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There have been 308 items by Paul Blowfish (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#739822 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 24 January 2015 - 04:33 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

lol that's you right? I saw the name so I assumed it was you xD

We became like the Naruto ending... everyone got paired up  :pimp:

Geez, I don't come on for a month and this happens. Y'all are crazy. xD

#739817 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 24 January 2015 - 04:30 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

We were getting shipped....

May I ask, why?

#739814 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 24 January 2015 - 04:28 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

This thread exploded... What are we talking about?

#706285 10 Year Anniversary Contest!

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 15 December 2014 - 05:41 PM in News and Announcements

Can we do whatever we want or is it just the prompts and your own version of the ending?

#676612 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 27 November 2014 - 05:27 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

If people claim that Naruto got over his crush on Sakura, then how come Sakura couldn't have gotten over her crush on Sasuke?

#676347 Fan-fic writers and readers how do you feel about NaruSaku "affair" f...

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 27 November 2014 - 01:43 PM in Writing Discussion

Affair fics? Big no-no for me. I am a Christian, so I am strongly against affairs or any adultery of the like. It's also just plain wrong. It tears families apart. If you are married, stay with him/her or get a divorce. I would also think it would be incredibly OOC for Naruto. Whether he loves Hinata or not, he would still stay loyal to her, not have an affair, since they are married.

#675176 You're Too Late

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 26 November 2014 - 01:19 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

You're too depressing for me.... :(

Sorry! I try to write fluff and everything happy but it just sucks. I' try to be less depressing next time. :sweat:

#674739 Rants on Hinata

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 26 November 2014 - 04:27 AM in Naruto General

Hmm, I dislike Hinata, well, I feel like people are idolizong her for doing something SO incredibly important when the last time she has had relevance was Neji's death and relevancy in the movie is cause NH and her sister. If she is better than the heroine of the series, then tell me how come she hasn't been super duper important for something SHE has done? I hope I didn't bash the character, if so, I sincerely apologize.

#674728 You're Too Late

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 26 November 2014 - 04:21 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Soo I made another horrible and depressing drabble or something, I don't know how many words are in it. This fanfic is when Sakura runs away with, you guessed it, SASUKE after the war and just left Naruto all alone and stuff. This is basically just a bunch of her regret. So, let me know if you enjoy this (if you can enjoy what I write, considering how terrible I write) and thank you for your time! :D


Silently, Sakura walked, aimlessly really. She ran away two years ago with Sasuke. Sasuke? Did she really? Goodness sakes, what went through her mind? Who knew if anybody would take her in after that.

As she went down a road, nostalgia filling her, a blonde man was dragging his feet in her direction. He looked tired and wasn't looking forward to what would happen in the next hour or so. Eventually the exhausted man looked up, and saw her.

"S-Sakura-chan?..." Wide eyes scanned her, suddenly more awake than before.

"Hey, Naruto. How are you?"

"I-I'm good," Still very much shellshocked. "Wasn't expecting you back. Like, ever." He chuckles faintly, and small talk ensues.

They do everything they can to avoid the topic of the last time they saw each other., but it's too awkward.

'I can't keep doing this small talk thing. Time to break the ice, Sakura.' "I'm sorry," For two years she had been planning on how this would play out, but all she could mutter was 'I'm sorry.'

"The last time we saw each other, you told me you loved me. Scared, I ran away like a jerk. I just want to apologize for how I reacted. And that," Damn it, damn it, DAMN it, she couldn't look him in the eyes. "I love you."

Years led up to this. She finally figured it out.

Oh, but Fate was never kind.

Agonizing pain hit him. "You're too late, Sakura-chan," It was Naruto's turn to feel guilty. "Me and Hinata," Sakura braced herself for the worst, as he managed to get the words out, stuttering a few times, "We have a son and another on the way." He was going to say something else, but Sakura beat him to it.

"We've been busy, eh?"

'Wait what.'

"You and Sas.. A chi-"

"I, I really rather not talk about how it happened. Sasuke isn't, he never will be, going to be there, so really, I'm raising it myself. But yes."

Once he got over his on-going shock, he spoke again, "Back to us, no matter how I feel, I can't leave Hinata, Sakura-chan. It would be cruel. Not fair to her."

'So? Life's not fair. My life sure hasn't been fair. Why does Hinata get all she wants? On a silver platter no less.'

"We have two children. Two," He continued, "I'm sorry." He was sincere. All of his words came from the heart.

"It's okay." Liar. "I understand completely." Why Hinata? "You best be going, Naruto. It's awfully late." Why are you making him leave?

"I'm really sorry, again. You sure you'll be okay?" She nodded in response.

"I'm fine." Lies are flowing like a fountain. "Don't worry about me." He gave her one last glance, then headed home.

Once he was out of ear shot, but not out of sight, she said something before she left, "If we loved again, I swear I'll love you right."

#674723 Thank you, Sakura-Chan

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 26 November 2014 - 04:14 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

This was so beautiful and painful at the same time.

#674668 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 26 November 2014 - 03:20 AM in Konoha Theater

I go on tumblr for the first time in forever and I'm hit with complete utter BS what happened

#673463 Naruto The Demon Within 2014

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 25 November 2014 - 04:24 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Okay, so for the second part of the prologue, it was VERY well written. Characters weren't OOC, it wasn't rushed, didn't miss a beat. Well, except for this one part (maybe it's just me, I process some things really peculiarly) Sasuke's "presence", Gaara, then Sasuke and Naruto showdown. Two little minor details that bug me, is that A) writing 'okay' as 'OK' and B) when there is dialogue between two people like so:

"Naruto is speaking"

"Sasuke is speaking"

Is that with certain parts, there isn't that spacing like the example above. Other than those things, awesome job! Good luck! :D

#669712 Naruto The Demon Within 2014

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 23 November 2014 - 05:44 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

I only have time at the moment to get through the prologue, but thus far, good job! I think you might have pasted the prologue twice. xD One thing I would critique, if I may, is that, I felt as I was reading the parts that I knew from the manga, honestly, I was sorta skimming through the words in those particular paragraphs. I understand it was only the prologue, but just something maybe to keep in mind in the future. I'll get to the other chapters when I get the chance. Good job and luck! :D

#669711 Dear Naruto

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 23 November 2014 - 05:37 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

No kidding, Paul. :) Be sure to check out my fanfic when you get the chance! I'm about to put up the first actual chapter!

You can go ahead and call me Kirsten. :) And I totally will!

#669205 Dear Naruto

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 22 November 2014 - 08:08 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

That ending though, its a thing of beauty. You really did an amazing job on this, major kudos. If this is indeed how Sakura feels Naruto will be her biggest "What if" Most people have them in their lives. There's usually that one person that is perfect for you, the one that finishes your sentences and treats you like royalty. It's apparent that they like you, and you know that you like them as well, but something happens. Either they move away before you can confess or neither of you muster the courage to share your feelings. Time goes by and you both start your own families, but that "What if" thought will forever be in your mind.
This happened to me with one of my best friends. He was everything I wanted-in a boyfriend, we were both artists and we completed each other so perfectly, but he never made a move, nor did I. Then I met my husband, and my friend loathed him, and my husband in turn hated my friend. This went on for the last two years of high school. Then he left for college I was single, my hubby and I hit a wall in our relationship and we agreed to take a break, if things were indeed meant to be we'd know it. During this time I dated my friend who was thrilled to see that I was available. He had also broken up with his girlfriend as well so we were both their for each other. Deep down we knew we were using one another but we were honest with each other about it, and we were both on the same page. Our relationship wasn't official, and we were both ok with that.
Most of our relationship was long distance since he was already in college, but we made up for it when we saw each other. Then out of nowhere my husband and I got back together, and I kid you not, his girlfriend got back together with him too. I remember chatting with him on AIM and we told one an other the news. Since we were never really boyfriend and girlfriend we just kinda thanked one another for everything and we moved on, or at least I thought we both did. He got married with his girlfriend and they had a son. I didn't hear from him in years until one day when I got an email from him, its contents were like this letter that you wrote.
He was having problems with his marriage and he told me that I'm the one that got away. He told me that when his girlfriend got back with him he was a little apprehensive, but once I told him that I together with my hubby he bit the bullet, and he never told me that he still loved me. He went on to tell me that he made so many mistakes, marrying his girlfriend was the worst one, but, he loved his son, and he would do it all over again if it meant making sure he'd have him. That comment really broke my heart. He was such an amazing man, and friend, and knowing he was in a loveless marriage was horrible. I was there for him as a friend and I helped him get over it, that was almost 6 years ago, now I have my boys. We still talk often and the hatred that he felt for my husband is gone, as is my husbands feelings towards him. His marriage is doing much better now and he's happy. However that email I got from him years ago was from his heart and it does hurt knowing how he really felt about me, but it wasn't meant to be. I moved on, I'm happy, and I fall more in love with my husband with each passing day, but its just like you said, my friend just found me in the wrong universe.

Thank you for your review! I feel like it would only make sense for this to happen to Sakura. And, your story from his point of view is really depressing, it sucks that such things happen in real life.

I know how that feels too. But it also seems fitting in the long run how this all turned out, since it is a sweet story, considering it feels as if Naruto isn't happy in his marriage to Hinata.

The truth, really.

I'D curse myself if I say I didn't get emotional and cry. So many feels...so many emotions. If only....darn...I am crying...again! In another universe....Why...Kishimoto? WHY THE kitten DID YOU DO THIS!!!!!! HOW COULD YOU! DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND NARUTO!!!! HOW COULD YOU...YOU BASTARD!!!!

Is it mean to be touched cause you cried at my story? lol, yeah, Kishi flat out screwed this story at 699-700, all that NS build-up, from the girlfriend comment from Naruto's DEAD DAD, forehead scene,and so many more all for nothing.

#668989 Dear Naruto

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 22 November 2014 - 05:10 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

I'M BACK. (lol honestly who cares) Enough about me, a couple of days ago I was on Tumblr and saw this super amazing (wow such great words you used there) edit and I HAD to write something like it. It was all angsty and stuff, so right up my alley. I hope I didn't like plagiarize it or anything (maybe only the last line), cause I don't really remember a majority of it. This is after 700, it's a sorta letter (how can something be a sorta letter?) thing from Sakura to Naruto. I understand it's not formatted like an actual letter, but roll with it. If I don't stop typing, this will be longer than the story itself. Any who, let me know what you think and hope you enjoy!


'Dear Naruto,

How are things? How's Hinata? The children? We haven't spoken in awhile, we never seem to be able to catch each other, so I decided to write and send this letter.

As for my life, Sarada is well. She seems to have a lot of trouble with her jutsus, but I know she'll be fine. Sasuke is out on Taka business, as usual.

I'm just gonna cut right to the chase. I can't hold it in anymore. Too many years have passed.

I understand you don't love me anymore. But I know we could have been, a thing. And what really sucks, is that that never happened.

You know, Naruto, maybe in another universe, you and me could be something more. Something extraordinary. We could have gotten the ending we deserved.

Sasuke wouldn't have gotten in the way, and Hinata wouldn't have stolen your heart.

Goodness, here I am complaining about how I screwed up and want to change it. But can't you envision it?

You would be your old idiot self, getting injured always, you Baka, and eventually would get fully bandaged.

I would spend days at the hospital just healing you. And you would make me feed you Ichiraku's, only Ichiraku's, ramen. I'd pretend I hated it, but secretly love it.

Years full of regret have gone by knowing this all could have happened, Naruto.

You just found me in the wrong universe.'

#668910 Deleting Threads

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 22 November 2014 - 03:38 PM in Council Hall

It would be really great if you could delete this one: http://www.narusaku....=1 Thank you in advance! :D

#652985 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 09 November 2014 - 01:15 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm so happy.
The teamwork is ...amazing!
Chatte,Ramen,Luffy,Konan...THANK YOU GUYS FOR GIVING HOPE!
I love you!

This fandom is awesome!

#652975 He Left a Shadow in Her Heart

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 09 November 2014 - 01:09 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

its just that im a sensative Teenager (i just turned 15 so im frikin immature lol) and ive been touchy because of the Manga Incident So Dont take it personally i admit though its written good

Alrighty! The whole ending has taken its toll on us. And thank you!

#652354 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 09 November 2014 - 03:46 AM in Latest Releases

"How can you become Hokage and watch over the village if you can't even take care of your own family?"


#652338 He Left a Shadow in Her Heart

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 09 November 2014 - 03:39 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Could mean tears of joy and sorrow.

Hmm, maybe.

#652157 He Left a Shadow in Her Heart

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 09 November 2014 - 02:35 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

I was not prepared.

Lol sorry! I feel like the last sentence really catches you.


NOOOOOOOO, lol. This really hits the feel doesnt it?

wow im in very deep sorrow crying right now

Actually crying? Sorry! :sweat: Didn't think this would cause so much grief

#651756 Recommended Fanfic/Doujinshi thread, to replace chapters 699-700

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 08 November 2014 - 09:00 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

Mines a bit more focused on NS. But, Uh, here's the link to mine (even though it's here at H&E ):


She came rushing to the two bodies bloody and beaten.

"Sakura-chan.." Naruto made the effort to open his eyes to look at her.

She gently shushed him. "I need to concentrate."


She needed the fresh air. The smell of the hospital was giving her a migraine, and she couldn't bear to see the state her teammates were in.

Off to the side of the road was an old wooden bench, so she decided to have a rest.

"You sure have a large charming forehead. Makes me want to kiss it."

Then it hit her.

This was the bench where Sasuke (more like Naruto really) talked to her. It wasn't Sasuke. It was Naruto. Wait.. Naruto?!

He came out from the shadows of the tree, smiling sheepishly while being all bandaged up.

"Naruto, you idiot! You're supposed to be in the hospital, resting! Not out here!" As her anger consumed her, she got right up in his face. "What did I tell you? You need a lot of-"

He kissed her forehead.

It was gentle, sweet, and all of her anger melted away

He pulled back from her, and to be perfectly honest, looked terrified and sweaty. "Uh, maybe I should have done that. Too much, yeah..." He scratched the back of his head.

"You baka." She wrapped her arm around his head of fluffy, golden hair and kissed him.


AN: On the lips, I assure you.

#651751 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 08 November 2014 - 08:51 PM in Latest Releases


I can't stop laughing at this.

#651742 He Left a Shadow in Her Heart

Posted by Paul Blowfish on 08 November 2014 - 08:40 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

THANKS for making me Cry T______T .
Nice Writing tho :D

Lol sorry! And thank you! :D