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There have been 11 items by NarutoUzumaki01 (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#991044 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 19 April 2024 - 04:02 AM in Latest Releases

Well Blue, I already guess that when you mentioned the spoilers two days early. It not like it hard to guess...just kind of annoying. No Dragon Ball Super this month. must have went on hiatus while deciding if they should continue it or not.


Summary Time: Chapter 8(9). Nine Tails...is it spoilers if they are not even trying to hide it?


Cover page is Neo-Ino-Shika-Cho...my god, how did they mess this up. Shikamaru's son is suppose to have his mother's eyes, so he isn't just a clone of his father. God, I think Fat Filler has won the worst outfit competition.


Tree-Jenga continues where we last left off surprised that they found the daughter instead of Naruto. Oh Neo-Ino-Shika-Cho are there too. Tree-Jenga pulls out a book to identify Shikamaru's Son. They chat. Then Tree-Jenga says that Naruto isn't in the village there is only the nine tails' chakra coming from the girl. Tree-Jenga summons tree roots to absorb the daughter just like Sasuke and Moegi...and Shikamaru's son is able to use his shadow powers by pulling the roots off her after they had already captured her...why haven't they tried releasing the other people that have been caught, or is this some contrivance that he able to release her before she was absorbed? Tree-Jenga compliments the teamwork of Neo-Team 10 as they worked to rescue the daughter. So as he is part of Jenga of the Nice Manners' personality he decides to warn the team they they only plan to eat her but if they continue to interfere, they are on the menu too. Son contacts his father...I am so sick of this constant sensor division telepathic link and the fact that it has become such a major part of the story now.


God the daughter looks awful. She questions why they are going after her...well, she is about as smart as both her parents as Tree-Jenga has said over and over again, that they are after the Nine Tails chakra in her.


Madoc tries to wake up Nail, and see Tree-Jenga on the monitor.


Bolt is with Clone Jiraiya....honestly, I question why I have to add that detail, by this point most of the cast are just clones of the old cast, even the villains. Clone Jiraiya informs Bolt that his toads...he is actually seeing through his toads through some shared vision...sigh, did Jiraiya even have a power like that? I pretty sure the Toad Elders would have mentioned that the Rinnegan is similar to one of their abilities. CJ tells Bolt to fly to the "Triangles" does anyone know that location in the village?


More back and forth between Tree-Jenga and Shikamaru's Son and he reiterates that he is going to eat her.


CJ sends a toad to Shikamaru.


Nail finally wakes up and sense Bolt...please be smart enough to do enemy of my enemy against the tree people...Nope. He tracks down Bolt and they fight. Nail is no match for Bolt but Bolt is forced to flee because he can't control his karma.


Tree-Jenga fires off a Biju ball. Sarada and the Clone are going to join the fight...WHERE ARE THE ADULTS!?!?!


NT10 flee with the daughter...and at the end of the chapter the daughter is brought into her mental world to have a talk with Kurama....so much to say but a break for now.

Damn, tepegraphed since the chapter of "death". So much for so little...

#990831 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 12 December 2023 - 09:16 AM in Latest Releases

It is average for most manga, far below average for a Shounen jump manga to the point it probably would have been cancelled long ago if it wasn't protected, and an embarrassment for a sequel to a story that was once #2 of all manga IPs.


I think it has started to sink in that while part two despite being better than part one. Mainly due decent pacing and seeming to have something of a plot this time. Is still going to be a dull waste of time, at best. It is going to be Bolt fighting those tree-men, Nail still trying to kill Bolt for stupid reasons at this point, Punk being a nuisance, and none of the characters people care about mattering, again. So, it would be better to just reset than waste another 3-4 years on this failure.

Thanks as always for your reviews of chapters.

#990829 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 11 December 2023 - 05:25 AM in Latest Releases


So reddit I go to see reaction.




Some find it funny how much a jobber Punk has become since...honestly, his full power was unleashed.


They hope that the Tree-Sasuke is for Salad to fight...I doubt it. Salad never got a shinjutsu power boost. Her role in the story is to have faith in Bolt and proclaim that she will become Hokage. The Tree-Sasuke is to be the dragon that is personal with Bolt. Let's see the ugly Tree-Bug will be use to show how to defeat them, Tree-Mustard will probably fight Nail, Tree-Sasuke will be the dragon that torments Bolt, and then Tree-Jenga will be the big bad.


Someone gave good insight of Nail. He is mentally weak lacking the strength that make most shounen characters strong, trying to act tough to hide it, but not as cold hearted as he needs to be for his plan.




Again they really hope Salad is going to fight Tree-Sasuke.


They try justifying why Bolt learned FTG.


Wait they think that the women tree could be Moegi if its not Mustard...right Ikemoto probably didn't make them look that different, so could be.


"So we've gone from Alien Gods, to Cyborgs stronger than Alien Gods, to 10 tails morphing into tree people that I assume are stronger than both the Alien Gods and the Cyborgs."




Some people are really pissed that Sasuke was taken out of the story like Naruto was.


"Sarada could have a great narrative facing off against kawaki as their core ideologies clash , and the confrontation was interesting but at the end of the day sarada isn't given any powers to make a difference, you just know whatever sarada does she will be attacked by kawaki and will be used to prop up boruto the saviour who will defeat kawaki for her.
Sarada comes off as all bark no bite where she's facing off against kawaki who can do whatever he wants regardless of what she says. She needs powerups to have standing and authority, or she becomes like what shikamaru is as hokage currently."
"The prevailing theme of Boruto: when you cannot make your own cast compelling, humiliate the previous cast at every opportunity so you seem superior by comparison.
It might be passable on its own, but Boruto is a complete abomination as a sequel."
They complain that despite the hype the Uzuhiko now seems like a waste of time.
Apparently  Kishimoto may have named his son "Sasuke."
Oh Good, other think the designs are horrible as well.
"Kishimoto is not writing this. He hasn’t left a writers Comment on ANY of these chapters. What did he leave a writer comment on? The most recent Minato one-shot
He hasn’t talked about Boruto AT ALL for the past what 3+ years he’s been “writing”? What did he talk about most recently? Oh the Minato one-shot, where he even says he was excited to work on Naruto again.
Very unlike Kodachi who left a authors comment every time Ikemoto did and actively talked about the series’ future. Again Kishi hasn’t said a single word about Boruto in YEARS. He hadn’t even been credited once as scriptwriter like Kodachi was EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER.
Last thing that convinced me is that Kishi blatantly talks about how much he loves Kurama. He would’ve NEVER wrote that goodbye scene between Kurama and Naruto, that was godawful and not Kishi’s style at all"
"Idk how people read 700 chapters of Naruto and don't have a feel for Kishimoto's writing style. When I read the Minato special after reading months of Boruto, I just felt whiplash. Like holy hell, this special was so Kishimoto it was beating the breaks off me. And I mean that in the most positive way possible. The difference in how they write is just night and day to me, and when I look at Boruto it's just...nothing. Nothing from that 15 years of experience of writing that made Naruto Naruto."
"The lack of impact these fights have in the art is actually laughable. how do you draw a chidori/rasengan clash looking that mid???
Not a bad chapter this time around, but once again the edgy dialogue continues to make me not take any of this kitten seriously."
Oh The anime is still on Hiatus...probably the smartest thing SP has done in over a decade.
So Boruto Part one ended under 100,000.


Holy, there is some takes in that thread, even fans of it call for Infinite Tsukuyomi reboot, lol

And 90k sales for 20th volume? Not horrible, but it's surely not a heavyhitter from Naruto days at all.

#990826 MOD Q&A

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 07 December 2023 - 05:13 AM in Council Hall

@Nate River @Derock, no possible solutions? Or even response?

#990813 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 05 December 2023 - 12:35 AM in Otaku Square

Is OP worth watching? I couldn't really get into it because of how goofy looking the characters are.

If you like shonen - you'll blast throught first 100-150 epidodes really quick, later parts needs to be advices to how to watch them, mainly late 500+ episodes.

#990800 MOD Q&A

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 30 November 2023 - 05:34 AM in Council Hall

So, there is a member that can't get their passoword reset while puting in either nickname or email, nothing comes on their email, they put in correct name/email, it just gives out an error, is there anything wrong with site/system?

#989534 Boruto: The Never-Ending Prologue Chapter 78

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 15 May 2023 - 11:57 PM in Latest Releases

 While in Naruto if they kill the host the tailed beast energy would eventually reform. They made it seem like he used up all his energy and just cease to exist entirely. For the sake of drama.

So... Just another retcon? At this point it's be easier to write what concepts of original story yet to be retconed, not the ones that already been bended to will of new "story".

#989478 Boruto: The Never-Ending Prologue Chapter 78

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 13 May 2023 - 02:18 AM in Latest Releases

All it did was kill Kurama making him weaker than either Nail or Bolt.

But wasn't it like no ending kinda thing? Even more, Kurama is just seitient mass of chackra, he'll be reborn, no? At least it was such concept in original manga, hence sealing and not killing a biju was the way of dealing with them?

#989426 Sasuke's Search for Space Dust in Jurassic Cardboard-Prison

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 07 May 2023 - 03:33 PM in Latest Releases

Obligatory thanks for overview as always.

#989317 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 28 April 2023 - 03:08 AM in Naruto General

Out of curiosity, what is good about Sakura, as person that follows PoS that Sasuke is? Because 99% of time people hated on her exactly because how she acted out of her mind around him.

#989316 Boruto: The Never-Ending Prologue Chapter 78

Posted by NarutoUzumaki01 on 28 April 2023 - 03:02 AM in Latest Releases

So basicly even "death" of Naruto that was one of big "things" this was selling a major point, didnt happend, he got sealed? What about that superubergiga mode that burned his chakra AND life away? It got retconed or what?