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There have been 43 items by kevbadguy23 (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#593353 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 01 October 2014 - 05:03 AM in Konoha Theater

I got this from FB



New interview on the movie:
I: "All the new designs are amazing. For example, Sakura's design is really different. What motivated/inspired you?"
Kishimoto: "Well, i thought the heroine had to look better, she deserves that. I think of Sakura as my wife, and i wanted her to have the best design."
I: "Now that you mention your wife, is there any romantic detail that you want to share?"
Kishimoto: *laughs* "There's going to be details of this in the movie. I think that as my wife, she deserves the best man."
I: *makes a surprise gesture* "Well that's a big revelation. What about Sasuke. He was one of the most recent designs and it really surprised me. Any special plan for him?"
Kishimoto: "Definitely, his costume has to do with that. There is going to be surprises."
I: "That means that Sasuke could be bad/villain?"
Kishimoto: "It's complicated. Sasuke is very pure/white [Translator's note: the expression is unclear], but his way is always dispersed from his mates. Sasuke is like that. He deviates easily."
I: "That means he could be apart from his mates?"
Kishimoto: "Indeed, his relationship with them won't be the same. There will be a lot of surprises."
I: "We will be waiting forward to see the movie and more designs of the characters."



If this were true Holy ~

#588881 What's with Sakura?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 26 September 2014 - 09:22 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Oh and I didn't make this to bring negativity to our ship. I was caught in the heat of moment and couldn't make sense why she claims she still "loves" Sasuke where in originally it should have been in past tense. I just tried to get opinions of people who support our ship to ease the anxiety and make sure I'm not slipping the other way around. What Inferno 180 I believe is true but I never said I'll stray from the ship. When I said Sakura is being too stubborn I meant it literally no bashing just pure opinion.

But still, as I said above I believe this will be a great opportunity for Narusaku to be cannon.

#588637 Naruto's Strength

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 26 September 2014 - 02:45 AM in Naruto General

Based on Power rankings would you Say Naruto one of the Strongest Shounen Character? I personally see him the second Strongest to Goku of DBZ. I'd say if all shounen manga characters clash the only character or world that can beat him is Goku or DBZ all of the would be wiped out. Ichigo , Luffy and Natsu are strong but Naruto is just overwhelming imo.

#588628 My exact thoughts on NaruSaku at this point

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 26 September 2014 - 02:39 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Lol, "we almost got it, almost there then it blows" :wallbash:

#588612 At this point in time after 693

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 26 September 2014 - 02:29 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

If they get together than Sakura has to first admit that her love for Sasuke was a false love. It was never true love at all. But she has to get over Sasuke no matter what or else all her character development is for Nothing.

I agree. I don't mean to bash, but without Sasuke's "Good looks" and "Natural Ninjutsu Talent" will she still like him for who he is?

#588609 What's with Sakura?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 26 September 2014 - 02:26 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Man I wish I can read Japanese Raw. I never Knew Sakura talked in past tense. According to English translations She speaks in present. And also good point here is, this is a good opportunity for Narusaku. It may have been shaky now but imagine once Sakura wakes up from her unconscious state having Kakashi only with her. First thing She'll ask is "Where's Naruto and Sasuke?" Kakashi may tell her about the promise Naruto made  to her and let her know that Naruto is still holding to it not only for himself but also for her happiness. At this point Kakashi may be a pathway for Narusaku as because of this Sakura may realize how unselfish Naruto is for her, knowing that he loves her but still will give up his own happiness for hers. I hope this will start Sakura's reflection of her feelings for Naruto.

#587344 What's with Sakura?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 25 September 2014 - 02:04 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Man, I'm starting to think Sakura is being too stubborn. I'm starting to feel lost on what she is thinking when Chapter 693  recently came out. Any thoughts on How she reacted? I would appreciate if someone can make sense on her recent actions. :confused:

#580044 Hinata's Potential & Byakugan's Power

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 11 September 2014 - 06:13 PM in Naruto General

(Pairing Goggles off) It's an awesome theory. Maybe Hinata will really have that power up.


(Pairing goggles on) If she will be against Sakura to win his (Naruto) affection. She will really need that power up. The current Hinata doesn't stand a chance on the current Sakura in my opinion. Because if these Pairings will really happen I highly believe that a Sakura - Hinata rivalry may happen and for the fight to be a decent match Hinata will need the Power up.

#580031 If you lived in the world of Naruto what would you do and who would you hang...

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 11 September 2014 - 05:50 PM in Naruto General

1) I would befriend Sai. A very 'interesting' character and he also seems to value friendship a lot.

2) I would buy all of Jiraiya's pervy books and get his autograph(if he was alive).

3) I would start stalking Hinata not because I like her but because that would freak her out and give her a taste of her own medicine.

4) I would punch Obito in the face.

5) I would make-up sob stories about Uchihas and laugh internally seeing Sasuke completely break-down over it.

6) I would use the transformation jutsu, trasform into Sasuke and then act very gay with Naruto. This ought to scare Naruto off his Sasuke obsession and start focusing more on Sakura.


Well said, I will join you especially in stalking Hinata  :chuckle:

#577557 What does naruto mean by this?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 08 September 2014 - 02:04 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Look at it like this:


Naruto means Sakura, everything is still in line, everything hinted so far with this girl like kushina has a lot of similarities and inference on Sakura, not Hinata. It makes sense naruto isn't saying anything if he was thinking that he knows sakura loves sasuke (or thinking she still did, cause well love hurts when you know someone loves another).


Naruto means hinata well, how can there be trouble when Hinata already told him she loves him, are we to believe naruto is crying because he loves sakura and it would pain hinata? Otherwise what other girl has been even compared to Kushina? How is Hinata exactly great, in fact there is no issue for NH and otherwise why couldnt naruto just say it right there? Whats the problem? Sakura being there and him not ready to admit it makes sense, but what stopped him if it was hinata? 457 is a good inference to see why he couldnt say Sakura.


Otherwise some fans have been just well, making moronic and pitiful statements.


Some people think that now this stuff leans on Hinata or that "because naruto didn't get a GF like her, it means instant NH" or that kishi is just again trolling, some people think that because it was an issue, it makes him somehow unable to win Sakura over so now he will settle for Hinata. Others somehow think naruto won't go listening to his mother despite how he said even though he had troubles he was still trying his best. Seriously how stupid is this?


Others think he didn't find a girl and it was causing him pain or that he was unclear in it, but thats dumb to think too when either way you look at it, kishi still gave us a lot of things that let Sakura fit this bill easily, no matter how you see that girl like kushina part, its only sakura ever fitting in there.


Its at this point, NH fans are just going in a downward spiral, I mean first 504 is on their side, then 631 comes, many foresake it, now they go back into it? They have idea what to even follow, but hey can you really be suprised by the logic they will churn out, I mean girlfriend and girl who is a friend difference? Really? Naruto said he was set on following his parents, he was ever since kushina left in 504, he is still doing that now even after minato left. Its all just even funnier when these fans still don't realize the fact the lack of hinata screentime and lack of NH time is just the biggest weakness, but hey they still say Sakura will just go to sasuke no questions asked, no reasons, that this whole deal is just not important or now goes on hinata, depsite all the past times this event came, it involved and clearly linked around Sakura. Now they are doing it again with 691 hoping its on Hinata? Oh god anyone sense another 631 upset coming? I do, many will say "What the hell kishi, how come you meant Sakura? Are you serious!" Yeah because it was so "surprising" what happened that day on 631.


NH has only desperation left, if it didn't agree then, when there is already a lot saying who kushina is like and most other media with her even has her doing some familer sakura deals, well who the hell do they think will be like kushina? Seriously, Kushina had looked down on Minato, and hated him but came to love him, she hated her hair but minato loved it, and who has a similar background with naruto like this? Sure not Hinata, but Sakura did. Just the fact that people out there still even try to throw Hinata as like kushina, is pitiful, its not gonna happen, but oh now some NH fans hope the "didn't go as mom said" deal means that it is null and void so now Naruto just goes for Hinata? When she was never even once likened to Kushina? When Naruto said he is trying his best? He isn't going to give up, he will continue doing everything kushina told him.


But seriously, NH is now starting to teeter on the edge of insanity, its not quite there like the SS zealotry, but it will be there soon, because now there are excuses that want nothing more than this hint for NS out of the way, there are those that just hope NH zips through. There are those who think naruto will not listen to kushina or otherwise somehow again try to apply this stuff to Hinata when they claimed it was unimportant last time or abandoned it when it fell on sakura.


NH isn't just running out of hope they are getting freaking scared, they are absolutely terrified about this aspect. If that hint comes true, if that hint leads to a NS canon event, that hint which is leaning so much on Sakura as the girl like Kushina seen so much to this point right now, this is something NH and SS absolutely are scared and cowering about right now. This is the thing they are being fearful of even more than NS development. Because for all that exists on this hint, for all that it has with hinting Sakura, if it is to come true, it will end them, it will destroy their fandoms hope for canon. And the funny thing is, this is something just last year they wanted to brush off. They even know as much as they want to deny or resist it, that Sakura has been compared to hinata the most and otherwise the only one with canonical evidence, both from minato directly and otherwise the only one comparable by what kushina said and has done and displays. The girl like kushina event just became super critical today and now they take it as a threat. Now they are trying to say its pointless or somehow on their side, this is nothing but denial.


They are terrified, they are scared, this whole aspect may spell the end of the pairing wars in the future, this hint doesn't mean NS is canon, but the sole fact this hint is leaning on it, this burns and scares NH and SS fans to the point they will just utter Naruto loves Hinata or that Sakura will just stay put on Sasuke, they will just utter these like a mantra in the hopes this stuff doesn't happen or goes away, well its not going to go away. Because to me, it honestly feels like we may have just gotten a super weapon and if all goes well, this will devastate them. MK may just aid NS in the very end. The development is what matters most, but this event with the foreshadow definitely did help. If I am right, this pairing war may end anywhere in the next 7 months. Anything can still happen in that time, but with such a heavy hint leaning on Sakura, for NaruSaku, its not bound to be an extreme change after the convincing and outright stating how there would be an end pairing with naruto and a girl like kushina and with minato gone now, how the hell could any other girl fit that bill when only sakura stands there? NaruSaku may just have victory in its sights.

I totally agree with you. I see the same thing honestly. I browsed some analysis from NH fans about the same chapter and with Naruto's words "But mom told me to look for a girl as great as she is that's...uhh...ANYWAY! Not everything's just going the way mom told me!" They somehow had it twisted as expected that he was not sure on how to tell his father that he already found someone and the fact that he hesitated means that the person he is referring to is somewhere away.  The second statement "But I'm trying my Best!" was totally ruled out. This phrase is a great NS hint imo.

#574993 What does naruto mean by this?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 04 September 2014 - 01:10 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

So i just recently read chapter 691 and saw Naruto mentioned "But mom told me to look for a girl as great as she is that's...uhh...ANYWAY! Not everything's just going the way mom told me! But I'm trying my Best!"


Personally I think this is a big hint of an upcoming Naruto confession on the following chapters! Although some may argue or twist "Not everything's just going the way mom told me!" means that he fell for the "weird one" not the one like his mother. I can smell victory coming!

If I am wrong I would love to hear thoughts or opinions from you guys as we are prided to use logic :th_yeah:

#564031 What do you like about Sakura?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 16 August 2014 - 02:13 AM in Naruto General

I like how she is the same level as Aisaka Taiga in terms of being Tsundere

#564028 はじめまして こんに...

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 16 August 2014 - 02:04 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Welcome to the safest place on earth!  :D

#562919 I'm new and I love this site!

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 14 August 2014 - 01:45 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Welcome to H&E. CHeers to our new member  :D

#562907 Sakura and Tsunade Fight

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 14 August 2014 - 01:24 PM in Naruto General

It's more like Tsunade will attempt a basic strike which Sakura manages to dodge, followed up with an unexpected attack from below or to the side using the legs or torso. Sakura might have a stronger punch, but Tsunade seems to have greater applicability of her strength. Any part of her body can be used to inflict massive damage with CES and her taijutsu skills continue to remain uncontested in regards to her pupil.

Sakura would have to exercise restraint since she could very easily kill Hinata.

Yeah the only problem Sakura may have is if Hinata learns that Neji move 64 triagram palm-ish thing that may turn out the battle cause she won't be able to use chakra. So it will be a battle between raw strength vs gentle fist which will make it a bit more balanced  :thumb:

#562904 Do NH and SS fans have a fanclub like us?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 14 August 2014 - 01:20 PM in Naruto General

Somehow they are scattered in ALL forums but I haven't found their official site.

#560643 Who's prettier, Sakura or Hinata?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 10 August 2014 - 02:51 AM in Naruto General

Sakura FTW! :thumb:

#560572 What if...

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 09 August 2014 - 11:44 PM in Naruto General

If Sakura gets caught in the "Infinite Tsukuyomi" just like most characters are into now. What dream would she be having?

#559569 How long do you think NS will be cnaon before the story ends?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 07 August 2014 - 10:48 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

To the farthest end...sadly

#559565 Post NARUTO doujins here!!!!

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 07 August 2014 - 10:46 PM in Naruto General

you found some nice doujins there...especially the one made by lady GT. The artwork is epic!  :thumbsup:

#559524 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 07 August 2014 - 09:44 PM in Konoha Theater

ohh man are we really all NS shippers? I notice a few who aren't...or probably trollers. 


But anyways I like the new Sakura design..She's so beautiful!  :wibble:

#559488 How would you react if NaruSaku happened?

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 07 August 2014 - 08:46 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'll be really happy...happier than how I've had my birthday xD After all those years of abuse from SS and NH fans victory prevails! xD

#559478 I believe...

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 07 August 2014 - 08:36 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm just one of those people that believe once you truly fall in love with somebody you will never fall out of love with them, you will always love that person and your feelings for that person will continue to grow. Because I'm experiencing it, I have been in love with this girl for 6 years and my love for her grows even though she doesn't loves back but I'll never give up on her. I believe I'll get her to love me someday.


Haha I like your style! Give it your best shot! :thumb:

#559475 Hello!

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 07 August 2014 - 08:32 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Welcome!  :D

#559421 Sasuke's goal...

Posted by kevbadguy23 on 07 August 2014 - 07:20 PM in Naruto General

Restoring the honour of the Uchiha clan and getting revenge for the murders of his family and friends. Not making babies. 


This is what Sasuke says in Kage arc- " I can feel the tainted Uchiha name becoming cleansed. I feel the Uchiha at last being freed from this rotting Shinobi world. The leaf Shinobi have always snubbed and put down the Uchiha clan. So I'll help erase the Uchiha from your memories by killing all of you and destroying the leaf village. Severing all bonds with the leaf village will be the ultimate purification and that shall lead to the Uchihas true restoration." 

Haha now everything's clear  :D