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There have been 12 items by Popuri (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#986554 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 28 February 2022 - 03:03 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar


I'm fine had a surgery 2 months ago so I'm half way to full recovery  :kukuku: .

Brain surgery?  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  It's about tiiiime




Must mean I and your friend have good taste than. -_-

You sinner! Gintama is GOOOOOLDDDDD!!!!  :twitch:

#986541 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 27 February 2022 - 12:15 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

:wave: Hey Foxy is back. :sweat: Just to let you know I still haven't seen Gintama. :kukuku: 

That reminds me of my friend who hasn't watched gintama eventhough I suggested long time ago. :|

#986536 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 27 February 2022 - 02:09 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I hope y'all have been well

Hello! How are you? 


I'm glad to hear from you, hope you and your family are safe bro! How are you?  

And how are you too?



Pray for Ukraine, protest against Russia!  :sweatdrop:

Wish everyone is well!

I see some vids/pics through the socmed, it's scary.

#986235 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 31 January 2022 - 04:39 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

This you than? :hehehe:  :lmao: 
Pls tell me you don't dye in those awful flashy colors?  :argh: 
Now. Lets talk about adult and important stuff! What is the last movie you saw? :fu: 

I didn't do flashy colours! :fu: That's completely not suitable for me 🙃 Do you have colorful hair instead?

I watched no way home. Have you watched it? I planned to watch scream 5 but when we were able to watch, the movie had been replaced. 🤣

#986232 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 30 January 2022 - 02:53 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

:lmao: You want my hair for your wig? :lulz:
What happened? :wot:

Just my hair can't stand the hair dye anymore :lmao: :sweat:

#986225 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 30 January 2022 - 02:05 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I had the disease already, there's no reason to get a vaccine once you already have immunity.

The ones around me took the vaccines some even 3 doses even mixed them and now they are either afraid because it doesn't protect them or they're afraid of having side effects since they had from the second shots.

Imho, tell them it protects them  :happy: Just in case they got the disease, they are not gonna suffer much like if they're not vaccinated. It lessen the effect. Also the side effect after vaccine is normal. I felt nausea, shivering, feversih, and a little unwell. No wonder when I was child and got immunization, mom said I became so fussy.  :chuckle:

#986223 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 30 January 2022 - 01:50 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

:wow: Just seeing me again makes you look adorable. :lulz:  :lmao:




My hair will outlive everyone!!! :superior: It's manifestation of perfection. :laughcry:


You wish :hm: Just seeing you and your hair make me want to cut it make it into wig :smug:


Gimme your haiiir. My hair is damaged. T_T

#986188 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 24 January 2022 - 01:32 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Natural immunity baby. :happy:

Oh you mean you don't get vaccinated?

What about people around you?



Sis is back! :wave: :wave: :wave:


Yoohoo! :wave:

How are you? Have you changed your mind and cut your long hair?   :hehehe:


Yeah 2 dozes, at start of 2021 I got covid together with my mother, after that I've been sat to get vaccinated to not go throught all that again, so we did both doses later in 2021.

Glad that it's over for you. What did you feel after vaccinated?

It was strange but I was the one around here who felt sick  :sweat:

#986184 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 23 January 2022 - 05:29 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Hm, we're planning to get it, but it's not effective against 3rd type of virus.  :confused:

I miss all the chatter here  :cry:


Have you fully vaccinated? 2 doses of vaccine? I heard whatever vaccine you got, it effective to fight omricon.

Here we're suggested to get the booster but those who work in health field will be prioritized. 


Me too!  :umm:  Where's the devil Foxie when we need him  :hm:

#986182 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 23 January 2022 - 03:58 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I have time today (no, mainly stuck with the work I bring at home haha!) and I thought to login here. Geez! It's been so long and I miss when we were so active joking/sending gifs to each others. 


So hi everyone! How are you?

#986181 The Random Thread

Posted by Popuri on 23 January 2022 - 03:53 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Hai, everyone!

Anyone will get booster vaccine in the country?


Guess no one want to be random anymore


I think I'm still constantly random quite often. I made jokes that people don't understand sometimes  :chuckle:

#986180 Tokyo Revengers

Posted by Popuri on 23 January 2022 - 03:22 AM in Otaku Square

So let's start with some general questions!


- Have you watched or are you planning to watch/read Tokyo Revengers? 


- If you are watching/reading, in which episode/chapter are you on?


- Who is your favorite character up until now?


I go first:


- Watched the anime, continued in the manga :hehehe:

- I'm up to date, at the moment of this post, that is chapter 235.

- Draken :smug:




Halooo! I know Tokyo Revengers since my friend tell me. 


Just like you, I watch the anime then continue via the manga.

I'm not up to date, I read until some chapter where ..the mouse has changed (if you know what I mean :hehehe: ), then stop so that I can marathon read it in the future.

I don't have any fav so far  :argh:  I like Draken but then I also like the one who's always with the main char. Wow! I have forgotten most of their names, must be sign for me to check the manga now  :argh: