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There have been 63 items by sakuraxuzumaki (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#881595 Masashi kishimoto will be going to comic con in new york city

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 13 October 2015 - 12:05 AM in Naruto General

Temari looks like Shika's mom... NH be like its logical
Sakura looks like Naruto's mom... NH be like it doesn't mean anything
My reaction :  :zaru:

Exactly !

#870494 After months of recovery:

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 20 August 2015 - 05:13 PM in Naruto General

I can kind of relate, I still watch some old episodes here and there & read the chapters I know won't upset me.
But honestly, I'm not going to lie, NaruSaku always have a place in my heart, because I just really really love them. The suffering they went through together & all, I really love them but I hate their creator now, all I do now is basically pick & choose now, because even the manga as a shonen, it's been ruined. Even I a hardcore NS fan, would've been happier if they were all doing their own thing, working hard, protecting & saving the village & single in the end, but nope. It ended by basically destroying all the 15 years of careful writing, and adding things that don't make sense in the naruto universe... (MacBooks, Cell Phones, Developing Byakugan)

#870493 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 20 August 2015 - 05:05 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

lol now i bet
lol now i bet he's thinking "what have i gotten myself into!?" well kishi! you kicked out your old supportive narusaku fandom who truley loved the characters', and story, and won over the naruhina, and sasusaku m-rated "sexual fantasy galore otaku" who don't care about the characters, the story, you, themselves, or anyone in the WORLD! just "that one thing" what do you think of your "perfect audience" now? LOL

Seriously~!!! I kind of wonder sometimes why don't we send hate mail :)
I know it's mean but c-mom, that's to his weak willed Hinata self, he let the other editors take over & change the story line >>
Honestly I'm at the point that I only reblog NS as the couples on tumblr so if any curious person says "that seems like a good manga/anime, I like that couple" they'll be like screw this~! And find out how dellusional NH fans are

#870492 Itachi Hiden

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 20 August 2015 - 04:58 PM in Naruto General

Next it's going to be Neji Hiden showing how honored he is to have died for Hinata-sama.

I was thinking the exact same thing, they would go that low to do that

#870491 Just a Quick Naruto Rant

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 20 August 2015 - 04:56 PM in Naruto General

I agree with everything you say, that's why even right now, I still will continue to reblog, like & talk about NS, I will not let the blind fans think that it was always NH,

#870490 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 20 August 2015 - 04:43 PM in Latest Releases

I know right? when himaw punch naruto unconscious that he failed his inauguration NH fans called it cute and sweet, but when sakura punch him because he is reckless and pervert NH fan called it abusive :lmao:  double standard everywhere

Seriously~!! And they're all praising Hinata & Mophead saying how she could be the most powerful ninja -_-
This is beyond stupid.
I swear it's all the mysogynistic men & the desperate women who accept NH & SS
both are incredibly unhealthy & unrealistic
This is why well respected artists like Miyasaki criticizes the otaku community. They don't know how actual people behave & actual women act, because they're always inside writing maga & hanging out with other pedo/pervy otakus >>;
Phew~~~ my wrath went in there

#869097 Boruto One Shot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 16 August 2015 - 06:30 AM in Latest Releases

Here`s the full chapter to the image that redrose posted

Thanks Namikaze~

Is this just comedic relief skit? Cause peeing on sasuke uchiha seems rather >>;

#868314 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 14 August 2015 - 05:33 AM in Latest Releases

Why is this not in the latest releases section?
Anyway read the chapter at MS, Yup Definitely Himiwari is a Yandere, explaining the choice of VA for her. Hinata's and Naruto's relationship is so loving, she's the frigging maid and he sleeps on the couch. No wonder he's a lame idiot who falls asleep at work, he works all day and doesn't even get the confort of a bed at home, he's demoted to the couch...NH fans much be so proud of this pairing. At this point I'm not sure who has a closer relationship, one of the maid and the house tenant or the maid and the travelling salesman.

HAAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG so true~! Not to mention all the hinatards and SS fans are all accepting that poor storyline, and SP is still feeding crap to the anime community by pointless fillers

#868313 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 14 August 2015 - 05:30 AM in Latest Releases

I have always imagined Naruto ending in that kind of fashion.
-Naruto wins a friendly match with his rival and finally surpasses him.
- Sakura treats them and scolds them for fighting on such an important day. Karin comes to treat Sasuke and scold him. They are implied to be together.
- Naruto finally confesses to Sakura FMA style or Lady gt style. She accepts.
- The trio walk through the village and we see that Naruto is very popular.
- They meet Rock Lee having tons of fans and even a dojo or special training for non ninjutsu users. He is still Lee (Gai is dead in my version). Tenten is with him and is being the president of punchline for him and is a join kunoichi admired by lot of young girls. They are implied to be together and exchange some funny lines with naruto who tells him that they are gonna need him more than ever with a thumbs up. The fans are in awe that he is respected by Naruto so much.
- Neji and Hinata are officially the leaders of the hyuugas. They are together and the curse tradition was forsaken. They both thank Naruto for what he did for them and changing their fates. Now, the clan is harmony and is getting prepared for an event. Hinata helps Neji to dress up and we see that the seal is not here anymore.
- They meet Shino and Kiba and kind of  joke around.
- They meet Ino and Shoji (who is not fat anymore) who are with Kurenai's kid. Sakura and Ino have some heartwarming words and Shoji is shown to be reliable and admired as well. Kurenai might make some funny remarks about Narusaku and talk about Asuma
- They meet Gaar and co. Naruto and Gaara have some heartwarming words and can't believe that they came from so far for him for that event. Gaara says that being here for that day is more important than his own ambitions. Shikamaru shows up
- Shikamaru shows up and is challenged by Temari at chess. They play and shikamaru promises her something if she wins and we see a ring hidden near shikamaru.
- Sai is Sai and wants to paint the event.
- Naruto eats with Iruka like old times and chats happily about time flying him and being proud of him and we see an older Konohamaru being very naruto with his friends and goofing off with sexy no jutsu teased at the start of part 2. Sakura senses that and punches him harder.
- We meet Tsunade and Shine getting things prepped up. The 5th tells sakura how she is proud of her for succeeding where she fail and Naruto being with her and she has a flashback of her moments with Jiraya . She is a bit sad but yet happy.
- Team 7 is reunited and are expecting kakashi to be late and is actually on time without his mask (comical scene and they did not recognize him immediately). He states that this team is the greatest thing that happened and Obito would be proud and he doesn't need to mourn anymore.
- The ceremony starts and it is official Naruto is Hokage and can't help being happy and Sakura and sasuk scold him for being too laid-back and try not goof too much in public. His friends are happy and are his closest advisors like the 3rd. Karachi is an advisor along with Tsunade and Iraku.
- Naruto faces the village so that we can see all these characters one last time being acknowledged. Sakura crying and being happy. We have a shot of mount  Hokage with Naruto's face.
- Team 7 takes a photo similar to when they were young and this is the last image.

This here~! This hit wayyyy home~!

#866755 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 10 August 2015 - 07:52 AM in Latest Releases

forneverworld's review. ugh

That video & the comment section there is really annoying (¬_¬) I literally clicked unlike just by reading the stupid comment section calling Hinata Queen from a user called Hinatas Breasts, and calling Hinata a gentle bad arse yet saying sakura is useless...
sounds fake but okay..

#866652 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 10 August 2015 - 12:22 AM in Latest Releases

If you go on IchigoIchie96 tumblr, he vids from the burrito movie since he lives in Japan and the movie is laughable, especially since Kishi said it was his masterpiece

#866636 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 10 August 2015 - 12:00 AM in Latest Releases

Bolt calls his mother hinata or Naruto calls hinata hinataalso can you describe tone?
Ah once again tone.Because if he has an affectionate tone people will justify it that Naruto just dropped the honorific because if you're close to someone in japan you can drop the honorific to show how close you are. Despite the fact that Naruto rarely uses honorifics unless it is for respect for his immediate superiors Kakashi-sensei and yamato-taicho or to be affectionate baachan erosennin Sakura-chan.

He just said it seriously cause he asked her to use her byakugan to see if Burrito cheated,
But it's all in the vid

#866437 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 09 August 2015 - 06:51 AM in Latest Releases

He doesn't even call Hinata mom? Even Bart Simpson would call that kid out.

ahhh sorry for the confusion :sweatdrop: yeah boruto is shown super bratty (he was cheating in the chunin exams)  

but what i meant to say was Naur-dead-fish-to doesn't even call hinata "hinata-chan" or anything, we all know he's affectionate  

he just calls his own wife "Hinata" :lmao:  

#866434 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 09 August 2015 - 06:14 AM in Latest Releases

it's on ichigoichi96 tumblr  :eager:

#866433 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 09 August 2015 - 06:12 AM in Latest Releases

did you guys see the 4 minute video that someone posted on tumblr for the one shot film??? 

it basically shows well.... what more of a brat Boruto is and how spoiled his kid is.... plus I love how he just calls hinata, "Hinata" without any endearment xD

not like our "Sakura-chan"

#863907 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 03 August 2015 - 03:12 AM in Latest Releases

Is anyone else laughing that Kishi hid hinatas boobs from the pervy otakus xD

#863662 Naruto Hollywood Remake

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 02 August 2015 - 05:23 PM in Naruto General

I'm laughing because it's true.  :cry:
Well then let's give AoT to the guy who made Titanic and Avatar. Idk, but for some reason I think AoT would be the PERFECT anime to get a Hollywood edition. 

James Cameron is too lovey Dovey and graphic violence isn't his take,
Christopher Nolan, who directed The Dark Knight would be awesome for AoT

#863661 Naruto Hollywood Remake

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 02 August 2015 - 05:20 PM in Naruto General

Hell on Earth is coming and we need to prepare. 
Seriously, genuine question: Why is it that whenever Hollywood adapts comic books into movies they're always box office hits, yet whenever they remake video games or anime it's always a failure? The last great hollywood movie about a game was Mortal Kombat, and that was in the 90's. Plus I think Michael Bay would do quite a good movie version of Attack on Titan...
Well anyway, I hope this movie fails and never happens. 

I really hope this movie flops,
It's better to disappoint the possible new fans than have them get into it and get disappointed years after >_>

#863227 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 01 August 2015 - 08:36 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sometimes i wonder why SP and their lackeys worship Western fans a lot, you know when i see that new york city at the end of chapter 700 its just like they make that ending special JUST for them. I mean did they forgot who drop atomic bomb in nagasaki and hiroshima?

You do realize they did bomb the US first
Causing the United States to enter WW2 plus the japanese basically enslaved the Koreans as comfort women and raped them, plus the Rape of Nanking, and Unit 731
Every country did bad, including the US
but that's history, a lot of people think NY is cool just cause it's a fashion capital along with Tokyo, Italy and the such, if anything Kishi aims to please his otaku fanbase.
If anything his little NY was probably meant for a bit more inclusive additive towards his western audience. It isn't bad, if he did that with France or Belgium, it would be the same, maybe he traveled to NY or something xD

#862763 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 31 July 2015 - 03:37 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

One of my favorite Narusaku AMV makers uploaded this and omg....  :nsdance:  :love:

it's so beautiful~! Just thought I'd share some beauty from all of Kishi's poop recently 


since the embed code doesnt work, well here the link :D

#862577 Boruto One Shot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 30 July 2015 - 06:35 PM in Latest Releases


and dont you just love her short hair look? and how Kishi made her seem as if she was more powerful than Sakura... uh huh

#862573 Boruto One Shot

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 30 July 2015 - 06:16 PM in Latest Releases

Hinata a new age heroine, Elite by birth, shook the earth with her powers  :zaru:  

and....... I'm going to barf  :blink:

#859613 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 23 July 2015 - 11:16 PM in Naruto General

Junko Takeuchi is such a Pro NaruSaku fan and a Sakura fan, I wonder how pissed she got when that story of NH and SS and how sakura got basically beaten down

#859037 New Kishimoto interview

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 22 July 2015 - 05:24 PM in Naruto General

The interview once again makes ou wonder how Kishi really feels about the pairing, this along with the Gaiden, pretty much confirmed that the pairings of SS aand NH is a failure, he showed us how SS does not work,  they dispite being married do not spend time any time together, and Hinata dispite being married to Naruto is still in the background insignificant.
The way he answered the questions, you like Hinata because she's big breasted, was a direct hit at all the Hinata fans, then the part about Hinata being a heroine who stays in the shadows, again a hit at the NH fandom, it could be interpreted as she's the heroine that stayed in te shadows, watching him being abused by others and never did anything.
Then a parts about SS, he pretty much told everyone, their relationship doesn't work. because it's an obsession.
what was also interesting was the answer to why the person liked Hinata, he said she was weak and she grew stronger. The thing is Hinata was never weak, she was weak willed, she had her bloodline, compared to Naruto and Sakura she had allot more going for her, she was just too soft to be rushless that she needed to be. her bloodline was always with her, Sakura was allot weaker, all she had was her intelligence. Using that as an excuse of liking her over Sakura makes no sense, when one went from a clanless genin with no prior training to Kage level to one being weak when compared to the other Hyuuga leaders (but still strong compared to other genin.) to reaching the level considered acceptable for a Hyuuga leader. One was so weak that she couldn't beat another girl who also neglected her training, the other lost to a genius after going toe to toe with them at the Chuunin exams, which one sounds like the weaker from the two originally?  Also Hinata merilly reached a level she should have been at with all her training, another exceeded everyones expectations and went from low genin to third strongest in her village.

Hinata came from a clan & basically had her gene pool with her, but even that she failed within her clan, while Sakura basically went from classless "weak ninja parents" to basically a summoning Sage with Kage strength
And yet all the NH fans are all "she's the heroine"
With her lion Pom poms -_-

#858011 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sakuraxuzumaki on 19 July 2015 - 05:54 PM in Naruto General

I wouldn't doubt if some of you have already seen this. Still, what are your opinions?

I kind of agree with him on some aspects