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There have been 5 items by Khaleesi (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#986011 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 26 December 2021 - 05:36 AM in Otaku Square

I really hated ichihime and will never forgive him for not getting Ichigo and rulia together. Sibling relationship my as s

#986003 Tokyo Revengers

Posted by Khaleesi on 25 December 2021 - 06:47 PM in Otaku Square

Hi, all! And Merry Christmas 🎄


I'm a really old member and I'm not that active but I'm back at reading manga and I like stuff that gets me to create theories and shonen, so when it's both, it's great!


So let's start with some general questions!


- Have you watched or are you planning to watch/read Tokyo Revengers? 


- If you are watching/reading, in which episode/chapter are you on?


- Who is your favorite character up until now?


I go first:


- Watched the anime, continued in the manga :hehehe: 

- I'm up to date, at the moment of this post, that is chapter 235.

- Draken :smug:



#986002 Boruto: The Never-Ending Prologue Chapter 65

Posted by Khaleesi on 25 December 2021 - 06:36 PM in Latest Releases

Oh it is. Worse is I think this is the third or so year that has had the same cycle of resolving last years fight at the start of the year before spring, build up to this year's fight for most of it, and finally fight in the winter. So, its not just the chapter are dull its that they are on a very predictable cycle.


Honestly, if I was in charge of this, I would order that this fight be Naruto's death fight simply to break this cycle and move the story along. But since Hime and Punk are now here, I don't see that happening for another two years of this dull cycle, at the very least.


Is Naruto finally dying so Boruto can be relevant? Do you think Kishimoto is ever going to reset his ending? I mean some mangakas have done it. And now he is finally in charge of Boruto again because of how awful the other writer has been doing.

#985990 The Random Thread

Posted by Khaleesi on 25 December 2021 - 06:49 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

It's been so long since I've been acting here, my profile depicts perfectly my emotions about the time I left some things behind and posting regularly here too. It's somewhat nostalgic seeing people are still comenting it time to time.

#985989 Boruto: The Never-Ending Prologue Chapter 65

Posted by Khaleesi on 25 December 2021 - 06:46 AM in Latest Releases

Well, Endwalker was enjoyable. Imagine a story from a popular franchise that infamously started off on the wrong foot but was able to correct course to such an extent that they have become the biggest in their genre and they have to stop selling because they can't handle the influx of customers. Now then, lets talk about a series that never need to worry about that happening to it.


Summary Time: Karma Power...well stabbing their fans in the back years ago has repeatedly shown the power of karma in real life.


The cover page is Naruto in sage mode dramatically striding forward with his cloak blowing in the wind. Of course its ruin by it being that tiny half cape and the high collar blowing in front of his mouth. 


Bolt dealing with his karma trying to take control of him again...almost like he shouldn't have used it and probably should have just made some clones to get back up. Femmy appears to mock Bolt for thinking some random stopgap pill would halt karma enough to use it in battle. I can't tell if only bolt see this or if they other three brats can see it as well...and he just realized that the day they fought is likely when he implanted karma in him...when else did he have time to do it!?! Randomly at some Hyuuga get together like a picnic we don't know about?! I don't care about it reestablishing it, this just eats up pages. Femmy shows off how strong his rasengan is compared to Bolt's.


Now with Madoc, the clone...oh that's Sai I think or is it some random mook? They establish they know Bolt is fighting Punk. Well the close ups of the clone help show off the fat in her cheeks, and her squarish jaw. Well that was a waste.


Hime tells Punk to retreat. He grabs Nail. Femmy comes up with a new Rasengan...the Rasendan, the spiraling bullet. And, like you think, its like a Freeza death beam or Yusuke sprit gun, its shoot out from his fingers. Well, its better then that stupid invisible rasengan at least. Nail gives Femmy lip so to be a kitten he tries to break his remaining arm, but Naruto comes in just in time. While checking over him Nail yells at Naruto for coming...and now Shikamaru is held hostage. God, what is with people constantly getting stuck in holds with little to no resistance....Screw it, chaos happens until Femmy is about to kill Naruto with a big rasengan. Nail steps in to absorb it...and somehow got Karma again.


You know what its the end of the year let us see how little has happened. Lets see, oh thought that happen last year, the year started off with Sasuke losing an eye always a good start admittedly, in February it went onto Kurama's death so Naruto lost his power ups, but by March it just building up Code/Punk for the rest of the year. 6 months of build up for another boring fight that ate up the rest of the year. No wonder they didn't have any announcement for Jumpfesta there is nothing to talk about.


Here, let me predict the next year. January through March will be the wrap up for this fight. Then 6 months of build up for another boring fight for the remaining three. So, they can wrap it up the year after in a never ending cycle, unless they finally do the time skip.

Damn, that sounds boring.