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There have been 3 items by Kasimir38 (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#978460 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kasimir38 on 23 April 2020 - 11:21 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

^Naruto did love Sakura, only for the ones you love you go to self - sacrificing lengths. I also believe, but this is an unpopular opinion, that Sakura loved Naruto. It is actually a term that goes over selfish claims, such as relationships, marriage, love stands on its own. It could have shown that Narutos love for Sakura was strong enough to let go of his feelings and let Sasuke step in. It would be hard for him! He would not go over to Hinata in an instant and confess his love to her. That's just weak and pathetic and shows that his feelings were not sincere. He appears like a moron that was protecting, keeping an eye on, carrying, and loving a person just as a "competition towards his no.1 rival".


If Kishimoto was really pressed to make NaruHina and SasuSaku canon, without actually ruining his characters and their motivation, he should have started with that long ago. Or just not at all. That would have been the best. If you have three fanbases that would equally shred you apart if their ship is not sailing, just skip the shipping part, end your story before they are forced to marry due to very traditional, Japanese standards. But then we would have nothing to rant about.

#978453 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kasimir38 on 23 April 2020 - 05:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

If Sakura never truly showed any form of affection towards Naruto, why did he not move on during Shippuuden like a normal hero should, like a normal person would set up a romance plot. Hinata injured, Naruto visits her at the hospital, they spend time together, he eventually loses interest in Sakura. Did that happen? Did he even mention Hinata after she confessed her feelings?


I cannot hate or blame Hinata as a character, she was super shy and even brought up the courage to both confess her love and face an opponent way more powerful than herself. She was kicked into oblivion after that and only revived during the last arc to kill off Neji and trip over a rock. In Boruto she is basically a housewife with unrequited love towards Borutos dad. She would have deserved better, at least make her marry someone who truly loves her, not pair her up with the MC for fanservice.

As for Naruto, he would have deserved a more stable personality. Not only did he not stand his Ninja word, but he also lost everything that made him so special towards the end of the series. He let go off Sakura in an instant in the Last, he missed his Hokage ceremony!! Because of his kids. He is miserable and has, on top of that, a horrible haircut.


If people tell me I am mad at the creators for letting NaruSaku sink, it's not true. It only adds up on the already existing list. There are, like always, positive aspects too, but this is a rant so there's no place for that.

#978413 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Kasimir38 on 20 April 2020 - 11:10 PM in Fun Cafe

Is this site still active?


I did not mean to be absent, I just forgot my password and found it 2 years later