 2018 - 08:44 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I do have to say this was the worst tournament I have ever seen. It was so weak. France won, yes, and I'm glad they did, but they didn't deserve to win, and honestly none of the teams shouldn't have won either, hell actually none of these teams shouldn't even been in the tournament.

They played so bad, so chaotic, it's like they weren't even playing world class football. It was like watching kids in the back alley playing football they way they think it works.

France today for example, played like they never even heard of this game. Really bizarre passes, positions, basically no defense.

Oh and let's not forget the referees. So many wrong decisions. I was actually surprised today's referee got it right with the penalty.

But only after watching that clip for a couple of good minutes and the even going back to be sure it was correct. Does he even know the rules of the game?

My favorite referees were the ones from the England-Croatia match. At one point the ball was out by at least a meter and no ref noticed. They just allowed the match to continue.

That was not a penalty. man should the players cut their arms off? it was a natural movement. look at the france player his hands go down too. Perisic was just unlucky enought to get hit by the ball in short distance. Do you know the rules? this was not intentionally

besides there was no other france player behind Perisic and would have been cleared by subasic or vida

#966970 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 15 July 2018 - 05:50 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

France is the champion.


Hmm i thought the referee is it? defintely MVP though. 2 Goals from him to france. Without these presents it would have been extra time

#966934 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 14 July 2018 - 09:51 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

France is going to win this WC. Though, I want Croatia to win because I always side with the team that is usually weaker than its foe.


But, Brazil will always be the best team in the world and everyone knows this fact :th_yeah:

France is going to lose against us. We are not weaker!. It's Croatia's first time in a World Cup finale and no one's taking the trophy away from us now. France will have a bad awakening tomorrow because they underestimate us like everyone else


2002 Brazil? yes. Today's Brazil? No

#966806 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 11 July 2018 - 10:32 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

My Guys did it. We are finally in a World Cup finale and we're gonna take the Trophy home

#966676 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 08 July 2018 - 09:15 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

nah. Croatia is gonna kick England a*s

#966642 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 07 July 2018 - 10:10 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

We did it. Thank god My Country won

#966608 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 06 July 2018 - 09:39 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Brazil is out

#966553 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 03 July 2018 - 09:37 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Both teams were pretty bad today but the wost man on the field today, was the man with the whistle.

#966478 Menma

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 02 July 2018 - 01:48 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I can't read that.

Someone needs to get their eyes checked out and buy glasses, huh?

Joke. At first I couldn't read it either and had to zoom in the page

#966477 NaruSaku In Boruto

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 02 July 2018 - 01:46 AM in Naruto General

The theory that Boruto is the Infinite Tsukuyomi would be a neat twist to the story. 

yeah it would be really cool but sadly that won't ever happen

#966471 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 01 July 2018 - 09:29 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

 Croatia is going to win against Russia. I'm proud of my guys

#966436 NaruSaku In Boruto

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 01 July 2018 - 12:19 AM in Naruto General

I've seen these moments, and how they're even aware of the fact that Naruto and Sakura like each other almost to the point of breaking the fourth wall. On the one hand it's definitely a tease but maybe it could be showing something? Like I dunno, maybe it could be foreshadowing as later on they might have them get together by having them both get a divorce or maybe they're alone one night and "things" happen. Problem with that theory however, is that that would imply that the people behind Boruto are good at writing, which-as they have proven-they are not. And honestly, even if they did do that would that save the series as it has become? I honestly don't know

Boruto is still a show for kids. I doubt this would ever happen

#966425 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 30 June 2018 - 06:56 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Argentina deserved it. Why would you keep Agüero and Dybala out of the game?

#966415 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 29 June 2018 - 11:10 PM in Naruto General






Not really, Jak. Just that she loves the IDEA of Naruto, as Rules said, and she doesn't know a damn thing about the real him. Hell, even when they began dating after the Genjutsu in "The Last", she didn't even know he liked ramen when she suggested they go to Ichiraku when she saw he didn't have much money in his wallet for a fancier place. HELLO!!! AM i THE ONLY ONE WHO FINDS THIS DUMB!? Seriously, she doesn't still know anything about him. And honestly, as she is written, Hinata doesn't care, as long as she selfishly gets what she wants, to hell with everyone and everything else.

weird. I mean she stalked him all the time in part 1 hiding behind things and all(which wasn't creepy at all, right?). How come she doesn't know his favorite food?

#966408 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 29 June 2018 - 08:51 PM in Premiere Screenings

I have this theory , we saw the world and konoha is destroyed at the first episode and boruto stand off with kawaki. He said to boruto "I sent you to same place the seventh hokage" which normally means "I killed your dad but don't worry you see and join him soon in the afterlife after i kill you". So in my fan fiction Kawaki want to destroy the world because he know that it is not real , it is infinite tsukuyomi. When he killed seventh hokage a.k.a borutos dad , he actually wake him up and sent him back to the real world. But boruto somehow knows that he didn't exist in the real life , so if kawaki succeed in destroying this world , boruto gonna disappear (died) that is why he wants to protect his world even know that it is an illusion. In short boruto is the bad guy because he is denial and wants everyone to be trapped in his world because as we all know he is a brat that doesn't want to lose his beloved parents. :hehehe:

Hmm i like your version. The ending does seem surreal.

#966406 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 29 June 2018 - 08:46 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I really dont like the idea of nejihina. Not because theyre cousins, its just that i really really hate hinata and since she had neji killed just so she could hold narutos hand i have come to really hate this pairing. Hinata doesnt care about neji, she never did so in my opinion nejihina is a crack pairing along with saiino.


The pairings that puzzles me the most is shikatema and shikaino. I really think shikamaru should've ended up with ino but shikatema had its moments in the manga too. Shikaino wouldve been good for ino because like her best friend she would've ended up with a boy she never thought she would ever like but instead ino gets with sai, a sasuke lookalike, as a consolation prize. I really liked saiino but even i know that its a crack ship and their canon son is hella annoying. In my opinion, sai shouldnt have gotten together with anyone at all.

Hmm i have a thing for Choji/Ino and i still think they should have ended up together and i thought they would go that direction to have her grow up .Sai and her don't belong together and they have a weird ass looking kid together.(but the worst is choji's child.)I always liked Shikamaru and Temari they have a good dynamic so i'm pretty happy that they did end up together.

#966384 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 29 June 2018 - 02:26 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

The problem with Sasuke and Sakura's "marriage" is that the whole thing is...unexplainable. Every time people make a claim about them, the story just proves them wrong.

"Sasuke and Sakura married." Yet, they have no wedding pictures, Sakura can't remember any of the good times with Sasuke, and the only date she can remember was only 2 and half minutes long. How? How can Sasuke and Sakura be married when there is so much lack of evidence that they are? There is absolutly no proof they are married. Not even the Gaiden novels have any explanation. Whenever anything about marriage occurs it is always about NH's wedding.

"Salad is Sasuke and Sakura's kid." Based off what? A technique that can easily be taught to a person with enough chakra control? There is nothing to suggest Salad is Sakura's kid and even Kishimoto himself said "She is whatever you want her to be." So, if you believe she is Karin's kids, then she is Karin's kid.

It's also funny how the story of Salad's birth has so many plot holes it is not funny:
So apparently Sakura was pregnant with Sasuke's kid and went out to go find him all the while being pregnant. She left the village for 9 months (covenient) without anyone knowing, including Naruto, and went to go find it by using the help of Karin (also covenient.) They searched for 9 months and never found him and Karin helped Sakura give birth in the wild without any medical training what so ever. Sakura eventually came back to Konoha, baby in hand, and Karin gave Sakura her glasses to give to the daughter when she grows up and never filed a birth certificate and again all while Naruto knew NOTHING.

HOW? How did this all happen? Why did Karin give Sakura her glasses? What was the point of that? Why does Salad wear glasses in the first place? She is an Uchiha...she should have the best eyesight out of anyone and yet, she needs to wear glasses? Since there is no mention of it being a fashion statement, then why wear them? If she is not Karin's daughter, why give the glasses at all? Also, why give Karin the Umbilicol cord if she is not her mother? In Japanese custom, the birth mother keeps the umbilicol cord, so why didn't Sakura keep it? Sakura said she only been with Sasuke on a "real date" for 2 and a half minutes. Okay, so in 2 and a half minutes they got married and had sex to create Salad in a convenient time wheneveryone else was doing it to have kids?

The whole thing reeks of plot convenience and we are told to accept this as the canon. Okay, I know this is a fictional story, but this is beyond stretching the suspension of belief. Not to mention Sasuke knows none of this at all either. So what the hell?

So Occam's razor, it is easier to believe that it is Karin's baby that she is trying to protect against orochimaru and Sakura is being a foster parent to hold a bargaining chip over Sasuke's head to keep him saying "My loving wife." Really, when he said that line, he has this like unimpressed lazy guy face to him like he is saying it just to say it.

Would it be that hard to believe that Sakura has been turned into being so overly obsessive over Sasuke that she uses a baby as collateral? I do. Not only that, but even so this still makes her a better mother than Hinata.

Hmm after i read your response i'm confused. There are no wedding pictures?  and they had a date for only a couple of minutes? wt* how can anyone take this seriously? that's no marriage Now the ending and Boruto sounds even worse. 

To protect her from Orochimaru? i thought he turned good guy in boruto?(They should have brought back Jiraiya instead of him tbh.)

#966378 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 29 June 2018 - 12:26 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

And I feel sorry for Sakura so much she has nothing when you think about nothing.

Tbh if Sarada is Karins daughter i wouldn't feel sorry for her.I'm feeling torn about this subject. I hate that she has reverted back to her 12 years old fangirl days, marries that psychopath and waits for him even he doesn't care about her while i also have respect for her that she has the strengh to raise and love a child that isn't hers. The thing is biological child or not they still see each other as mother and child. the real problem is that deadbeat


but i'm still asking why would she raise a child that her husband has with someone else. were they married already when Sakura(Karin) got pregnant? was it cheating?( i haven't read anything past the chapter where Naruto says goodbye to his mom so i'm not that up to date lol and man was i surprised when i found out Naruto married Hinata)

#966339 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 27 June 2018 - 05:18 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

To be honest, we so rarely saw tenten that anyone could honestly say she liked Neji, Sasuke, and Lee. Lee had the advantage because she acted more Sakura-ish to him which used to mean that kishi was setting them up as the couple, also the Lee SD where she and Lee were the main characters, and there was more shipping moments in that between them in the SD. Neji was suppose to marry hinata for what I explained before, but he was killed off.

Neji and Hinata would have been kind of creepy. They're Cousins. I'd rather have her with Kiba

#966337 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 27 June 2018 - 04:50 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Doesn't this make the third world cup in a row the winners of the previous tournement got knocked out in the group stages? Iataly in 2010, Spain in 2014 and now Germany. Unless I'm remembering wrong here.

you forgot France in 2002

#966335 World Cup 2018

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 27 June 2018 - 04:16 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Germany is out. Wow

#966248 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by NaruSaku122 on 24 June 2018 - 06:31 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


A lot of people starting to hate Chi Chi and tsundere type of girl from that point :lmao:

Chichi was a bad wife to a bad husband. But i still like some of their moments