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There have been 32 items by Toy Ninja (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#969107 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 28

Posted by Toy Ninja on 31 October 2018 - 01:30 PM in Latest Releases

Well, on the bright side, Salad's legs indicate that she has bones and makes it likely that she has a spinal cord, as opposed to Hinata who is an invertebrate.


True.. though Sarada is no Kimimaro. 

#969077 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 28

Posted by Toy Ninja on 28 October 2018 - 11:12 AM in Latest Releases

garbage art. Trash ass writing. 


The writer, the artist, and the entire Boruto Manga should be balled up and thrown in the back of a Waste Management truck, fresh for incineration. 


So basically what happened to Cioccolata in Jojo.

#968962 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 28

Posted by Toy Ninja on 20 October 2018 - 07:27 AM in Latest Releases

It’s weird. The anime seems to be pitched at a younger audience than even the original series. The current opening credits is set to a fight with the characters all using their signature ninjutsu against some massive ice monster. This manga though seems to be aimed at... older perverts? Like if it was going for the same fans who watch the series you’d think the covers would feature fantastical ninja stuff instead of really really sexualised 12 year old girls.

Sounds like Ino is written to be just as shallow as she was as a teenager.

#968900 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Toy Ninja on 17 October 2018 - 02:01 PM in Premiere Screenings



That letter from Naruto.. omg

First off how is Sasuke “just like the leaf police force” he isn’t even operating in the village.

Secondly the Uchiha were relegated to the role of the leaf’s police force by the second hokage as a means of isolating them because he saw them as a threat. Hell their headquarters was a repurposed prison. Orochimaru explained how the formation of the police force is what marginalised the clan within the village. The first hokage even called this persecution. It’s the key factor that lead to the coupe and finally their massacre. If I were Sasuke I would be *extremely* insulted by such a dumb comment.

This show tries to spin that as a touching moment.. I can’t believe how bad that is..

#968894 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Toy Ninja on 17 October 2018 - 06:54 AM in Premiere Screenings

Bruto able to summon Garaga now ,... so easy , while as we remember took Naruto a whole lot of time and training , even all of his chakra still not enough and he can only summon a tadpole and he still need to borrow a lot kyubi chakra to summon Gamabunta. WoW everyone says that boruto is genius in the comment section , he inherit TNJ and able to summon big cobra very easy.


I know i said i'm done with this crap but this .... :lmao: this is just .... i'm speechless.


Maybe Sasuke taught Boruto the secret to do a massive high level summon with no chakra.. which he some how did when fighting Deidara..  /s

#968760 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Toy Ninja on 08 October 2018 - 01:39 AM in Premiere Screenings

Sasuke summoned one Snake during that trio summoning Team 7 did after Sakura got her seal during the War. He was actually somewhat cordial with it. So, its probably that snake.


Oh yeah I remember that. It didn’t really make any sense then either to be honest.



Also, how can you blame someone so sexy for anything? Just look at Itachi.


hmm.. ok yeah that's true.



Aoda: “I serve master sssssasuke”


Sarada: “Papa? Why?”


Aoda: “Because he’s so sssssexy”


Sarada: “w-what!?”


Aoda: “dat assssssss”

#968744 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Toy Ninja on 07 October 2018 - 11:54 AM in Premiere Screenings

Not much to say about episode 76.


Moegi reports to Shikamaru and Naruto.. but only talks to Shikamaru, as if he were the hokage, Naruto just stands there looking like he’s clueless.

Tsunade has a meeting with Shikamaru and Naruto where Shikamaru thanks Tsunade for her influence with the elders because otherwise Naruto would probably be lose his position as hokage.. lol. Tsunade then starts complaining (rightfully) that she is taking all the pressure/ criticism that they should be getting. Naruto doesn’t thank her himself though.. he just sits there looking like he’s clueless.

Boruto says Sarada is wrong about the blue snake protecting her. He says monsters like that have no consciousness. Didn’t Naruto teach his son ANYTHING about the tailed beasts or toads ect?

Moments later Aoda shows up and explains that it did protect her and he has pledged his loyalty to Sasuke. (why the hell did it do that anyway? Your supposed to need trust/ respect to form a summoning contract. Why would any summoning snake trust Sasuke? Sasuke is an callous guy who killed manda to save his own skin in the past.. Just another case of Sasuke never having to suffer consequences for his selfishness/ violence in the narrative ..instead he is rewarded inexplicably.)

#968667 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 27

Posted by Toy Ninja on 02 October 2018 - 10:30 AM in Latest Releases

Is he though? He neglects his wife and child to the point he didn't even know who Sarada was. 


That's a fair point. When the manga ended i felt Sasuke being paired with Sakura was far worse. (I even felt it was more awful than Hinata being pared with Naruto)  ...Naruto has has gotten a lot worse since the end of the manga though. I don't know if Sasuke's really changed since then.


Sasuke seemed to always hold Sakura in contempt for the entire run of the manga. All he did was hurt her. Thinking back, I don't think Sasuke ever really resolved his issues or changed. Well.. He got punched in the head by Naruto a lot in the last few chapters.. and that's about as much internal resolution his character got. After that he gave a laughably weak sorry to Sakura.. but he seemed far too damaged to be in a intimate relationship with her.


What stands out in my memory from back then was when they were standing at the gates of the village. Sasuke outright said that he is leaving for his own reasons and wont take Sakura because of that... Which is the opposite of what the journey was supposedly about - atonement. If Sasuke had agreed to her terms.. or at the very least compromised and let her come.. then that would have marked a real change in him and could have allowed for the *possibility* of a positive relationship to begin. That point was never reached.


Personally I still feel Sakura is worse off with Sasuke than Naruto. In part because she gave up any sense of self respect, decency, or character growth to be with him. He isn't a father to Sarada or a husband to Sakura in any real sense. Also because of the more abusive and unbalanced nature of their relationship.


Having said all that I do think DrK makes a good argument that being with Naruto could be worse. So I guess it can be argued either way. Which is why i said it's like choose your poison.

#968635 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 27

Posted by Toy Ninja on 01 October 2018 - 07:36 AM in Latest Releases

Well, they don't want to make him totally out of character.


I dunno how you could keep Sasuke in character at all and have him in a real marriage.. Unless it was with someone who's hopelessly enamored with him and masochistic /likes being Genjutsu-killed. The writers seem to want to preserve Sasuke's lone wolf/ dangerous renegade faux coolness ..and that just doesn't work with the role hes been put in ..married life and raising a child. (at least not the way they have tried to write it)  It's a real mess..

#968633 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 27

Posted by Toy Ninja on 01 October 2018 - 05:45 AM in Latest Releases

Yeah, but I would hate Sakura being with this Naruto more than I dislike her being with Sasuke. That's how bad they made him. Sasuke at least doesn't act like an idiot and isn't a corrupt dictator. And he treats Sakura with respect at least. It's a far better situation for her than her being with Boruto's Dad.


I mean Sakura had to be with one of them, because she is Sakura after all. And she made the right choice, even if it was for the wrong reasons. Because Naruto just is that worthless. He's exactly as worthless of a husband as Hinata deserves.



I think you are right.. though not necessarily because Sasuke is a better person. I mean he treats her politely in the way you would treat a total stranger politely (and they basically are strangers). He withholds affection from her and the series depicts this as humorous.. when really its just kittening awful. I think it is a better situation for her like you say.. but perhaps only because Sasuke is almost never there.. whereas if she was with Naruto she would have to put up with him every day.  


I dunno I mean it's like pick your poison. Be with someone who is the ultimate scumbag or "be with" someone who is always physically or emotionally absent.

#968591 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 29 September 2018 - 02:45 PM in Naruto General

Hinata as a character, I wouldn't call sexist, but at the same time, she's an insult to girls. Her literal purpose in life was to get Naruto's D and honestly, that is pretty sexist in it's own way. One could argue that "Just because she loves a guy doesn't mean it's sexist". But...that's literally all there is to her. She has shown zero ambition in anything that doesn't concern Naruto. She doesn't show any real care for her teammates, her clan, her family, anything
That's why, even though I hate her guts, the best path for her would have been to move on from Naruto and become a proper heir to her clan. Anyone who says otherwise really doesn't care about Hinata and all they care about is their self inserting or ship.


I agree with you about her being written in a sexist way. I mean.. completely defining yourself through your relationship is really unhealthy. This is never brought up though. It says a lot about the kind of person naruto became that he would want to be with someone like that.


Other then that the relationship is so hollow.. They don't really know each-other in the manga. They don't share experiences together. There is no mutual understanding. They hardly communicate. Its one of the most unrealistic and awkwardly forced marriages I have ever seen in manga. (second to Mashiro and Miho in Bakuman). I also get this weird purity culture vibe from it. It's like people love the concept of perfect love but can't reconcile that with the realities of an actual relationship. So what we are shown is painfully idealized performance and everything else is erased. It's like something out of Victorian literature.   


Sakura...well...the only sexist thing Kishimoto did to her was the whole "She would be a terrible woman if she moved on from Sasuke". That was straight up sexist. There is zero denying that SasuSaku is abusive, mild or not. And it goes both ways. Kishimoto revealed that Sakura followed him around and kept pushing her feelings onto him until he gave up. The Sakura novel backs this up with a passage that says something among the lines of "No matter how many times I'm rejected, I'll keep pushing my feelings!" Not the exact words, but still the same weight. It turned Sakura into a horrible person and in a way, turned Sasuke into a victim. He basically had to say 'fine' in order to make her leave him alone. Apparently it worked. After he knocked her up and she spawned Salad, she stayed in the village while he was free to roam outside without Sakura nagging him. No wonder he never came back to the village. It sounds like they're both at fault and the problems go both ways. Man, SasuSaku really is a huge train wreak.





The fact that Sakura keeps pursuing Sasuke after repeated rejections and ignoring his obvious scorn for her makes it seem like she doesn't really care about his feelings, or respect his boundaries. He clearly didn't respect hers.. he just tried to murder her and everyone she knows and loves.. multiple times. The whole "She would be a terrible woman if she moved on from Sasuke" kind of carries this message that if you are a girl and you love a boy who is violent towards you, if you keep on forgiving and loving them then they will change for the better. In truth this way of thinking only perpetuates co-dependency and vicious cycles of abuse.



We are told (not shown of course) that Sakura got what she wanted though.. she got to have cold mechanical sex once with an emotionally-dead murderer..

#968578 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 29 September 2018 - 01:28 AM in Naruto General

We see a similar line of thought in Sakura's speech in the last where she says it impossible for a girl to move on from their first crush.



Ugh I had forgotten about that.. I’d go back and watch it for the sake of discussion but I wouldn’t touch that dumpster fire of a film again with a 40 foot sword of Nunoboko.

#968542 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 27 September 2018 - 06:12 AM in Naruto General

Where in quote did I attribute that to you? Its my opinion, so I dont understand the needless hostility. I simply disagree about the order. Ive generally been underwhelmed by the arguments that attribute the ending switch to that late in the game. I tend to agree he changed it, but thats mostly based on 297 and the Team 8 arc...two decisions that are, needless to say, a tad odd if he always planned NH.

Nevertheless, the only thing close to concrete that exists, assuming he did change, is that it likely occurred before the Last went into product. Other than that, its speculative. Ive haven;t been all that active the last year. Maybe there are interviews that show otherwise that I havent seen.

As for Kabuto reviving the Hokages...we only know he couldnt because of what happened later. He could have easily done something else, since it wasnt impossible until the point that it was done. Even he could not....are we seriously going to go down the road that issues of internal consistency and logic would have prevented Kishimoto from going back on that or just making something else up. The series cared about this for a good chuck of its run, but not by that point.


Discussing the internal logic of this series is enough to make even the most reasonable person angry. :zaru:


I never liked kabuto becoming a big player in the war arc. It would have made more sense if he just devolved into a mindless snake monster. Also, because of the way the story is contrived, kabuto comes across as one of the biggest idiots in the manga. Why get involved in the war at all if you are in his position? You could just get the kages you did resurrect to give up all the most damaging secrets, and important info, in their villages histories.. and use that info to blackmail the villages into doing whatever you want. (including breaking up the alliance, having them capture sasuke for you, and get rid of tobi for you). If kabuto had just kept himself hidden and used proxies to contact each of the villages in secret, while never letting anyone know he was resurrecting people, then he would have been unstoppable.. Basically that whole part of the story seems like an excuse for action scenes.

#968523 Name 5.....?

Posted by Toy Ninja on 26 September 2018 - 04:26 AM in Fun Cafe

4. Wild Zero

#968506 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Toy Ninja on 25 September 2018 - 07:42 AM in Premiere Screenings

An important thing to remember is that after the chunin exam he realized he should have been worshiping his father all along. Now even in the manga issues still rise up, but that because Bolt is a brat. That was the movie. There was never any chance of Bolt actually opposing anything Naruto does. Only before the chunin exam does he do that and it because his father is neglecting the family. 


Yeah I agree the film kind of killed that option.

At the moment it’s just awkward and lacks dramatic tension. Naruto is still written as a prick but it’s not really acknowledged by the other characters openly. Well maybe a little bit by Tsunade recently.

I guess they could still do it by having Naruto do something really bad that causes a falling out between him and Boruto. I kind of doubt it though.

#968504 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Toy Ninja on 25 September 2018 - 06:41 AM in Premiere Screenings

I have no words for how much of a prick Hokage Naruto has become, and people and the bull to say Boruto is better than DB Super and while Super had it flaws at least it tried harder than Boruto.


I guess Boruto’s writers could have taken advantage of the fact that Naruto has become a huge prick. Like to contrast a young/ idealistic mc against what Naruto has become. This could make the new mc likeable by comparison. They haven’t really done that though. Most people just see Boruto as bratty so that’s a big fail.

I don’t think the writers of Bortuo really want to acknowledge all the kittened up things about Naruto. Or maybe they aren’t allowed to.

#968499 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 25 September 2018 - 03:24 AM in Naruto General

The problem with buzzwords like sexist and racist is that they take no real thought in use.


Everyone that’s used it here has explained why they used it in detail..



You can broadstroke someone or a story and then it shuts down any real discussion.


That can happen but here the discussion was progressing fine. When your interjecting every time everyone says something you don't like that comes across as trying to shut down discussion. Declaring over and over “he did nothing sexist” doesn’t exactly engender further discussion.



Nothing Kishimoto wrote is intentional or unintentional sexism.


And you know his intentions how? Not that it matters. The writers intentions are neither here nor there when it comes to whether the writing itself can be considered sexist. 



He just wrote a crappy story and that's all there is to it. You also have to see that this is a shounen manga. A young male oriented demographic so if a female character doesn't get the "proper" or enough growth because of course the author is going to focus on the male characters. That doesn't make them sexist or the story sexist, it's just not the focal point.


The writing is sexist in many ways in addition to that.


Now obviously my post probably won't change your mind so let's change subjects.


Not that i particularly want to.. but If we keep discussing the subject what’s wrong with that? We all already know your view. The subject doesn't need to change just because people don’t agree with you.

#968482 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 24 September 2018 - 02:16 PM in Naruto General

He wasn't being sexist at all.


You keep asserting this but unless you can argue that in a cogent way then your replies really add nothing to the discussion. 




Yeah, he wrote them terribly, but to accuse him of sexism is frankly absurd for you to jump to that conclusion because the character is a way so you think you can label it with a buzzword such as sexism. 





If the word accurately describes the problematic way in which the character was written then it’s use is appropriate. Calling the term a “buzzword” isn’t a substantial counterpoint to its use here. It’s just dismissing the subject out of hand through appeal to ridicule.


Accusing something of sexism is such a subjective viewpoint because 9 times out of 10, they weren't trying to be sexist at all and now you have just falsely labeled them as a sexist which sadly hold very large negative connotations in today's world.





Where exactly did you get that “9 times out of 10” from? Or is that also a subjective viewpoint..



Yes, they are. Just because a certain character gender is treated a certain way in a story, doesn't mean it's sexist.


Yeah, just because a female character is shown in a worse light than a male character in a SHOUNEN manga doesn't mean it's sexist or the author is sexist.




I wasn’t *just* using the term for that reason. I clearly explained that in my last reply to you. The second quote is equally argumentum ad absurdum. If you can’t engage with the actual arguments presented here then your continuous objections to the use of the term carry no weight.

#968474 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 24 September 2018 - 06:59 AM in Naruto General

It really pisses me off that so many women actually like this and fail to see the problems with what it's implying.


Yeah I agree.. I don't really understand why they like it.


As for Misa, she's essentially the Harley Quinn of manga. Her relationship is not meant to be seen as a positive one, that was the point. 


Which is exactly why it’s weird that they put her on the heroines cover.  

At least Harley from the animated series was competent outside of her relationship with the joker.. also she could live as her own person at times.. misa though.. holy kitten.

#968469 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 24 September 2018 - 01:19 AM in Naruto General

If I had to name a favorite manga/anime it would probably have to be Death Note, but Toy Ninja isn't really wrong.


It's still better than Naruto, because Misa obviously isn't supposed to stand for anything good or be a role model for anyone. She was the way she was, she never stopped being that way, and then (spoiler) she dies. What Kishi and SP ended up doing to Sakura was worse. (Than that specific example, at least. I didn't really like Bakuman very much)


Yeah don't get me wrong I also really like Death Note overall. Also that's a really good point. Misa never had her character derailed and her role/function is well defined. Ohba wrote Misa in a consistent way whereas Kishi seemed to struggle with Sakura for a while then did really awful things with her. At least that's the impression I got.

#968450 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 23 September 2018 - 04:01 PM in Naruto General

AGAIN. Just because he used the females in that way doesn't mean its sexist.



Its not just the roles they play but the way those role are contextualized within the stories - which only serves to reinforce the sexism. Moreover their actual personalities are either written as ultimately accepting of the kitten they put up with, failing to even comprehend it, or just being shallow characterless objects. 



You are basically saying that a woman can't be written in a negative way if a man is doing it.




If by basically you mean what i can be said can be misconstrued in such a way based on nothing.. then yeah?



Just because he wrote them that way doesn't mean he's sexist or his writing is sexist.




I didn't even call him a sexist. I said his writing has been sexist. ...This should go without saying but writing stories full of sexism in an uncritical way does make those stories sexist. 



Would you be saying the same thing if it was a woman writing all her male characters like that? 




Yes if that woman wrote those male characters in works which framed their mistreatment in the same way that Ohba's writings do.

#968447 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 23 September 2018 - 03:40 PM in Naruto General

I disagree with that. Just because he used a female in a certain way doesn't mean he is or was trying to be sexist.


I'm not saying his writing has been sexist because he used a female character (misa) in a certain way. I'm saying his writing for virtually all of his female characters has been sexist in every manga of his that I have read. Misa is just an example. That's what i meant when I said "consistently."


Kiyomi Takada (fodder), Naomi Misora (disposable tool, called an idiot by near), misa (willing tool and kitten puppet), Miho Azuki (trophy wife), Yuriko Hiramaru (not respected by her peers and is sexually harassed by her kitten coworker), Kaya Takagi (constantly treated like kitten by the main characters), Aiko Iwase (repeatedly humiliated and not valued like her peers), Kayoko Mashiro (told she can’t understand the main characters dreams because she’s a woman), Natsumi Kato (unimportant assistant who is sexually harassed by her kitten coworker) ect....


Hell at least 4 different story-lines in bakuman essentially boil down to putting a woman in her place.

#968422 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 23 September 2018 - 03:50 AM in Naruto General

Even though she was a bad guy, Misa was the female lead of Death Note.


Yeah i know. Though Misa was a pathetic puppet of a character. Kind of typical of Ohba since his writing is consistently sexist. Seriously Misa is about as far from heroic as you can get. I guess they should have called it Shounen jump celebrating 50 years of female leads.

#968419 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Toy Ninja on 23 September 2018 - 02:54 AM in Naruto General

Shounen jump celebrating 50 years of heroines. I wish salad wasn't there.



Well Misa Amane is there so they clearly didn't set the bar very high for what they consider a heroine to be..

#968374 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 27

Posted by Toy Ninja on 21 September 2018 - 06:33 AM in Latest Releases

Preview for this months exciting chapter of boruto! Naruto is in the toilet... taking a huge kitten...