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There have been 3 items by ibelieveinns (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#617746 Naruto 698 Spoilers

Posted by ibelieveinns on 29 October 2014 - 08:04 AM in Latest Releases

It got delayed to next chapter though :(

I don't think so, I think there will be something and that something will be the forehead kiss, since I believe the next chapter will be all about Naruto/Sasuke dispelling IT and by then NS will be canon and have more moments. 

#617743 Naruto 698 Spoilers

Posted by ibelieveinns on 29 October 2014 - 07:59 AM in Latest Releases

So the boys will be laid side by side lol Sakura is going to choose. Crossing my fingers for a kiss!

I am excited about this, it's pretty obvious Sakura will choose Naruto seeing how much development they have as friends and as the main couple of this series, it won't be exactly the OVA but it will have some elements and I am expecting a forehead kiss  :lulz:

#615381 Chapter 697

Posted by ibelieveinns on 27 October 2014 - 03:15 AM in Latest Releases

"Finally settled!!
Naruto vs Sasuke!!
and then the 2 will (do what)!?"

-- From takL on NF

Even if the fight is settled something like the OVA can still happen and it would be sweet to have Sasuke present there imo since Sakura doesn't love him anymore and thinks of him as a family member and in this way t7 will finally be settled.