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There have been 115 items by Swagkura (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#918512 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Swagkura on 20 August 2016 - 07:06 PM in Otaku Square

I don't even read Bleach, but I was rooting for IchiHime, so I can't say I'm not satisfied :D

#903533 Your top 5 female and male characters?

Posted by Swagkura on 26 February 2016 - 06:51 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Anime only would be:
Shinoa Hiiragi
Touka Kirishima
Mirai Kuriyama
Alex Benedetto/Rize Kamishiro

Tsukiyama Shuu
Kaneki Ken
Hinata Shouyou
Haruka Nanase/Kakashi

#900629 what do you guys think about storm 4 ?

Posted by Swagkura on 02 February 2016 - 05:39 PM in Naruto General

When Naruto fell after his almost dying part in the war, they had a whole scene with him falling and remembering people close to him. Of course, Hinata was the last person, but you could only hear her voice. The last thing he sees before closing his eyes is a hand reaching out to him (Hinata's most likely). I almost puked after watching that tbh :no:

#900190 The 'Hinata' look and Naruto's popularity

Posted by Swagkura on 29 January 2016 - 08:36 PM in Naruto General

Please, I don't even see the tsundere thing as a valid reason for Sakura to get hated on. There's always been a double standard in Naruto with Sakura, where she'll get hate over the most dumbest sh**t while characters who do the same exact thing or something similar get praised for it. It's wack as hell at this point, but what can you do :smile:

#899482 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Swagkura on 23 January 2016 - 08:34 PM in Naruto General

Just realised it's been 6months since Boruto the movie was released, and a year since the last crap was out...I would have never thought before that I would be able to forget this manga so easily ! u_u

Same, I'm literally so numb to it now. Guess that's what happens when your favorite thing turns into complete crap though :smile:

#897713 Celebrity Crush

Posted by Swagkura on 12 January 2016 - 07:38 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Rihanna and Tinashe because queens :love:

#895972 The 2016 Heaven and Earth New Years Bash!

Posted by Swagkura on 01 January 2016 - 04:16 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Happy New Years ya'll :party:

#894817 Naruto`s Death in the Boruto Manga

Posted by Swagkura on 25 December 2015 - 04:00 AM in Naruto General

Naruto wont die cause Sakura is there to keep his heart beati... nevermind he married Hinata, so maybe she will cry so that naruto wont die.

She'd probably trip over another pebble trying to get to him tbh.

#894557 Favorite Power Ranger

Posted by Swagkura on 23 December 2015 - 11:21 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Everybody knows the Pink Rangers are the best :fan:
I honestly can't choose my favorite one though. I like most of them equally :sweatdrop:

#894505 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Swagkura on 23 December 2015 - 03:35 PM in Naruto General

If they just put some shorts under it, Sarada's outfit would actually be pretty fine. They should honestly get rid of the heels too, because no 12 year old girl has any business running around in shoes like that.

#894031 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Swagkura on 21 December 2015 - 04:05 PM in Naruto General

New Team 7 ultimate jutsu from NUNS4:

I like how even in the games they still have Naruto noticing Sakura more than Sasuke, lmao :fan:

#893610 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Swagkura on 19 December 2015 - 04:47 PM in Naruto General

Who the f**ck let Sarada out the house in that kind of outfit??? I know it wasn't Sasuke, since he hasn't done sh**t to begin with for that girl.

And they got my girl Sakura all the way f**cked up if they really got her letting Sarada prance around in that. How old is she???

#890814 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Swagkura on 01 December 2015 - 11:39 PM in Otaku Square

Doesn't matter, as they were all there. Tooru didn't do anything that they didn't. @bold, some selective memory. Did you forget, once again, that Tooru literally didn't do anything that entire raid, except run away and hide, having to get saved by Urie? Hilarious how you slam Saiko for it (which I actually acknowledged) but pretend that Tooru didn't :lmao: Also, in case you forgot, Tooru got moved up 2 ranks after the auction raid, in which Tooru did absolutely nothing. Muutsuki got promoted for nothing. It wasn't until after that did Tooru go to Juuzo, and still failed miserably against Torso. :zaru:

Meanwhile, Saiko killed an S-rated ghoul and engineered the death of an SS-rated ghoul. Tooru has done squat in comparison


Lmao, selective memory? Coming from you of all people, that's pretty f**cking hilarious :lmao:

#890762 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Swagkura on 01 December 2015 - 09:06 PM in Otaku Square

It doesn't matter that it was off-screen, and it wasn't a surprise attack. It was planned. And she obliterated Nutcracker in one shot. She used it twice against Noro, the second time of which made it so that he couldn't regenerate in full form, which allowed Shirzu be able to kill Noro. She is responsible for the death of an S-rated ghoul, and was partially responsible for the death of an SS rated ghoul in Noro, who is one of the strongest ghouls in Aogiri.
You bring up Tooru protecting Saiko very conveniently, considering Tooru was protected multiple times and even ran away during the Raid (as Saiko did once) :zaru: Tooru wasn't the only one approaching Nutcracker in the nightclub, Sakio, Shirazu, and Kaneki were there too so that point is moot, and Tooru struggled against Torso, not doing anything even remotely impressive. Tooru hasn't done anything, while Saiko killed an S-rated ghoul and assisted in the death of Noro.
Saiko has done a hell of a lot more with less screen time, and has had a much bigger impact. Clearly.

Lol, Nutcracker specifically invited Tooru himself, not Sasaki, Saiko, or Shirazu, so that point is already wasted. Doesn't matter if Tooru struggled against Torso, at least he actually fought, unlike Saiko who had to go run and hide, then proceed to get saved by Floppy. And I love how you try to make Tooru seem like he does nothing, when my boy moved up two ranks and is now considered capable enough by Sasaki himself to fight on the front lines with Urie. But that doesn't matter anyway, since he must obviously still be useless :zaru:
Funny how you also talk about protection, considering the fact that Saiko literally has to be protected by everyone in the Quinx Squad every arc too. But whatever :smile:

#890724 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Swagkura on 01 December 2015 - 06:05 PM in Otaku Square

Except no? Tooru hasn't done anything. Saiko obliterated Nutcracker and put Shirazu in a position to beat Noro.

Saiko had a surprise attack offscreen, then had a moment when we finally got to see her kagune tear Noro apart, who regenerated right after that. Tooru had to protect Saiko when the Aogiri members Kanae hired attacked them, was the main reason the CCG was able to go undercover in the Auction in the first place since he was the one that approached Nutcracker in the club, was able to fight off Torso who he was scared as f**ck of in the beginning, and is now so skilled with his kagune and dagger weilding that he's paired up with Urie in the front of formations. Saiko can't even use her kagune more than once without being drained right after it. I personally don't see any of the Quinx as useless, but compared to the rest, Saiko hasn't done nearly as much.

#890617 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Swagkura on 01 December 2015 - 10:47 AM in Otaku Square

I'm sorry, but how is Mutsuki useless when he's literally done more in the manga than Saiko has so far?
And poor Shirazu, he didn't deserve that sh**t. Ishida really knows how to tug at my heart strings :cry:

#889960 Favorite boss battle.

Posted by Swagkura on 27 November 2015 - 11:05 PM in Gamer Lounge

Sakura vs Sasori from Storm 2, since my girl Sakura was putting in that work against those puppets and more. I could find many more I like though, lol :lol:

#889595 So who is Bolt REALLY gonna end up with?

Posted by Swagkura on 25 November 2015 - 03:56 AM in Naruto General

Boruto will obviously get with Sakura. He has to be the man his father never could :zaru:
Sarada can just have Mitsuki :smug:

#889579 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Swagkura on 24 November 2015 - 11:43 PM in Konoha Theater

^This right here is what drives me crazy. Hinata was placed on a pedestal with the release of The Last. That movie was her coronation into freaking princess/heroine status. However she didn't earn it, not even a little bit. I mean sure Hinata never did a damn irrelevant thing in the manga, but The Last was her one chance to become something more then a fangirl, and thanks to the people behind it she got worse!
She not only regressed back to her old stalker ways, but she lost her ability to fight. She was such a damsel in that movie. Once she helps Naruto at the end we're expected to accept her as this OP ninja that can run with the best, but when given the opportunity to show how far she's come she fails.
She was only seen once in Gaiden, and her performance in Bolts movie was laughable. The heroine, Naruto's important princess, wasn't important enough to have her attempted rescue scene animated. I get that she's an SP favorite, but why oh why is she still so uselss?? Why do they write her off after they destroyed so much to make her important?!

Like literally! They hype her up into a role bigger than the main protagonist just to bring her back down into irrelevant side character number whatever. It's completely pointless and not needed, but they still felt the need to do it :twitch:

#889541 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Swagkura on 24 November 2015 - 08:22 PM in Otaku Square

I hope bae returns soon. I miss her :sad:

#889418 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Swagkura on 24 November 2015 - 12:42 AM in Konoha Theater

I just think it's really pathetic at this point. Like they want her to be the heroine so badly, but they still don't let her get sh**t done on her own. She literally always needs somebody to help her :twitch:

#889407 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Swagkura on 24 November 2015 - 12:12 AM in Otaku Square

Poster from the second movie
Seems like Imperialdramon became evil

Ooh, looks like Mimi and Joe are gonna have some real badass moments :D
And I liked the 4 episodes. Nostalgia level was high and I loved seeing everybody again. And I like Meiko so far. And as long as her character doesn't revolve completely around Tai, then I could care less if she ends up with him. I'm rooting for Takari and Koumi anyways :P

#889405 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Swagkura on 24 November 2015 - 12:07 AM in Konoha Theater

Hinata literally spent the Last getting kidnapped/piggy backing off of Naruto 24/7. Sakura wasn't the heroine, but the good sis still got more done than Hinata ever could in the movie. Even in the Boruto movie, where Hinata is supposed to be more relevant has her being completely useless while Sakura actually saves a bunch of civilians along with the other kunoichi's (who are still more useful than the princess could ever be).

I'm honestly so confused. That girl has hardly done anything that can be considered heroine worthy. Everything she does is because of Naruto and its just sad as hell at this point. And I really don't get how Hinata just gets to have everything served to her on a silver platter while the other characters don't get jack sh**t.

#887826 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Swagkura on 17 November 2015 - 07:44 PM in Otaku Square

Why is Eto literally everything though? I love her crazy ass :cry:
Kaneki's literally a personification of tragic, and I just wonder everytime what did he do to deserve this???
Next chapter is gonna be some very good sh**t :eager:

#887238 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Swagkura on 15 November 2015 - 01:28 AM in Konoha Theater

Hinata was literally the most useless character in the movie. Only thing she did was be irrelevant with Himawari for most of the movie, worry about her husband who can't even take off from work to come see her and his family, and get her ass beat off screen trying to save said husband who can't take off from work for whatever bullsh*t reason.

She really didn't interact with any of the other kunoichis either. Sakura, Ino, and Temari were the badass mom squad while the princess just spent her time at home with the mop and Naruto-reject. Like literally, the only thing that girl lives for IS Naruto and it's just creepy as f**ck by this point.