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There have been 3 items by AllTheTimeINeed (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#969133 Nanowrimo 2018

Posted by AllTheTimeINeed on 03 November 2018 - 08:31 AM in Writing Discussion

I'm joining Nanowrimo 2018! I'm hoping to churn out words for my Narusaku fic: Otherness. I missed the first two days because of holiday celebrations, so I have to write 5000 words to catch up to the daily work count. Which... you know...is pretty ambitious for someone who is still trying to find a happy balance between work and writing. 


But I'm currently trying to word sprint at the moment ^_^. I'm currently working on rewriting chapter 2 in the moment. I've also thought about getting a beta reader for my project, but I'm not so sure where to look or who to ask. 

#967269 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by AllTheTimeINeed on 28 July 2018 - 07:24 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Hello Everyone! This is also a shameless plug, but I've recently written an ongoing fic for NaruSaku and it's called Otherness.


I've posted to FF.Net and AO3


It's mostly Sakura-centric though, seeing that the idea was born after years of frustration over Sakura's character development, but it will have NaruSaku because I'm trash for those two. Enjoy!

#963851 I need a beta reader! Help this NaruSaku Fic gain it's full potential...

Posted by AllTheTimeINeed on 07 April 2018 - 11:37 AM in Writing Discussion

Hello Narusaku fandom! I have been working on this story for quite sometime, and it's evolved with me as I grew as a person...so its very close to my heart. I have posted three chapters online via fanfiction and AO3, but have long since grown dissatisfied with how they turned out. What initially started as a response fic to Kishi's poor treatment of our favorite heroine turned into a story that unintentionally grew to become something more long and complicated. 


My story is a Sakura-centric fic that aims to give her some much needed development and to explore some of the headcanons I've made about the Shinobi world. It covers events of the 4th Shinobi War and then diverts from the canonical ending as the story goes on. There will be romance, but it comes second to Sakura's development within the story. 


I am currently in the process of adding more to the story and revising those three chapters that are already online thanks to camp nanowrimo! This is very new to me. I'm naturally a private person and I'm quite wary asking for help (mostly online), but this story is very dear to me and I want some damn justice for my favorite character even if I have to write it myself! 



  • Gives good constructive criticism on story structure and grammar
  • Open minded
  • Regular readers of both books and fanfiction
  • Has been writing for a long time
  • Knows how this beta reader thing works
  • Honors the beta reader code (ie. will not steal my story) --> Sorry if I'm being paranoid!

If anyone would care to read what I've posted in order to get a feel of what they are getting into here is a link!

Otherness by ATimeForeverything567

