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There have been 40 items by Nami (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#917071 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Nami on 07 August 2016 - 09:12 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm actually liking Gajeel x Levy it so fracking cute.


That's definitely my new OTP, I adore them. When I first got into Fairy Tail, I started shipping NaLu and although I still love that ship, Gajevy has the better development by far.

#913716 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 20 June 2016 - 07:20 PM in Otaku Square

Wow, I'm impressed with this chapter. If there's one thing I always hoped more out of the series, it's that it could use some more world-building and this chapter delivers (I hope). So Zera's greeting Gajeel in wherever they are right now. We know that she's very much dead, but became a "fairy", so to speak. If I'd hazard a guess, the place Gajeel is in now is the realm between the world of the living and the afterlife. I also think that it's something of a neighboring place to the CS realm, given that she's a "fairy".

What I think will happen from here on is Gajeel being guided by Zera back to the world of the living, but it's obviously not gonna be a walk in the park. We all knew that Gajeel's going to be revived somehow, but if it has to happen, I'd rather see Gajeel clawing his way back to the living world. It'd make the revival that much more meaningful to me as opposed to magically reviving DB-style.


I don't know, but I think Gajeel is really alive now. If he's in some kind of underworld/hell/purgatory, why are only he and Mavis there? Why does the landscape look just like any part of Fiore? Why is Gajeel still wounded? Why is Zera an adult when she was just a small child when she died? If she changed in the underworld, why didn't Gajeel? It could be that they were just particles and Eileen's magic simply 'compressed' them. Like i said, I don't know, but I sure am happy that Gajeel is back. Even if he isn't alive now, he'll get resurrected soon enough, because I don't see him dying again.

#912726 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 07 June 2016 - 09:20 AM in Otaku Square

So you guys really think Gajeel will come back eventually? Thanks, you made me feel so much better!

#912644 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 06 June 2016 - 04:10 PM in Otaku Square

As for the new chapter: nope nope nope nooooope!!! What have I done to deserve so much pain? I don't know what hurts more, NaruSaku not being canon even with all the development or Gajevy becoming canon in such a romantic way and then freaking dying! I seriously wasn't expecting Mashima to do this to Gajeel. No one important dies in FT and now he wants to off one of the main cast? I don't know, I still have hope left inside of me that he will return somehow, but I don't know if it's as futile as waiting for the last chapter of Naruto to come out, hoping that the spoilers were just one massive troll. 

#912120 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 30 May 2016 - 06:03 PM in Otaku Square

Yess Gajeel x Levy confirmed !!! Ah ... my heart is on heaven ... there is no other joy than seeing a ship set sail and become a cannon :wub: :wub:


I'm so high right now I can't even think straight.... Oh maaaan! Just please tell me one of them won't die in the next chapter.

#911684 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 24 May 2016 - 08:26 AM in Otaku Square

I think Gajeel's death flag has just been raised pretty high. In this chapter, we see him saying that he's been looking for a place to die. Despite how the series rams the idea of non-sacrifice in everyone's heads, I really do think Gajeel will seriously die against Acnologia. Think about it; what could be a better way to die protecting his little brother figure (Rogue) and his the one he loves? Whatever Irene has planned, it's going to backfire horribly.


I don't know who I'm worried about more at the moment, Gajeel or Levy. 



Ah, No it's not that with me. Just been busy lol. :D away from home again working for my father :ermm: I like the recent chapters But I share the sentiment that Erza doesn't even need a parent to excuse her power because quite often her victories are @$$ pulls so it doesn't need to be justified nor does her normal awesomeness need to be genetic


I glad to hear that. Well, I'm not glad to hear that you're very busy, but that you're still around reading the chapters.  :D

#911633 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 23 May 2016 - 04:40 PM in Otaku Square

I can see that nobody here is really enthusiastic about the latest chapters because there's no discussion about them, but I have to say, I'm really enjoying them. Sure, nothing really epic is happening right now, but I like the setup and the countdown Mashima is giving us. It's really getting me pumped up. It really feels like the end is near because all the characters are making an appearance and gathering for this fight. I was really excited to see Acnologia, I'm sure he will make things interesting very soon.


So yeah, I hear you about Eileen, I'm really not interested in her connection with Erza, I feel like she doesn't need it to make her any more awesome, but there are a lot of other things I'm looking forward to. Especially to that fight with the Reaper. I love to see how Levy is finally getting in on a fight. And man that overload of Gajevy moments lately. Makes me worried someone is going to die.

#908026 Kishimoto's big moments when writing NaruHina

Posted by Nami on 17 April 2016 - 11:57 AM in Naruto General

Upon looking back on the series, I noticed something about all of the NaruHina 'moments' from beginning to end. It's that they were all very grandiose and were set up to be epic.


The Chunin exam thing with Neji, Hinata saving Naruto during Pein, her holding Naruto's hand in the war arc. All these moments were during huge events, making the scope of NaruHina at the time much bigger.


I'm starting to think this is why Kishimoto (and the fans of that pairing) felt somewhat satisfied with what "development" the pair received.


My problem, and I think it's the same for many of us, is that while there were a bunch of grandiose NaruHina moments, there was never any simple dialogue sequences between the two.


It really goes back to the old saying of less is more. For example, if Kishimoto wanted some solid development, it should have been Hinata who spoke with Naruto after Jiraiya died. Have the two connect and speak with each other. Simple dialogue sequences like that could have gone such a long way.


I think this is why many of us NS people gravitated toward Naruto and Sakura. While NaruSaku had some big moments, (the part where he saved her from Gaara, for example,) there were also a lot of just simple times of them talking or being teammates.


Looking back, I think those simple moments of them eating at the ramen shop together produced a deeper looking connection than Hinata confessing to Naruto during a huge battle.


Do you guys think it's just my NS bias showing or am I not wrong here?


You bring up a very interesting point when you said all NaruHina moments were "grandiose". I never really though of it in that light and I have to say I agree with you. What I don't agree with is that most of what you mentioned are NaruHina moments. I always saw them as just Hinata moments. It was all about her. Every relationship should be give and take. Every good pairing has a balance. Even though one person tends to be more affectionate or fall in love first, there is always a semi-equal amout of attention A -> B and B -> A. 


Sorry for bringing it up, I know it is a different point and that it has been discussed to death, I just felt like mentioning it. Having said that, I do believe that thanks to these big moments, Hinata actually stayed a semi-important character and maybe that's why Kishi thought it was justified to pair her up with the main character. Because, let's face it, she doesn't really stand out in a crowd if you count looks or personality. If she just were there in the war, nobody would notice her and if the manga had ended up NaruHina people would have been like "who the heck is this Hinata character all of a sudden? I never saw her. Oh you mean she was that blob that was kicked around during every fight because her powers are mediocre at best? Wow, talk about screen-time.". :D 


So all in all, maybe the inequality of the relationship is why we never get a meaningful NaruHina conversation? Because the relationship is just mostly in her head? What is there really to develop? Actually, scratch that. The reason we never get a meaningful NaruHina conversation is because Naruto never really discovered how to talk to her without her fainting. I bet it still happens even when they're married. Naruto has to make sure always to phrase his requests as short as possible so she doesn't have time to faint before she does it.

#907886 Sasuke And Hinata Should Have Been The End Paring of Naruto Here Are The Soli...

Posted by Nami on 16 April 2016 - 11:10 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I never really shipped those two, primarily because they have even less scenes and development than NaruHina. I always viewed them as 'pairing the spares' if NaruSaku got together. You do bring up some interesting points, though. Their personalities would compliment each other a lot better and the relationship would have potential to be interesting.

#907884 Favorite Ice Cream!

Posted by Nami on 16 April 2016 - 11:07 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Chocolate Chip or dark chocolate. I also like weird (at least some of my friends call them that) sweet-sour combinations like chocolate and lemon or hazel-nut and strawberry. There's not a combination I won't try.

#907491 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 12 April 2016 - 09:34 AM in Otaku Square

Civil War, illustrated by Mashima

So which side are you on?! :D


What's this about? Sorry, I have no idea.  :sweat:




You gotta love some of Hiro-sensies randomness. I could actually picture Natsu doing this.


Oh come on, he actually fed Lucy to Igneel?  :lmao: This was funny, but it also reminded me why NaLu is no longer my otp. I mean, I still love it, but I always feel like Lucy is the one crushing on Natsu and could really start to love him, while from Natsu, we get... well, nothing. Or at least, nothing that could be interpreted as any more than friendship. Heck, his relationship with her in the actual manga also started because he was using her for something.


Okay, sorry, just ignore my shipper rant, I guess the wound from NasuSaku is still fresh, even though it should have mostly healed by now. Ah the trouble with pink-haired characters.  :ermm:


The most annoying thing is that the whole "save Jellal" bit was basically a throwback to the time Erza became really arrogant and believed she had the right to tell people who they're allowed to hate. It's actually kinda sickening lol

I have literally zero interest in this fight. It's gonna be the same formula as usual: Erza stands zero chance + Jellal "please pity me" mindset + Erza "you must pity Jellal" + Erza random strength out of nowhere = end of fight.

I wasn't gonna read the chapter, but forgot and read it.


I know, I'm a bit tired of the whole thing as well, but I guess it was about time for a Jerza moment or something? We haven't had that in a while. I don't really mind that fact, but I mind that I was just getting psyched about what was so strong to annihilate two guilds and what could 5 members (2 of which aren't that strong fighters) do about it. Can we just go back to that?  :eager:

#906045 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 28 March 2016 - 08:12 PM in Otaku Square

Kishi take note, This is how you show a female protagonists growth, don't have her show growth only to be saved by the hero the next second, have them prove their worth by being the one who overcomes their weakness by using the other talents they have like their intelligence.


Lucy's actions this chapter might just be the greatest moment in the manga, because it wasn't just about nakama power giving them a boost to overcome their foe, but actual outsmarting the foe using the tools they had.


Oh I agree. This chapter was sooo good! I was afraid Natsu would have the spotlight in this chapter, but boy was I wrong. Mashima maybe isn't the complete best when it comes to writing female characters, he does make mistakes, but he's light years away from Kishi's incompetence. Now I wish he would make Levy do something important, we haven't seen anything memorable from her in a while.


Oh, while I'm on the subject of Levy, what's this talk about Gajevy twins I see on tumblr? Can someone fill me in?

#905742 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 23 March 2016 - 09:33 AM in Otaku Square

Well shoot, the anime is ending this week. Again *sigh*


Yeah... well better that than having countless filler arcs. It'll come back on again, hopefully like Inuyasha, after the manga has ended.

#905385 Favorite Youtubers

Posted by Nami on 18 March 2016 - 04:37 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

..., Little Kurbioh, Nostalgia Critic,...


Thank you, I don't know how I forgot to mention these guys, they're absolutely hilarious. 

#905083 Favorite Youtubers

Posted by Nami on 15 March 2016 - 10:03 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Wow you really know some fun channels. I usually end up watching something stupid on YouTube, like:


I'm into parodies lately so I watch Bart Baker. I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but it does make me laugh a lot.

CinemaSins and Screen Junkies  are fun as well if you're looking for a good laugh, but someone already mentioned them.


I also like watching some fun lists, like WatchMojo. They update several videos a day. I know some people say they've ran out of ideas, but you can still find interesting videos now and then. They even have some anime lists.

Next is Tats for me. Expect videos once in a blue moon, but they really make a good job. I'm especially addicted to the Creepypasta series.

Matthew Santoro is also pretty fun. Videos once or twice a week. There are also other channels like these, but the three I've listed are my favorite.


Walkthroughts were a favorite of mine, but I got slightly sick of them lately. I usually watched Markiplier, especially his horror game walkthroughs. I never really liked PewDiePie, Markiplier's videos were always better. Also Badassgamez for the Tomb Raider walkthroughs.

#905082 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 15 March 2016 - 09:34 AM in Otaku Square

Well not disappointed , BUT I kind of  wish Lucy would fight on her own so to show case how strong she's gotten. Well not that she hasn't but I'd like to see more. :smile:


Agreed. As much as it makes my shipper's heart flutter seeing Natsu saving her, I would've liked to see her fight on her own more. She barely landed one hit, I know she could do much more. Maybe we'll see a NaLu tag team in this fight again, that would be cool.


On a side note, how many times have we seen Natsu and Lucy naked around each other so far? It's really happening for the dumbest of reasons, what's the point anymore?

#904505 The Naruto Agree/Disagree Discussion Thread

Posted by Nami on 07 March 2016 - 01:14 PM in Naruto General

Statement: One of the problems of the series is the introduction of many new characters in part 2. The reason is because the old cast were plenty with established backstory and potential that hasn't been unlocked. Because of new characters in part 2, such as Sai and Yamato, many of them distract part 1 introduced characters to get any spotlight as well as characters including new ones being used as a "character of an arc." In other words, use for one arc, disposable for the next.

Agree or disagree?


Absolutely agree. I'm usually not a fan of series that have a lot of important characters because the ones I like never get developed enough and I can't stand having to put up with long arcs for characters I don't particularly like. There were already a lot of characters way back in Part I, but Kishi managed to balance everything out until Part II. It just got worse and worse. It was a running joke for a while that Kishi forgot how many characters he had in one scene because he would literally forget to draw some of them for several chapters.


Having said that, I don't really think Sai was problematic. I really liked him and he did set a lot of things in motion and strengthened the team in more ways than one. But Yamato, yeah, even Kishi forgot about him pretty soon.

#903015 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 22 February 2016 - 09:18 AM in Otaku Square

Well, there was that whole blanket thing that got everybody in a tizzy, but now that I've seen how intimate and comfortable they are with each other (and not just that innuendo), and how Levy kept talking about they wouldn't make it back this time, I think it definitely is a foreshadowing. As I've explained above, Levy's pregnancy could motivate Gajeel in his impending fight against Acno.


Oh I see, the blanket thing. Almost forgot about that one. :sweat:  Well, I have to admit that was obvious shipping bait, but it doesn't really point toward them 'doing it' for me. (Besides, even if they were in the same bed, how many times have we seen NaLu sleeping together, but not really sleeping together?) :D  Their whole interaction is still not really that close, although they've obviously grown more comfortable with each other. Especially when Gajeel comforts her, he still can't tell her how he feels more directly, but uses jokes and his usual jail references to try to assure her.


And we still have Lucy..... Will she play a role in the final battle just like Elie did? If so, what will it be?


I sure hope she will. I have a feeling we didn't find out the 'Heartfilia aiding the dragons in time travel' story for nothing. It will play a role eventually, but just like you, I still can't imagine how.

#902963 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 21 February 2016 - 05:09 PM in Otaku Square

Ah man, there's a movie coming out? Why haven't I heard anything about this? I really should visit this forum more, it's way more informative than tumblr. 


Looking forward to Lisanna giving Natsu a new scarf, Natsu only like Lucy because she was a symbol between Gray and Natsu, a new villain out of nowhere who deemed to be worse than Zeref and Acnologia combined wanting to score Lisanna, her heritage ended up being way more important than dragons and END, and the most overly cliche kiss scene with no logic explained on how they're flying.


Nah, it will probably turn out that the scarf that Natsu wears is not a gift form Igneel at all, but from Lisanna. Yeah, they were good friends way before Natsu met Igneel, but he doesn't remember it because... um... I don't know, ask Kishi to explain it to you.

Actually, after the Last, I wouldn't be surprised if all of what you mentioned did come true.  :sweat:


Chapter's out: http://readms.com/r/...tail/471/3205/1

Also, here's the ad about the movie in higher res: http://readms.com/r/...tail/471/3205/2

Well, if you zoom in, the girl sure does look like Lucy in a Draco Star Dress, but I'm still betting on it being an OC.

Also, I think it's pretty clear from what we can infer from the GaLe moment here that they've "done" it. I would NOT be surprised for Levy to find out she's pregnant after at least a week has passed in the story. By that time, the impending battle with Acno will come nearer and this would give him the motivation to win and come back alive.

It's also a good move from Mashima to push NaLu together. In TvTropes terms, GaLe is the beta couple to NaLu. Usually the beta will show a huge step in their relationship to push the alpha couple together.


Wait, what do you mean about GaLe? I really didn't see that much development, but I would agree that they are close to being the beta couple.

#895167 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 27 December 2015 - 03:30 PM in Otaku Square


Hey they have a HUGE chance because even after Lissana came back she and Natsu barely had any conversation together, it's mainly Natsu and Lucy. Even the OMAKE and SIDE chapters support them :yes:  


Agreed. I'm still a bit worried that they won't happen in the end. NaLi is obviously no threat so I'm not worried about that, but maybe it could end with no pairings? NaLu still needs more development and Natsu is yet to show attraction that can't be interpreted as "just friends" and I doubt the pairing will get a lot of screen-time because of the war. 

#893088 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 16 December 2015 - 06:03 PM in Otaku Square

So we're not getting a new chapter until 2016, right? Man it's really getting interesting. Especially the next chapter title, "Mother's key" has got me excited. I want to know more now!!

#892696 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 13 December 2015 - 05:43 PM in Otaku Square

Are we getting a chapter this week? I thought there was gonna be no chapter because of a holiday, but the spoilers are allegedly already out so I'm not sure...

#892009 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 08 December 2015 - 08:50 AM in Otaku Square

hew I've been a way for quite a few days truth be told I've been studying hardcore for finals week for this week, and thankfully I passed Economics with flying colors only got  Government, Math, and Bio to deal with wednesday trough friday  anyway... haven't read the chapter as you can already tell.  I will do my live reaction for this week's chapter later tonight, and I'll save Boku No Hero and Tokyo Ghoul for tomorrrow since my schedule is mainly open then this week as far as catch ups go. 


Ah man I remeber what a pain finals can be, but I see you're doing good so congrats. I hope we didn't spoil anything for you since you didn't read the chapter before writing this.

#891885 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by Nami on 07 December 2015 - 05:00 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

i was wondering is Wilderness By: Kanji no Sakka [i'm guessing that's KNS who is a member here lol] done?. it seems i've ran into many NS fics that could have been good but are discontinued, or on hold, or just haven't been updated in forever. i guess that's why many think the NS fandom is dead cause many seem to have just given up


No it's still in progress and I really hope it will get updated. KnS said that she would like to finish the fic but I guess I can understand that it's hard to find inspiration knowing how Naruto ended. But I will keep hoping that we'll get a new chapter eventually, because that's seriously one of the best fic I've read if not the best. There are also a lot of stories I would like to be continued because those are seriously the only thing that made me feel good about Naruto in the past year.

#891884 Fairy Tail

Posted by Nami on 07 December 2015 - 04:44 PM in Otaku Square

wait, how did Layla died?
And dafuq they didn't show Anna! :rawr:

I really didn't understand the time travel thingie


Exactly what I was asking myself. Did the dragons kill her when she opened the gate or did she get sent back in time somehow? Why did she open the gate from her side for that matter? Did she know exactly what she was doing? Oh man so many questions! I seriously loved this chapter, I love we are finally getting some answers.