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There have been 1 items by Yyubie (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#988254 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yyubie on 31 December 2022 - 10:27 AM in Naruto General

By the way, long time no see :D , i'm still come here just look at post maybe 3 times this year. Since i think we can all agree that Boruto is real and canon now and any little bits of chance that this entire spawning pool of crap is fake or Mugen Tsukuyomi at this point is just in denial.


Found this shiet when i'm scrolling down tik-tok :




I was just wake up today .... still sleepy don't want to get out of bed since it's holiday and the last day in 2022. And when i saw that video ... my sleepiness instantly disappear, my eyes wide open, and i get up and was like : HOLLY CRAP ARE THEY REALLY DOING THIS??? RIGHT NOW??. And then i scroll the comment section on that video and look at the captions and re-watching it ... analyzing it and yes i'm sure 95% it was just a fan made. But i have to admit this feeling that i thought was dead that i bury and i'm sure i'm over it long ago since the devastation Kishi drop on 2014 turn out still there ... i'm still deep down wants all of this is just a nightmare or disgusting joke.


I don't know if that video was new .... or maybe a years old video that i happen to see it now. Anyway, as soon as i'm done watching it, i come here and (Expect an uproar / hot discussion and obviously not :sweat: ) just want to say this. What do you guys think??