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There have been 49 items by Tatsumi (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#610004 Chapter 696

Posted by Tatsumi on 23 October 2014 - 05:43 AM in Latest Releases

This is gonna be Sakura next chapter, bet on it :chuckle:

i think im dead LOL! IF ONLY!.... let's hope this next chapter is actually productive  :sweat:

#608768 Tall vs Short in relashionships

Posted by Tatsumi on 21 October 2014 - 12:35 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

shorter = cuter, don't ask why.

#608437 Hello everyone!

Posted by Tatsumi on 20 October 2014 - 09:39 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Enjoy your stay!

#606565 What are the chances of NS actually happening since the manga ends in four we...

Posted by Tatsumi on 18 October 2014 - 07:57 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


This is completely rude. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Every person here has the right to say what they feel believe — even you — however you don't have the right to put others down if you disagree.


If I see another post from you with this tone, you'll get a warn. Accumulate enough and you'll get a ban. You are new, so I'm explaining how things go down here. Before you post again, think about the attitude you are choosing to bring here.

it's my opinion, i didn't mean to bring others down for it and valid points were said above i kinda sort don't know where i went with putting people down in my comment but yeah that wasn't the intention

#605791 What are the chances of NS actually happening since the manga ends in four we...

Posted by Tatsumi on 17 October 2014 - 06:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Taking a look at all 3 pairings:








When developing a ship, there is always a consistent pattern the author follows while throwing scraps towards other ships that pick up steam to keep them guessing and interested. Whenever a NaruHina scene happaned, it was followed shortly after by a NaruSaku moment. The handholding moment was purely for chakra transfer and Naruto saying she was by his side the entire time was him referring to the moment Neji just died and he thought he was alone at that very moment, not knowing Hinata was there still supporting him. That right there I think was a good conclusion to NaruHina, as Hinata can finally stand next to him as his equal and support him in battle.


The girlfriend moment was for comic relief but still gave us brief insight into Naruto's feelings at that point in the story. We see right there he's still attracted to Sakura to some degree and the moment was also set up to also possibly hint at what the endgame might be. This was after the hand-holding moment as well. :)


Trying to dispute Naruto's love and relegate it to just a simple crush, but then sitting there and justifying why Sakura still loves Sasuke just further shows how bias people can be in the face of manga evidence. Find me ONE chapter which proves that Naruto is not in love with Sakura anymore. I'll concede once you find that one manga page where there is no dispute that Naruto is not in love with Sakura anymore.


Also, explain to me why it's wrong for Sakura to fall in love with Naruto, but it's perfectly fine for you to force Naruto and Sasuke to love girls they've been written to only care for on a platonic level. With manga clear manga evidence, find me the chapters and pages where Sasuke and Naruto showed genuine romantic love for Sakura/Hinata. What makes Sakura loving romantically genuine when he took off for 3 years without giving her a thought, nearly killed her twice and disregarded her when he was on his heel-face turn? Lastly, why is it that only Naruto's love has only been on a "crush" level while both girl's crushes developed into full on love despite not having screentime written where they got to know the boys on a personal level?


SasuSaku has always been about Sakura and her own insecurities (as shown by her hiding her true self around him and always feeling bad at stuff he says). She thought by pursuing and being acknowledged by the best ninja in class, she'll finally get her wish and it'd boost her confidence, but Sasuke has been a persistent negative character in her life. Her moving on romantically from Sasuke would be the perfect conclusion to her character, and all the moments (and confusion from things people like Sai and Obito said to her) will ultimately lead up to some revelation. The novel where the Kakashi of the story told her to think of what makes her most happy would be the best thing to happen to NaruSaku in a while, and it's very possible it'll happen within these weeks.


That is of course, assuming Kishimoto stays on that path.


So what chances does NS have of happening in the next 4 weeks? Well if what I said is all valid then it has a very good chance of having Sakura confirming the nature of her feelings for Naruto, with the rest being resolved in The Last. I personally don't think they give a crap much about shipping in the movies, as shippers make up a very small portion of that userbase. People care more about the action, not some crappy romantic subplot.


With the information and parallels provided, NaruSaku looks like the endgame pairing.


I hate that you took so much time to type this.. i've only been in this fandom for like 1 year and i'm already sick of people typing essay upon essay about the pairings if u wanna make an impact bring that to youtube not to a forum where we already have our minds made up on the right pairing. Btw you were talking about the parallel between ns and sk but u said kushina instead of karin LOL!

#605564 Don't think 'bad' think 'good' (づ ̄ ³...

Posted by Tatsumi on 17 October 2014 - 12:25 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

thanks but just thinking that way doesn't bring u the things u want otherwise the whole world would have nothing to complain about.

gotta commit to it/some people don't have opportunities/etc. good way of thinking though.

#604715 Chapter 696 Spoilers

Posted by Tatsumi on 16 October 2014 - 10:05 AM in Latest Releases


#604672 A vision about NS

Posted by Tatsumi on 16 October 2014 - 08:58 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

is therapy too costly nowadays?  :twitch:  :twitch:  :twitch:  :twitch:  :twitch:  :pimp:

#602893 "Ebola COULD spread through the air" Experts fear

Posted by Tatsumi on 13 October 2014 - 07:48 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

i don't even care atm i just went down with acute bronchitis :l it's funny that people never knew about ebola before.. kinda makes u think..

#601151 When did Sakura lose interest in wanting to be with Sasuke?

Posted by Tatsumi on 11 October 2014 - 10:37 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

she had feelings for naruto the entire time and she just didn't realize it Chapter 3.

#599855 Chapter 695

Posted by Tatsumi on 10 October 2014 - 09:44 AM in Latest Releases

i d be  really disappointed as well . but i agree with u there is a possibility for NH . if kishi  wants sakura to always loves sasuke.then naruto must let her go at a point and after that even if its after a while . naruhina .happens . it will ruin the story for me but its a possibility .and i can endure anything except narusasu. :argh: 


yeah . they seem to get everything right except when it comes to narusaku. :down: . :no:

he said ina filler that even if she isn't his he will watch over her and still love her from a distance (not exact quote obviously) but i take it as canon because that's exactly what naruto would do. i don't know how he can love hinata out of nowhere and sakura .. love is a complicated thing but i don't see it likely at all especially with 4 chapters remaining there is little to no chance of him returning hinata's feelings at this point in time and the same goes for sakura unless something significant were to happen. i'm actually going to guess that in the last panels sakura will realise who it really was in chapter 3. and the movie might solve the pairings for good (im unsure if time-skip.)

#599778 Ebola could be next AIDS

Posted by Tatsumi on 10 October 2014 - 06:29 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

real question is why has this never been seen before.

#598958 What are the chances of NS actually happening since the manga ends in four we...

Posted by Tatsumi on 09 October 2014 - 08:44 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

something will happen that's for sure. and at this point i don't even care.. i'm just waiting to see how it ends.

#597322 Naruto 694

Posted by Tatsumi on 07 October 2014 - 11:34 PM in Latest Releases


y r u so obsessed with whether she is or not i saw u comment this like 500x already.

#596241 well guys the manga is said to be ending in 5 weeks

Posted by Tatsumi on 06 October 2014 - 09:41 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Well what i guess really needs to be said (if no open ending) get ready for war people! the shipping results come soon.

#596234 well guys the manga is said to be ending in 5 weeks

Posted by Tatsumi on 06 October 2014 - 09:09 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

how exactly is he going to finish the manga in 5 chapters....

#595653 Akame Ga Kill!

Posted by Tatsumi on 05 October 2014 - 06:29 AM in Otaku Square

= Chapter 53

i'm pretty interested in how hes going to escape. We all know the main character isn't going to die..... >.>.... hopefully....>.>
by the way do u know when chapters are released? i can't find a schedule for it on google.

#595632 Woman marries HERSELF because she's fed up with being single

Posted by Tatsumi on 05 October 2014 - 03:37 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

the real question here is. how do u divorce yourself? "im sick of myself always complaining" "i never do anything" the judge would be so confused xD

#595484 Woman marries HERSELF because she's fed up with being single

Posted by Tatsumi on 04 October 2014 - 08:39 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

brb marrying myself... o w8 i live in the u.s. is that allowed? lmao.

#595137 Idealism vs Reality: Understanding why Hinata is popular with the NH fanbase.

Posted by Tatsumi on 03 October 2014 - 11:16 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I could use this against a NH fan if I wanted to.

i feel like spamming this on youtube vs every pro-nh comment i see on any video ever just to see reactions lol

#594138 Chapter 693

Posted by Tatsumi on 02 October 2014 - 06:45 AM in Latest Releases


From the glimpse that we were given of their dynamics in the Kazekage Rescue arc, they seem to be decently functional group that's able to work well and coordinate together without much squabbling. Guy might be overexerting them a tad bit (it could be looked at as a tactic to project his exuberant 'youthful' vigour onto these young and impressionable minds), but that's just his natural personality shining through his leadership skills. 


At least Guy is willing to properly train all of his students and not just a select few that he happens to identify more easily with like Kakashi. However, what causes his almost impeccable record to become tarnished is the incident with Lee's surgery where he promised to commit suicide if his favourite student died on the operating table. That made me realise, for the first time, how fanatical his devotion to Lee is. He was so blinded by his self-inflicted nindo to help Lee in becoming a great ninja that it made him lose perspective on how his actions would have negatively affected the people around him. Neji and Tenten would be left without a leader to guide them, and the village would have lost one of its most capable Jonin; all because the object of his nindo snuffed it. 


Kakashi might have his faults, but he never allowed his affections for the student he cared about to dictate whether he lived or died. He's able to look past the grief and loss towards the bigger picture. To rise from the despair of one's own failures and persevere is a better mark of selflessness imo. 

i wish i had your delivery when it comes to english and paragraph structure/use of words you're really smart.

#594137 The Official Naruto is not a Silver Medal thread

Posted by Tatsumi on 02 October 2014 - 06:42 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Kishi has been stated on record of saying Sakura is the most human of every Naruto character, hence my stance

that doesn't mean anything at all. she is not a real person. Lol. pointless arguement it's whatever anyways.

#594129 The Official Naruto is not a Silver Medal thread

Posted by Tatsumi on 02 October 2014 - 06:30 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

We since you want me to post a damn essay to appeal your troubled mind (way to call my messages spam by the way, even though you've happened to join just this year and already outclass me in message posting) I can totally write one.


How is Naruto not a Silver Medal you ask? Easy, because Sakura has a right to chose who she wants to date. Just because you establish a that one character likes another doesn't mean the feeling is mutual and also doesn't confined the character to solely ending up with said love interest. Now I know what you're thinking, "But Naruto doesn't have to love Sakura back after all this time"... Well you would be correct if he wasn't written as a character who never gives up and never changes his mind on what he believes in. This is the biggest reason he forgive Sasuke all the time. Sakura hasn't been established to be like that, though she is known for being kind hearted. Sakura's original goal was just for Sasuke to notice her.. and for the shallow reason to like him because he was popular. Naruto himself kinda blew his opportunity early with the bench scene, which is why he has to work his way back up. Sakura's version of Sasuke is a lie based around Naruto's actions. Basically Naruto is Sakura's Gold Medal if he doesn't impersonate Sasuke and act all gentle and stuff. Silver Medal is as stupid as the Sibling argument for the reason I posted that you can't seem to comprehend, but in simple terms, love is complicated, love isn't one dimensional, and sometimes you can fool yourself into thinking you love someone for being something they're not. Naruto loves Sakura, Sakura has no clue who she loves, it's basically up to Sakura to chose who will make her happy, she's not forced to end up with either one of them and she isn't gonna chose one or the other for shallow reasons if she is turned down.

i agree with everything u said but i think you're thinking 2 deeply with the love stuff and what not... why? because sakura isn't a real person. she is a written fictional character created by kishimoto the end. but everything else i agree with.

#592479 Is Kishimoto really contradicting himself?

Posted by Tatsumi on 30 September 2014 - 06:58 AM in Naruto General


izanagi costs an eye....

i didn't mean it like that just once she comes out of the jutsu she will realize... meh whatever... just forget it what i said is dumb.

#592477 Will Sakura catch up?

Posted by Tatsumi on 30 September 2014 - 06:55 AM in Naruto General

Nah theres no real reason for her to be on par with naruto and sasuke