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There have been 173 items by BlackShirtGuy (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#958318 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 15 December 2017 - 01:28 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku





Guys, I'm starting to feel Anakin Skywalker didn't fall as hard as Naruto. At least Vader understands the path he's gone down and the reality of his mistakes.

Ohoho definetly, Vader was  aware of what he became, and he never asked for forgiveness over his actions(Not that I remember at least) ,Boruto's Dad became the embodiment of what he fought against all his life too, but since the studio producing the sequel anime doesn't even care about that, we are to assume he doesn't either.

Since I grew up with the prequels, I don't consider them that bad (besides the horrible dialogue of some scenes, obvs) but I can say I'd take Vader's arc anytime over any Naruto's character arc.


Say what you want about the prequels, but this scene between Anakin and Obi-wan has more heart than any bs, Kishi came to justificate Naruto and Sasuke's "bond".

#957715 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 08 December 2017 - 07:12 PM in Premiere Screenings

I, for one, cannot wait to see what kind of retconned scenes are gonna put instead of the ones that make Naruto looks like a terrible father (I.E: "Himawari's Birthday) . 

It's gonna be soo baad, at least it will serve for a good laugh.

#957273 Analysis of NS scenes post-ending

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 06 December 2017 - 01:11 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Chunin exam written test.
What happens? Team 7 is taking the written test. Sakura is worried because Naruto isn't smart. Then, the proctor announces the tenth question. Anyone who gets it wrong will be a Genin forever. Anyone who wants to avoid this fate should raise their hand now and thereby fail their entire team. This troubles Sakura because she sees Naruto as "different" from her and Sasuke. Not because he's stupid, although he is, but because he has a lofty dream that Sakura wants to protect. She thinks to herself that she doesn't want to see it crushed and slowly raises her hand, but Naruto interrupts her. The question ends up being a trick so they are fine.
Why does she do this? She wanted to protect Naruto's dream. This is something that the Sakura in early part 1 would never have even considered doing. Character progression which Kishi ended up stealing from her.
Did Naruto love Sakura at this point? Yeah.
Did Sakura love Naruto at this point? No, she likes Sasuke. But you have to consider something. How would Sasuke have reacted if Sakura caused their team to fail? He would have deeply resented Sakura for a long time. He would never have returned her feelings. Not that he was going to anyway, but Sakura wouldn't know this. She WOULD absolutely have known that there would be dire consequences for this action of hers in terms of her relations with Sasuke.

Ergo, she put Naruto above Sasuke, even if her thought process didn't clearly indicate this. Maybe she didn't even realize it herself. But she did, because she was very slowly falling for Naruto.
So what does this mean for NaruSaku? It's an indication that Sakura is eventually going to end up with Naruto. I have been thinking recently that other than the fake confession, her confession in part 1 really did a lot of damage to how people viewed Sakura. Nobody ever remembers these moments from Part 1. They just remember that Sakura was the girl who confessed pathetically to Sasuke. If she never did that, it could still be inferred that both her and Naruto thought she loved Sasuke from the POAL. And it would have had the benefit of not creating an anti-Sakura fanbase.
It's not Sakura's job to protect Naruto or his dream. He can succeed or fail on his own. You don't see Sasuke worrying about this. But Sakura goes out of her way because Naruto is important to her and she feels invested in him. It shows Sakura is always the one that really cares about Naruto and watches out for him. So why did she stop?
Rating: 3. If she loves Sasuke, why is she willing to completely alienate him? Answer that. Why is it that Naruto is more important even THIS EARLY? If he was more important this early, how was it that he wasn't more important at the end after they both saved each other's lives and did everything together?
The only explanation is that Kishimoto changed his plans and screwed everyone over. But no one more than Sakura.
This is who Sakura was. She was so worried for Naruto. She cared about all her friends. She cared about Sasuke, but she cared about Naruto just as much if not even more. And she's really young here. She was a terrible kunoichi and at this point she knew it. This was the only point where she had an advantage over anyone with her knowledge. But she was willing to throw that away and disqualify herself because she didn't want to see Naruto's dream crushed.
But later, she's gonna lie to Naruto about loving him when Sai told her Naruto loves her? That wouldn't make Naruto feel crushed when he finds out? She's gonna confess to Sasuke right in front of Naruto? That wouldn't make Naruto feel crushed? She's gonna leave Konoha with Sasuke, leaving Naruto to pursue his dream on his own? That wouldn't crush Naruto?
It's irrelevant if any of these things actually did hurt Naruto. Sakura would have considered the possibility that they would have and want to prevent it at all costs. So the ending made her OOC. There's no getting around this.

You know I just realizedd something, Naruto did in fact keep up with his bluffing to the examiners, he stayed an eternal Genin but also became Hokage.
Wether that's very sad or very funny I dont' know.

#956674 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 30 November 2017 - 04:57 PM in Premiere Screenings

I would even argue, Hinata is worse by this point, the old Hinata part 1 to maybe mid part 2 had at least some semblance of common sense and dignity but the new one(last part 2 and onwards) literally only think about being with Naruto, she doesn't even care for his safety, or her children, she doesn't even give a damn about herself. For crying out loud in Borut's movie, she left their own children at  a warzone, without evacuate them, just to go with his flipping husband which was battling an enemy far more stronger than her and was protecting the village. This Pein confession, ALL OVER AGAIN, but one could argue it's worse since she was pretty much alright with her children being orphaned just to get close to his "lifesource" (aka. Naruto). She literally never developed, NEVER just as Sakura she is just another character's wife, nothing else and nothing more, I can't even call her a mother because if she were, she wouldn't endorse Naruto's workaholic nature and excuse him in front of their own children.

#956182 Analysis of NS scenes post-ending

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 26 November 2017 - 07:36 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Speaking of scenes Kishi should've avoided creating (especially if as some people say everyting and the movie were all planned) let's take a look at this scene here:

Naruto%20v20-024.jpgWhat does this two pages say about Naruto's feelings for Sakura? Because what I understood from it is that it was far more significant that a mere "shallow crush" as the Last and some people say it is. Why is he painfully smiling at Sakura if his only goal was to get with her to "beat" Sasuke? Why does he walk away? Why does Tsunade says he is far more considerate than she thought? Why Kishi put this here if he was gonna go with the Naruto never understood love, he saw it the same as liking food?

Really this  scene deserves, at least, a 3 in DrK ranking also it's nothing more than lousy filler now that the series ended, since everything with the ending contradicts all of this scene, also left a lot of questions unanswered.

#955984 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 24 November 2017 - 03:58 AM in Premiere Screenings

People are confused by what they don't understand, ignore what they refuse to admit, and rage at what they fear.


This is probably the first time in nearly a year that either the anime or manga have brought up either Sakura or Naruto feelings for each other, and it was brought up as support for BS. Imagine what those jackasses are going through. The pairing they mocked for years is now begin used to support the main pairing of the sequel instead of the two they supported. Now granted some of them didn't mind using in the fandom to show how benevolent they are but this is the actual anime using it. It gotta be driving some of them up a wall, and its hilarious.


Dear God Why!?!  Why would read a youtube comment section on an anime video especially a Naruto one?


...Well there could be several reasons: One) An error; the artist that drew it for the episode forgot what Naruto was doing in the iconic picture, Two) to downplay or change Naruto's feeling about Team 7 in someway saying he wasn't as close to team 7 as Sakura claiming him to be, Three) to contradict what Sakura is saying in the episode (remember a lot of the artists that work on Naruto are Hinata fans) in the old picture he looking angrily at Sasuke so he has conflict with Sasuke here he is looking away from the team so he has conflict with both of them, Four) something else.


Black they can't be seen together! Do you not see how that thin skinned fanbase react when Sakura even talks about their bond? If they are in the same scene together those fanatics are going to do more then just have a conniption! 


They kind of need to reinforce that BS is the canon pairing not BS, and remember SS is the larger pairing of the two they decided to end Naruto with. If Salad has no relevance in the story then SS has no relevance. As much as I hate to say it, the gaiden arc is probably going to be the most successful arc in Boruto. Since it goal was to please the SS faction of the fanbase. Which from what I have seen it succeeded; for a time. The thing is unless thing have change since I have stop watching. The clone has been mostly irrelevant since the end of the first arc. Even that position they gave her in the manga can be seen as being kicked up stairs.

I was naive! A hopeful stupid hoping to find at least some renmants of sanity between the blackhole of hipocrisy that are the pro-enders!!!
Yeah, they are way too scared to even put Naruto and Sakura in the same room, their chemistry just overshadows everything in this godforsaken series, however, my own little theory is that they put this scene there to please the very little part of the japanese fandom who stumbs upon it, since even most of the comments didn't even paid an inch of their attention to the "we were more than family" line.
Also, by reading your comment Bail, I just noticed that BOTH of the "main parings" for our main character are Bull Shiee, it's just so deliciously ironic, considering what pairings did to this series  :lmao:

#955965 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 24 November 2017 - 12:30 AM in Premiere Screenings

Just watched the scene on youtube, unfortunately made the terrible mistake of reading the comments  :wallbash:

Ok several things to point out, 1 why the position of Naruto in team's 7 has been retconned?? He's always looking angrily at Sasuke and now he's looking away from Sakura and Sasuke with an angy look on his face, is there any reason for that?
Second, why this even exist? Yes we are such good friends, yes we are closer than family, k but you don't hang out in fact, you haven't hang out in more time than Sarada's freaking age! Hey SP remember the good old "SHOW, don't tell" that you broke again and again in The Last and caused that wreck of a script?
I dunno why they need this to push BS, I guess because they are scared  of people thinking Sumire "deserves" Boruto, and to relieve the SS fandom who is probably NS since we know Sarada isn't going to be relevant at all otherwise, hell her own gaiden is more about team 7 than her, so tat was no surprise.

#955948 Liking Hinata and hating Sakura

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 23 November 2017 - 10:56 PM in Naruto General

I remember part 1 Naruto, especially late stage Part 1. That Naruto, particularly when it came to Sakura, came across as mature and as someone willing to set his own desires aside at the expense of his own happiness. It really hard to reconcile your interpretation of what the Last does with Naruto's reactions and behavior during that time frame. This probably more than any other reason, is why I find the Last's description of his feelings so intolerable. That Naruto comes across as emotionally mature and seems to understand the nature and depths of Sakura's devotion to Sasuke. Whether you want to characterize it as love, crush, friendship, it doesn't matter. Whether it seen as SS or NS or whatever, likewise doesn't matter.


I don't see how it can be reconciled with the Last without diminishing what Naruto's character does and feels during this portion of the manga. What is it he sees her if he has a stunted view of concepts such as love?   The end of Part 1 fit with the fake confession: i.e. why he would legitimately pass on her "confession" because he knows, from what he witness, her dedication to Sasuke. All the Last had to do was have him move on like he seemed to be move toward at the end of Part 1. That's it. It had been two years, she still like Sasuke, he understands that. We get a emotionally mature individual acting consistently as he did previously.


If he doesn't understand love or his view of it is as immature (like DB Goku level immature), then what does he know? How could he be so sure that Sakura is truly in love with him if he concept of it is so stunted? The Last doesn't do to Naruto's character what the War arc does, but it hurts it. I think calling it inconsistent is the nice version of what they did. 


As far as winning and losing: It's the emotion attachment combined with how the various fandoms acted toward each other and felt about one another. All the pairings fandoms saw it this way. We banned more than 30 accounts the day the ending dropped and almost all of them had some variation of NHwins or some similar gloating name. The couple that didn't and managed to get through just trolled. People who were members at the time sure recall the Wall of Anal Devastation which was a collection of screen caps from this site of people reacting to the ending? For many people it was as much about showing up users they didn't like as it was enjoying their pairing.


Sure, she is. See, it's a mirror image. I'm not being serious in the slightest....



AND THAT, my friend, is the main effing problem of how they treat NS in the movie, so we are beign told initially that when it comes to Naruto's(age 12)  love for Sakura he acts extremely mature he doesn't care if Sakura ignored him/ or pushed him aside sometimes if she wanted to be with Sasuke because he loved her, and he wanted for her to be happy first and foremost, that's why he goes away when Sakura is hugging Sasuke, that's why he made the promise and told her HE knows what being in unrequited love is, it's also why when Sasuke is acting prickly towards Sakura that he interrupts him and get pissed at him like in the hospital or at the begining of the preliminaries.

Then it's shippuden Naruto, that altough he was still inmature and rash he still cared for Sakura a lot and was smitten by her new apeareance, until the LOI arc at least, when he apperntly was pretty much okay with Sasuke killing Sakura, (if age 12 Naruto had seen that, I have NO DOUBT he'd go 9 tails on his own ass and Sasuke's too)

Then we have the Naruto from The Last, that apperently was playing a rivalry game with Sasuke-boy all along, so that means he never loved Sakura, not only that, he never even KNEW what beign in love was like.

Then the Gaiden Naruto, that apperently lefts his best friend wife (who is also one of his closest friends) rot away in debt, not doing jack to help her, seriously?? So he never even cared for her, are they even friends? do they still hang out?

Something doesn't add up...
The real question about is that I want to ask EVERYBODY here is... which one IS the real Naruto??? Because there's at least 4 different personalites living in that head, or great and I mean GREAT character regression.

#955553 To What Degree IS Kakashi Responsible for Team 7's Neuroticism?

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 20 November 2017 - 11:48 PM in Naruto General

Hey its not bashing! its thoughtful discussion  :chuckle: Its not like I'm a hardcore Leesaku shipper. Its just that over time i've grown to appreciate it more then i used too. I think what he saw was how great they would be as a coordinated couple He'll be the leaves, she'll be the flowers. Together they make a tree  :woot: 

Omg I crack myself up....


Yeah, NS beats LeexSakura in everything, but that's mostly beause Lee isn't a part of the main cast or even a very popular character (like Shikamaru), however if is between LS and SS , LS all the way god, at the very least Lee always cared for Sakura and helped her when she was in a pinch and to a certain degree she cared for him too, and he unlike Sasuke at least would be there for his flipping wife  :zaru:

#955539 To What Degree IS Kakashi Responsible for Team 7's Neuroticism?

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 20 November 2017 - 11:13 PM in Naruto General

In hindsight, all of the rookies teachers are guility of playing favorites, Kakashi did it with Sasuke that much is clear, Gai did it with Lee(to be fair, Neiji just like Sasuke had a lot of bloodthirst in him, so he probably did right not to train him much at least until he resolved those, but why neglect Ten-Ten?), Kurenai jeez I dunno but I think Hinata(maybe because she was a girl in "love" and she can relate to that? or because she saw her as the weakest of the group and thought she needed guideance the most, I dunno). Asuma was the only who actually tried to have his students on equal ground, but even  him spent more time with Shikamaru.

Kakashi was a pretty bad sensei that much is clear, instead of trying to make Sasuke change his mindset on vengance and the future, he just cared about making him stronger, which ultimately led to all of Sasuke's deeds post part 2, completely fuled by vengance and getting more powerful. Heck, the only time he actually talked to him about stop being a douche was just before he decided to leave for good, and he didn't even bother staying with him. He just left on a mission, sorry but shouldn't Jounin assigned to a gennin team should be excluded from missions until at least they graduate to chuunin, seems pretty irresponsible to left a couple of soldier kids IN-TRAINING alone.

#954999 Hiromi Tsuru (Japanese VA of Bulma) passed away

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 17 November 2017 - 08:56 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

May she rest in peace, thank you for giving the voice to such an important character of a almost worlwide known series. Condolences to all of her loved ones, and co-workers.

#954896 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 16 November 2017 - 09:10 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


I also want to point out something else that occurred to me.  If Hinata valued Naruto's happiness, why was she so willing to attempt to sabotage his relationship? Now, as much as I detest speaking about the Last,  I don't think this have been addressed in a discussion.  Hinata had assumed that Naruto's scarf was given to him by a girl that he may have fallen in love with.  So, if Hinata realized that Naruto may be dating someone else, why was she attempting to ruin that by making her own scarf to offer to him and win his affection when he was presumably spoken for?  

Yep, I noticed that too, but since the end of pein invassion Hinata became a complete selfish void of a person, didn't care about Neji's death (If she actually did she should had been cryiing broken instead of getting sweet hand to hand action with her crush), then we have the movie that took her selfishiness on a whole new level where she basically makes the main character discard his dead mother's memento(regardless if Naruto did it of his own will, the fact that she wanted to him to wear HER stupid scarf created the problem). 
Seriously, If I were Kushina and I noticed what he had done, I wouldn't even bother to beat his ass senseless, I would just say to him "If this is what you value, I don't want nothing to do with you, leave now, I don't ever want to see you or call you son again" . Ultimate Scumbag, indeed, discarding his mother's memento, GIVE ME A F@$!#$# BREAK.





Correct Answer: Hinata was not attempting to sabotage Naruto's relationship. I also don't really buy that Hinata has acceptance at the end of the Pein Arc as the accurate reading to Sakura hugging Naruto, given it has no romantic intentions on Sakura's part or any message indicating such, so I crossed that out too.


The scarf was continued to be sewn to relieve stress during breaks, and to give to Naruto as a parting gift to when she goes with Toneri. If you are saying it is to sabotage or be selifsh, then frankly, you didn't pay attention to the parting scene. 


Yeah, yeah you say this all the time.

#954801 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 15 November 2017 - 11:15 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I wanted to put this here because I just want to remind everyone in case their is confusion

Yes, Tokai is gonna end this doujin with a NaruSaku ending. Looking through the comments I see a NH fan trying to convince him to end it with NH and SS, but he said multiple times he is ending it with NS. He is not sure who Hinata is going to with.


Really goes to show how insecure part of their fandom is and how void of hapinnes their "triumpth" is. Why even bother to go bother a mere fan artist that is creating his own idea of how the ending and the movie should have been when you got the ALMIGHTY CANON ? Pretty sure it's gotta do 50% on how that movie is a complete piece of garbage and the other 50% has to be how they refuse to admit they screwed up and they loud voices led this series to it's downfall, in this day an age people are way too proud to admit when they kitten up or when they are wrong (*cough*,Fact Checker*cough*), which is really sad.
One of my main resons why I live with the ideology that if I think I commited a certain act I regret to a person I should apologize as soon as possible afterwards.

#954684 Advice to Masashi Kishimoto and His Next Manga

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 14 November 2017 - 05:32 AM in Naruto General

I agree with @ThroughWithLove , Kishimoto decided money and profit over artistic integrity, not only that, he betrayed a series that he spent more than 15 years working on, if he isn't commited to that kind of work I doubt any short manga series he made will even sell well.
Let's face it, Kishi conned us all, he conned the non-pairing fans, the NS and SK fans, to this day, SP is conning (or at least tryiing) to the NH and SS fanbase in the stupid sequel. If there's one thing I got clear from the ending and everything that came after is that Kishi never cared that much for his own series, he only saw it as a mere job, which we can't really blame him for, but we don't necessarilly have to agree with that or respect the "artist" if he care more about his series profit than what series was as an artform.
What I mean is, if people want to give advice to Kishi to stop writing I don't necessarilly disagree with that, think of it like if you were robbed, you would want the police to jail the culprit, right? Well many people were (or at least feel) robbed of all the investment they put with this series only to be not only dissapointed but to be told that they "misread" the whole thing.
I don't want Kishi to stop writing, I'm pretty sure with a good editor he can make a something at the very least decent, but if he is not commited to tell the story he wants to tell and let other people dictate what he should write, he's better off just being an editor. 

#954533 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 12 November 2017 - 03:29 AM in Premiere Screenings

So I was watching the clip of where Naruto rushing home cause Himawari was sick, 


and remembered boruto specifically asked, "You're here, what about work?" 


to which Naruto says, "Shiakmaru and A shadow clone are taking care of things at work." 



Remember this is before the Boruto Movie, and since it's canon we can say that's an inconsistency because in the movie and now in the manga He sends a shadow clone to her birthday instead of the other way around. 

So he IS able to left a clone doing paperwork, welp that only makes me think that in canon he came to see the  person responsible for ruining the most important day of his life suffer, I don't blame him I would be doing the same thing.  :twitch: 
Also, so much for Analyzer's and pro-enders arguments  on why Naruto isn't wtih his family  :lmao:

#954342 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 09 November 2017 - 01:34 PM in Premiere Screenings

Well James there is us the ones with a brain to think and not go all like this.








That's what they are like man they don't think, and its getting worse now because of Hinata, one fan PM on fanction said kitten Misty and Sakura both are whores Hinata and Serena is the best they never qustion their man. And it not just that the venom of Hinata and her fans are going into other shows now.


Females like Misty, Videl, Bulma Kagome, and more, and mind you this it the same guy as he said the time for the kittenes is over. Its not time for sweet girls to take over that are sweet and good and never do anything wrong to their man.

You know what's the worst part about this is? Had Kishi hadn't wasted ink on making Hinata's breast as they are, we probably wouldn't be in this situation.
Because I guarantee you if it weren't for her breasts her part 2 design would be completely unremarkable, and she wouldn't have become as popular as she did, then again, SP might have messed with her design.

#954341 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 09 November 2017 - 01:29 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Really that's sad, I feel ichgio like Tifa blew his load too quick in the fight.to be honest I'm not even that mad about this but if sasuke , hinata win and sakura losses I'll be kittening pissed. I still find ichigo to be the better character. You see they used naruto's fests from the Last? Though my ichigo would kitten naruto up as mine email is more op than naruto and if I explained it, it would take too long than how strong he is.


They are going to do that too? In which case, be prepared, because if I know something of death-battle is that most of the time, it wins the most popular one (and everyone here knows which one of them is sadly).

#954256 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 07 November 2017 - 10:06 PM in Premiere Screenings

One good thing I will say about this series is that Naruto's struggling rampant alcoholism adds a level of nuance to the character that the original series was never really able to convey. Rather than come to terms with his failing marriage, the self-loathing that being the Hokage brings him or the fact that he allowed the woman of his dreams to fall into the arms of someone who couldn't care less about her, he turns to the sauce. The sauce. Always the sauce. Not just every once in a while. Not just at parties. Not just during the evening. No, he is chugging the stuff 24/7. Washing and scrubbing away all of his worries and failures with thoughts of the good ole days. Whenever someone knocks on the door to the Hokage's office, he sends them away tellling them he's busy with "paper work." Boruto doesn't quite understand his father's constant paper work lust, but knows he's not wrong to suspect that something strange is going on behind closed doors. Here, we see a rather eloquent theme of escapism at work. Just as the readers read these stories to escape from the struggles of everyday life so that they may place themselves in the shoes of a superpowered super ninja, Naruto uses the alcohol to escape from his terrible life and into a world full of smiles. A world full of nothing but the good ole days.

I was just listening to this song:

And I imagined Naruto listening to it while drowning his sorrows in booze after I read your comment xD
Lyrics seem kinda feeting too.

#953671 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 31 October 2017 - 10:46 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Hm? Could you explain that to me? Not trying to be an annoying troll who question every single post that won't agree with me  :hehehe: It's just that I haven't seen anything post ch 700 and I still don't feel like it xD 




Btw, Drunkuto? Seriously?


This is why I love you so much, guys  :th_yeah:

If I'm not mistaken, he's talking about when the village is under attack by the main antagonist from the Boruto film, Hinata literally left their children with Ino I think only to "go save" his lovely husband,of course it ends with her getting hospitalized  :lmao:  Further proof Hinata doesn't care about anything but being with Naruto, considering she lefts her OWN OFFSPRING alone when the effing village is under attack.

#953662 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 31 October 2017 - 07:55 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


No kidding. Honestly, it is why I have always felt Hinata is more in love with Naruto's ideals than the person himself  since she didn't even allow herself to let him be happy as The Last showed when it seemed like he had a girlfriend already, making her a hypocrite (as she already was since after the war she said she'd give up chasing him, both literally and figuratively, yet she didn't), or how she spoke with him before his match with Neji in the Chunin Exams.


If anything, it also shows she loves his ideals and not the man himself when it comes to how she was during  Naruto's matches in the Chunin Exams, especially when it came to Neji hitting Naruto with the 8 Trigrams 64 Palms as well as when Obito/Tobi kicked him once as well as his fight with Pain/Nagato, given that Nagato needed Naruto alive to extract Kurama, and she didn't care about that, just assuming it was over and thus had to be selfish which she admitted just to confess and thus making Naruto feel bad, given though he would have snapped if anyone else jumped in, as we've said, except for You-Know-Who who just keeps insisting we're reading it wrong and only she is right. And we can't forget how she wanted Neji's spirit to protect Naruto just because she didn't have the guts to go after him when he was dying after Kurama was removed from him.


If anything, the one person that always, even when she claimed to hate him, believed in Naruto, protected his dream, and helped him when he truly needed it the most, even before the ending made it seem as if she didn't do it for any other reason but herself (hence why it is a travesty and a DISGRACE!!!!!) was Sakura Haruno. Sakura had gone out of her way, without any chakra from Kurama or even some of her own, to save Naruto, which is a true testament of love, since she had been by his side for so long and genuinely cared for him.

Couldn't agree more, if Hinata truly loved Naruto she sure as hell wouldn't be moping because she THINKS (not even knows, christ) , she THINKS that Naruto is wearing a scarf made by his girlfriend, how insecure you've gotta be, seriously?
It's really noticeable that something went horribly wrong with this series after the pein arc, Hinata's little character suffered too, she went from someone who altough commited a very selfish and stupid action to confess to his crush was happy that the peson for him that the person he loves and is more close hugged him, to a selfish, childish, ungrateful little kitten that doesn't care about anything else other than being Naruto's wife, she didn't care about her sister, she didn't care about his cousin, she didn't care about her village, she didn't care about the mission from the movie, she never even cared that the world was in danger, she just cared about banging Naruto and nothing else, and it shows, and it sad, it's very sad, because she could've been a great character but she just became the embodiment of giving fanservice instead of telling a story besides being a character archetype I hate with all my strength and now, because of her (and the idiots who thought this was a good idea) makes me dislike characters that remind me of her.

#953443 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 29 October 2017 - 04:30 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


I know, right? That entire scene is just BEYOND out of character for everybody. Here Sasuke nearly killed Sakura and Naruto more or less blows it off as not being a big deal. Because he UNDERSTANDS why Sasuke is doing what he's doing. He UNDERSTANDS it all, so it's okay. No anger. Nothing. All we get is one line of dialogue from Naruto that is the equivalent to a parent telling their child to 'cut it out' after seeing said child play with the light switch for a few seconds. What? The real Naruto would've at BARE MINIMUM haymakered the dude through a brick wall before giving him a tongue lashing. It makes you wonder how Naruto would've reacted had he actually killed her.


Then the whole "We'll die together" BS. Truly the most aggravating moment in the entire series for me. Even worse than Sakura's character derailment meltdown in 693. This is the guy who never gives up. Who promised he'd bring Sasuke back no matter what. Whose nindo is keeping his word. For the real Naruto, the thought of dying would never even have crossed his mind. And he wouldn't give a damn what some hocus pocus rasengan/chidori clash induced acid trip told him. He's bringing Sasuke back even if it means dragging his ass back and that's final. This is the dude who is not supposed to give a rat's ass about fate (until the author ruined that too anyway). Just as bad is Sakura's reaction as Naruto spouts all of this unhinged horsesh-t. She has no problems with it whatsoever. Instead, she's in awe about it. Her best friend is spouting incoherent bullsh-t about dying alongside the man she claims to love and THIS is her reaction?






Sad thing is, if we look at the Burrito series, it would've been better if both of them died, instead what we got was a half-assed epilogue only there to show the new generation, an inchoerent and innecessary gaiden, that just  shows how horrible Sasuke is as a father and husband and THE movie, oh my GOD that kittening movie it the most insulting, cheesy, fanservicy, retconned, idiotic piece of film that I've ever seen or will (hopefully), OH and an insulting one-shot that mocks the hell out of the main's character dream day and reduced it to a G-DAMN punchline to one of his stupid kids that to this point I think has way leess kittening screentime that his own kittening wife had in the series!
God regarding that movie this video is all I think about when it comes to it and mostly all of the series since after the pein arc:


#953000 What if Sasuke had killed Sakura during the Land of Iron arc?

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 24 October 2017 - 11:53 PM in Naruto General


They and I would let it happen. You can't control your daughter, the heart wants what the heart wants.



Honestly, I'm far more concerned that a person unironically wrote that than the whole deal about SS that's been beaten to death.

#952703 What if Sasuke had killed Sakura during the Land of Iron arc?

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 22 October 2017 - 01:55 AM in Naruto General

Suppose Naruto were a few seconds too late and Sakura had died in his arms. How would Naruto have reacted to Sasuke, per the way he had been written around this time and the remainder of the manga? My honest sincere belief: No jokes and not even kidding . . . Naruto is upset about it . . . for a total of two minutes . . . maybe three . . . no more than four . . . before pinning the blame on the matters allegedly beyond Sasuke's control (i.e. cycle of hatred). The remainder of the story then proceeds as normal without incident.

So basically only difference is that Karin is the neglected housewife instead of Sakura, honestly, I still think it's a better end than beign Sasuke's "wife" even if noone gives a crap about her dyiing, at least she can't downgrade as a character if she's dead :D
Honestly, Hinata ruined so much of this series that she is the character I hate the most, some say that it's not right to hate a 2d ink drawing in a piece of paper but she's directly and inderectly responsible for kittening up Naruto's Hokage Ceremony, (yeah I'm  still salty about that, I'M GONNA BE FOREVER SALTY ABOUT THAT, because really it's the only thing that could've redeemed this pile of garbage) .

#952063 Shino had so potential, it’s so sad how he was wasted.

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 16 October 2017 - 07:37 PM in Naruto General

Shino, just like lot of the cast, was a  wasted character but that's what happens when you create so many characters for the purpose of one arc and stop giving a crap about them afterwards, Kishi merely wrote the K11 for the chuunin exams, after that they were nowhere to be seen until the Sasuke Retrival Arc, then they some appeared a little have their arcs but characters like kiba and shino just puffed out of existence.

It's funny, I always thought that Shino wanted to be the leader of his clan just like his father, why is now a mere academy sensei who acts so flpping goofy, he was NEVER like that, that's not  character development that's character REWRITING, or kishi just forgot about him and his personality I guess.


Hey Analyzer, pls stop it with creating debate threads, we all know your opinions and your stance on pretty much everything so just let it be, otherwise you are gonna get every thread closed for not staying on topic, if you have a problem go to or create a debate thread and write your opinions on that until your keyboard doesn't work anymore.

#951450 Yo~

Posted by BlackShirtGuy on 11 October 2017 - 03:22 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Hiya! Welcome to the forums! :)