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There have been 63 items by sakuraxuzumaki (Search limited from 26-June 23)

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#852215 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 02 July 2015 - 10:44 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

That last chapter really had me heartbroken...  

and that panel of Naruto's expression when Sakura chastises her child, calling Sadara an idiot, just like she calls Naruto :cry:   

I wanted it to be so true~! And Naruto's expression and personality in Gaiden is just absokutely heartbreaking and disappointing. 

Not to mention the sad attempt at the Uchiha "family" dinner and Sasuke just coldly left Sakura... :dry:

I'm basically going to just keep rading NS fanfics and just not watch the Bruto film, nothing makes sense anymore..  :down:

#852227 Hajimemakittene ~!

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 02 July 2015 - 11:25 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

hello everyone~! I'm really new year (hence the fresh meat) haha~! I'm so excited to make friends & talk about our favorite couple :happyfloat:  

I haven't done forums since 2006 so please bear with me as I begin to learn again, any help is welcomed :wibble:   

My actual name is Cindy, I recently binged and finally caught up with Naruto (I've been busy with school & work) after I heard it ended and lets just say, 

even though I live in California & we're having a horrid drought, my lawn is being watered with my tears :cry: any extra tears, I just bathe in them.

But I came upon this site & I was filled with warmth that a lot of people also love NaruSaku :nslove: (this emoticon is cute~!)

I look forward to getting to know you & I hope we can build friendships & share laughter, joy, memories & the feels :love:  

P.S. if I've made any mistakes I'm soooo sorry, please forgive me



#852403 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 03 July 2015 - 07:58 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I have no idea how to reply to the above, but that Is amazingly true~!
Also one thing I noticed in Gaiden how they keep trying to push Boruto, why does Naruto's kids have the whisker marks?
Didn't kishimoto state that, those marks only happen when a jinchuriki is bearing a child?
Last time I checked Hinata wasn't a jinchuriki......

#852719 Hajimemakittene ~!

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 03 July 2015 - 06:08 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Thank You so much everyone~! 

You're wonderfully kind ^-^ I hope we can be good friends 

#852723 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 03 July 2015 - 06:16 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Seriously? No explosion or the lion bite he victim?
No explanation from data book?

Well, the jutsu is as irrelevant as the owner.
I always feel that lion jutsu is Hinata Pom Pom.

:lol:  :laughcry:  "N-Naruto-kun, come my ninja way!"  

I have a feeling kishi just made the hinata the lion fist to just please the otakus who wanted NH to be official after they cried on how Hinata died

#852731 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 03 July 2015 - 06:48 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar



This is from Anime Expo from here in Cali ^^

#852783 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 03 July 2015 - 08:57 PM in Naruto General

I'm just so disappointed...
A lot of the casual watchers who didn't ready the manga are also oblivious to what's really going on.
Not to mention that it's all Hinata now :/
I'm tired of these shy, emotionally dependent, soft spoken, needs to be protected female "lead" character

#852879 Hating Sakura

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 04 July 2015 - 01:45 AM in Naruto General

I almost agree but I don't really hate this Sakura. My anger is not directed at her. I hate Kishimoto for destroying his characters.

totally agree, honestly they're now all characters that were created by kishimoto's lack of Backbone :facepalm:   


personally, I would've been okay with the ending ONLY if sasuke was truly sorry to both sakura & naruto for everything he did & if kashimoto created him to be a great uchiha, working alongside naruto to help Konoha  

but all Kishi did was basically force two characters to revert back to being 12 years old, and with an emo hairstyle (-.///)

#852883 Hating Sakura

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 04 July 2015 - 01:58 AM in Naruto General

"Not as a character from Kishimoto, but as an actual person" I understand and completely agree that this is all Kishimoto's fault, but I really want this thread to analyze Sakura from a person point of view, since the "kishimoto's fault" argument can be used for EVERYTHING. 


I see what you're saying, but at the same time just because everyone else needs to be questioned doesn't mean Sakura should get away with the bs she's pulled. Even as a female, Sakura should have known when to call it quits and just leave Sasuke for good. Let alone the twisting and turning she kept doing to justify her and Sasuke's relationship. In the end she never answered any of Sarada's questions. She didn't have to. Because Sasuke came back for one dinner and that made everything okay with both Sakura and Sarada.


And I highly doubt she got permission from anybody to do what she did, considering both Orochimaru didn't know who Sarada was, Suigetsu didn't know anything about her situation, and Karin is constantly giving gifts to her.  

you have to realize though that she is a fictional character CREATED by kishimoto, hence, she cannot act on anything further than what kishimoto creates for her.

Which is why it is his fault, his flip flopping of choosing her to grow & develop them create her to be an submissive moe like hinata housewife is all Kishi's doing :down:  


people can hate on sakura & blame everything on her but shes just a fictional character, who cannot do anythin beyond her existence unless Kashi or SP writes it. 

that is why I personally am upset with kishimoto, he destroyed a strong woman who could've been a huge role model & lead for girls  watching a shonen series :fist:  but instead... nope :wallbash:   

the majority of the naruto fanbase now cares about boobs, so much so that even the community is hating on Sarada now because she's a flatchested 12 y/o  :wot:

#852910 NaruHina fans starts petteion

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 04 July 2015 - 02:49 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

How about petitioning to ban SasuSaku instead?

C'mon, there has to be SOME NH fans who see SS as a bad pairing- and agree that it's even worse than NS

you have a point there... :smug:  

and your signature  :laughcry: stalker hinata~! 

well, thats why his mom said not to marry anyone weird

#852945 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 04 July 2015 - 04:17 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Except Twilight and 50 Shades were already generic soap opera from the start while naruto "was" Shonen.

true but some of the male readers dont read the manga, then to add ontop of that most of them wanted hinata cause she was better looking than sakura  :unsure:

#852970 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 04 July 2015 - 06:39 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

these make me happy :wub:  :nslove:

#853171 Hating Sakura

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 04 July 2015 - 06:16 PM in Naruto General

Well in general if this thread was created and everyone is giving their opinions, it seems to me that either you want a discussion to just hear people bashing Sakura or spread more negativity on the female character.
People are being too hard on her & personally I do think it is a double standard, that everyone keeps blaming a fictional character that was written & distorted by an author :/ I see no one bagging on sasuke, or naruto.
Literally there are discussions everywhere hating on Sakura.
I know this is a narusaku site hence why a lot of people are here.
In general the example posted about Kabuto, Kabuto was created to be bad & remained bad in the whole series, just becoming worse & obsessed with his "master" he only changed in the very last few chapters because of Itatchi.
But he maintained the consistency.
And as a previous posts already said, one cannot criticize one character without throwing in the rest because this is a story, the characters set off events that affect the characters themselves.
Honestly both Naruto & Sakura should've given up on Saskuke when team 7 was reunited.
The only reason why sakura tried to kill sasuke was because she was tired of being a burden to naruto. And people are giving her crap because she failed to kill her first love (even though he was totally broken & changed) at least she tried, she even tried to tell naruto to stop chasing after sasuke when she lied to naruto, honestly I don't think it was a complete lie, because blushing isn't something people do when you're trying to cold heartedly lie. She did it AGAIN to stop burdening naruto but. BOTH characters kept pursuing somone who basically emotionally abused them & tried to kill them.
Like I stated, you can't really solely blame on sakura and criticize her actions because tere were so many things that ended up affecting the story line.
I'm pissed about the ending & I hate it.
I loath who sakura became, because I knew who she could be, I like other people have watched shonen so we tend to kind of predict how the author will end something due to how it is being written, that's until, the writer decides to spit in his own work and make characters that shouldn't be.
Honestly Sasuke shouldn't be a dad. And I & others could tell that Kashi loved sasuke, that was his favorite character, which is why I think he kind of spat on the SS ship, degrading the other characters due to people wanting him to change the story for fan service. Everything is his manga writing was perfectly detailed till the last few chapters & SP's work. And the poor writing and lack of depth, shows that. (Phewww, that was long ) xDDD if there is typos here, I'm sorry, my iphone is totally limited Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

#853196 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 04 July 2015 - 07:11 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

So cute! With that outfit & hairdo, you kind of look like Frozen's Anna, sakuraxuzumaki. :smile:

(・ω・)ノOh Gosh, I do ( ̄Д ̄)ノ hahaha~! Thank you Papaya~! <3
"For the first time in foreverrrrrrrr......"

#853674 Hating Sakura

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 05 July 2015 - 08:21 PM in Naruto General

Sakura's biggest wall and obstacle is only one, that is Sasuke. When human become so obsess with something they tend to forget about the most important things in their lives. Sakura is too obsess with Sasuke, we all know that whenever she hear his name, remembering him, or meet him, she instantly transform into different person. She believe she loves sasuke, but in fact she is obsess with him. Love and Obsession is different, when you obsess you want to possess or have that person for your own no matter what, but when you love you are willing to give up your happiness for someone. Remember what itachi said to naruto, never do things alone, always trust your friends, your father Minato was able to become hokage because he has your mother support Kushina, when sakura try to kill sasuke she wants to do it alone she thinks she don't want to burden the other especially naruto, THATS A LIE. She still obsess with him, thats why she can't do it. She poison Kiba, Lee, and Sai. Why she do that? She well know that sasuke is powerful she will never beat him alone. All she has done is reduce the chance of killing him by going alone, have you ever wonder why? Remember that itachi's word i mention above, NEVER do things alone trust your comrade or you will END UP LIKE MADARA. So you know that sakura NEVER trust her comrade regarding about sasuke, and she still obsess with him. Thats why she can't kill Sasuke, not even hurt him.
I believe sakura is the type of girl that really needs a slap on her face, a hard one, to snap her out of it, even now i'm still waiting for that. She needs someone to questions her about her love for sasuke. If we take out kishimoto out of the picture yes i have admit it that i really kittening hate her, she is the worst heroine i ever seen in the anime world. But i also believe she still HAS a chance, i believe she just in the darkness, SOMEONE NEED TO QUESTION HER LOVE TO SASUKE, then she will realize and she will ask that questions herself, "Now that you ask it why did i love him?". The best answer she got is the BENCH SCENE thats it. She will either look down and sad or she will remember and answer with the bench scene.
Sakura is still young back there she doesn't really know herself what is love feels like, because she is young she assume herself that what she feels for sasuke is love, remember kushina herself said it to naruto that back there she was still young and didn't understand anything thats why she thinks minato is unreliable and looks weak.
Remember this panel? the very first real battle in this series, sakura was asking herself when she looks at how cool that idiot naruto at that moment, "This is naruto.... what's this feeling?" . THAT IS THE SEED OF LOVE MY DEAR SAKURA. But too bad you still young back there so you don't understand that vibe. That is the first vibe of love in first sight.
From that point sakura found comfort and can always be herself, express herself to the fullest whenever naruto is around her.
You think a girl can say something like that LOUD AND CLEAR to the person she want to impress? You NEVER want to tell something embarashing like that to the person you love. Imagine if naruto is not there, you think sakura will tell all of that to sasuke??
Whenever sasuke say something sakura instantly agree even though the inner self of her says different.
She just submissive around sasuke, its like she wear a mask, she can't be her true self. She wants sasuke to notice that she will always support him no matter what. Even though she knows that deep down shes not like that, this is not what she wanna be. And eventually this is become a real habit. She herself not aware of it but up till now until the end of that gaiden, she still wear that mask.
I could go on and blabbering, talking/typing forever but i don't wanna see you guys hating on her. She's not the one to blame... please do not hate her. The author just never let her to do the right thing.
In my conclusion she is smart, more than sasuke or naruto. Shes just need someone to snap her out of it OR tell her the truth about the bench scene, Those 2 are the key factor to saving her from this kitten that happening in the gaiden. Ofc its not gonna pull her out of the kitten hole shes already in, but at least reduce the damage.

This post is absolutely gold~!

This is why it pissed me off when The Last said that Narutos love for sakura was only because he wanted to rival sasuke, when in the manga, naruto falls in love with Sakura, and her infatuation with Sasuke, makes naruto have him a rival, and tries to beat him in everything xD
But oh Kashi,

#853769 Hajimemakittene ~!

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 05:40 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Welcome cindy! They can be rowdy sometime (Especially Gaara's hair  :chuckle: ) but that what makes this place fun! Enjoy your stay  :excited:

XDD aw thanks so much~!
You're right this place is fun~!

#853770 Describe the Naruto series in "two words"

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 05:47 AM in Naruto General


#853771 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 05:51 AM in Naruto General

It's funny how SP loves Hinata but it's said they don't like Sasuke, otherwise SasuHina would be the only logical thing to do since they're both the "true heroes" of the manga lol. :fu:  And then have NaruSaku too, AKA the not-hero x the not-heroine. Makes sense, no?  :zaru:

HAHAHAHA~! Brilliant~!! This is so true~!

#853772 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 05:58 AM in Naruto General

I say both. Both works.

I'm going to pull Hayao Miyazaki into this one, a lot of the anime writers who tend to be male, like to write these weird female characters, moe, super sexy and fantasy like, and I recall Miyazaki criticizing the otaku community for having unrealistic perceptions of human beings.
These writers sit on thir desk all day surrounded by people who don't explore & sit in their offices all day,
Hence this is why I think the majority of writers including Kashi decide to go down this route
Which is sad because he was totally going against it

#853773 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 06:04 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

So the possibility that Sasuke didn't know Sakura was pregnant during that time is high. But when he met salad he knew about her, so that must mean at some point he must have gone to Orochimaru's base and Karin had to have told him.

Or Sakura told him, before he left that she was pregnant and he just didn't care to show up for the birthing. Either way Sasuke should have at least checked in or something, like damn, it takes two to make a baby.( in the narutoverse at least.)

Like kishi's though process was just to rush, please & destroy

#853776 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 06:19 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

My advice is to read Shinachiku's first adventure. It's the better than this crap for a few reasons. 
1. Sakura acts like the Sakura we love.
2. Shinachiku is the star and not irrelevant.
3. Naruto is a good father who doesn't neglect his kids.
4. Plot actually makes sense. 
5. It's funny when it needs to be. 

Is this just a regular fan fic story or a manga doujinshi ? :)

#853778 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 06:28 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

The more or less reason they are doing this remember kishi had to bring up in his interviews was the NS=MK was a red herring. Because it clear a lot of people were probably asking why NS didn't happen and use the MK=NS as evidence. Now SP they don't mind JT=NS but do mind MK=NS and have to make it MK=nH. Is that JT didn't happen and you could just make them just concern friends that had a deep bond, while MK they were lover they were in love and they were married and had a child. So MK=NS is a threat and needs to be covered up by MK=nH despite the fact in the manga it was  MK/OB/JT=NS. But MK is the only one they can twist into a nH parallel.

That's brilliant. I knew NS was paralleled to something but it is true
And also it's interesting how sakura's dad is also like naruto, silly, easy going
And Kushina is like sakura, strong, short tempered & was bullied.
Gaiden literally just threw bleach on the whole plot line to make NH relevant but oh gosh, I really hope Boruto flops big in the box office

#853783 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 07:09 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Ahahahahaha :lmao:
This is so funny and so true 


HAHAHAHA ~!!! That is the best review/ramble ever~!!

#854239 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 06 July 2015 - 09:48 PM in Naruto General

^ Nice signature picture. I like that, "The First". Hmmm I get some time maybe I should write it.

Yeah it a really good fanart work 😁 it would be nice to see a doujinshi come out of their work

#854300 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 07 July 2015 - 12:39 AM in Naruto General

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.

True but that's only if there are no people to deny it >:) That's why we're here to call out on their crap~!! *insert evil laughter here* xD