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There have been 35 items by rukiasakura12 (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#651465 What did NaruSaku mean to You?

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 08 November 2014 - 05:35 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Damn.. I started crying when I read this thread than reading the last two chapters of naruto. Now I really felt not alone. I know I'm just new here for a few months or so but when I started to enter this community even by reading the forums I started to believe that I'm not the only one thinking NaruSaku is a great couple.

Anyway, for me NaruSaku was one of the best things that happened to me because I got to meet people with the same beliefs as me. Really great people in this site that fights for their ship even though we are outnumbered by NH and SS or always bashed. For me NaruSaku led me to this wonderful site. Even though I'm just usually a reader here rather than a poster.

NaruSaku inspired me since start of Shippuuden days. At first I never liked Naruto or Sakura at first but I just like the uniqueness of the story. In fact, I hated Sakura's fan girl side to Sasuke and how she treats Naruto but I had seen her grow as a great character starting from Sasori's battle. I have been an avid fan of Naruto since my highschool days. The NaruSaku pairing gave me chance to like the series even more. I admired how both of them grew and how their chemistry blended well. They felt NATURAL as the other member said. They don't need to make a fake image in front of the other. I want to call them TRUE. NaruSaku was and ever will be THE MOST TRUTHFUL pairing for me beside Minato and Kushina. Their one of the greatest pairings of all time that's why I wished for them to come true but you will not get all things that you want which is the depressing part. I really had hoped for Naruto to get a fighting chance to convey his feelings for Sakura with a confession and everything but the ending crushed me. If it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have the guts to read the last chapters but it would gave me more heartache to watch the new movie.

Nevertheless, Sakura and Naruto will always be the pairing that gave me inspiration to continue my life. They saved me many times when I got depressed with my illness, family problem and a lot of my troubles in life. They always cheered me to strive and live on. If I die, they are one of the greatest things that happened to me. Teaching me to never give up and love will take us to many distances. So even though they weren't together I still witnessed a great story with a really inspirational pairing. :D <3

#603357 Cosplay and Crafting

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 06:57 AM in Otaku Square

I usually make them myself, although there are a few occasions where I've had bits and pieces commissioned (like my Scouting Legion jacket for my Christa cosplay). 
Tenten was my first cosplay in 2011, back when I was still in the Naruto fandom ahaha.

Wow.. So do you compete in competitions since your first cosplay?

#603348 Cosplay and Crafting

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 06:30 AM in Otaku Square

I've been cosplaying since August 2011 (before I turned 14), and since then I've cosplayed 7 other characters, all of them from different series because my fandoms tend to change very often. :') I've posted a couple of my cosplays in the Show Yourself thread.
I'm currently working on Popstar Ahri from League of Legends! 

Nice :D do you make your own costumes or do you have a crafter or tailor? I also started in 2011 but stopped currently so I missed cosplaying a lot.. :) Whom did you cosplayed back then?

#603343 well guys the manga is said to be ending in 5 weeks

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 06:27 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Thats not how it works, like at all.

Well I hope so.. So it wouldn't left us hanging with the shipping and everything.

#603255 well guys the manga is said to be ending in 5 weeks

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 04:37 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Nah... Kishi's been bringing up all this love throughout this war. He even brought up Sasusaku and smashed it to the ground.. so I think he'll resolve the love triangle xD It would
make more sense for them to be canon in the manga and then show the relationship in the movie. :D

Well I hope so.. If not.. It would look like another money tactic for me... :P

#603193 The Scarf

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 03:08 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Out of nowhere the NH fans say the scarf had something to do with Hinata I was like what? I'm confused? Then they want Hinata to be pregnant in the movie with Naruto's baby

Well.. Want is a bit commanding.. I hope it doesn't end up with because the NH fans wants it.. Like so.. I was also shocked to read threads of the scarf.. Where did it came from.. -__-

#603186 The most memorable convention for you and why?

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 03:03 AM in Fun Cafe

May I ask have any of you attended cosplay, anime, game, movie or comic convention?
When was you most memorable convention for you and why?

#603181 Cosplay and Crafting

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 02:58 AM in Otaku Square

I just want to know if any of you cosplays or a crafter?
Whom did you already cosplayed and crafted?
What events did you joined?
How long have you've been cosplaying or crafting?
You can also post pics here of yourself wearing your costume for fun.

If not yet, who is your top 5 dream cosplay? People who already cosplayed and crafted costumes can also post their top dream cosplay. :)

#603163 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 02:42 AM in Naruto General

Nick Nolte would make a great Sasuke

LOL.. Maybe the third hokage? LoL

#603154 well guys the manga is said to be ending in 5 weeks

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 02:25 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Why do I have a gut feeling that Kishi wouldn't confirm any pairings at the end of the manga? What if it's in the movie for commercial reasons? Because if they already reveal it in the manga.. Well chances are.. The movie would lose money..

I think the series would end fixing the feud between sasuke and naruto.. But not one is dying since in the movie.. Both are still alive.. They said the movie takes place after years or so..

Shippers would wait then for the movie to clear things up.. Another long wait perhaps.. :P

#603142 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 02:00 AM in Naruto General

how about orlando bloom with a mask and wig as kakashi?....at least it goes with his age

Weird but.. I can see orlando bloom as kakashi. :D or maybe johnny depp..

But johnny depp can also be jiraiya.. LOL

Zac efron's body currently is a little off now for naruto.. If the highschool musical version of zac happened maybe a bit near?

#603137 The Scarf

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 October 2014 - 01:45 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

NH relates the red scarf together with the theory that Hinata might be pregnant based on the scans.. It confused me.

It seems so fast to me.. Where did the development came from suddenly?

They say it is romantically given by a mystery girl.. Do you have the link of that mystery girl pic?

#563676 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 15 August 2014 - 04:03 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

No problem :thumbsup:

Thanks again :)

#563669 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 15 August 2014 - 03:55 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I finally posted the video.. I realized that I was using the mobile version so it didn't appear. I should use the site full version. Thanks for the help. :)

#563223 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 August 2014 - 08:00 PM in Naruto General

lol scarlet is very curvaceous and has big boobs..no chance for her to be sakura...i think  the rookies should be played by teen actors not mature ones


Well as long as the actor that will play them are justifiable.. Even the effects and story line..

Dakota Fanning as Sakura? Terrible choice but i've heard worse casting decisions.
ANyone remember the interview with Hiro Mashima way back when? They asked him the same question if he would like it if Hollywood made a live action Fairy Tail, I believe his first response was that (no joke) he would want Johnny Depp to play Happy.

It would be like watching Long Ranger over and over again.. O.o

I've heard this too, but source. I just doubt it is real. I don't think Kishi would comment on that, like that. Not all caucasians are white, and I think Kishi would prefer a Japanese movie, kind of like live action Kenshin, not a hollywood one.
Besides, you forgot the rest of the characters outside team 7, who are if nothing else said, japanese.

So he'll base the characters on their natural physical appearance? O.o


Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 August 2014 - 07:49 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Yes exactly what I mean.

Maybe that's their way of denying sakura's similarities to kushina.. Cover up. :)

#563204 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 August 2014 - 07:28 PM in Naruto General

uhm why has no one suggested a Japanese actor yet? Naruto characters are not white jfc. And why do you all cast 30 year olds, they're teenagers, again jfc.

ATLA=not anime. :no:

Haha that's what they like LOL.. I don't argue as long as they like their own idea. :P Then who do you suggest from the Japanese actors?

b3e2d485fa2b76c6eb929e7f96f186e5.jpg scarlet as sakura(can't find pink haired scarlet but red haired scarlet)


God almighty. Keep the red, Scarlett looks best as a redhead.

yes and short red haired scarlett>long blonde haired scarlett

Multicolored LOL.. JK peace

I'm happy with Scarlet being Sakura but please no Miley Cirus ....

Oh God please.. She's too much revolting.. I like Scarlet better than miley or even Jennifer would be better.. -__-

Don't give M. Night Shyamalan any ideas now. He already destroyed Avatar the Last Airbender. Just by watching the movie, I didn't watched the show.

I think he wouldn't dare since his movie went flop and was criticized a lot.. His creations will be insulted much worser if he dared to make Naruto.. Or even the guy who made the Hollywood version of DBZ.

#563198 Any Horror Based Anime?

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 August 2014 - 07:18 PM in Otaku Square

School days. But you have to keep watching more episodes to experience the horror.

School days.. O.o I think the scary part was totally the twisted ending and the near end climax.. O.o scary


Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 August 2014 - 07:15 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't believe what NH fans say but when they try to compare Minato to Hinata or Kushina to Hinata they tend to take what we say to them and do the opposite

Reverse psychology.. O.o

The claim is that Hinata is calm and collected like Minato. But the question to ask is why are these characters the way they are? Minato is calm, but not shy or unsure of himself. Hinata may appear calm, but would say she is a nervous and unconfident person.

Exactly. Hinata would fidget over things but Minato is more of a power leader. He's calm but confident.

#563185 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 14 August 2014 - 07:06 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

How do you post videos from youtube? I'm new sorry.

#562488 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 13 August 2014 - 06:13 PM in Naruto General

She was pretty badass in the hunger games.

Yes I agree :) And she's bubbly during interviews :D

There apparently are plans to make a live action Naruto movie in addition to Ghost in the Shell

Which spparently is what that Kishi interview was ll about a few months ago when TASM2 came out

Well let's just crossfingers that it gives justice to the manga itself.. But if not.. My heart would sank.. :(

#562484 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 13 August 2014 - 06:02 PM in Naruto General

Logan Lerman as Sasuke
Jennifer Whatever for Sakura (Girl from hunger games)
Niall whatever as Naruto (Guy from 1d)

LOL imagine Jennifer with pink hair and kicking 1Ds you know what haha :D

#562481 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 13 August 2014 - 05:50 PM in Naruto General

I think she'd be even more sexy with the pink hair :lulz:

LOL she'll be a kick ass Sakura :D

#562477 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 13 August 2014 - 05:44 PM in Naruto General

I said it before and I'll say it again, this will be Dragaonball evolution all over again. If Hollywood is touching it you can bet on it.

Trying to make humans enact anime characters never works and most of the times is doomed to failure. You only need to look at The Last Airbender movie. Disgraceful. Pathetically written,directed and the acting was awkward at best . It did great dis-service to one of the best anime shows ever.

I just made this for fun.. I didn't said I was supportive and all for the live movie in hollywood.. I just said if you would pick a hollywood actor etc.. Whom would you pick to play it.

#562456 Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

Posted by rukiasakura12 on 13 August 2014 - 05:14 PM in Naruto General

I'm just curious. If Naruto was played by Hollywood stars. Which celebrity will you pick to play each character roles? It's okay if it's from the music or even hosting industry as long as their from the entertainment industry of Hollywood. I picked Hollywood since most of us are familiar with Hollywood stars. :D You can pick a particluar character but you need to at least include the main characters especially naruto, sakura, sasuke, kakashi.. Etc.. :D It would be better if you explain why you picked them but it's okay if you just plainly write the name of the character beside the name of the actor.. :D