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There have been 162 items by Bail o' Lies (Search limited from 21-June 23)

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#990701 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 October 2023 - 09:02 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

ame="totherpage95" post="990698" timestamp="1698113580"]

Maam and Popp was one of my favourites too. The chemistry was there and the way the love confession was made: very classic:) (search for YouTube video on Maam x Popp if you dont mind spoilers). The manga was one classic piece, and Im glad it was made before the internet became widely accessible. The love triangle was setup just nice to get you invested into the story. Fully recommended.

Are people having problems with the quote button or something? Mine seems to be fine.

#990699 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 October 2023 - 05:32 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Who? Are we suppose to know which dragon quest character you are referring to by instinct?
It's pretty obvious the one with pink hair, huge strength, tsundere personality, and healing ability in adventure of dai.

And if one has not watched Dragon Quest and had no clue who you are referring to or even if they did still wouldn't know because your statement was to vague? Also, not helped there is more than one dragon quest game...like 12 and a MMO I think.


Pink hair from the adventure of dai...So Maam.

#990697 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 23 October 2023 - 08:48 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I mean if you see what happens in dragon quest the character who's similar to sakura does move on

Who? Are we suppose to know which dragon quest character you are referring to by instinct?


With all the craziness that we had  to deal with regarding the NH and SS fans (and still do, with less intensity), we can easily forget that they are NH and SS fans out there that are chill and can see reasons.


Some fans can enjoy the idea outside the canon reality (like fanfiction) and hate the canon, some can accept that the writing was kitten but accept the rest and some, while not agreeing with everything, can admit that NS (with SK) was the most logical pairing(s) that would affect the story a lot better for the majority of the main characters and also, would have a much better flow with the story in general. 


 I have a friend that was shipping NH and I told her, read the integrality of the manga vs watching the anime and you know what, she did and said that it did make a lot more senses to have NS as canon and understood now a lot better my points. She even said that while she was no longer a fan of the series, that with all what she compared, she would have probably change from NH to NS for sure.


Hell, when starting watching the anime, I was a NH shipper (not an hardcore one though just enjoyed it a little) but as soon as I started reading the manga, I switched instantly on NS. With that point in mind, I totally get why, only anime fans (mostly the westerns fans), ship hard NH because right from the very beginning (at least, with the fillers episodes between the first part and shippuden), SP was bias with Hinata. 

The anime had a lot of filler promoting Hinata because the staff was obsessed with her. It is why they ended Naruto marrying Hinata because that was their end goal all along. Without the anime, Hinata is a character that's barely involved in the story and barely interacts with Naruto despite professing love for him. With it, while she still isn't involved in the story that often, she is constantly by Naruto side, and constantly thinking about how much she loves him.


Most Western fans seem to hate reading anything, and prefer just to watch a tv/movie/anime and accept that as canon. I lost count of the people I have met that say they love an adaptation, that they love as well as care so much about the story, that they wish to learn more about it, but will never read the source material. Saying excuses like they want to watch all the show first before they read the book, so they won't get spoiled. Then they never read the book. Even if they do, they hold the adaptation over the source material, and will differ to that when inconsistencies happen.

#990467 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 19 August 2023 - 11:52 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Strange when i put myself in naruto's shoes i came up with a different perspective

"Put yourself in Naruto's shoes:
Would you prefer someone who always follows the crowd, people belittles you she belittle you, they adore you she adore you (Are they still talking about Sakura?). One who asks you to take back the boy she has a crush on and who tried to kill you and her, but this girl continues to prefer him to you, and at most she makes a finished declaration of love to you.
Or a girl who has always appreciated you no matter what others say or your flaws, and who will give her life for you if that is required.
Really people still have doubts about which couple is the best, in reality everyone would be happy that their son takes Hinata home and not Sakura, the NaruSaku is literally the girl who doesn't care about the nice guy, until it suits him, he changes my mind."

God that post is so badly written.


Again. The appeal of Hinata is, she is easy. You do not have to do anything to get her or keep her. And as they state she will never question or doubt you only worship the ground you walk on. Which becomes a problem when your son is acting out and she refuses to confront you. Leading the daddy issue to spiral out of control. One cannot resolve an issue; unless it is brought first up.


Sakura willingness to question and criticize Naruto is a point in her favor because; Naruto is an idiot, who is trying to enact policy changes to correct the flaws in the ninja system. If he doesn't have some one to talk his idea over first how can he know they will work? How does he iron out the detail?


Edit: Also in Naruto's shoes. Well Naruto was someone that most of the village preferred to avoid interacting with when they could for years. Sakura was the one girl that would always react to him. He thought she was cute and developed a crush on her over time fell in love with her. Hinata was a weird quite girl that was too polite  to tell him to go away and too meek to speak two sentences to him. Until the chunin exam, which was after knowing each other for years as with the rest of his classmates. Which by her finally talking to him caused him to see her as a nice girl and a good friend. 

#990706 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 26 October 2023 - 06:29 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I've tend to notice that with books like lord of the rings, game of thrones and Harry potter. Comics people are ethier more aware of the movies or cartoons depending on the era they grew up in and get suprised when the adaptions of comics are a mix of different stories rather than a full on adaption, though comics continuity would make it more impossible to ever full adapt stories unless their are elseworld stories. Though games have started to become as big of a medium.

My guess is because they are more accessible to watch and consume, especially with streaming services in recent years. Another reason which came from a youtuber called lily orchards who did a video on making fun of J.k.rowling, during which mentioned that due to the education system making reading more like a chore for kids, becoming less fun making it into assignments of highly revied books by adults. With some only getting back into reading when a fun book at the time like Harry potter came along.

So I wouldn't be suprised if many of the anime only watchers would view the 700 hundred chapters chore to read, even though the anime became worse than that due to filler.

Video games surpassed comics about 20 years ago, the fact that comics have been in decline since the 90's not helping them, and they surpassed Movies in profits almost ten years ago. Though that went unnoticed due to the stranglehold films have over western culture. Granted, I am assuming you are thinking games are only recently getting big due the things like, the success of the Sonic and Mario movies and such.


Comics despite the fact they were holding up Hollywood for the past decade, are not respected. Their stories are not respected. Their writers are not respected. Their art is not respected. Hollywood does not respect anyone but themselves. For comics, they see it as a pathetic boy hobby they want to turn into a girl hobby, since they assume the boys will just accept it, and see their fans as losers that they can milk for money. People at Marvel have made it clear they prefer to hire "fans" not fans. They see people that have actually read the comics as a red flag, and don't hire them. They want people who will do whatever they want with the IP; then use the 'bigot shield' when it backfires. Over actually making an adaptation.


Remember, the only reason the One Piece Live Action turned out the way it did was Oda was an executive producer and force them to follow his story. If not, the "fan" writers and "fan" directors would have made another Live Action Cowboy Bebop. Same with the Mario movie, before Nintendo intervened it was going to be another mess and then they step in.


As for schools making reading a chore for the students. It not a problem that they make students read for assignments the problem is that is likely the only time they ever read if at all. Hell, when I went to college, I knew a girl that never even read a single line of Shakespeare before a class we took together; because apparently the schools in California just gave them power-point outlines of the books and stories that were required reading. Harry Potter was often the only book they ever read for enjoyment; if they read them and not just said they did while only watching the movies. Which is why millennials obsess over it.


Watching something on TV is often a passive way of absorbing a story. Books require active absorption as you have to imagine what happening in your mind about what you are reading. One of the reasons storytelling quality has gone down in the West is because they stopped reading. Another is, they know if they play the virtue signaling game, they will be given a pass; so they don't put the work in.

#990715 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 31 October 2023 - 06:00 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Honestly if they kept going with what nick Spencer did I'd see more people reading those comics. Granted they are rebooting ultimate spiderman under John Hickman telling a new adult spiderman I hear discribed of being like Peter B. Parker from spiderverse.

They have no interest in continuing with Mary Jane and Peter Parker together in the comics. Remember, Nick Spincer did that to recover after the 'Captain America is a Nazi' story flopped. Once his rep was restored, he left, and they broke them up again. Marvel Comics has no interest in having those two together in their comics; outside of a temporary last resort.


PPxMJ happen outside of comics because their relationship existing is casual fans knowledge. So it not being there would negatively affect sales. The comic's creators don't think that because they know the comic fans will buy no matter what because the fans are convinced they must keep buying the comic issues in the hope their purchase will magically convince the writers and editors to put them back together. 


No I'm talking about at least for over a decade, since games games like the last of us came out and were mega popular. I wouldn't really say that with every comicbook movie, as directors such as James gunn, josh weadon and the russo brothers I recall were comicbook fans.

From everything I have read and heard from one piece fans and youtubers nothing implies they would of done another Cowboy Bebop and that the showrunner is a passionate fan of one piece and wouldn't do anything without oda's approval. Nintendo and Mario I have no idea about, all I recall is that you had the anti woke crowd acusing it of being a feminist movie with how princess peach was portrayed in the trailer only to u-turn when the film turned out to be really popular.

You think books with pictures with link comics or managa would be at least somewhat appealing since they do have visual images to look at. Not to mention you can read a chapter like naruto in a few minutes.

Cowboy Bebop was not their first live action adaptation of an anime Netflix did, just the last one before One Piece. They are generally all the same. The difference for One Piece was the mangaka was an executive producer and he ordered reshoot when the adapters were up to their usual antics.


I'm not much of a Nintendo fan, so I'm sure I didn't make many post about Mario movie and especially about Princess Peach in it. As for people don't liking Woke movies. People have been burned so often by bad products that call them a bigot for even expressing even the mildest criticisms. It is only natural to express caution towards sequels and remakes. Go in expecting it to be bad, enjoy it if its good, worry if the sequel will fall off. Better than the fan desperately holding on to hope the companies and writers that hold them in contempt will finally listen.


Comics problem is they are so minor in the cultural landscape only a small amount of nerds read them. Manga is more popular and read. But again, people will defer to the anime adaptation because even with pictures they are too lazy. 

#991006 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 25 March 2024 - 10:41 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


gotta love how the minato manga brings us ns fans out of the woodwork :D

...Again, Other because you watched it, you assume Kishimoto must have watched it, and been inspired by it. When there has never been mentioned of it in any interview. 


What has been mentioned is Slam Dunk, (and how it inspired the Naruto-Sakura-Sasuke dynamic,) which I assume you haven't read/watch.


Other there is a difference between speculating that Kishimoto may have been inspired by something and declaring it to be true. There is no evidence of him being inspired by that dragon quest anime, there is of him being inspired by Slam Dunk.

#990768 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 25 November 2023 - 07:03 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku



"Idk why this is so funny, toneri basically told boruto that his mom was a second choice. Imagine if boruto asked how his parents got together, and Toneri said it was because of genjutsu."


                Toneri:" Back then, Naruto saw Sasuke, an elite student, as his rival, and seemed to have a crush on Sakura.

The, "seemed," means they are still trying to justify it by the Last. That Naruto wasn't really in love or didn't really have a crush on Sakura; only seemed to be because it just a part of his rivalry with Sasuke to go after the girl that Sasuke had feelings for.

#990717 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 01 November 2023 - 02:51 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Which is further galling and hypocritical since a major reason that they created Ultimate Spider-Man was because they were convinced Peter was more "relatable" when he was a highschool kid without any serious romantic relationships.

The reason they keep putting Peter Parker in Highschool over and over again is because they want him to be the young web-slinging web-head with no responsibilities, fighting bad guys while constantly quipping, selling pictures of himself to the Daily Bugle for pocket change, and getting with model hot high-school girls the writer always dreamed of. With Great Power comes Great Fun and Zero Responsibility, to them. Also despite the fact, I think, Peter graduated from High-School in issue 15 of his story and his most of the famous events are actually him in college.


He is only allowed to be older in Into the Spiderverse and those Sony games is because they want him to be a Mentor to Miles Morales. So, they can eventually replace Peter with Miles. Ah, apparently Insomniac/Sony games have already declared they are doing so.

#990400 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 07 August 2023 - 07:08 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Ai Is the latest fad on youtube.






#990486 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 21 August 2023 - 09:46 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Wow, and NaruHinas are clutching onto that "The Kushina-Sakura connection was a deliberate red herring that's common in shonen" rhetoric even now. 

Where did you get that quote from?


They have to: "The answer that is simple. Kushina and Minato have a happy health perfect relationship made even clearer by the one-shot. That are suppose to foreshadow how Naruto's relationship will end up as well as who he ends up marrying.

There is an old adage that one will end up marrying someone like their parents. Clearly that was at work in Naruto.
Sakura's father was a goofy man so Sakura should end up marrying a goofy Naruto. Naruto's mother was hot tempered, so he should marry the hot tempered Sakura.
MK and NS were both based off Kishimoto's own relationship. MK is just more mature, further along, and doesn't have the conflict Sasuke brought to it. The only problem they have, that was introduced by the one-shot, is that Kushina is trapped in a barrier. Which its implied Minato eventually solved by both strengthen her seal, and getting rid of that law so they could always be together.
So again, 'The Story of Naruto,' implies that Naruto will live a happy life if he gets into a relationship like his parents had. Obviously that being NS, you have to be either an idiot or deliberately refusing to accept that to not know that. So, the nH fans want to convince both themselves and everyone else that, it wasn't NS that MK was foreshadowing and paralleling to but nH. Sarcasm: Because, it so obvious to everyone that Hinata is exactly like Minato and/or Kushina. Also, ignore that fact that Kushina has cease to exist in Boruto to help bury the fact that, Hinata is nothing like her."
If it wasn't subversion. Then its even more clear that it was last minute and wasn't planned.

#990064 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 07 July 2023 - 06:51 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Reflecting on the pairing and on how Naruto's final couples turned out a bit. I really, truly could have lived with NaruHina if there had been any effort at all in the last stretch of the manga to solidify it. In a way, I feel like that pairing may have been done even dirtier than NaruSaku. That ship was realized, only for it to have been realized in such an underwhelming way. It just feels hollow, empty. A shell of a shell.


For NaruSaku's case, I remember people here defending this scene to death, but...that false confession scene, in retrospect, really was the overture to NaruSaku's downfall. Not because it made the ship impossible, or even because it was a bad idea or strategy (Sakura's motivation behind it makes perfect sense, as does Naruto's reaction), but because Kishimoto just did not handle it with tact. And the fact that he didn't communicates something in its own, I think. In execution it came off much more as emotional manipulation than it did a desperate (and maybe even a little honest?) play, the latter of which being the more compelling and sympathetic way to write it. And the follow-up on Sakura's end from that point onward left a lot to be desired.


Sakura was done so dirty. This subject has been beaten to death, but god, it's true. I think the biggest reason I would say I'd ship NaruSaku now would be that the further Sakura is from Sasuke, the better. I could have lived with NaruHina, but SasuSaku? No. That's the ship that stung the most. And while I've grown numb to it now, with Boruto becoming as much of a meme presence as it has, that ship and the way it was forcibly made canon, barging on through every toxic wall it could on its way there... it'll always astound me.


I don't know if NaruSaku's positive elements as a ship were accidental. If Kishimoto accidentally wrote a healthier partnership than the obvious side ones he'd been bluntly, one-sidedly teasing. Part of me thinks it might have been. Considering how Kishimoto wrote many female characters, and how the writing of the romance in all aspects turned out... maybe NaruHina and SasuSaku had been the intention all along, and he'd written them the only way he knew how. One-sided crushes. Re-emphasized, over long periods of time. Maybe we were looking for a nuanced romantic relationship in a series that was determined to have superficial ones. Maybe we were hoping for too much, and the series had been more honest than we wanted it to be.


I'll always long for what NaruSaku could have been - scratch that, what Sakura could have been. We'll never get it. But what a nice dream it was. What a nice dream it will be for us, forever, somewhere buried deep in us.


The real NaruSaku was unironically the friends we made along the way.

nH as a concept isn't that much of a problem a shy girl gets with the boy she likes. The major problems with it were. 1) It was too underdeveloped to become the main pairing more importantly to become the focus of the ending and there after. It just never had the build up that would allow it to handle the burden. The Last and how they handle and presented the pairing to the audience was the biggest mistake they could have done. 2) NS was too developed and integral to the story in comparison to just be thrown away like that. For example, the only way Naruto's forgiveness of Obito can make any sense is because he understand Obito's reaction to Rin's death as he loves Sakura just as much as Obito loves Rin.


Kishimoto handling of the false confession and apparently how his editors told him how the fans reacted to it. Damaged NS chances of happening but it would have likely still happened if not for an additional 6 years of gaslighting to convince him to drop her in favor of Hinata. Ideally, after the arc Naruto and Sakura should of had a conversation where they talked about their feelings and made it clear to both themselves and the audiences. Naruto loves Sakura, but is willing to step aside to let her be happy with Sasuke. Sakura cares deeply for Naruto, but she still has strong feelings for Sasuke despite all that has happened due to the forehead comment.


Sakura has been in an awkward situation since they tried to throw her away. As they quickly realized that Hinata is not popular enough to hold up the franchise. So they have to use Sakura despite a lot of people working on Naruto-Boruto hating her. But, she also has to be kept as far away from Naruto as possible so no one notice how they have such natural chemistry. Now its known she is the third most popular Naruto character, most popular main character, and most popular female character in the world. As for SS what you didn't see their side manga? Where we learned their relationship can be summed up as Sakura: "Sasuke, you will love me or I will use edo tensei on you."


The thing is, Kishimoto didn't realize he was even teasing. Since, he never interacted with his fanbase till maybe after the ending. NS was always what he intended, while SS was a relationship he hated, and he barely knew nH was even a thing.

#990179 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 16 July 2023 - 11:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Having just recently watched most of the podcast we pretty much interrupted each other quite a lot and I probably got agitated because I felt singled out for that.

To be honest I wasn't really enthusiastic on this topic as I don't really think Naruto would go evil unless Iruka tried to kill Naruto in chapter 1, because once he makes the bonds with team 7 I don't see that changing unless you do some injustice scenario and the majority of team 7 is dead

There are several ways Naruto could become evil. That is why he has so many dark reflections. Iruka being one, Sasuke death being another, and Sakura being killed is the biggest. That's why Obito is Naruto ultimate dark reflection.

#990016 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 04 July 2023 - 02:52 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

A question I want to ask all of you if you were the writer of Naruto, when would you have Naruto and Sakura hook up if you didn't have to place it at the ending?

The problem is that the set up for the pairing is the Bench scene and the forehead comment was always made to hold off them getting together till near the end if not the end.


So there always has to be this moment. Sakura asks Sasuke about the forehead comment. Sasuke realizes that was Naruto and explains what happened that day. Sakura goes in to some sort of state of shock and confusion. A third party most likely Kakashi that is in the scene decided to question Sakura to think who she really loves. Thinking on it she realizes she loves Naruto. Since that was what Kishimoto intended when he made the bench scene he just didn't work towards it as he should have and abandon it.


Ideally in theory: Naruto and Sakura should not get together in part one; outside of stories where Naruto's parents are alive which case they are already more or less together. Part one is going from Sakura disliking him to Naruto becoming her best friend on the team as he is the only one that is willing to talk and listen to her. So by part two he is her best friend alongside Ino which is how he bonds with Ino. There should even a scene during a bit of down time where Sakura, Ino, and Naruto are at a café or a restaurant or something. Where Sakura gets up to use the ladies room leaving them to talk, they bond over their friendship with Sakura, and then Sakura comes in pulling Naruto away when she feels they were getting to close. Leaving Ino to think that Sakura should really just get over Sasuke already.


In Part two. They gradually get closer to the point that eventually anyone that meets them just assumes they are a couple and then questions why are they together when they learn they aren't. It certainly would've helped that every filler arc in the anime they tried to make Hinata the perfect goddess that must get with Naruto; it has the new character look at Naruto and Sakura and assume they are a couple then again be shocked when they aren't.

#989997 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 03 July 2023 - 05:31 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Honestly, a moment that doesn't get talked about enough is when she first showed signs of an unconscious, burgeoning attraction towards Naruto when he showed his determination to take on a missing-nin like Zabuza and began strategizing on how to defeat him with Sasuke. This is arguably the first time that she seriously acknowledged that he was more than just a class clown and an idiot, which caused her to blush and her heart to skip a beat, with her pondering what she was feeling in that moment.

She in the manga was also impressed when Naruto launched his Shadow Clone Surprise attack against Kakashi.


The impression I have of Sakura is I feel she likes cool/calm confident capable men. In other words, the opposite of her goofy father. This is why she likes Sasuke, as she likes his cold attitude as he is less likely to be goofy, and he normally only doing something when he can succeed which makes him seem very confident/capable. She normally has a fond or swooning expression when she sees Naruto is doing something impressive: the shadow clone against Kakashi, getting his headband back from Zabuza, and being informed by Sasuke the Naruto was the one who rescued her from Gaara. But, Naruto being Naruto he does something stupid that ruins the moment and she thinks of him as an idiot. The first time she was ever critical of Sasuke while praising Naruto, was during the fight with Orochimaru. Where Naruto was fighting, while Sasuke was cowering. Which she chastised him into action...of course this finally impress Orochimaru enough to give Sasuke the curse seal.


You can also see it during their reunion at the start of part 2, where Sakura was swooning over how amazing Naruto had become; before he ruined it with the sexy jutsu, 


Honestly, the two event that could be changed that would make Sakura fall for Naruto much quicker is. Remove Naruto transforming into Sasuke to compliment her forehead as that convinced her Sasuke must have hidden feeling for her, and have Naruto not ruin their reunion at the start of part two. Do those two things, and they'd probably be dating by the end of the month.

#989965 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 30 June 2023 - 06:59 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

What is an underrated NS scene no one talks about?

Pick a scene. Most of the fanbase ignores all of them.

#990325 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 27 July 2023 - 07:18 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Ah yes, those fics...


I really can't stand that revenge fulfillment/power fantasy garbage since it requires everyone to be grossly out of character and expects us to root for Naruto when he becomes a psychopathic PoS that puts Orochimaru to shame.  Oh, and Hinata is always naturally immune because "she always had Naruto's back.", even when she hid in the shadows and did nothing as he was "abused". :mellow:

I honestly avoid Naruto Hinata fics because of those, because they are all the same. Same, whining. Same, oh woe is me. Same no one has suffered as I have suffer. Same vindictive petty sadistic bloodlust. Same harem of characters the writer clearly lusts after.


Hinata often becomes his second who wipes out the rest of the village (down to the infants in their pleading mother's arms) while he goes after those that personally wronged him; mainly Sakura. And defeats easily while ranting and complaining.


If it came to me and writing a role reversal story of Naruto being the bad guy and sasuke being good.8 honestly don't think Hinata would have any relevancy at all especially her infatuation with Naruto too.

I do however see Sakura gaining a huge major role and growth out of it though.

In that putting all that high of a pedestal on Sasuke really set off the edge and he just needed someone to understand him and feel welcome.

I could even see it where it breaks her crush phase. On sasuke too.

If we honestly look at Hinata. She would be a lesser Sakura. Instead of chasing after him or trying to bring him back. She would just lament him turning evil, going "Naruto-kun," and do nothing else. Granted her fans will still defend her if that happened because double standards.

#990334 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 29 July 2023 - 01:31 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I haven't seen anything to indicate that Luffy and Nami are a possibility because I doubt Oda is going to go against the well established rule in Shonen that the girls get to decide who they marry.


We have too many examples of that we can go through in Shonen where the girl gets with the guy she liked. Ever since Naruto ended I have just assumed that will be the case going forward for any series.


So if it's going to be anyone with Luffy I think it will still be Boa, because I don't think Oda has the guts to her be rejected in the end. Where things stand now with their relationship doesn't matter; the only thing that matters is what Oda decides to do at the very end, and it will be easier for him to write Luffy accepting Boa than any other option.

I think it likely if the end pairings becomes an issue Oda will just avoid it all together. He was seen what has happened to his colleagues. He stated in interview before he doesn't want to focus on romance too much.

#990359 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 30 July 2023 - 06:48 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Oh yeah, I do remember the manga you're referring to, I believe that was U-19. But what you said is accurate in that it does seem like Jump and Shueisha aren't taking the same approach with what happened to Kishi. Simply to avoid the same circumstances that happened with Naruto, and honestly that is for the better.

I think it was also pretty telling that when Naruto ended, Kishi had no interest coming back to Naruto after he finished the series and wanted to try something different. Which we know the result of what happened once Samurai 8 got canceled.

Not to say that it was surprising because given how Naruto ended this was more or less something an expected outcome.

They like a lot of people underestimated how important NS was to the story of Naruto.


It may not be up to the company, as much as it is a reaction from the mangaka. Again, Kishimoto used to be a big name and that one executive/editorial mandate destroyed him. What can say it can't happen to them? So they are all taking precautions to make sure it doesn't happen.


Demon Slayer: I didn't even realize there was a main couple outside the lighting boy crushing on the sister.


My Hero: Killed the closest thing to a romantic rival.


Food Wars: Didn't put the main couple together for some reason.


Samurai 8: I'm not changing the main pairing. I'm not changing the main pairing. For ten chapters.


Jujutsu Kaisen: Seemed to imply from the beginning that Yuji wasn't even going to live long enough to get into a serious relationship.


Black Clover: Noelle is clearly the main girl, but if the editor make a stink Sister Lily.


Chainsaw man: Messed around in part one but I assume Asa is Denji's love interest.


Edit: Currently in publication. Surprisingly a lot are story that have a duo that are clearly the main couple and the main characters the story is focused around.
Ayakashi Triangle: Shameless Woman and the clueless Ninja. There was a possibility that they would have spilt the main character in two so the shy ninja could have the girl but main girl is too shameless to share.
Yumeochi: Sleepy Boy and Class rep. 
Demon lord Exchange: Priest either ends up with his childhood friend or the demon lord in her body.
Blue Box. Main boy and Main girl.
Marital Master Asumi: Main cowardly boy with MMA Girl.
Kill Blue: The old man will either stay a child and marry the rich girl, or more likely get the cure and get back together with his family.
Mission: Yozakura Family: Main Boy with childhood friend spy girl.
Undead Unluck: The two main characters.
My Girlfriend Gives Me Goosebumps: Main boy and his girlfriend.
Akane Banashi: Main Girl and her childhood bully/friend as he was the only one she could think of to go out on a date on.
Beat & Motion: The depressed male animator and the drunk female musician.

#990356 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 30 July 2023 - 02:42 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I recall bringing this up to Lucky a few years ago when Shounen jump had that red string of fate manga. But, I have notice that WSJ manga tend to be more blatant with their couples since Naruto ended. Either, they were very clear who the love interest is, or they avoid that all together.


People worried about another mangaka becoming another Kishimoto need to remember that; they don't want to turn into another Kishimoto. Kishimoto was once the second of third biggest name in the shounen manga industry.


Now look at him.


He is a glorified editor/assistant in the sequel to his own manga, and its failing. We may not know fully what happened to Naruto, but it is likely an open secret and a warning in Shueisha; don't let your editors dictate something as minor yet important as the end parings.

#990519 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 25 August 2023 - 10:54 PM in Naruto General


Well, I keep getting ads for this. So I guess its coming out soon or has.


Its showing off Kara. Mustard, Blacksmith, Barbarian hair, and Jenga with him doing the trailers commentary voiced by Keith Silverstein

#989912 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 21 June 2023 - 11:12 PM in Naruto General


When Naruto called Obito the "coolest guy ever..." how did you feel when you heard it?


The fact that Obito wanted to be hokage before excuses his actions in Naruto's eyes? Not believable, and I found it more annoying than anything. And again as the ending showed, Naruto supports the ninja system which apparently is the root cause of everything makes the moral message even more garbage. 

Again, it wasn't just that. It was discovering that he was just like him wanting to be Hokage, jealous of his more gifted male teammate, and loving his female teammate; when he was extracting the tailed beast. Then he realized that Rin died and sympathized because he imagine how he would act if Sakura died. There was a scene people just keep over looking it.


HERE Chapter 652:





Said it for years but no one seemed to want to bother to look it up or just trust me if they didn't want to bother.

#990554 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 05 September 2023 - 04:12 AM in Naruto General

They didn't delay it to improve quality; it was just a marketing move because they didn't want to share the spotlight with the One Piece Live Action, the Shibuya Arc of JJK, and the final episodes of Bleach.


Those who live in countries where Saint Seiya was popular will understand what I'm about to say. Saint Seiya was the most popular anime in several countries, more popular than Dragon Ball for a while. However, at a certain point, it lost popularity, and Dragon Ball solidified itself as the most popular, with even Yu Yu Hakusho surpassing it. What I believe will happen with Naruto is that it will lose popularity in Western countries to One Piece, which will eventually become much more popular. Over time, Naruto will be forgotten, primarily due to the way Jump handles the franchise

They already likely know that the audience may have move on. That's why they are doing that 4 episode anime to check. The companies want to find out how well Naruto still sells. The anime staff delaying it just so they don't have to share the 'spotlight' (and see how bad there viewership is) will not please them.

#990555 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 05 September 2023 - 07:40 AM in Naruto General

Just heard some news.


Apparently, someone that was a writer for Witcher Blood Origins, Tasha Huo. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4409961/ For those that don't know, the spin off so bad it killed the main live adaptation. Other work includes a upcoming Red Sonja adaptation, that tomb raider that Phoebe Waller-Bridge is working on, and Might Nein, the upcoming Critical Role spin off. So the only thing she has that has been seen is a lore breakingly bad spin off so awful that it got the creator out of retirement to write more books.


She will be working on a Naruto live adaptation.


I just want to point out that the Live Action One Piece writer at least has marvel and star wars under his belt. https://www.imdb.com.../?ref_=tt_ov_wr And Oda still had to step in as an executive producer to try to make it work. From what I have heard it is...ok. 


So it is clear they are not putting much into the Naruto adaption and it will probably be a train wreck. If it even gets produced. Or are they hoping for it to be a Dragon Ball Evolution scenario where it will be so bad it would motivate Kishimoto into giving a kitten about Naruto again?

#990749 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 22 November 2023 - 12:02 AM in Naruto General

I wouldn't be suprised that's where the design for nanashi came from. Story mode from the boruto manga would just mean boruto, kwaki, naruto and sasuke would just be played in the story for 99% of the time to be honest

Pretty much.


Laying it out. In the manner of a ninja storm game:


Battle with Femmy would be a cool intro fight they usually do.
Richie Rich tutorial chapter ending with a fight against Molding cannibal.
Nail Intro: Spar among Neo-Team 7 with scientific ninja tools, battle again Kara puppet bots, battle against Cyborg Ao, maybe battle against clone Jiraiya, battle against random outer mook to show off Nail. Of course they would have to introduce the scifi tools that are then never used again after this arc.
Nail brought to village: Mustard attacks, Jenga first fight, Blacksmith fight.
Enter Madoc: Fight of Clone Jiraiya verse Jenga, Jenga part two a couple rounds of that to show of Suicide Nuke Mode and Bolt being taken over by Femmy. 
Punk: Him fighting random mooks, Fighting him a few times, The stab of Bros, Him fighting Moe.
Hime & Moe brought to the village: Fight against Nail, big tragic free for all against the cast to escape the village and set up part two.
With cutscenes to both set up the fights in between all of them. Of course they could add in a few fights and events here and there though even then. Does anyone really feel that would be interesting? A big problem with Boruto is none of its fights are that impressive unless its Naruto and Sasuke. Also probably it would have been difficult since part one ended what about 6 months ago and all the last arc does is add Salad's mangekyo.