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There have been 17 items by Yojeveka (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#970842 kingdom hearts

Posted by Yojeveka on 30 January 2019 - 02:35 AM in Gamer Lounge

Read at your own risk


Spoilery Rant

#970828 kingdom hearts

Posted by Yojeveka on 29 January 2019 - 04:08 AM in Gamer Lounge

In the end, I guess we'll have mixed thoughts here xD 

#970819 kingdom hearts

Posted by Yojeveka on 28 January 2019 - 09:50 PM in Gamer Lounge

it has been far to long friends glad you,ve been keeping my thread alive tomorrow kh3 is out im excited though ive seen some fans on here disappointed about kairi's role even to the point of comparing her to how sakura was handled which is rediculous but everyone has there viewpoints shes gonna play a big part i know it and i have a feeling sokai is gonna be endgame


It's not ridiculous at all. They are upset because they expected to see Kairi's time to shine. Personally, I think she deserved better than she got, especially on-screen.

#969256 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 13 November 2018 - 04:21 PM in Otaku Square

@LuckyChi7 I think I have to disagree with you on Serena being the best female in pokemon, to me, that's going to have to be Jessie we know more about her past then Serena, so I would have to say that Jessie is better developed than Serena is. 


As for the whole Serena and Ash knowing each other and people are saying they are the best of friends I have to disagree with that too most summer camps only last a week or even two, so they wouldn't have gotten to know each other that well not like Ash and Brock or Ash and Gary.


To me, I think Ash's best friend is Gray and Brock he knows more about them then Serena, I I kind of have to agree with Evil100 on this Serena is a little overrated in my eyes I get it she is the first to show her love out in the open and not hide it.


I mean whenever a story pops up not related to Serena pops up or art the Amour fans get way too out of hand. Another friend Don 77 on fanfiction was bullied off from doing anything pokemon related unless Serena was the main focus.


Is Serena the best pokegirl to ever show up in pokemon, sadly no again there is Jessie and now Lillie.

I agree with you. Just like Hinata, Serena is mostly relevant for shipping/fan service (but even then, Serena is better. At least she could interact with Ash)

Sadly, she didn't have a proper goal. She spent tons of episodes not knowing what to do/blushing for Ash, then she wanted to be Kalos Queen (which was a lame contest wannabe based on popularity and not talent) then she wanted to make people happy? She didn't even get a full team. And though I'm not her fan, I think that was unfair, because I really liked her game/manga counterpart. She deserved better.

Heck, there was recent a poll about the cutest pokegirl (won by Misty, second May and third Serena) and all they could talk about third place was her crush (they also said Ash was a jerk for not returning her feelings. Kinda like Naruto being an idiot for ignoring Hinata) 

#969179 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 07 November 2018 - 04:46 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Just want to take little time laying down in my backyard looking up to the sky and remembering ...

Remembering the NS moment and when Kushina told Naruto how did he meet and fall in love with Minato.

"I hate my hair because people make fun of it , but when i meet your father Minato it become the red thread of fate and now i love my hair"


Such a beautiful story. Yet the author treated them as a "Red Herring" for NS. Yeah, probably another lie to cover himself, but it's still an insult to the characters and to NS fans uwu

#969177 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 07 November 2018 - 04:40 AM in Naruto General

I think you guys are being a little too hard on the character for being a homemaker. That's a perfectly fine thing for someone to want to be. 

If she was married to let's say Kiba and was still the same, no one would bat at an eye. I think honestly it's mainly because its Naruto and it shows their home life to be miserable.

Not really. Hinata was supposed to fix her clan as their leader. You know, make her father, sister, cousin and herself proud of her growth.


Yeah, the fact she ended with Naruto is the worst, but if she had became a housewife after getting married to X, that would still be bad for her as a character. She had potential, but we'll never see it because she only mattered when it came to fangirl over a boy.

#969169 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 06 November 2018 - 08:01 PM in Naruto General

Here's a pic of it. It's just how she looked in the anime.

Beware: May burn your eyes


Actually, this is sad. No cool ninja Hinata, no Byakugan princess or whatever... Just a good-looking future wife. She has no relevance at all besides being a sexual toy/kitchen slave. Worst part? Every "fan" or hers will be jumping of joy because their hime got a pretty figure.

Nothing new, I guess.

#969168 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 06 November 2018 - 07:49 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Only good Disney Era SW has been Rogue One.


Adreed. Mostly because it wasn't a carbon copy of a previous film/didn't messed up old canon characters.

#964848 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Yojeveka on 07 May 2018 - 10:28 PM in Otaku Square




Ophanimon and the concept of the Three Celestial Digimon/Great Angels did not exist yet at the time. Pity  many fans wants Ophanimon just to represent a ship :mellow:




Perhaps many fans support her for that shallow reason, but just like you love dragons, some fans just love the fact that Angewomon turns into another angel being.  

#964809 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Yojeveka on 06 May 2018 - 09:32 PM in Otaku Square

Ophanimon is Gatomon's true route for Ultimate evolution form. Everyone know this  :glare:


Everyone but Toei. Just like the pairings they chose 8D 

#964783 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Yojeveka on 06 May 2018 - 01:56 AM in Otaku Square

To each their own, but I really think that Tri was nothing more than a fan service/plot holes fest. They just used the first cast for nostalgia's sake and kinda ruined them. If they wanted to justify certain epilogue, it didn't work.

#962621 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 04 March 2018 - 03:14 AM in Otaku Square

I also especially like red X manga! Misty and Red X Blue XD (the Girl that is since Blue and Green switch names between Japanese and English)


Red x Blue is cool! Though I must admit I have a guilty pleasure shipping Blue x Silver xD What do you ship in every saga? =) 


Also, I made this account to post my poke-drawings! Manga-Anime-Game style. You guys are welcome to come and say hi <3



#962579 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 03 March 2018 - 07:14 AM in Otaku Square

Yeah, no matter which pairing you choose in pokespe, it will be totally better than Ash x Any pokegirl xD Special mention to FranticShipping and AgencyShipping, since they feel so mutual and the first one is canon.


Anyways, I mentioned Corruptedshipping (Lack-two x Whi-two) because BW2 arc is finally back after a looong hiatus :'D 

#962575 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 03 March 2018 - 06:05 AM in Otaku Square

Hey guys! Since Ash won't ever change and the new films are... well, weird (?) How 'bout Pokemon Special? 


Anyone following BW2 chapter? I can't help but ship these two




However, I really want to see Lack-two's redemption. I don't want another Sasuke-type-incomplete character.

#962021 Sakura’s Portrayal In the Anime

Posted by Yojeveka on 19 February 2018 - 10:13 PM in Naruto General

It’s not consistent with her character. You bring up something said by the same Sakura who was, to put it bluntly, useless to Team 7. Who couldn’t do anything at all, who barely had any skill. Remember, that was in chapter 3. This took place waaay after the time skip, which is hundreds of chapters later. She has, or should have developed past these shallow remarks. In the manga, she never said such a thing again because of this fact. Yet they have her say it in Road to Ninja?

Also, I didn’t mind Sakura complaining ABOUT her parents. It’s what people do. What I DID mind was when she wished her parents to be gone, and when Naruto called her out for this, she said Sasuke would understand. Especially considered the fact that Sasuke did the same thing Naruto did, but harsher. People also learn from their mistakes. Sakura has flaws, but that scene in particular made me mad. It doesn’t see. Like something Sakura would do at all anymore. She’s matured from that.


True, it does make her look bad. However, like Phantom said, this was made because they needed to create a plot in order to sell the movie. It doesn't matter if it damages the character. Just look at frikin' Hinata knitting a damn scarf during a mission to save her younger sister 8D


Both Sakura and Naruto acted like spoiled kids at the beginning of RTN, to be honest, but at least they make amends afterwards, Unlike The Last, which just got worse and worse...

#962015 Sakura’s Portrayal In the Anime

Posted by Yojeveka on 19 February 2018 - 09:36 PM in Naruto General

I agree with you guys. 


Hinata is loved because of SP and the way she's portrayed, right? Well, same thing occurs with this Sakura-hate. As the series keep going, Hinata became cuter and "stronger", while Sakura was more like a crybaby/violent towards Naruto.


(If you ignore Hinata's crush, I guess they wanted her to shine because Nana Mizuki was working with them)


Ahem, back to Sakura's portrayal, another thing I hated was her constant "Should I save Naruto or Sasuke-kun?" I mean, really? Even after knowing about Sasuke's deals? This was just a poorly way to sell Team 7 love triangle. In the end, this was her only purpose for SP. After all, they never saw her as the heroine. 

#961379 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Yojeveka on 09 February 2018 - 05:14 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


I hate these kinds of fans which sadly many of them are like that because shippers will always ship. But there's a limit to take it too far. 


I think it's cool to ship whatever you want, canon or not. However, to act like it's the absolute truth and insult people who disagree with your OTP is totally stupid. That's the difference between true shippers and obsessive fans.