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There have been 201 items by trang95 (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#964770 Shingeki no kyojin

Posted by trang95 on 05 May 2018 - 09:52 PM in Otaku Square

R.I.P Sasha

Seriously, kitten Gabi. 


The funniest character is now gone. Ugh. 


Posted by trang95 on 30 April 2018 - 06:21 PM in Otaku Square

And the complete takeover of Souma's cooking style is now complete.


The Foodgasms looks familiar this chapter, I wonder why? Great way of the mangaka showing how Erina has gone full circle.








So I'm going to take a guess that the dollar store knock-off bad guy Azami, in trying to suppress his enjoyment he unleashed a foodgasm so strong that stripped the audience?


Looking at the number one seat reaction to Azami's words he might be regretting his support for Azami, and that flashback? Wow, all this time I thought his reasoning was he wanted to change the system, so there was a standard, so no genius would be pushed to the brink, but instead it sounds like he misunderstood what really pushed Jouchirou too far and came up with the stupid plan. you'd think he would know this considering probably his best times with his beloved sempai would have been when they were challenging each other.

Yes, Erina using Soma's cubes was a nice homage to the very first dish that has challenged her ideals since she has met Joichirou. Some fans think she is copying Soma solely. Those criticisms are valid, especially if you consider Erina has been hyped up for who knows how long. But I think there is no dish more effective than this one b/c she's using the Yukihira style to show Azami that she is wrong. In addition to this, what better way to bring Soma into submission that using his own techniques against him?


I believe Azami could have been a decent villain if his goals had only been about Tootsuki itself, and not the entirety of Japan's gastronomy. Azami hates the rigorous expulsion system and competitive nature of the academy that drove his beloved senpai to despair? Sure, that is understandable. In addition to this, his character should have been a bit more subdued. It really doesn't help that Azami is one of the edgiest villains I've read in manga in a long time.


Posted by trang95 on 30 April 2018 - 06:16 PM in Otaku Square

Is he striping everyone just by thought or smell now?

Not exactly sure what you mean.

#964606 On a scale of 1-10 rate the last movie you watched

Posted by trang95 on 29 April 2018 - 12:40 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Avengers Infinity War


To put it shortly just the score. 20 out of 10.

Yes, you read that right.

There are still some Marvel movies I haven't seen, so I need to watch them to better understand the characters in the movie. Looking forward to seeing the movie though.

#964440 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 23 April 2018 - 10:15 PM in Otaku Square

WISH? :ermm:  :P Anyway I just finished episode 12. I'll catch up wit episodes 13-15 tonight :D the plot is thickening though, I'm happy aobut that :yes:

That's a card way too OP, lol. How do you even beat a card where your wishes come true?

#964417 Rurouni Kenshin: Hokkaido Arc Discussion Thread

Posted by trang95 on 23 April 2018 - 03:28 PM in Otaku Square

How can he come back so quickly?! I certainly won't judge fans that will continue to read the manga b/c I'm a firm believer of separating the work from the author (unless you're Hitler and wrote Mein Kampf). However, I will certainly judge the publishers and editors for giving him the green light to continue the manga. Of course, I don't know how things exactly work behind the scenes, but still.

#964405 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 22 April 2018 - 10:41 PM in Otaku Square

True that, even it is possible could have another movie about that dangerous  card, by the way The nothing Card was transformed in Hope Card by Sakura's Love card?

Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot it was transformed into the Hope card... So what's the equivalent to a Hope card, lol?

#964399 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 22 April 2018 - 05:16 PM in Otaku Square

Episode 15 Nostalgia and hype to max.

For real though. I love that the second movie is officially cannon. If there is an equivalent of the Nothing card, there could be an equally dangerous clear card.


Posted by trang95 on 21 April 2018 - 10:50 PM in Otaku Square


Newest chapter is out.

Another amazing chapter. Just from the spoilers alone, I was uncertain what type of dish I could expect, but this looks surprisingly elegant. Erina's facial expressions were on point and really show her growth throughout this arc. She was able to use sarcasm against her father, lol. Good idea to let the Eishi and Rindou taste the dish first. It draws the battle out but makes the tension higher. I wonder what will be in the secret ingredient. Probably something in line with Soma's gel cubes in the early chapters of the series if she wants to transform the dish.

This arc had its up and downs, but I am glad that we are most likely ending on a high note. The author actually likes to watch youtube reviews, so he might actually has taken some of the readers' comments to heart, who knows.

Somebody protect that smile.




lol...oh if those spoilers are true, then hats off to the Mangaka, that is the best possible dish against not only Azami but Souma too.




So decided to check the spoilers, didn't read them but the scans look really promising, Erina really shines this chapter.

I would say Erina's specialty is to make something delicious even out of the most unlikely combinations thanks to her God's tongue.She did it for Megumi and now she has used Soma's crazy food combinations. I agree with what you've said. By taking all the signature dishes of Soma and coorperating it into a uniform dish, she truly has created a dish that is "free."


Posted by trang95 on 19 April 2018 - 06:43 PM in Otaku Square

Beef Wellington? Doesn't that have a pastry outer shell? I didn't see any mention of that, plus the dish requires half an hour in the Oven to cook. So might be a similar french dish, but I don't thiknk it would be Beef Wellington, atleast not the traditional kind, it's coated in Croute, which I bread I believe (if it's similar to croutons.) So my guess it's something similar but not Beef Wellington.
I still think the dish will be similar to the first dish she ate made by Jouchirou. It would be a dish that broke through her fathers teachings, so likely something that inspired her to make her speciality.

I just read the spoilers, and...
Chapter 260 spoiler

#964091 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 15 April 2018 - 06:22 PM in Otaku Square

i may have to watch the episode a bit late this week, circumstance won't permit me to watch it today :sweat: But it will definitely be tomorrow :yes:

It was such a good episode, arguably the best in this season so far. First of all, Mei-Lin needs to stay until the very end of the season (we all know it's not gonna happen) b/c she's such a smooth matchmaker for Sakura and Shaoran, unlike Tomoyo. I also just love Mei-Lin in general. The reason why I liked this episode so much is b/c for the first time in a long time, I felt like this episode has regained some of the "soul" of the original series. The card is an active focus of this episode and doesn't just appear in the last five minutes or so. Also, that was a beautiful and powerful hug b/w Sakura and Shaoran.


Btw, anyone else agrees that Shaoran was definitely using the Time Card right there? This episode definitely confirms my suspicions that Shaoran is in the possession of the Sakura cards and that the teddy bears have something to do with this. I think keeping all these secrets in front of Sakura weighs heavily on Shaoran's mind.


Posted by trang95 on 15 April 2018 - 06:16 PM in Otaku Square

Interesting how both Senzaemon and Jouchirou are similar in the way they pushed Erina and Souma, with different results, With Souma who lacked the natural talent, managed to make the dishes his own, thus making them his specialty, Erina mastered each dish to perfection, yet never managed to stamp own identity on any of the dishes.


Great to see the interaction between Souma and Erina,  that growing mutual respect for each other has not changed the dynamic of their relationship, though I can already tell this is going to be a relationship where Erina will win the majority of all the battles.


So any guesses on what the specialty will be? Will it be something egg related like the first dish Souma cooked her that she rejected, or will it be the something Jouchirou made for her to appreciate cooking once again? Or will it be a dish Azami specialises in?


Also did anyone else get reminded of Souma and the multiple times he's shown on the Wok,





Though I think there is a better comparison.


Edit: something else I never noticed was how she has the piece of cloth tied around her biceps, similar to the one Souma has around his wrist, she didn't wear that before, even the early challenges on the island.


Edit 2: Forget the last edit, forgot this was worn by each member of the rebel team.

Someone one reddit suggested she might be cooking Beef Wellington. It definitely fits the instructions she was giving Soma.

Whatever the dish might be, I have the feeling that Erina's dish will cause everyone to be stripped due to Azami's blessing, lol.


Posted by trang95 on 14 April 2018 - 09:30 PM in Otaku Square

The ship is setting sail!! :woot:  I repeat, the ship is setting sail!! :boogie:  :dance: And more important than that, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! :eager:



I so agree! This chapter got me really hype!!!!!! :th_yeah:


This smile, THIS SMILE! It was so gentle, and a smile that I've only seen once when Alice and Erina were playing with each other as little kids a long time ago. It's important to note that the author chose to show a panel of Alice and Hisako reacting to Erina's smile, the girls closest to Erina. Their reaction is proof that Erina has changed and found happiness again thanks to Soma.


Putting my shipping feels aside, this was a marvelous chapter. Senzaemon knows that Erina is able to bring out 100% in every type of dish she makes, but nothing really stands out. She needs to go beyond 100% to create her specialty that is only possible through her God's tongue. However, as this chapter has made clear, she also needs to be willing to take a risk, which I don't think she has ever done before. I absolutely love the passion Erina was drawn with while she tried to create something in a short amount of time. Speaking of time, 10 minutes, seriously? To make it a bit more believable, it should have been at least 20 min if you asked me. It's hard for me to believe to create a complete new dish in such a short amount of time.

#963934 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 09 April 2018 - 12:29 AM in Otaku Square

OOH I look forward to this one!!!! :D

It was a good episode. Mei-Lin is really mature for her age.

I appreciate the anime a lot b/c it delves further into Shaoran's background. We get to find out that his family was totally against him moving to Japan, but he really wanted to be together with Sakura (my OTP, duh).


Btw, chapter 22 just came out. It looks like Kaito will the strongest antagonist the series has seen so far. I liked the conversation b/w Sakura's dad and Toya. Her father has known from the start that something was up Sakura, but he chose to never mention anything. And Sakura, yes girl, make Shaoran spill his teas.


Posted by trang95 on 09 April 2018 - 12:23 AM in Otaku Square

Hey guys, how's it going? Haven't been active in this forum in a while, but I haven't forgotten this manga.

Another great chapter, using Erina to perfect his dish and throwing down the gauntlet, forcing her to prove her worth, making it the perfect set-up for the final dish. Makes perfect sense too, We know she has the god tongue, but do we even know what she specialises in? It only took two years for the arc to get remotely exciting, and they did it by going back to the basics.

Truth be told, when I first read the chapter, it rubbed me the wrong way b/c it felt like Soma was throwing Erina under the bus. He was supposed to make an appetizer, and instead made a main  tmeal worthy appetizer dish. If this was real competition, it'd be a kitten move b/c there's no way you can win without team work. 


When I took the time to think about it a bit though, I realized why the author decided to write it like this: Both Soma and Erina bring each other to greater heights, and that is only possible if they challenge each other. It is a very unshounen-like thing to see a main character give up his spot and let someone else take it, that is Erina. But it makes sense b/c Erina as a daughter needs to prove to her father that he was wrong. She's the key to Azami's plans after all. It's funny b/c this chapter was like, screw Nakama power (Rindou and Eishi). With that being said though, I read on reddit that the Japanese fans were not happy about this chapter b/c of Soma giving up his spot as a main MC for this final battle. I completely understand that, but to me and many others right from the start, this arc would have only made sense if Erina had served the very last meal. This arc is about her character development.


I'm excited to see what Erina's specialty is!


Posted by trang95 on 09 February 2018 - 12:17 AM in Otaku Square

I expect this week will include a complete drumming of Ishiki (last weeks wasn't even interesting enough to comment on, was expecting more from how Ishiki was inspired by Nene) and maybe if we are lucky Rindou will destroy Takumi offscreen and we can get ready for (the lets be honest here) the main reason we've endured this bleedin arc so far, and that is finally seeing Souma and Erina tag-teaming the current power couple.

Pretty much what this arc is, lmfao. Only good thing for me in this arc was Erina.

And crap, I completely forgot Takumi. Good gosh, we've been having these battles since last year or so.

#961318 Rurouni Kenshin: Hokkaido Arc Discussion Thread

Posted by trang95 on 08 February 2018 - 03:47 AM in Otaku Square

He probably was in that mess for a good while :/

Can you believe that child pornography wasn't outlawed in Japan until 2014?! Wtf... I bet the copies they found were from before 2014.


Posted by trang95 on 08 February 2018 - 03:44 AM in Otaku Square

Yeah that's what I mean. We know the out come so just enjoy how the characters are fleshed out. But not all characters (the elite 10 in particular) are going to have interesting, heartbreaking or complex back stories. Not all of the MCs or PSD members have that either do they? And does that make them bad characters? Not at all. So it is the same thing with the elite 10

That's a good point I haven't considered. I personally expected more interesting back stories b/c I expected them to justify why they chose the rebel side... I still don't really know why, but I just realized it was plot convenience, lol.

#961316 Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch' Anime Announced

Posted by trang95 on 08 February 2018 - 03:42 AM in Otaku Square

I've tried but I can't find this online anywhere..and I haven't seen any reception or fandom activity.


So, what's the deal here?

Right now, they are releasing movies that give a condensed version of the first two seasons. I think it's totally unnecessary cause we already have those movies released years ago! I doubt anything will come out this year b/c before that the other two movies need to be released.


Normally, when you hear about sequels from popular animes, expect to wait a LONG ASS time to actually see it come to fruition. Sailor Moon Crystal took forever, Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card took more than a year, Steins;Gate 0 has been announced ages ago... Just pretend you haven't heard about the sequel for Code Geass.

#961315 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 08 February 2018 - 03:37 AM in Otaku Square

The ship is gonna kill me xD

Shipping them has been killing me since I was twelve or so XD

#961314 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 08 February 2018 - 03:36 AM in Otaku Square

Then it's official, they're GETTING MARRIED :love: It's nice to see the story confirm it and not just word of CLAMP :excited:

Haha, yeah. In asia, introducing someone to your parents is really serious. Her great-grandfather wanted to make sure Sakura's boyfriend was a nice one. He totally approves of Shaoran :hehehe: 

#961192 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 05 February 2018 - 04:43 PM in Otaku Square

So true good call on clamp using the fillers for filling the set of cards. In what chapters is the manga now?

Ch. 20. Since the last 4 chapters or so, the story has made some progress. Sakura's great-grandfather and Tomoyo's mother came back in the newest chapter!


Posted by trang95 on 04 February 2018 - 11:44 PM in Otaku Square

Nene/Ishiki vibes are strong in this weeks chapter, straight laced serious by the book girl who gives it her all and walks around naked, easy going genius who doesn't get out of second gear most of the time, should make for an interesting couple. Don't know who'd have a more difficult time Erina keeping Souma in line or Nene keeping Ishiki in line.


Ishiki is still going to lose though.

Sad how predictable the outcome is. Oh well, I've learned to just appreciate the backstories more in these battles. None of the Elite 10 ones really were compelling though besides Nene's.

#961138 Cardcaptor sakura

Posted by trang95 on 04 February 2018 - 11:40 PM in Otaku Square

of course there is filler this is the anime continuity so they are also transforming the anime only cards :yes: CCS is probably the only anime I can think of there fillers are actually a good thing :happy:

Agree, I love the filler content. If there is one complaint I have though, I wished the anime original stuff revolved more around the new Cards. These new cards are supposed to be more dangerous, but normally the scenes around the card only are about 5-10 min long. In the older anime, the anime original episodes did a good job at fleshing out some of these cards.

Anyways, Syaoran insisting on trying out Sakura's bento was sooooooooo cute >_< Scenes like these remind me why SakuraxSyaoran was my first ship ever. Also, I'm glad to see that Sakura has become more creative with how to use her cards effectively. You can definitely see she's experienced in capturing the cards.


Btw, newest chapter is out, and it's so cute. Sakura introduces Syaoran to her great-grandfather!

#960416 JPop and KPop

Posted by trang95 on 21 January 2018 - 12:42 AM in Arts & Entertainment District


What happened to Shinee is jarringly similar to the suicide of Linkin Park's lead singer Chester Bennington mid-2017. Both Linkin Park and Shinee were immensely popular during the 2000s in their respective countries. Both lead singers had depression and both committed suicide for comparable reasons.


Linkin Park still went on with their live performances after that, honoring Chester, so I think that's the road Shinee will take for now. Maybe both will go on hiatus after? Change their band names? Split? Everyone handles these things differently, so we'll just have to wait


Right with TVXQ & JYJ. EXO also lost members and doing great to this day. But the sudden death of someone has a vastly different impact than people just leaving imo. Still, they could bounce back with a new song even, but thinking about it is so hard when something so tragic happened like that :( ...


I believe that Onew didn't mean harm in any intentional way, and his friends apologized for his actions as well. Still, he should keep his hands to himself next time, drunk or not. God damn it Onew.

While I have never really listened to Linkin Park, I've heard multiple times that Jonghyun's death was similar to Chester's. You're right, we will have to wait and see how SHINee will go forward from now on, but either way, I'll fully support them! They were one of the first KPop groups I got into, and after having wiggled my way through soooooooooo many groups, I still believe SHINee is one of the best KPop groups that has ever existed. Their discography was solid and experimental (at least after Lucifer; their earlier stuff did not age well), amazing choreography (Taemin duh), and have three solid vocalists.

SHINee has definitely passed that stage of being trendy, but they are doing just fine in terms of having a solid fanbase and doing constant tours in Japan.

Onew... *sigh* He was just too drunk and fell several times while unintentionally holding onto the woman dancing on the table. Like Super Junior's Kyuhyun has said: "He never learned to drink responsibly." I hope he's gotten to learn his limits better since that unfortunate incident.

Btw, Jonghyun's new MV and album will be released in a few days. If shipping wasn't so expensive, I would have ordered it T_T