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There have been 62 items by Mus1cLov3r (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#755007 What's your favorite color?

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 08 February 2015 - 01:15 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

BLACK :argh:

"Gaara's hair replied to What's your favorite color?"

#754057 What's your favorite color?

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 06 February 2015 - 02:02 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar


#719745 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 31 December 2014 - 02:00 AM in Projects & Art Trades

Thanks, man, I took some influence from how Kabuto looked in the war, as well as Orochi from The King of Fighters for this new look :D

I can see the influence. :D

#719709 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 31 December 2014 - 01:08 AM in Projects & Art Trades

Orochimaru, one of the Sannin, a legendary ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village, who strove for more, and thus became a pure kind of evil. Motivated by the death of his parents to escape the trappings of mortality, Orochimaru sought to gather power and knowledge, eventually being consumed by the concept that he would experiment on live subjects for his Immortality Jutsu, as well as other vile experiments, such as trying to infuse children with the DNA of Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage, in the hope to gain his abilities of the Wood Style Kekkei Genkai nature transformation as well as his ability to tame Biju, as well as mastering Jutsu such as the Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation. 
Away from the Hidden Leaf, Orochimaru had a brief alliance with the Akatsuki, having shown interest in gaining the powers of Itachi Uchiha's Sharingan, but failing that, he began to form his own village, the Hidden Sound Village, gathering many unique talents in the hopes to add their abilities and gifts into himself, hoping to make himself into a more perfect being this way.
However, Orochimaru still coveted the Sharingan, and attempted to gain it from one of the only other survivors of the clan, Sasuke Uchiha, luring him with the promises of power to gain the revenge he sought against Itachi. In that end, he too would fail, but not because of the power of the Sharingan, but because of Naruto Uzumaki stopping Sasuke from going to the Hidden Sound Village. To that end, Orochimaru had no choice but to gain alternate means to become evens tronger.
When the New Makai Army invaded the Hidden Leaf Village, Orochimaru took a vested interest in their power, and began his research on Makai, and its connections to Earth. With that discovery, he learned of Orochi, the White Serpent, whom he shared a name and a similar sense of closeness to, learning how centuries ago, he attempted to conquer the planet, but was defeated by Hagoromo Ohtsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths, and the Demon Knight, the current ruler of Makai, Gouken. His body petrified, yet allowing the vital organs to remain active, Orochi's body was hidden in the Land of Rice Patties, which the Hidden Sound Village called home.
Thus, Orochimaru found Orochi's body, extracting blood from the White Serpent and infusing it into himself, doing what no human before had done--- trying to infuse the blood of a demon with their human blood. The process was slow, though Orochimaru devised a new Jutsu from this transfusion; the Demonic Transformation Jutsu, which would allow him to completely gain the power of Orochi and infuse it into his own body. However... after figuring it out, Orochimaru did not realize that Orochi's consciousness lived in his blood, and that slowly... but surely... the White Serpent would rise again...
Ninjutsu - 5
Taijutsu - 5
Genjutsu - 5
Intelligence - 5
Strength - 4
Speed - 5
Stamina - 4
Hand seals - 5
Total - 38
All stats regarding Orochimaru pertain to after he uses the Demonic Transformation Jutsu.

His redesign is awesome! :O

#713510 Legend of zelda

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 23 December 2014 - 12:12 AM in Gamer Lounge

Anyone getting Majora's Mask for the 3DS? :smile:

Yes! :D

#701094 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 11 December 2014 - 08:13 PM in Projects & Art Trades

This next team is a very interesting trio, one that my friend and TDW co-creator Kurt Booker and I were proud of. :) Allow me to introduce the all kunoichi team of the Hidden Cloud Angels, Ay's entrants for the Kage Grand Prix.
Asuka Senzai is a unique individual among young Chunin and Jonin in the Hidden Cloud Village, because she possesses a Kekkei Touta, the mixture of three nature transformations used at once. She had been trained by her mother to Atsuko to be able to make use of the powerful Kekkei Touta, Plant-Style, which mixes together, Earth, Wind, and Water natures all at once to create a more powerful nature transformation.
Often touted as one of the most beautiful kunoichi in the Hidden Cloud Village, Asuka sometimes has used her alluring beauty to aid her in combat, yet she prefers to fight with her skills and abilities. At 17 years old, having such control of her family's Kekkei Touta and its secrets is a good sign of her abilities, which is why she had been paired up with Ame Hozuki, a member of the Hozuki clan who branched into Hidden Cloud during the era of Yagura, and Ryoko Tachibana, daughter of a skilled Hidden Cloud blacksmith, and thus the Hidden Cloud Angels were born. Though she's the de facto leader, Asuka often has some difficulty with Ame's child-like personality, and Ryoko's more stern, focused nature.
Asuka herself is a talented kunoichi, being one of the best at the Hidden Cloud academy, and having risen to the rank of Chunin within 2 years of her graduation. Beautiful, compassionate, caring, sweet, but fierce if need be--- all of these describe Asuka to a T, and she is made all the more formidable because of her Plant Style Kekkei Touta. Though her control of Earth, Water, and Wind natures is also something to be impressed by.
Ninjutsu - 3.5
Taijutsu - 1.5
Genjutsu - 3
Intelligence - 3
Strength - 1.5
Speed - 3
Stamina - 2.5
Hand seals - 5
Total - 23

An all-kunoichi team? Cool! :D

#696053 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 08 December 2014 - 09:38 PM in Projects & Art Trades

The fourth member of Hidden Mist's shinobi in the Kage Grand Prix is another Kekkei Genkai wielder. Arashi Tatsumaki, wielder of the Storm Style Kekkei Genkai.
Arashi has always been bored with what life has had for him, so he usually found himself within music, using his ninja talents all while listening to music, even inventing special headphones that contains all kinds of music for him to listen to so that he could listen to his music while he was working.
However, in spite of his lazy bones lifestyle, Arashi was talented as a ninja, being able to use Storm Style chakra, a gift he had inherited from his father, using it in many unique Jutsu as well as being inventive and creative with what he can do. He tinkers with many ninja tools, even while on duty, plus he had graduated from the Hidden Mist Ninja Academy at the age of 8, having become a Jonin last year at 13.
Now, Arashi has been asked to compete in the Kage Grand Prix by the fifth Mizukage, Mei Terumi, as a sign of his talent as a shinobi, as well as the fact she wishes to show Hidden Mist has changed by letting him showcase his Kekkei Genkai skills as well. Even if he found it boring, Arashi accepted, mostly because he figured it'd be best that he got it out of the way, and maybe listen to some new music in the Land of Fire.
Arashi usually is shown looking bored, even if his eyes cannot be seen with his hair over his eyes, simply because he doesn't see the appeal to being a shinobi. He'd rather lay back, listening to music, or tinkering with his unique equipment. But when he does get coaxed into battle, he can hold his own with his use of Lightning, Water, and Storm Style Jutsu to hold his opponents at bay. He also tends to talk down on his opponents due to his boredom, even if he has mad respect for anyone he battles.
Ninjutsu - 5
Taijutsu - 1
Genjutsu - 1
Intelligence - 4.5
Strength - 1
Speed - 4.5
Stamina - 4
Hand seals - 2
Total - 23

Arashi is my new favorite character. :3

The reason that Shikamaru is my favorite Naruto character is because he, like myself, is lazy; and I'm kind'a smart, but not as much as him.

Not only is Arashi lazy, but he also loves music, like I do! >:3

#687634 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 05 December 2014 - 07:02 PM in Projects & Art Trades

So what is it about her you like, dude? That makes me feel good for sure and like I'm doing something right, few replies I get here and all.

I like her weapon, and her style.

#687586 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 05 December 2014 - 06:41 PM in Projects & Art Trades

The last member of "Team Gao" stands tall and proud, even if she is the only kunoichi in the ranks. Her name? Suzuno Bakemono.
Suzuno hails from another clan unique in the Hidden Stone Village, and that is due to their unique nature. The Bakemono clan is known for summoning spirits to the battlefield, made of unique chakra that allows them to fight, but for Suzuno, she also has made use of other unique abilities, having been part of Hidden Stone's Demolitions Unit thanks to her control, albeit as unfocused as it can be, to Explosive Style chakra too.
Suzuno grew up with Gao and Daichi, and has cared about them both greatly, even developing feelings for Gao, as well as being concerned for him because of his being infused with Koga. So she worked herself hard to be able to help her teammates, allowing her to better use her clan's techniques as well as her Explosive Style Jutsu and even Genjutsu. In terms of abilities, she is quite the tactical mind.
Suzuno handles the long range tactics with her hammer being able to channel her Explosive chakra as well as to help her with her summoning of spirits as well as her Genjutsu. The hammer was forged by her clan, and allows her to fight both at long range as well as close to mid if necessary, though she prefers long range.
She herself also is a very caring and modest person, often finding annoyance in people she sees as perverts, by immodest actions such as someone getting undressed in public, or even odd actions not commonly found. She does try her best to handle her composure in those situations, but it isn't easy at times.
Ninjutsu - 4
Taijutsu - 1
Genjutsu - 5
Intelligence - 3.5
Strength - 2
Speed - 3
Stamina - 2
Hand seals - 3.5
Total - 24

Suzuno is my favorite of this team. :D

#680062 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 30 November 2014 - 10:36 PM in Projects & Art Trades

Yeah, but the last name was mine, so it's a collaboration there. :)

Oh. :D

#680054 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 30 November 2014 - 10:29 PM in Projects & Art Trades

I dunno, it might be. :) X-D I never asked my co-creator, Kurt Booker, about that. Though his last name and his family's names are references to Ranma 1/2.

So his name was your pal's idea?

#679998 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 30 November 2014 - 09:03 PM in Projects & Art Trades

To continue this thread before I let it die, I have to present another original character in the canon of Naruto: The Demon Within, everyone. So lemme introduce, Riku Saotome (16 years old).
Riku is the only son of Ranma and Akane Saotome, and the youngest sibling to his sisters Akane (also known as Nakane), Nabiki, and Kasumi. He has been seen as quite the prodigy. He had graduated from the Leaf Academy the same year he had entered. However, it was with incident. Riku had been attacked by a fellow classmate, who believed his natural intelligence was a threat and his ability to do what he did was an insult to others who worked hard to graduate. His attacker came at him with a kunai during a practice test of marksmanship, and managed to slice Riku's throat, almost killing him. If not for quick thinking on the teachers' part and some well-thought medical ninjutsu, Riku would have died.
However, he wasn't unscathed... Riku was left with damage to his larynx, preventing him from speaking beyond a soft tone and without doing so for long periods of time, but it wasn't the physical damage that was the most heart-breaking. Riku's spirit was also broken. He would graduate from the Academy, but he chose to hold back his true skills and intelligence, for fear of what happened repeating itself. It also left Riku an introverted young man, who would prefer to bury his head into the books and scrolls he studied to become more proficient as a shinobi.
Riku also deep down hated the world for what happened to him. It had been 6 years since he graduated, and Tsunade had had an idea; to put him in the hands of someone she felt would be able to get to him, and help him open up once more, as well as unlock his potential as a young man who hadn't been in a team for so long. That person being Naruto Uzumaki.
After training with Naruto, Riku began to open up once more, finding his sensei's will to never give up on him inspiring, and motivating him to become better, as well as leading him to want to become more open with others, to put his hate aside, just as Naruto had been able to do.
Though young, Riku is intelligent, with his IQ being beyond Shikamaru, who is the same age as he is. Although he is small in stature, Riku makes up for it with inventive methods to do things, such as his original Fuso Jutsu which uses the scarf he has around his neck to hide his scar as an extra pair of hands, as well as special chakra cards that allow him to speak without saying a word. However, if there is one drawback he has, Riku tends to overthink on things, which complicates matters for him, like when he is learning new Jutsu, but he also will learn quite quickly from his time with Naruto to trust his heart as much as his head.
Ninjutsu - 2.5
Taijutsu - 2
Genjutsu - 2.5
Intelligence - 4.5
Strength - 1.5
Speed - 3
Stamina - 2
Hand seals - 4.5
Total - 22.5

Ooh, Riku is awesome. And his name is a Kingdom Hearts reference, I assume?

#679836 i met janet varney rob paulsen and quinton flynn at rob's talkin toons show

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 30 November 2014 - 06:45 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

And he's also Iruka Sensei, apparently! *passes out again*

#679830 i met janet varney rob paulsen and quinton flynn at rob's talkin toons show

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 30 November 2014 - 06:39 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Quinton Flynn is the English voice-actor for Axel/Lea! *passes out*

#679029 So.... What Did I Do Wrong?

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 29 November 2014 - 08:52 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

You didn't do anything wrong from what I can see. If she told you to go away, then she has no right to really judge you for doing what she wanted you to do. Sounds like she was a real catch. 
You're probably over it by now, but here's something you should read:
"Ladies, it's time to take responsibility for your failed relationships" is something I think everybody should read. If your woman thinks you're not good enough for her, then you might wanna check this out.
Who cares about relationships anyway? It's like giving a large portion of your freedom away.

Good read...

#677047 Official Super Hero Movie discussion thread

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 28 November 2014 - 02:08 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

i rewatched gotg they remind me of the teen titans

I haven't watched it yet. :o

#673770 Legend of zelda

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 25 November 2014 - 03:49 PM in Gamer Lounge

And here's the new trailer for Majora's Mask 3D!!!!!

Haven't played the original... Looking forward to the remake! ^^

#672898 Konohakitten's artwork

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 24 November 2014 - 09:36 PM in Artists' Square

Awesome sauce!
Well here's progress on my latest piece.

Yeah, this sauce is awesome! ^^

I haven't watched the show, but this is looking cool.

#669670 Konohakitten's artwork

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 23 November 2014 - 04:39 AM in Artists' Square

Ah that does suck, we don't have PS4 yet but we're making sure we have one once the game is getting ready to come out.

But it's looking like I WILL be able to play it. I found out that my brother has another account on it. I don't know why it's there, but... :P

#667210 Man lands Spacecraft on comet, forced to apologize because his shirt offended...

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 20 November 2014 - 11:16 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

It isn't the early 20th century anymore, folks; you don't have to dress up fancy for taking airplane trips, and you certainly don't have to dress fancy, or basically at all for landing a probe on a comet. They could go naked for all the comet cares, and if you don't like it then don't go outside, don't look at anyone, don't do a damn thing because we're all naked, human beings under these stupid pieces of fabric and nylons and wool and cotton and furs. Get the Hell over it and shove your fake 'Feminist' ideology in the compactor, it's embarassing to all the real feminists. The man was given a shirt by a friend who is a WOMAN, and he showed his appreciation for it by wearing it to one of the most important steps in mankind's history to colonizing the solar system and traveling beyond our means to other worlds. Anyone who gets in a rile over this should be ashamed of their pettiness, since this man was forced to cry because plebian psychopaths raised a row of violent words over a damn shirt. You're not an "activist", a "philosopher", a "civilized being" or a "feminist", you're an ass. You made a man cry and probably almost cost him his job, the job he studied for years for and was about to lose it over A BLOODY SHIRT WITH HUMAN FEMALES ON IT. YES, HUMAN FEMALES EXIST; IT'S NOT ANTI-WOMAN TO ACKNOWLEDGE HUMAN FEMALES EXIST BY WEARING IMAGES OF THEM ON YOUR TORSO.
Anyone condoning this needs to take a long look in the mirror and ask "Did I land on a comet today? If not, what in the Hell am I doing with my life?" before they throw stones in glass houses.

^^^ This...

#665170 Legend of zelda

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 19 November 2014 - 02:17 PM in Gamer Lounge

It's my second favorite series (Kingdom Hearts, for the win!) My favorite game of the series is, without a doubt, Wind Waker! I can't wait for ZeldaU and Majora's Mask 3D. I've never played the original Majora's Mask (I've only been a fan since 2011-12,) so this should be fun! >:3

#661112 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 14 November 2014 - 10:00 PM in Projects & Art Trades

Goshin's cooler out of the two vilains of the Demon arc. :D

#660680 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 14 November 2014 - 01:08 PM in Projects & Art Trades

Teleportation? The original characters are lookin' really cool.

#660330 Naruto The Demon Within Character Designs - An Ongoing Project

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 14 November 2014 - 02:05 AM in Projects & Art Trades

Touché, Mus1cLov3r. :smile: I'll give you that much!

OK, next up, I'm presenting some characters from one of TDW's early arcs, which I call the Demon Invasion arc. The premise of it involves the demon world known as Makai, which is a similar place to the Afterlife/Pure Land, that it exists separately from the physical world, and it also involves one of the princes from that realm, Gouki, escaping to his mother's home in the Human World because he's learned about his half-brothers attempting a coup d'etat against their father, the King of Makai, Gouken.
So first up is Gouki, the protagonist of this arc. He is the half-human son of Gouken, who, along with his sister Botan, was born to a human woman named Pema about, oh, 200 years prior to the events that led to the formation of the Hidden Leaf Village by Hashirama and Madara. He had lived a peaceful life with his mother, often meeting his father at the same time now and again, until the day Pema was killed. Then, Gouki and Botan went to Makai to live with their father, as well as to accept their roles as royalty. Though he is royalty, Gouki is a down-to-earth person, very kind and compassionate as well as being modest, hence why his clothes look like they'd be worn by a blacksmith or something.
In the early events of the Demon Invasion arc, Gouki learns that his elder half-brothers, Gozen and Goshin, are plotting a coup to topple Gouken due to viewing him as "weak" for wanting to establish peace between the Human World and Makai. Gouki thus escapes from Makai to the real world, winding up in the Hidden Leaf Village.
Gouki's overall story is that besides his being a representative of this whole new world, is that he also struggles with his inner nature, particularly his Yoki or demonic energy, because of the fact his being one of the first half-human half-demons, he has an INCREDIBLE amount of Yoki, which makes him dangerous when it comes out, but he lacks control of it, which is why his horns are cut off and shaved down, as a sign to keep his power in check, and a visual nod to Hellboy. :smile: He also will remain part of the Hidden Leaf throughout TDW, helping Tsunade, Shizune, and many others as best he can, and even introducing items from Makai to help his new family.

Gouki sounds really cool. \(^^)/

#657969 Spoiler Rules

Posted by Mus1cLov3r on 12 November 2014 - 12:32 AM in News and Announcements

Testing, testing, one, two, three!