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There have been 10 items by Mid25 (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#882642 The Choice

Posted by Mid25 on 18 October 2015 - 03:26 AM in Naruto General


This post hurts me. Cause we all know what the answer is. How do people actually argue against this? I don't understand any way around this. It's painfully logical.

Exactly, that's the exact point.


The people who try to argue this are either only trying to look at it in a way that pairs with how they look at it from their own life, or they pair  because Hinata has big breasts.  Their relationship has no real ground to stand on because quite frankly Naruto never cared for Hinata in that way and never would have if Neji didn't die in his arms.

#882630 The Choice

Posted by Mid25 on 18 October 2015 - 01:49 AM in Naruto General


Sakura of course! Not even a question. Of course, more likely, she'd be in love with Sasuke since a lot of people don't mature. So me, truly loving her for who she is, would be content letting her be happy.

Well this is Anime logic and not real life logic, so the same rules don't apply and hero usually gets the girl.

#882591 The Choice

Posted by Mid25 on 17 October 2015 - 11:41 PM in Naruto General


What are you talking, bruuuuh?
The reader, which is me, is a boy in that situation, right?

The reader's gender can be male or female and the girl could be a guy if necessary :P


It's all about perspective.



Well, that's good for you, but we are talking about naruto here.
Naruto loved sakura is a fact, even if that doesn't happen in the end. So I will not discount it.

And as much as I like big boob, I will choose the one that I love.

I just answer your second question. "Why choose another girl?"

I do agree there this is Naruto and yes he did in fact love Sakura, Masashi really took a terrible turn when he decided to 

try and makes his "fans" happy


Although I don't like NH and love NS, how did you know she "started falling for you" and not just being a friend?  



That scenario wasn't really Naruto's scenario. 

He lived his life thinking he wasn't acknowledged (except by maybe Sasuke by 1% and Sakura by 1% and Kakashi by 1%,) and then suddenly a new girl jumps in between him and Pein and tries to sacrifice herself while confessing her love (acknowledgement 100%?) 


   Also he saw that same girl get beat up by Neji and call him a "Proud Failure" (Acknowledgment) 


they could've had a relationship from that but Naruto simply wasn't interested even though she was 1 of the few, scant people who acknowledged him.  

Due to Naruto being put on the same team as Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi he did have acknowledgement and finally had friends more or less and his acknowledgement from his friends by the time you get to the Pein ark is as much as he could ever want, And yes you're right Naruto simply didn't care about going off a relationship with Hinata even though he could have taken the easy way out.


EDIT: As for knowing whether or not she was falling for you, just by looking at the way she acted around you compared to before when she reacted to you, I'm sure there's other things but right now I'm tapped out from the day I've had X_X

#882580 The Choice

Posted by Mid25 on 17 October 2015 - 11:19 PM in Naruto General

I will choose tsunade or Mei because their booty > Hinata.

Joking aside, it gonna be sakura.

Well since you're the main character the girl you loved doesn't have to be Sakura, it used more as an example to see from Naruto's perspective in the scenario.


Personally I'd love to marry Hinata because of how sweet and caring she is, but if I were in Naruto's shoes and I followed through everything that happened to him, everything he went through, and loving Sakura, then in then end I wouldn't just abandon her for the easy way out.

#882577 The Choice

Posted by Mid25 on 17 October 2015 - 11:09 PM in Naruto General

When thinking about which pairing YOU think is better you have to ask yourself, what would you do had you been in Naruto's shoes?


Put yourself in the same scenario that Naruto was put in, you love a girl from the time you were very young all the way up to around 16 (Keep in mind this is Anime logic and NOT real life logic).  You save the girl many times and show her how much you care for her.  You become the hero of the town, village, city, etc by saving it time and time again, you go to war in order to save your world and through it all you still love that same girl.  After the war ends some time later you find out another girl has liked you from the time she was young but the girl who you like has started falling for you and fallen out of love with guy she previously loved (who by the way you knew was abusive both physically and mentally to her).


Which girl would you choose?  The one you fought to protect and loved, or the one who seemingly loved you but you never knew nor had a great relationship with?

#882518 NaruSaku Doujinshi - Mid25

Posted by Mid25 on 17 October 2015 - 03:54 PM in Artists' Square

It's very nice :)

Thanks :happy: , ever since the ending the amount of people who read it has decreased quite a lot though that might also be due to the fact that I'm not a very popular Artist  :excited:.

#881649 NaruSaku Doujinshi - Mid25

Posted by Mid25 on 13 October 2015 - 02:32 PM in Artists' Square

Each time a page or maybe a couple pages are produced I'll update this thread with the link to the page and an image of the page.


Here is today's update: [SPOILER WARNING]




#879087 NaruSaku Doujinshi - Mid25

Posted by Mid25 on 29 September 2015 - 03:36 AM in Artists' Square

Since it seems the gallery is broken for me (Can't upload anything :ermm:), I'll make a post.


I am currently creating a Doujinshi called "Childish Love", at the end of the Doujinshi there will be an alternate ending to the Naruto series as well as a continuation Doujinshi.


Here's the link to the what has been currently released (Pages 1-15 aren't very good quality, but 16+ is much better):



And here's a few random pages from it:







I hope you enjoy  :smile:

#877896 Happy 11th birthday, H&E!

Posted by Mid25 on 22 September 2015 - 02:22 AM in News and Announcements

Happy Birthday H&E, may the rest of your days be long and enjoyment filled.  The NaruSaku fandom was the first Anime type of art I drew, and thanks to that I'm able to draw my own Doujinshi's and now a Manga.  Even though the ending wasn't what we had hoped and expected the pairing will live on with us, and I hope that when I finish my Doujinshi's it will strengthen the fandom as well.

#877671 Hello

Posted by Mid25 on 20 September 2015 - 03:06 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums.



I'm a NaruSaku Doujinshi Artist as well as starting my own Manga, pleased to meet you all.