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There have been 2 items by griff142 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#977259 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 03 February 2020 - 07:47 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I think what was dumber was that Naruto, through broken teeth and bruised swollen face, said "Does this make it even now?" No, Naruto, it doesn't "make it equal." Sasuke attacked and potentially killed several people and attempted to kill the leader. You remember the Hyuga treaty? Something similar happens there and the only way the Hyuga felt would make it even was to "sacrifice one of their own" and that wasn't even as bad as what Sasuke did.
Naruto...you are so Sasuke-sexual that your dumbass thinks getting your ass beat to near death makes amends for multiple deaths and an attempted terrorist attack?
That is what pisses me most about Naruto....he is SOOOOOOOO idealistic that he refuses....no...let's go back to something.
Naruto was SAID to be a person who can connect to people with emotions. He was SAID to be this great person who can connect with people cause he also knew what it was like, but this dude does not understand anything even back then. Naruto....SASUKE WAS AN EVIL MAN. He did horrible things in the name of power and revenge.
I'm sorry, but lesser have been given harsher punishments than what Sasuke got. In fact, Sasuke got REWARDED despite it all. Yes, some characters did worse than Sasuke, but they KNEW this made them villains. They owned up to it. Hell Deidara said "I just want to make beautiful art."
Naruto....the self-made hypocrite.
God, the more I read the series the worse it gets for me now...
Naruto, you need to take a page from Vash the Stampede

Look at a scene like this and tell me if Naruto really does "inspire" people to be better. Oh, and Vash's situation is not much different from Naruto's; seen as a monster, just wanted to make friends, tries to prevent killing, has a brother he loves, but also wanted to stop...oh and Knives was actually logical, had a point, and was actually traumatized by the events that unfolded to the point that even Knives had a real redemption in the end.
Knives cared for Vash so much that even when Vash sacrificed himself to save the planet, Knives used his life to bring Vash back to life because Vash actually got him to change his mind.

Yeah I believe the only way Sasuke was to be redeemed was as a sacrifice. To me having Naruto constantly trying to undermine everyone in the series over Sasuke shows me how immature he is. It is like a kid throwing a temper tantrum because he doesn't get what he wants. If things were different Naruto could have grown as a character by realizing that no matter how much you care about somebody you have to take action to prevent them from hurting anyone else. Hell, Sasuke tried to kill Sakura so to me that was the perfect time for Naruto to go berserk. If my friend tried to kill the girl of my dreams, I wouldn't care how close we are. I would seriously hurt you.

#977256 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by griff142 on 03 February 2020 - 02:09 PM in Naruto General

actually I counted up the pages myself and posted what I find and James redid the math for me cause I didn't go far enough since I had it at 25% she was in and James went further and found it was less than 3% she was in.
Which makes them freaking creepy since she's underage

Yeah, but it doesn't matter if you bring that up because the people don't care about that fact, and they will always think Hinata was always better. That is why Kishu is to blame for this because he a chance to stop it early but decided to keep it up to the point he caved and gave them what the illogical fans wanted.

To be fair, alot people saw the naked Hinata scene when they were kids but it did become an obsession. Unfortunately there is a lot of lolicon obsession in a anime nowadays. It isn't hard to find.