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There have been 51 items by thelordofspace72 (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#980614 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 19 September 2020 - 08:31 AM in Naruto General

I remember one of the hinatards was always blaming the rest of the characters instead of Hinata for stupid reasons.
For example, he used to say that Neji's death was due to Sasuke's stupidity and his lack of interest in the situation. Hinata is not guilty of what happened.
And he says that Naruto is very stupid because he did not notice Hinata's love for him until after a long time.
The worst thing he said in defense of Hinata was when Hinata was jealous of the Kushina scarf that Kushina had given to Naruto. He said that the only reason Naruto should leave his mother's scarf and wear the one that Hinata knitted for him is because Hinata loves Naruto more than Kushina. This is the worst thing I have heard in my life. A mother's love and a wife's love are two different things.
Do you see why these creatures are the dirtiest on earth?

#980234 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 23 August 2020 - 08:30 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


they are a retarded fools thats all.

#980126 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 17 August 2020 - 07:20 PM in Naruto General

Not only that, but even Hinata fans accuse Sakura fans of sending threats to Kishimoto if he didn't improve Sakura more than Hinata. I'm sure if he made Sakura the wife of Naruto they would have killed him in a flash. These toxic people are stalkers Just like their waifu.

#979993 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 11 August 2020 - 08:01 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't know if this is important or not. But I noticed that most of those who talk about Naruto in general on YouTube say this: "Naruto the ninja is trying to be the Hokage, and with him is Sasuke, his rival, and Sakura is the girl that Naruto loves." Most of them did not show any footage or mention anything about Shippuden.
This makes me wonder that those who saw Shippuden have been brainwashed that "Hinata is the most beautiful waifu ever, and that Naruto should leave Sakura because he belongs to Hinata."
Once in Arc Pain, show a skit at the end of an episode. The topic was that Sakura was accusing Hinata of bribing the studio to make them work for her ending, which was 13 (which was the stupidest thing ever) and Sakura's comment was also that she is the heroine in the Openings and Endings of the Naruto show. Then Naruto appeared and tried to explain that Hinata has increased in popularity very much and that there are many in the studio who love her very much, and this Ending phrase is the extent of their love for her. All these are indications from within the studio about what will happen in the future and who will be the heroine of the show.
Ever since I saw that show I remember why that stupid skit made an important point. Hinata has ruined the show with her terrifying obsession with Naruto, Naruto’s show mode has shifted from Naruto's journey to become the Hokage and Sasuke returns and reunites with Team 7, to a bunch of stupid episodes about pairings. ohh nasty.

#979957 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 09 August 2020 - 10:40 AM in Naruto General



Check this out, guys. I just saw it on my feed on YouTube. Thought it might be fun to share here.

and most naruto fans still think pain and madara are cool characters. the only reason why characters Like neji lee gay sai sakura yamato and maybe kakashi are better than the rest of the cast like naruto and sasuke. is that they are not hypocrite people and don't use Talk no jutso. and don't have exaggerated power Level. and yet we saw people make joke of most of these and praise useless or meaningless characters Like hinata who struggle to do anything or madara who has immunity against microorganisms ninja or obito has the rinnegun but don't use it's full power like nagato/pain did or even sasuke who got his uchiha power level improve too fast without any logic or maybe the kaguya clan who unknownably have the highest level of power among them all. this is the big issue in naruto power structure is broken. 

#979926 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 07 August 2020 - 11:53 AM in Naruto General

Is there a video or post for the Japanese and their opinions about Naruto and how his end has become stupid?

#979905 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 06 August 2020 - 05:54 AM in Naruto General

Kaguya has the powers of the 9 Tailed Beasts. All that Kaguya does is change worlds or throw pieces of wood that Unreasonably causes death. In the end She summoned a giant bunny that contained the 9 Beasts that Team 7 was able to defeat easily without making any effort. A kaguya fight is the worst fighting in existence. I prefer watching the fillers over watching this stupid fight written by kishi.

#979808 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 27 July 2020 - 06:56 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku



I was looking for female representation in the anime. And I found this really accurate especially when it comes to Hinata.

So what do you think?

#979796 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 26 July 2020 - 07:43 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

NH fans are just jealous because Sakura kissed Naruto before their stalker waifu  :lulz:

#979776 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 24 July 2020 - 05:07 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I really can't believe I've lost about years of my life and I'm following Naruto. I'm really sorry, I'm not saying I hate the series. But after all that happened in the story and the presence of these horrible and terrible persons such as the sakura haters and the pro enders. I wish I had seen other anime like Attack on Titan instead of Naruto or anything that is not toxic fandom like the one in Naruto.

#979743 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 22 July 2020 - 06:38 AM in Naruto General

Not to mention everyone kept saying Sasuke would do nothing be create chaos and kill who knows how many people yet to me Naruto didn't seem to care if that happened.

What kishi was thinking of when he wrote all the crap in Five Kages Arc. Naruto asks Raikage to forgive his brother's kidnapping. And Kishi proved just how failed he was as a writer when he brought Sakura back to the fan girl she was. I mean, at the beginning of Shippuden, when they saw Sasuke, Sakura didn't let that affect her by attacking him. But this is against what happened in Five kages Arc. kishi finished off naruto.

#979673 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 16 July 2020 - 05:56 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

If Hinata ever dies....

I would be happy about that a billion times more than my birthday.

#979653 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 14 July 2020 - 08:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

What NH got was a Pyrrhic victory. Well I hope some day in the near future, the people whom support Boruto realize how Pierrot is just throwing kittens in their face just for money.

They'll realize this when they see how SP tries to take advantage of their wallets with endless stupid fillers, or silly dialogues. Really milking the pockets of people has become a habit published in the media.

#979642 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 13 July 2020 - 06:53 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm sure that if Narusaku had become a canon that all the crap that happened in Boruto would disappear or not be that terrible, at least the sons of Sakura and Naruto are much better than these brats of Boruto and Himawari. Just a hunch

#979584 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 10 July 2020 - 07:27 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

That's why we can't forget narusaku. Because this pair did not happen at the end while it deserved to happen in the end even more than the NH / SS, unlike the rest of the other ships that we support outside Naruto.

#979565 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 09 July 2020 - 05:50 AM in Naruto General

Totally agree. We can't say Naruto till Pain Arc was as bad as in Kages summon and war arc. I think Kishimoto had in mind end naruto around Pain arc, but the Pierrot came out and said "Hey we want this so you have to put the history in this way". And we got what we got. A really poor two arc, and I think if it wasn't Naruto probably get canceled. Because Kishimoto star to throw ideas from any place.


To be honest, the five kages arc was much worse than the war arc. I think because it was the beginning of the problems. And the beginning of Naruto fall. Everyone started hating my sakura because kishi made her lie to Naruto in that stupid arc.
And when Naruto met Sasuke, they didn't fight with each other. All they did was use Rasengun and Chidori. Ah boring, is this really your best, kishimoto. Do not forget that Sasuke was the hero of this arc. Naruto did nothing during this arc and did not fight. While Sasuke fought all the kages, among them Danzo, he ended it.


Couples who have more chemistry than NH/SS...

Me and Scarlett Johannson.


I definitely agree. Any thing better than a toxic stalker ship like NH or stupid meaningless ship Like SS.

#979555 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 08 July 2020 - 07:37 AM in Naruto General

The fix the story needs. It is a modification of the five kages arc and the war arc. It was the worst period in Naruto. And don't forget, Kaguya was the worst sinister I've ever seen. Everything about her is stupid.
Yes, changing the ending to narusaku will improve Sakura's character and reduce the presence of her toxic haters.
As for Sasuke, I don’t know, I don’t hate him, but I think Sai is better than him. It’s difficult for me to accept the idea of ​​Sasuke returning to them in this strange way after all the black things he did.

#979529 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 06 July 2020 - 07:23 PM in Naruto General

The wrong things in Naruto are many, and I agree that most of them are on the issue of fate and that the strong are destined to be so.
But the thing that really bothers me in Naruto is the bonds and it's one of the most important themes in the story. Naruto has many great relationships with many characters like Zabuza, Haku, Gara, Iruka, and others. The story also focuses on Naruto and Sasuke and Gaara's relationship because they lived like him alone and in a life of pain and suffering. At the beginning of the story it was great especially Garra's fight with Naruto. But then Sasuke started feeling jealous of Naruto, then the next story theme became the focus on Naruto’s relationship with Sasuke and how he would return him to the village. But little by little, arc after arc, this relationship has become the most toxic in anime history.
No matter how much I hate Narusasu, I cannot deny that this is the focus of the story, this is the thing we are following the story for, so we can see the end of what will happen to them. But what Hinatards is trying to do is that Hinata is the most important person in Naruto's life and so on. To the point that they made Hinata more important than Sasuke, they replaced Sasuke with Hinata. I know that Sasuke is hugely annoying, but my view of him being replaced by Hinata just to please the hinatards makes me feel disgusted. The original theme of the story has been destroyed.
There were other characters who deserved more attention than Hinata and Sasuke, instead of being neglected, such as neji, rock lee, sai, yamato, and kakashi perhaps. Just saying that watching these characters no one cares about them or their suffering is really sad. Especially neji whose presence has just ended to please Hinata.

#979488 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 04 July 2020 - 08:34 AM in Naruto General

No, I really agree. The whole problem is due to the pairings, especially the NH. Had it not been for the stupid movie and the stupid clip in which Hinata held Naruto's hand, everyone would have expected NS Ending. All the other ship Fans were not obsessed with the occurrence of their ship in the end, except for the NH Fans who didn't stop doing anything just to prove that their stupid uselees toxic waifu is better than sakura. Just so Hinata lives in her Disney world. Oh pathetic and disgusting at the same time.


I really don't blame those people who make jokes about Naruto. for example:
"Naruto is the only story about ninjas that have nothing to do with ninjas." 
"Naruto is not a romance manga, but everything in it is about pairings."
"Hinata is the girl everyone thought was there for Naruto during his childhood, but in reality it didn't happen."

#979471 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 02 July 2020 - 01:12 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

They are the same, i play dota 2 and world of warcraft. Dota 2 community is piece s**t, if they winning they stomp and treat the losing team like crap, always said "EZ" (means easy) at the and of the game even though score evenly match and it's 90 minute. And when they lose they start point fingers and insult others people, even parents name kicks in. In world of warcraft , high level gank and corpse camp low level zone , scam , asking high level gear and achievement requirement for raiding even though they themselves is not meet their own requirement. They are all have one thing in common , they have big mouth , they think they are god and because they think they are untouchable hiding behind a monitor they can commit crime , s**t and spread hate because they get away with it. Problem is when they know they can get away with it they do it ... if you can hurt / kill other people and rob a bank and can get away with it , you do it. Just like Sasuke and Orochimaru ... do s**t and get away with it .... the message is clear , hey these two character Orochimaru and Sasuke commit lots of s**t and look!!! they get away with it .... i wanna do it too. That's why this franchise need to be closed.

You are right, but it mostly happens in the online games you mentioned. Other types of games may contain less toxic people. Probably.

#979449 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 30 June 2020 - 03:37 PM in Naruto General

The problem with the pro enders, they call themselves the true naruto fans and that anyone who rejects the end or rejects any crap that happened in Naruto is either naruto hater or narusaku / sakura fan. I think the true naruto fans have left the fandom and left something called Naruto because of all the crap and problems that happen to the story and so on.
I really mean what they see great in Naruto now, that he has a bad, kitteny, sick boy, or has a strange and crazy girl worse than her mother. Their real problem is that they believe anything kishimoto does is right. They, the CBR, and others try to make everything kishi did was logical.
 To forget all that happened to the story I watch some films like The Lost Tower or Blood Prison, I have to admit that although these arent canon, it is even better than the story that Kishi changes.

#979445 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 30 June 2020 - 07:49 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Hey Bail o 'Lies Remember when I asked you why so many people hate women in the anime. I noticed this a lot in attack on titan there are many people who hate mikasa maybe for many times that says Eren. Although I haven't seen AOT but it really is annoying to me. I feel that in all fandoms these types of haters must be present.

#979430 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 28 June 2020 - 07:25 PM in Naruto General

The "Naruto is not a romance manga" means nothing. I mean, why if Naruto and Sakura became together would make the story romantic, but if Naruto came together with Hinata, it would not be so. This is the stupidest excuse I have ever heard. Then what is the problem if the story includes romance. It seems that Kishimoto and his toxic followers do not understand that the story can contain a little romance or anything else secondary but all of these things are not the focus of the story. Having some romantic moments will not make the story romantic. kishimoto IQ is really low.

#979420 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 28 June 2020 - 08:22 AM in Naruto General

Yes, I read it too. At first I thought it is good, but it seems they were just stupid just to come up with the stupid idea of ​​naruhina. I mean what they were thinking that we would love what they wrote, definitely not. Nothing brings nausea to me more than these toxic naruhina supporters.

Ooooh no, I refuse to read any opinion pieces from CBR of all places, especially if it's about NaruSaku vs NaruHina. It's guaranteed to piss me off.

Yes. Me too.
They are only a group of pro enders. What we expected. They just wanted to make all the stupid decisions that kishimoto made were logical or good. Oh disgusting.

#979396 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 26 June 2020 - 07:12 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I've always thought that gaming communities are the most toxic, but anime fanbdoms seem to be in the lead. Since the end of Naruto, I have left the anime world, lost confidence in it, and now the games world looks somewhat better and contains a lower percentage of the annoying toxic fans. Perhaps the reason is that the majority of those who watched the anime were children and grown-up and are still related to their childish behavior.


I don't hate anime, but as long as there are toxic fans like the NH / SS fans, the weebs, or any of these arrogant guys, I don't want to get myself into this crap.