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There have been 106 items by totherpage95 (Search limited from 21-June 23)

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#991173 Minato One Shot: The Whirlwind Inside The Vortex

Posted by totherpage95 on 11 June 2024 - 12:34 AM in Latest Releases

here's a list of all the similarities i have so far

#991148 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by totherpage95 on 25 May 2024 - 06:33 PM in Latest Releases

i doubt he's actually gone... i don't even think neji would have been killed if naruto didn't need to fall for hinata  :dry:

#991145 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by totherpage95 on 25 May 2024 - 02:58 AM in Latest Releases

Bruh wtf was that

#991130 Naruto Live Action

Posted by totherpage95 on 20 May 2024 - 08:35 PM in Konoha Theater

director was announced as the person who made shang chi and the 10 rings. i did enjoy that movie and kishimoto seems happy we'll see
edit: Destin Daniel Cretton is half japanese as well

#991127 star wars the phantom menace/revenge of the sith anniversary

Posted by totherpage95 on 20 May 2024 - 01:14 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

lucasfilm remastered the trailer and rereleased the phantom menace in theaters: https://youtu.be/J3kyYFHdRsM

it's made 15 million already 


hopefully the prequel haters will won't mind this  :smile:

#991126 Minato One Shot: The Whirlwind Inside The Vortex

Posted by totherpage95 on 19 May 2024 - 12:20 AM in Latest Releases

someone else animated the one shot. i really enjoyed it  :smile: can't blame naruto for doing rasengan in his sleep it just seems natural  :D

#991103 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by totherpage95 on 11 May 2024 - 08:51 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Gourry x Lina
After hearing that Hajime Kanzaka has decided to work on a 16th Slayers novel (and given that the last volume ended with Lina thinking that Gourry will propose to her as they return to her hometown), I have to restate my love for this couple.

I just wanted to share this amazing amv i saw recently

#991102 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by totherpage95 on 11 May 2024 - 08:39 PM in Naruto General

I'd make the argument that Seishi kept Ruby Crescent (the heroine) a core integral component to the narrative of O-Parts Hunter, and specifically to Jio Freed since the first chapter of the series all the way to the end. You could just tell inseparable  Seishi made Jio and Ruby which really shows.  The final chapter cover also speaks a lot on that front too.
Masashi really needed the same touch that Seishi had when it came to developing his female characters and of course the romance aspect of it for Naruto and Sakura. 
I do wish so much that we got the same level of love and care for NaruSaku especially in the later half of Part 2 without Masashi throwing a bone to get the fandoms to wag their tails... like "OMG could it be? Could it be?"  and I'm just like thinking.... as an aspiring writer..... this is not how to win over your readers when it comes to developing romance between two characters. 
I know the argument a lot of people make is "Well Naruto isn't a romance therefore it's fine we didn't get a lot of focus..."  that has always been such a poor excuse I've heard time and time again.
Which, I'm gonna say this.... if romance isn't gonna be a super integral piece to the narrative of your story.... which is totally fine because any writer has the freedom to do that, but...  here's my advice.... Don't just fool around with your readers about which couple will be canon..... 
If you as the writer already know from the conception of your story that this couple is going to be canon then just focus on developing that pairing as you are telling the story you've created. 
That is definitely the #1 thing Masashi didn't understand when it came to Naruto. 

Yeah unfortunately i think Masashi was invested in copying the adventure of dai's romance/love trapezoid. Then i think he regretted his choice and didn't make a love triangle in samurai 8.

#991091 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by totherpage95 on 09 May 2024 - 07:21 PM in Naruto General



One thing I learned after 700 chapters of Naruto and 6 years following the manga  It's that there's one thing Kishimoto loves more than trolling and drama. Those are plot twists, no matter how surprising or poorly done, especially after a Talk no Jutsu from Naruto. A discerning reader will readily identify the recurring pattern.


Zabuza saying he didn't care about Haku and he didn't mean nothing to him, but after a Talk no Jutsu, he went on to love him. 


Gaara, hated by the village and killing everyone, then became the Kazekage after a Talk no Jutsu. 


Nagato reviving the entire village after Naruto's TnJ.


Itachi, a psychopath who killed the clan in front of his brother and tortured him to the limits of insanity, becomes a martyr and a loving brother after his death.


Kishimoto wouldn't throw in a second declaration of love for Sakura in the last volume of the manga for nothing. Everyone, including NaruSaku fans, should be aware of the possibility of Sasuke's 180-degree shift in relation to Sakura and the potential for repressed feelings to be shown after his fight against Naruto and Naruto's Talk no Jutsu.



I  consider only the Boruto manga non canon because it wasn't written, illustrated and even  Kishimoto's supervision hasn't been confirmed yet.

Regardless of the theory – whether Kishimoto always had everything planned out or if he changed his mind due to some editorial influence – the fact remains that he written and illustrated everything in the original Naruto manga.    Therefore, everything written in those chapters should be taken into account.



Sasuke was lying. The fact that he called her "annoying" again was clearly a callback to the first time, showing that he remembered and Sakura got the reference.







Sakura never thought about or had any flashbacks about this scene.

If the fact that the fake Sasuke complimented her forehead was so important for Sakura


Kishimoto should at least have shown a flashback to this scene at some point during 700 + 10 chapters  to demonstrate how iconic this moment was for Sakura. However, this never happened.




Just as NaruSaku became stronger than SasuSaku in Part 2 due to Sasuke's absence and his descent into "darkness" by trying to kill her and destroy the Village.


SasuSaku was stronger than NaruSaku in Part 1  Sakura openly loved Sasuke and always wanted to be near him. Additionally, Sasuke wasn't a jerk and considered Sakura important enough to protect or even sacrifice his life and revenge goal for her. But this is just opinion and I will not delve deeper into this theme.






The issue is that none of Sakura's confessions to Sasuke have been classified as false or a simple blind infatuation. She wasn't forced or influenced by anyone neither.


In the first one, Sasuke himself thanked her. Naruto recognized that her love was real, and that's why he did the POAL when he saw how much she was suffering.  If it were a simple blind infatuation, there would be no reason for the POAL to exist in first place.


In the second one, when Sasuke said that he had no reason to love her, Kakashi scolded him, saying how true Sakura's love was and she still wanted to save him even after everything. This led Sasuke to do a complete 180-degree turn towards Sakura after the fight against Naruto


Sakura's confession to Naruto was influenced by the circumstances surrounding Sasuke and Sai blaming her for the POAL.




Sai himself admits:






I really doubt that Sakura would even consider making a love declaration to Naruto if Sai hadn't interfered.

Much less  in a Part 2 scenario with Sasuke in the village, without committing crimes and Sai blamming her for the POAL. Second point Naruto basically admitted that Sakura didn't love him, and she was lying to herself.





Naruto placed his goal to save Sasuke above both the POAL and Sakura, ultimately undoing the POAL.







Sakura later simply confirms her love for Sasuke during the war in her first scene. 

Despite the fact that many NaruSaku fans don't accept it, the NaruSaku ship may have truly sunk in this chapter.

Afterward, at most, there are only arguments based on parallels and hopes that Sakura will move on from Sasuke, or that Sasuke won't return to the village or ever be redeemed.




you ss fans would gladly push a button to change the series to "sasuke" instead of "naruto" if it existed  :lmao:  this point where sakura confesses to sasuke just tells me he was trying to spare her feelings by lying and saying he didn't remember the bench moment... he was trying to be kind and convince her to leave him and continue a life separate from his. that doesn't mean he was in love with her and when sakura continued to claim she understood why he was leaving and what he was going through sasuke switched tactics and started to be more cold toward her. the opinion that sakura nearly kissing sasuke wasn't a factor in her feelings for him isn't one i agree with because it is the only major time "sasuke" reciprocated feelings for her romantically .....of course you can form an opinion that it didn't mean much but i highly disagree. why believe that sakura would be in love with sasuke if naruto without being transformed to pretend to be sasuke had said and done these things with sakura? she already was impressed with naruto when he went for kakashi in the bell test, they supported one another in the chunin exam, and naruto saved her from gaara. as for the second confession sakura did and comparing it to other times characters have done the right thing in the series well nagato always deep down wanted to do the right thing these feelings you claim are "repressed" are not visible at any time which is the problem there... gaara had a terrible upbringing it isn't unlikely he could find a new path. zabuza raised haku it isn't a stretch to find out he cared about him after haku sacrificed his life to save his. and itachi's motivations were properly explained it wasn't a 180 degree change of character but rather a secret that the higher ups in the leaf village and itachi kept from sasuke and the readers/viewers it's not comparable to some sort of "repressed feelings"  :confused:. the confession was yet another parallel for kakashi and rin. kakashi in this case did not have any feelings for rin so why would sasuke? logically the only real reason sasuke and sakura ended up with one another is likely because of the ship's popularity. kishimoto was trying to nail the coffin shut on ss because he likely didn't like them ending up with one another (as shown whenever he was asked about the ship in interviews). yes he made them canon but i doubt he liked doing that he clearly opposed nh in the kage summit arc he stated "sakura is the heroine not hinata". if the confession was the end of narusaku why have kushina and sakura be a parallel later? why have naruto tell his father sakura was his girlfriend?

#991089 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by totherpage95 on 09 May 2024 - 06:20 PM in Naruto General

it's like saying "kakashi and rin would have happened". why even ask for that? if not for obito kakashi would have let rin die... 
kishimoto and his brother were probably close so he wanted to keep the team the way it was in the story. even in dragon quest/hunterxhunter/o-parts hunter they all have a character kind of like sasuke

#991077 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by totherpage95 on 06 May 2024 - 03:33 PM in Naruto General

From looking at your other posts you clearly have a bias for sasusaku.

#991076 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by totherpage95 on 06 May 2024 - 03:25 PM in Naruto General

I don't agree ss was strong in part 1... Yes sasuke saved sakura in the forest but he later told sakura it was actually naruto who saved her from gaara and he didn't care when sakura kept trying to win his affection... This all is referenced from dragon quest and that series didn't promote the ss parallel 😅kishimoto even in interviews laments ss despite making it canon. From my pov it's clear he didn't fancy ss as much as the fans he simply made them canon to please ss fans. There's just no evidence of sasuke loving her he keeps calling her annoying he cares for her as a friend or family member because he never had family

#991060 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by totherpage95 on 28 April 2024 - 11:46 AM in Naruto General

Hmm for me it would be between bleach and one piece just because i don't have much experience watching or reading those

#991055 Minato One Shot: The Whirlwind Inside The Vortex

Posted by totherpage95 on 24 April 2024 - 04:30 PM in Latest Releases

i got jump magazine number 33 which has the one shot in it and i really love this. there's something about the physical version that is really nice despite me not being able to read the dialogue. kishimoto's art in this is quite good it makes me think his lack of effort in the scarlet spring adventure (the last time he drew manga) and his general refusal to draw any manga is a sign he isn't happy with the ending

#991054 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by totherpage95 on 24 April 2024 - 04:27 PM in Naruto General

this studio will not be getting any sympathy from me ... boruto and the last were imo just really bad. orochimaru dancing around on naruto's wedding was total nonsense

#991026 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by totherpage95 on 02 April 2024 - 04:38 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

idk if someone already shared this but i gotta give screenrant credit

#991024 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by totherpage95 on 31 March 2024 - 03:08 PM in Naruto General

I haven't but i do hear praise for boruto which imo is worse 😅

#991023 Minato One Shot: The Whirlwind Inside The Vortex

Posted by totherpage95 on 31 March 2024 - 02:48 PM in Latest Releases

well regardless i hope it's well done. even sp has nh fans in their staff 

#991016 Happy Birthday to Sakura Haruno

Posted by totherpage95 on 28 March 2024 - 11:54 PM in Naruto General

pretty nice sunset today. it reminded me of ns





#991014 Happy Birthday to Sakura Haruno

Posted by totherpage95 on 28 March 2024 - 08:50 PM in Naruto General


#991013 Minato One Shot: The Whirlwind Inside The Vortex

Posted by totherpage95 on 28 March 2024 - 06:15 AM in Latest Releases

Yeah I saw, apprantly they are nh fans though

where did you hear that?

#991011 Minato One Shot: The Whirlwind Inside The Vortex

Posted by totherpage95 on 27 March 2024 - 03:30 AM in Latest Releases

fans are making their own animation of the manga. not sure if sp will take it down for copyright though if it's on youtube

#991010 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by totherpage95 on 27 March 2024 - 03:24 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

...Again, Other because you watched it, you assume Kishimoto must have watched it, and been inspired by it. When there has never been mentioned of it in any interview. 


What has been mentioned is Slam Dunk, (and how it inspired the Naruto-Sakura-Sasuke dynamic,) which I assume you haven't read/watch.


Other there is a difference between speculating that Kishimoto may have been inspired by something and declaring it to be true. There is no evidence of him being inspired by that dragon quest anime, there is of him being inspired by Slam Dunk.

i'm not forcing you to believe that but yeah i do think he was inspired by it he was also i'm sure inspired by other series too. is it speculation that the minato manga which recently came out had basically identical scenes to sakura in the naruto manga? kishimoto never came out and confirmed this. kishi's interviews sometimes aren't even the truth he tried to convince his own wife hinata was based on her  :sweat: i'm not even saying slam dunk wasn't something he also was inspired by imo it's clear he was 

#991009 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by totherpage95 on 27 March 2024 - 03:12 AM in Naruto General

Other, Kishimoto has never mentioned the Dragon Quest anime you watched as his primary inspiration for Naruto in any interview. He has mentioned that the NartuoXSasukeXSakura dynamics were based off of Slam Dunk. Which I assume you have not watch/read. Hanamichi Sakuragi was a dumb punk that falls in love with Haruko Akagi an avid basketball fan that has a crush on the ace's of her high school's basketball team the gifted Kaeda Rukawa. To win her affection Sakuragi joins the team and is rivals with Rukawa. In Slam Dunk, none of them end up together at the end. Rukawa was never interested in Akagi, and Sakuragi eventually became more interested in focusing on basketball. So if Haruko got together with Sakuragi, She would have been Haruko Sakuragi. Haruko Sakuragi. Haruno, Sakura. Sakura Haruno.


Crimson Fox, it is clear that you have given a lot of time to thinking deeply into why the ending happen, and you hope that Kishimoto's reasonings were just as deep to justify your contemplations.


The simple truth is this. Kishimoto did not have any long term story with tons of intricacies. His story is quite simple. For most of the characters of Naruto, unless they managed to hold his interest, their initial story was all they were going to get. 


For Sakura that means, near the end of the manga she would discover that Naruto was the one that gave her the forehead comment and fall in love with him. Of course plans change, as there was a change in how girls are portrayed in shounen, going from rarely fighting and mainly just hit the main character comically, to can and will fight while still hitting the main character comically, but that meant Kishimoto never really knew what to do with her beyond that. As he never fully understood the change nor embraced it.


Yahagi was Kishimoto's editor until right before the Pein arc. He was his editor for about 10 years when the average is 2. After Yahagi, Kishimoto went through 14 different editors in 5 years. Rumors have it that after Yahagi his next editor was a big fan of Hinata even wanting her to become the love interest/heroine and was the one pushing her to have the scenes she got in the Pein arc.


You seem to think that just because they didn't get together after the Rescue Gaara arc that Kishimoto abandoned it right then and there. When again, it was more him wanting them to get together at the end of the manga. If they did end the pairing at that arc. Why did Sakura have the moment when Naruto was in 4-tails? Why did she try to feed him ramen after the Shikamaru arc? Why she hug him after Pein? Why did she keep having scenes like that till near the end of the manga? The answer is again, they were suppose to get together until Kishimoto was 'convinced' to change it at the last minute.


Sakura is Kishimoto's type. He married a woman that everyone says is very like Sakura.


Kishimoto has said multiple times he does not get the appeal of Hinata, but went with her because he was told she was what the fans wanted. He understand why people like SS and thinks it's cliche. That might have changed after seeing how far Naruto-Boruto has fallen, but he can't do anything right now without it look like he is stabbing his former assistant in the back.


As for the Japanese fanbase...what has happened to Star Wars is a good analogue. Naruto's manga average sale was 3.47 million. Boruto averages out at around 100k. The SS manga got about 50K. Most of the Japanese fanbase either understand that the ending was a move to appease the Western Fanbase, or just assume it was his intention. Either way most have moved on with only nH and SS really staying around, with SS being the larger one by far.

i don't doubt slam dunk was a inspiration i don't remember him saying that but it's hard to find interviews with kishi now unfortunately. but for dragon quest i feel the similarities are pretty numerous. "a fire that doesn't go out till the target burns away"? even demon slayer pretty clearly copied dragon quest despite the author not saying it was an inspiration. it's not only dragon quest but also beet the vandal buster which was written by the same author which has similarity to naruto (in beet the vandal buster beet leaves for 3 years and reunites with poala his love interest). maam who's similar to sakura in the story has no skill and decides to leave to train and be useful to her team (not unlike sakura). she's also a tsundere and i think pop also calls her a monster because of her strength (not a hundred percent sure) and tells himself not to play around with her now that she can break rocks with her legs (pretty similar once again). there's also a ridiculously similar scene to the confession sakura does to sasuke in the series so i'm pretty convinced kishimoto took inspiration from it. there's a lot of similarity with zetsu with one character and one character was also a little similar to kaguya. all of the disciples of avan also wear pendants which might be similar to the first hokage necklace naruto was given too which in dragon quest also protect the wearer. dai's transformation also is triggered by his anger which is like how naruto used the nine tails power as well. also keep in mind slam dunk didn't have someone similar to hinata or karin (i assume since i haven't read slam dunk myself yet). 

#991005 Very Sad News for Dragon Ball fans

Posted by totherpage95 on 24 March 2024 - 10:35 PM in Otaku Square