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There have been 31 items by Lady Diana (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#691304 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Lady Diana on 06 December 2014 - 06:52 PM in Konoha Theater

Guys, do we have a translation for those ?





#639879 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 09:22 PM in Latest Releases

i guess I'm the only one who actually preferred SS over SK, just out of curiosity why is sasuke attempt to kill Karin not seen as abusive but his toward sakura is?

Because Karin completely recovered from that and even came back all lovey-dovey to Sasuke. She didn't feel any pain, she didn't cry. She accepted it all.
Sakura cried because of Sasuke and suffered 'til the very end for him. It wouldn't be fair to have him end up with her rather than with the girl who didn't really mind the murder attempt.

#639794 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 09:13 PM in Latest Releases

Something I think is veeery strange : Anko is Kishimoto's favourite character. Why would he make her fat ?

#638915 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 06:57 PM in Latest Releases

u have a point . but kishi could have made hinata with kiba   the same as choji and karui   its seems he doesnt need development . and make sasuke with ino or karin the same way he made him love sakura from no where   cause the are the same as sakura to him maybe he sees sakura worse . my point is that kishi has no excuse at all for ruining his manga . i feel sorry about him .

Exactly. He doesn't need development hence the reason why NH/SS is possible. And my proof is Chouji x Karui's kid. THEY NEVER EVEN MET BEFORE !! And yet, they somehow had sex and a kid. So yeah, he thought : "kitten development. Let's make them have sex with random character and see the funny mixes I can do with that".

#638830 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 06:42 PM in Latest Releases

and didn't kishi's assistant already say the children are fake?...so why are they in the manga?...

I heard it wasn't Kishi's assistant, it was just a fanartist.

#638772 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 06:30 PM in Latest Releases

Do you guys remember how Kishimoto was supposed to work on "Mario" once Naruto was finished ? You know, the manga he called "the best manga I've ever written" ?
I guess Mario being totally unknown to the public wouldn't have been profitable to him. However, milking the series that's already an international success even more ? Easy peasy ! Just have to use the characters he already had !
But just think about it people. If NaruSaku had been canon, what would have happened to Sasuke ? And Hinata (well, Hinata shouldn't count as she isn't an important character) ? Sasuke wouldn't have been able to marry anybody (and this is coming from a SasuKarin shipper, but he doesn't love her back JUST LIKE he doesn't love Sakura back). And Hinata would have ended alone...

Which wouldn't be a problem normally, BUT he needed a lot of pairings to happen so he'd have new characters (the kids) for the new project.


So you see, even Kishimoto gave up on his "ideal" manga (Mario) for a bad compromise... so you shouldn't be wondering why Naruto didn't get his "ideal" either... as mangaka, as protagonist, I guess. This is disgusting.

#637585 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 03:09 PM in Latest Releases

You know what guys ? I've actually been able to regain my smile. Right now, I'm at peace and in good mood.
Do you want to know why ? Because Kishimoto has just insulted his own pairing choices himself.
He is putting on the same level of love/development NH and SS AND SaiIno and worse of all ChoKarui (lol, I had to come up with that pairing name on the spot, 'cause it didn't even exist) !!
Kishimoto thinks NH is on the same level of intensity as Choji x Karui !!
So why are you all trying to understand why he dumped 15 years of development of NS, when apparently, two characters that had NEVER interacted before (Chouji and Karui) looked like a good choice of pairing ?

So I'm not even mad. Sorry NH/SS fans, the biggest offence is made to you. I would be crazy angry if Kishimoto had thought it was a good idea to make my pairing, NaruSaku, canon as the same time as SaiIno/ChoKarui.

#636784 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 01:34 PM in Latest Releases






This is starting to look even more fake and fishy to me. I know this is wishful thinking (or denying) but... Sakura looks younger on this than on Kishi's sketch for the movie ?
Why would she have her spikey hair again, when Kishi makes it all smooth for the movie. THIS IS WEIRD.

#636698 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 01:25 PM in Latest Releases





#636636 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 01:17 PM in Latest Releases

Well, that's too bad for us I guess. I still have hope. I still want to believe.
Why would Naruto still be attracted to Sakura in The Last ?

Why would Hinata have big front locks of hair in the movie, when she's 19YO, and then cut them back to think locks like when she was 16YO when she's even older ?
That doesn't make sense to me, things don't add up. So I'll hope 'til the very end.

#636565 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 01:06 PM in Latest Releases

I saw it, but Mangahelpers spoilers have always been the most reliable I've seen. They could be wrong of course, but if only a few monthes have passed, then it's impossible for the picture of Hinata and her daughter to be real.

#636547 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 01:02 PM in Latest Releases


Err... guys... why isn't anybody commenting on this ? No NH menionned, but Naruto and Sakura taking a walk in town... sounds good for us !

#636247 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 11:49 AM in Latest Releases

Just don't invest in shipping, or just ship everything, like me reading Gintama (Gintoki x harem OTP) or Chihayafuru.. :P

^ I agree very much with this.

#636241 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 11:47 AM in Latest Releases

well if you hate hinata so strongly i cant do much to change your feelings about her character..i mean maybe i could do but requires a lot of ranting and manga panels and i dont dont have time ..i understand your reasons.but pls dont talk so harshly about sasuhina here cause there are a lot of sh fans on h&e and you will hurt their feelings... if you want to talk about it at least do it diplomaticaly dont spit hate and anger

You know, I once re-read all my NARUTO volumes to try to find good points in her character. In part 2, there were none. So indeed, there's nothing that can be done for my disappointment (not hatred) for this character.

And please, don't try to make me look like a "hater that spits" anger. I as merely explaining my point of view. Sorry if that offends people that other people have different opinions.

#636216 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 11:33 AM in Latest Releases

sorry if i dissagree with you but hinata ending up with sasuke would be the best for her character and for his character as well...shes not an annoying loud  fangirl and sasuke needs this...if you look at things superficially only because ''sasuke is too hot '' well then he is too hot to end up with anyone so he will be lonely forever...better than ending up with a good looking rabbid fangirl

I know their personalities fit (which is why I'm always concerned for this ship to be asspulled by Kishi). And I know Hinata only acts cool-headed around Sasuke because she doesn't really care for him, which is good because it doesn't make her the rabid fangirl she is with Naruto but NOPE. I very strongly dislike her. Her whole character is built on her love for Naruto. Sasuke is a character that went through a lot of pain and kitten. Trying to pair them up for me is like trying to pair 0 and . He needs a strong woman by his side. And Hinata is everything but stong (both mentally and as a kunoichi).

Sasuke needs a bright and fun person, not a gloomy hot-mess with suicidal tendencies.
So yeah, for me, SasuHina will always be the most disgusting ship out there, sorry for its fan but I hate it like no other ship.


And she deserves to end like a rabbid-looking fangirl in my opinion. That's what she's been during the WHOLE manga, that's who she deserves to end too. But I'm being mean here. Seriously, the best end for Hinata is if she realized love isn't everything and actually started to focus on something else for a change.

And the fact that I simply love Sasuke so much, and dislike Hinata so much is enough explaination for how I hate seeing them together. I can bear looking at NH fanarts, but not SH.

#636193 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 11:21 AM in Latest Releases

Are people really trusting someone whose the pseudonym is EVIL.


I call BS. Kurenai has a boy in the manga, those NH kids look like Animal Crossing villagers seriously guys. I can draw, and if I had a graphic tablet to make those colors, I could do the same.


SP loves trolling people and their Hinata, and they would never spoil something like that, they're not stupid. You have more chance to hack the CIA and find out who killed Lady Diana than that.

^Lol, it felt weird to read that for me.

#636173 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 11:14 AM in Latest Releases

how can sasuhina piss anyone?its crack

Yeah, but I have a few theories and headcanon that make it very plausible, no matter how much I hate this ship, it makes sense in my head.
Plus, I don't want the character I dislike the most to end up with my bby Sasuke. There's no way in hell she's good enough for his hot ass.

#636164 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 11:10 AM in Latest Releases

What I'm worried is what Evil posted. Not the pictures of NH's kids.

Exactly ! I don't give a kitten about the kids, they're cute but just fanon.
What I'm scared about is what Evil said, and I wasn't even aware of her existence a few hours ago, I already trust her more than my mother xD !


But honestly, I don't know what would piss me off the most, NH/SS canon or SasuHina (my #1 NOTP)...

#636156 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 11:06 AM in Latest Releases

Man, I've been reading this thread all night long, IMPOSSIBLE TO GET SOME SLEEP (x_x).
I really hope NS still has a chance and that all this kitten was just Evil's last trolling but... I'm ready for NH...

#622979 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Lady Diana on 31 October 2014 - 06:31 PM in Konoha Theater

Posted it if you didn't already know.

Oooh, link please :3 ?

#622959 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Lady Diana on 31 October 2014 - 06:17 PM in Konoha Theater

As a women, I find i pretty rude to simply want the main character to be with a girl becuase of her boobs. And he said it several times, so nobody can tell me he doesn't care about that. Hopefully without sounding too weird, I have got a bit of size, but if a guy would go out with me because of that, I would turn him down without thinking twice. There is more to a women than breast size or ass. 

You know that, even among the NH fandom, some people said they wouldn't watch the movie because they think Hinata's breats look smaller than before ? They even bash their favourite big-boobed character for not having boobs that are big enough xD. So believe me, I really doubt they'd put as much thought in it as you did in your comment. That's the pitiful state of the NH fandom right now.

And yeah, as I said in a previous comment, is it REALLY suspicious that nothing about Naruto and Sakura's relationship is mentionned. They could have at least said that they're team mates you know ?

#622946 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Lady Diana on 31 October 2014 - 06:07 PM in Konoha Theater

James S Cassidy >> Please make a tumblr post with what you wrote so I can reblog it (*_*) !


Also, I just thought about something... how come Sakura has very little screentime in the trailers ? I mean, she's still the heroine of the manga and we only see her scream "Naruto !" and hold Hinata's shoulders. However, a lot of drawings of her from SP have been released, so we can deduce she has a fairly decent amount of screen time, right ?
So, what if, JUST what if, SP can not release any movie part in which Sakura is involved because it would reveal how close she is to Naruto and it would spoil the whole Hinata romantic thing ? After all, if Hinata has a big role in this movie, and if Sakura, with her generous heart is encouraging her to talk to Naruto, then maybe Hinata will ask Naruto for his answer, and it will be negative ?
It's just theory, but I thought it was strange not to see much of Sakura (because maybe she's too involved with Naruto ?).

#622779 NaruSaku Hopes

Posted by Lady Diana on 31 October 2014 - 04:35 PM in Naruto General

I hope for comic relief as well, but in a lighter way. And I hope it shows a more mature side of their relationship.
But since the movie is about Hinata (mostly), then I hope Hinata will be the one to give up on Naruto (this would prove she's become more than the eternal Naruto fangirl) and I even hope that she will root for Naruto's love for Sakura. This would be awesome !

#619350 Naruto's is Hinata's idol

Posted by Lady Diana on 30 October 2014 - 02:32 AM in Naruto General

Yeah, but what I'm asking for is the SJ picture (similar to the one I posted) proving that Hinata sees Naruto as his idol (she admires him, he's her obsession, but it's not true, deep love). I want to show the picture to my friend, so if anyone has it, please post it :) !

#619239 Naruto's is Hinata's idol

Posted by Lady Diana on 30 October 2014 - 12:03 AM in Naruto General

Hi guys !


So, I'm having a nice discussion with a NH friend of mine and there's something I want to show him, but I can't seem to find it by googling or by browsing in my folders, so I need you, NS fans, to help me out.
Remember a few years ago, Jump posted this for Valentine's day :




And they also posted a very similar one, except that it was Naruto and Hinata, but it was not for Valentine's day, it meant to show which girls of each of the main mangas in SJ see the main character as their idol (it was written アイドル, "idol" on it).

I would like to show this one to my friend, but I can't seem to find it anywhere ? So I'm asking if somebody here saved it in their folder or something !


Thanks in advance guys, it would be a huge help (and I hope that was the right section of the forum to ask that) !