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There have been 110 items by Kikuyu (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#676233 Flickering Thoughts~

Posted by Kikuyu on 27 November 2014 - 09:01 AM in i-Blog

It's quite tiresome to see Ship wars rage and see NH and SS people relentlessly flaming. ._. 

#673563 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kikuyu on 25 November 2014 - 11:29 AM in Konoha Theater

OR this movie is one big retcon :zaru:  Biggest asspull by asspull-kingmoto.


Kishimoto destroyed his work. Tragic truth right there  :wallbash:  :argh:


Well, I dunno, I just don't want to believe this bs is confirmed. Have you ever seen takl's page? He's receiving a bombardment of texts with people saying that it's "Confirmed, and just need a translator". lol.


Funny how spoilers never actually spoil anything, its just makes them crave for more stuff that edifies their fantasies. For now I feel like some are partly true, while some are not. But it all boils down to the marketing strategy SP had all this time.  :wot:

#673552 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kikuyu on 25 November 2014 - 11:12 AM in Konoha Theater

The more information they give out, the more pre-established logic in the manga gets crushed. I'm not even talking about ships. It's like the manga is one big retcon itself. 

#671018 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kikuyu on 24 November 2014 - 07:35 AM in Konoha Theater




LMAO. brace yourselves, this is going to hurt the fandom again . _ . 


Screening is starting



o_o well that's quite early

#666385 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kikuyu on 20 November 2014 - 03:06 PM in Konoha Theater

Naruto is a terrible man...confirmed.


I just died at your comment.


well he is the one who had that terrible person who had a change of heart Kishi is saying but then he gets spared for it because he's the main guy anway  :zaru:

#666338 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kikuyu on 20 November 2014 - 02:44 PM in Konoha Theater




#665047 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kikuyu on 19 November 2014 - 05:08 AM in Konoha Theater

Some unconfirmed spoilers floating around on Tumblr in regards to the movie. Naruto and Hinata get stranded on a deserted island, Karin dies for sasusaku. I would call them ridiculous, but the manga now is already a joke at this point.


that's kind of a lame plot


Yeah that one is just a really bad SS fan fic.


Exactly. I'm still hoping in the back of my mind that this is all an Infinite Tsukiyomi--


Ignored Sakura's feelings? Like that time Yamato mentioned it was what Sakura felt towards Naruto that was important? Or the time Sai said she was unexpectedly gentle towards him? What about the time her heart absolutely sunk when the love-letter nin made her realize Sasuke was everything but a good guy? Or how sad she was when Sasuke again and again called her useless, and justified leaving her to fall to her death in a sea of molten lava?

Yeah, we completely ignored her feelings.


Yeah, I mean why all the emphasis with Sakura's "confused" feelings for Naruto on the 4th Databook? why put something on the manga that fans will ignore? Why even put Sakura's obvious emotions in manga panels. 


You know, the NORMAL thing to do was to have her let go of those feelings and have her move on and find happiness in someone that would treat her much better and wouldn't ever think to betray her, like Naruto. Why is it all about the girl's feelings reaching the guys no matter how illogical it seems to continue to pursue them?


It must be their culture, I'm not sure but in shoujo mangas i've pretty much seen a bigger amount of heroines pursuing the guy. 

#665020 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Kikuyu on 19 November 2014 - 03:53 AM in Konoha Theater

Wait so what's happening here? I'm confused with movie spoilers coming from all directions. I feel like they're either troll material or truth itself

#660716 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Kikuyu on 14 November 2014 - 02:27 PM in Otaku Square

Wow, it looks like the last post was made four months ago. Nevermind. 


So have you guys read the latest chapters? The one about Zombie Hitsugaya? (This was the one I read last, anyway). 


IKR i immediately freaked out when he appeared as a zombie  :argh:  seriously now that's Unohana's gone and there's no one else who could heal but Mayuri and Kirinji's hot springs what's going to happen to him--that giselle needs to be obliterated fast


the zero division coming into the manga made me read bleach again and it looks like one of them is fighting juha bach

#660630 Tall vs Short in relashionships

Posted by Kikuyu on 14 November 2014 - 10:28 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I'm seriously finding it cute on couples where the guy is really tall and the girl is short, ideally by the guy's arm-- and i don't even know why  :argh:

#660620 So.... What Did I Do Wrong?

Posted by Kikuyu on 14 November 2014 - 10:12 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Girls are totally unpredictable-- this is weird because i'm a girl myself but yes I do agree at some point where I get to a men's sentiment better than women.


Well, some girls hang out with guys and see them as a prospect for bf material and "test" things out while on a date. like

"I wonder if he's another jerk if i do this" and do stuff to see if you'd fall for the bait or another thing is she dated someone who probably did the same thing with all the things you two have done for the whole day or she didn't like people who cuss-- "Dammit" can be considered or she's being plain crazy at that moment. or is actually on her period.


EDIT : Girls have this tendency to feel like they needed to be treated special when they're on a date, I'm not sure if she falls under that category but it could be another factor. Lol. I think most girls complain about guys because of their lack of awareness regarding their personal issues. idk some girls like to talk about it with guys wondering if they'd get approval/acceptance and if that happens they could feel a "special connection" going on already

#660615 Going Forward: A New Pledge for Heaven & Earth

Posted by Kikuyu on 14 November 2014 - 10:01 AM in News and Announcements

I'm still with you guys!  :yes:  This fandom stronger that it was ever before. Even if NS didn't become canon, I'll forever love this ship and everyone else sailing this ship  :snuggle:

#660551 Flickering Thoughts~

Posted by Kikuyu on 14 November 2014 - 07:23 AM in i-Blog

The only words I can share with you right now are....'Just acknowledge the thoughts and let them pass. The more you pay heed to them, the more they trouble you'

Sure the ending was highly....unimpressive. Sure...it sucked and it nearly destroyed many people and crushed a lot of hearts. But...life goes on..doesn't it? Life isn't always fair with us and neither do we get everything we want, in our life. But you know what? You...hold the key to your success. You are the only one who could change things and stuff about you. No one has the power to do that except you!

Life is too short for getting depressed on such stuff. It will be much more fulfilling if we enjoy and live every moment of it and be happy :D. Sure there will he sad times and we'd fall. But you know what? Winners are never known by how much times they've succeeded. They are always known by how many times they've failed and how many times have they got back on their knees, headstrong....ready to take on the challenge! This is what Naruto taught me....

We can discard the last two chapters and always enjoy 698 chapters of the manga which made a huge part of our childhood :D I hope you get over it soon enough :D Life has even more exciting, tougher, and challenging opportunities to offer. We may not succeed every time...but what counts is not giving up and getting back on your knees again!

'Fate controls the weak. The strong....make their destiny...'


just-- amen to everything you said! and yes--Happiness. It's always been a part of me, I'm not really the type who dwells with depression and sadness. If my friends ever see me sad or down they know something is not okay. But yeah, like what I heard from the NS podcast from the guys, "It's just a manga" well it is just a manga but I'm grateful for how Naruto contributed in my life and at the same time, I can never put myself into so much that I know isn't going to last forever. 


as i've said to myself countless times, disappointments can be forgiven and forgotten, it makes you a better person if you learn to accept that things don't always happen your way, and yes we must learn to embrace inevitability of life. It makes us more alive. 


Thank you so much for the encouraging words!  :love:

#660543 Flickering Thoughts~

Posted by Kikuyu on 14 November 2014 - 07:15 AM in i-Blog

Alright I think I'm okay now. Lol I was certain that I can easily move on from my dilemma with Naruto, even though I heard that the last is going to be premiered here too. I'm guessing my churchmates would invite me but I feel like I do want to watch it at the same time i don't ugh, even if i get teary eyed in the theater, and come to think of it I already accepted NH and oddly found ways to accept it and found headcanons running through my head and even caught the better side of NH happening. WOW 


the drama over tumblr in the NS tag makes me feel helpless. I feel like defending the NS fans getting accused of doing the petition and feel like slapping all of them at the same time. The argument never ends. 


Honestly, I've been taking a look on the mature side of things for NH and SS since Kishi already gave life to these pairings, I might as well think of the better possibilities for their relationship-- marriage to work out. Judging from 700 that now they have younglings running around the village. I had it running on my head and my heart clenched a bit.


These are the things I've thought about NaruHina

  • Naruto's a loving person, and considering Hinata's obvious hints of affection. He's a person who'd find less difficulty on loving people back and since he's been good friends with Hinata. I think moving on from a girl he loved since he was a kid doesn't mean he failed, but i think he's taking another step to resolve his issue. The only proof of closure i see in Naruto and Sakura is Naruto finally waking up to the fact that he cannot erase Sakura's lingering feelings for Sasuke. which is a hard thing to accept lmao 
  • Love will never be fueled by emotions alone. I know NS already developed that on the past but again I'm getting on with the possibility that Kishi wanted to give NH this chance because actually. Naruto and Hinata's relationship is still unexplored. Just like any other relationship, there will always be flaws and setbacks. I wonder how Naruto and Hinata can learn the art of marriage and all its gruesome path and at the same time the beauty that lies within a man and a woman's oneness in pursuing life.
  • I see so many naruhina fans "glorifying" their pairing because it's all on the "benefit" each characters will be getting from one another but I wanted to see a side of these two living in the reality that relationships don't work with a "consumer-relationship" it's more of, "Because I love you, I want to serve you with all my heart" wow call me sappy because I saw it on Naruto and Sakura's relationship, either if those were romantically/platonically implied. It still is fueled by love. 
  • Simply saying I wanted Hinata to grow out of that selfish desire to have Naruto for her "romantic fulfilling", and Naruto seeing greater light from a heartbreak and actually seeing what Hinata meant by "I love you".


I'm not really good with explaining things but yeah, thank God I was given wisdom and optimism at these situations

why does this gif feel so right omg haha




Not to mention it's good to learn from things even if getting hurt in the process is included-- though getting too much hurt is quite inexcusable. 


now what bothers me is when I read stories and a scene where the head-over-heels inlove heroine just has to get herself nekkid or bare to entice the man she loves, and get into some intimate time--because she's sad and needy Dang I feel like throwing my phone out of the window. I'm mean like WHYYYY hahahaha. I feel like facepalming a thousand times

#658562 Flickering Thoughts~

Posted by Kikuyu on 12 November 2014 - 02:38 PM in i-Blog

I think the best thing to do is to read more and more manga! <3 That way maybe you'll find another pairing that you'll fall in love with as much as you did with Narusaku. I found mine reading the Magi series: Alibaba x Kougyoku! They're like Narusaku part 2 and that's what makes me even happier! (Alibaba even has blonde hair and Kou has red!! <3 <3) But yeah find some new stories to look up to, I'm sure they'll help you feel better!! 


You seem like such a great person.  :grouphug:


Wow--exactly lol. I've tried reading Boku no Hero Academia, funny how it's getting the "next big 3" candidate vibe while i read it. But it's like the heroine is like Shiemi from Ao no Exorcist and the main guy's like Tsuna/Sena. Oh well. I'll check out magi as well  made a research and it does look promising  :chuckle:


Why thank you, but nah I'm not that great or somewhat I'm contradicting towards myself shhhhh you're a great person too~

#658039 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Kikuyu on 12 November 2014 - 01:38 AM in Latest Releases

Just why have I thought of a shoujo spin-off for Naruto-- if Kishi's so honest about his lack of knowledge for writing romance, can't he like have someone else do it like what happened to Rock Lee's springtime of youth btw there's so much NS implied there lol. 

#658022 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Kikuyu on 12 November 2014 - 01:29 AM in Latest Releases



(Again, I'm not kidding, I would totes do it)


OH MY GLOB-- a jim carrey ballerina  :th_yeah:

#656934 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Kikuyu on 11 November 2014 - 12:36 PM in Latest Releases


This is the best depiction omg haha


Please Read


AW SNAP-- wow. 

#656927 Flickering Thoughts~

Posted by Kikuyu on 11 November 2014 - 12:23 PM in i-Blog

"Time heals all wounds but the scars will remain."


Wow-- that struck me. Lol suddenly reminds me the ugly scar i got on my knee. The pain that time was unbearable but now i just look at it proudly because that was one hell of a camp i'll never forget. Thank you for sharing that  :yes:


Everything you wrote is completely understandable. The amount of horrible things I was personally going through while following Naruto's journey for 12 years....this is why I really dislike it when people say "it's just a fictional story" or "they're not real characters" because they were always real in my heart. Whenever things went south I would read manga, mainly Naruto. 


This is just like getting over a heartbreak, or finding out that the person you loved was cheating on you. Due time you'll be able to heal but it's going to be a while. Just know you're not the only one who's feeling that way. You have people here you'll support you. Myself included. 


Oh glob-- i don't even like to hear it when people tell me that "you expected too much" because seriously i never expected the ending to "flop" the standards i've set ever since i read more of Naruto. I basically grew up with Naruto like everyone else had. 


I met with one of my best friends just a few hours ago and told her what happened to Naruto's ending.  she's a fan of the anime since she was a kid and it's a way for her dad and brother spend their quality time and yeap, she too was really disappointed. I told her everything about the fandom wars, what NS felt and i knew I somewhat turned her into a shipper since she's slightly more approved towards NS. She told me about her brother being a bit speechless after the ending and she just said to him "I can't believe it's done. We've been watching it since 5th grade." and adding in "He bought color to my childhood. that's for sure. " as i went on with the updates, It felt more lighter to have someone to actually talk to about it. we've been laughing so hard at the events i recalled while the spoilers were being released back then. I'm laughing at my own paranoid self during those times. Though in the end I told my best friend that It honestly took me days to even laugh and brush off the things that happened. I'm quite relieved that I'm now going on that road to conceding and letting go. 


Witnessing Sakura and Naruto's relationship was the most realistic thing i've seen in shonen history when it comes to romance subplots. I thought theirs would pass in flying colors. I guess EdxWinry still remains undefeated in my book. 


Plus listening to Paramore's last hope had me cheered up.  :thumb:


Oh and thank you gals i appreciate the words~  :grouphug:

#655071 Flickering Thoughts~

Posted by Kikuyu on 10 November 2014 - 01:31 PM in i-Blog



Too much thoughts are stuck in my head--

I need a place to vent them out. 

or else....


So I decided to take up a space here. You're all welcome to read the things I'll post here. It's going to be filled with all kinds of things, and of course i'll be talking about stuff like Anime, Life and whatever comes to my mind. I also don't mind having some interaction here aside from the topics I'm usually at. 


the final chapters were already released in Japan. 


It's been almost a week since the fans out of Japan have already been voicing out their reactions towards the ending. I'm so ambivalent with what happened, all the happiness, sadness and disappointment is getting all mashed up but heck i am downright ANGRY-- 


but then I came across a book from the bible that says something about it. 


until this struck me : "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. "


I've always been taught to apply God's word into my life so I'd learn more with using this gift of life He's saying,[p.s ummm i'm not overly religious, but yes I am a Christian] and without misinterpreting the verse i read and getting out of context I realize right now, that I am very much induced with anger that I became bitter, pissed and shaken at the same time. 


But then I couldn't really guilt-trip myself for being carried away by my emotions, and then I always remember that I shouldn't be too emotional because it's all the "heat of the moment" and things will cool down afterwards. 


Oh right, it will all cool down? So now what? What happens next after this? Naruto is over but my life isn't over yet. 


I'm starting to reflect with all that NaruHina/SasuSaku argument that I got myself into, which was actually a rare happening since I never bothered with fans like them especially those immature people who like to shove "my otp rocks" on people's faces, or if i happen to meet one I tend to get friendly with them-- I'm a person who chooses when to be reserved or be crazy according to the mood or occasion. and as i was saying about anger, I realize that I'm not really angry at them at all. I was annoyed but yeah anger is another level. It's like one moment they get on my nerves but seconds later I could barely care about them at all.


So no it's not NH/SS i was mad about. 


Is it Kishimoto? Do i blame him for the ending that made NS fans and a few parts of the Naruto fandom go berserk, and how people critically analyzed how much he sabotaged his work? Well... I had my fair share of mistakes and failures and God doesn't even see those things qualified enough for him to be unloved and hated on. Wow the  original story of grace and love and hope is replaying itself on the back of my mind again. I realize how completely hypocritical i became in a matter of days. Now that's one thing clarified, so I did one thing I ought to do and always should do. 


Forgive and forget. 


Now.. how hard could that be?



I already told myself countless times that when Naruto is done and finished that means I'm going to leave everything behind. But after getting the outcome that I (or we) did not really expect, plus all that support I put onto the pairing I grew to admire while keeping track with Naruto. Which was poorly addressed. It destroyed a part of me. 



It looks like it will take a while before I mellow down and move on from sticking around with the "No.1 hyperactive knucklehead Ninja" for nearly a decade.


Meh.. I got tons of work to do  to get myself overly stressed with something that left my life with a dramatic flare. Right, I need to rehearse for sunday, and prepare stuff for another sunday and brace myself for tomorrow's (possibly) last enrollment. I hope I don't screw up too much on my way. 


#654908 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Kikuyu on 10 November 2014 - 11:46 AM in Latest Releases

I'm not sure if i'm being too nice but I think all this ooc-ness coming out from 699-700 will still be considered a part of their character development, it's just that we're all blind to how it occurred plus the fact that they have this new era coming. It's like they passed it down to their kids but then a lot of things were sacrificed just to pave the way in for new characters (with not so new personalities and traits) to come in and hunch we've been getting that SJ and SP doesn't like the naruto franchise dying just yet




which sums up to a lot of crapped up stuff happening already, and oh wait there is more to come. 

#654777 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Kikuyu on 10 November 2014 - 09:19 AM in Latest Releases

I'm done having reviewed all of NH's flaws as an endgame pairing. What's done is done. He's somewhat lucky that others (including me) found a soft spot for the next gen. Kids

I know tons of people were disappointed with NaruSasu becoming absentee dads but I think those things have been dropped to make people more intrigued with what part 3 has to offer and possible ways to fill the gap of NH/SS's lacking as the pairing. I highly doubt people would care from that point lol

NS still should have been canon. But what got me happy at this point is this fandom still stands despite the blows it got from haters B)

#654083 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Kikuyu on 10 November 2014 - 01:48 AM in Latest Releases



Naruto was discarded virgin child There are two people








okay folks, it's like 11 am in Japan so chill out, their day hasn't even started yet.

#651517 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Kikuyu on 08 November 2014 - 06:27 PM in Latest Releases

I have heard that there were rumors spreading that I went into deep depression and I never got off the bed for days. While I appreeciate the concern (I think), I am ok and nothing bad happened to me or anything. I just log off for days because well the end was near and I even got myself tested to see if I can handle without really going here constantly. I can, really. I didn't read the chapters until yesterday, hence why I'm late with everything. But yes, I am ok. No need to think crazy speculation on me. Lol.


That's good to know. : :thumb: 

It kinda worries me that other people are taking it all in too much, but since I went through the same thing I can't blame them. I think I lacked sleep getting anxious at what others would do with all these heavy feelings and disappointment.  :twitch:

#651504 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Kikuyu on 08 November 2014 - 06:18 PM in Latest Releases

i'll even go so far as to say that kishi isn't even a man anymore if he promotes repugnant kitten like this. he's no longer professional in my eyes.


I feel like giving him a chance but heck pls he better not write romance again if he's going to make an "ambiguous endings" like what he did to Naruto. He'd be losing the dignity too.