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There have been 518 items by only Naruto (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#715294 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by only Naruto on 25 December 2014 - 09:44 AM in Konoha Theater

happy holidays to all  :)

#673525 NaruSaku replacements?

Posted by only Naruto on 25 November 2014 - 09:17 AM in Otaku Square

shiro  and rin from the second rout of fate stay night.     


okabe and  cruis  from the steins gate . 

#660470 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by only Naruto on 14 November 2014 - 04:39 AM in Konoha Theater

Sasuke and Kakashi: 





 nice . but where is that bandage on sasukes hair maybe he got injured in the movie later or he is in an  arabic countries .or something like that . ?

#659400 The Future of Heaven & Earth.

Posted by only Naruto on 13 November 2014 - 04:26 AM in News and Announcements

IV been here for 6 months and H&E became part of my life .and id like that it will always be . CAUSE the people here are really great and i learnd a lot from them. its beautiful we all share our love for NS . THANKS smiter for making this amazing place and also for keeping it running .and surely am staying here .:)

#656362 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by only Naruto on 11 November 2014 - 03:02 AM in Latest Releases

Well while I agree with the fact that Naruto's nindo is that he will never give up no matter what, you can't force someone to love you, and as bad as it is written ( thanks to kishi ) Sakura never loved Naruto's back... well not as much as she love Sasuke


So he had 2 choices, either he wait for Sakura to go over Sasuke ( that might never happen, he tried to kill her twice and still....) or he move on and dont spend his life alone.

 this .  even thou kishi didnt need to go with this rout and ruin the manga . NS was the perfect pair in this maga  . but he did and i also agree for naruto to move on if these are his only options 

#656349 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by only Naruto on 11 November 2014 - 02:57 AM in Latest Releases

Nooo, he went back on his nindo and gave up. 

He is never supposed to give up and go back in his words, yet he says he will confess when he brings Sasuke back and he never does. I also distinctly recall him saying he wouldn't lose to Sasuke, yet he does.

Therefore he gave up, went back on his word and became a liar :zaru: . 


 thats why i asked  about when was it when naruto told sai  that he loves sakura and he cant confess until he save sasuke . before or after the pain fight few pages back  . and it was before  (kishi changed his mind about NS after the pain fight and the big sales  he thought hinata confession made the manga number 1 . at the time .  and he knew sakura wasnt popular (because of his bad writing )  thats after the pain fight  he made a new memory that  naruto cant confess to sakura . which kishi didnt  draw it before cause he was still on NS .  


and how can naruto confess . i mean  sai told sakura  about narutos feelings  there is no need to for naruto confession later. kishi used the dirty way to kill NS  (it pisses me of i lost my respect for him)  . and sakura lied to naruto to protect him which is nice but naruto knew he had to move cause sakura still loves sasuke  and also there is hinata . from the pain fight .    


am mad that NS didnt happen  but thats kishi gave up real love and logic for money and popularity . but am happy that we shipped the real pair all the way to the end cause there is nothing real about love in this manga except NS ( i know minato and kushina too .)  :happy:

#656321 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by only Naruto on 11 November 2014 - 02:38 AM in Latest Releases

Because he gave up :zaru:

lol. no he didnt ,  he moved on cause he knew sakura still love sasuke strongly in 469 . 

#656317 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by only Naruto on 11 November 2014 - 02:35 AM in Latest Releases

Naruto is a liar

why ? :sweat:

#656219 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by only Naruto on 11 November 2014 - 01:24 AM in Latest Releases



guys can someone please  tell me when naruto said to sai  that he loves sakura . was it before or after pain fight??


dont mind me i just used my mind and its before cause the village isnt there after pain fight  .lol

#656180 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by only Naruto on 11 November 2014 - 12:53 AM in Latest Releases

Well what do you know he's an evil SOB after all  this explains his love for him , his real name is Kishimoto Uchiha Masashi  :zaru: .

lol. it seems to be .   so now that kishi  said  he planned the end already since time ago . when do u think he killed NS in 469 .693 . in the (hinata) movie  or off panel ?  i still cant believe this ending  :argh:

#656128 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by only Naruto on 11 November 2014 - 12:14 AM in Latest Releases

Oh did that scared you  :umm: Don't worry I'll dispel the Genjutsu for you  :umm: .








:lmao:  :lmao: 


 and . kishi here looks like sasuke   (his main character in the manga )  . 

#646961 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by only Naruto on 06 November 2014 - 11:35 PM in Latest Releases

i really  didnt think that it would hurt this much  i felt like i lost some one close to me   . maybe kishi thinks he surprised the readers with his genius deception skills . :sick: .  well kishi u  failed big time . 


what a shame  the most beautiful love story . got ruined in 1 chapter .   i wont say anything about sakura  cause its kishi  (the teenager writer cause he prefers the shallow love  and  a character like sasuke .  maybe he sees himself in sasuke  ? it will tell us why everything was about sasuke  ) .



 and naruto  ooh naruto my man (its only u in this manga am glad my name here  is (only naruto) . am sure u guys noticed that he was hiding  because he knew sakura still loves sasuke  and he cant do anything about it . but hurting and trying to let sakura go after that .  . .  and  if i was him i would do the same thing exactly . 


am still at the beginning of this thread . i want to read all of your comments guys . to let it go . so go easy on kishi guys . :hehehe:  :lulz:

#641339 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 06 November 2014 - 01:49 AM in Latest Releases

What is the most unbelievable to me is NaruHina.

SasuSaku is more acceptable to me.

hey otaru .  . hmmm :sweat:  


imo  naruhina  is more acceptable  cause true there is no development (lol)  but its not negative . thats why kishi  made the movie i suppose  cause if u give them development it can be more acceptable than ss . and its only about naruto and hinata  


while in ss  u have narutos feelings for sakura  which are the most important at least for us readers . i mean ss would have  been much more believable if naruto didnt love sakura at all . or at least its show us that he has moved on from her earlier in the manga . but even thou ss is so damaged to the point it cant be fixed (at least in reality) .

#641253 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 06 November 2014 - 01:28 AM in Latest Releases

Hello everyone,

I've been a long time member here. I used to be active, but have become an avid lurker these past few years. Everyday I wake up, and one of the first things I do is check this site. I've come to know many of you, even though none of you really know me. All in all, I love you guys. You lift me up even if this ending has gotten me a bit down. 

I'd love to purpose a toast, to each an every one of you. Every comment, every person, every chapter, every character, this has been a really amazing journey. Sometimes, things don't turn out how they may seem, but all in all, its the people that you share it with that really matter.


Love you guys a whole lot,


HEY . thanks for your beautiful feelings .  and cheers  :happy: .

#641162 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 06 November 2014 - 01:04 AM in Latest Releases

For people who are saying we're fooling ourselves....Just because people aren't blindly believing whatever was posted by Baidu or Evil, it doesn't make them in denial. It's denial when they receive the ACTUAL chapter but refuse to believe it. It's perfectly reasonable for people to have doubts when the evidence are only small crumbs of the real thing.

What about these little photos are so conclusive? I can easily say that these pics make NH/SS canon with the same credibility that these pics have occurred in IT.

We're not delaying our suffering, when we aren't even suffering in the first place. Me and whole lot of other people are not suffering. We are just waiting! Suffering can wait after the chapter is out. Until then, I'm nearly emotionless.


#640453 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 10:45 PM in Latest Releases

LadyGT, sappi che ti amo.


Someone should tweet these fanarts to kishimoto's assistant and write "THAT'S HOW NARUTO REALLY ENDED TO ME, THANKS TO LADYGT, NOT KI$HIMOTO". Someone has twitter does this, i would be esilarant to see his reason.


#639919 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 09:27 PM in Latest Releases

KONAN  luffyq1  and alex  fenris     a  bow of respect  to u all for the not giving up attitude no matter how the end is  . really what to lose we already disappointed  and we have some right to question those leaks . am waiting the chapters too 

#639028 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 07:13 PM in Latest Releases

so minato went to paradise without knowing Hinata? GREAT WRITING KISHIMOTO!!1!!!11!!

LOL  .  its like he changed his mind after chapter 631  :no: .

#639001 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 07:08 PM in Latest Releases

If Naruto doesn't confess to Sakura at the end of all of this...he's a coward in my eyes. Despite all the "macho" things he's done, for him to have feelings for a girl for so long and not tell her how he feels? Really???? I can't even feel bad for him if that's the case.

i cant blame u . but to be fair  naruto would not confess if he know that sakura still love  sasuke  and that seems what kishi told us in 693 . naruto  doesnt want to force her to love him  or making her feel bad for rejecting him . he is that selfless .. so its sakura who isnt a ware of how great naruto is for her . she lost the better man and the one who ll make her most happy . but its her choice  . and naruto should move on . and that what kishi  did as well . 

#638877 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 06:50 PM in Latest Releases

Do you guys remember how Kishimoto was supposed to work on "Mario" once Naruto was finished ? You know, the manga he called "the best manga I've ever written" ?
I guess Mario being totally unknown to the public wouldn't have been profitable to him. However, milking the series that's already an international success even more ? Easy peasy ! Just have to use the characters he already had !
But just think about it people. If NaruSaku had been canon, what would have happened to Sasuke ? And Hinata (well, Hinata shouldn't count as she isn't an important character) ? Sasuke wouldn't have been able to marry anybody (and this is coming from a SasuKarin shipper, but he doesn't love her back JUST LIKE he doesn't love Sakura back). And Hinata would have ended alone...

Which wouldn't be a problem normally, BUT he needed a lot of pairings to happen so he'd have new characters (the kids) for the new project.


So you see, even Kishimoto gave up on his "ideal" manga (Mario) for a bad compromise... so you shouldn't be wondering why Naruto didn't get his "ideal" either... as mangaka, as protagonist, I guess. This is disgusting.

u have a point . but kishi could have made hinata with kiba   the same as choji and karui   its seems he doesnt need development . and make sasuke with ino or karin the same way he made him love sakura from no where   cause the are the same as sakura to him maybe he sees sakura worse . my point is that kishi has no excuse at all for ruining his manga . i feel sorry about him .

#638456 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 05:25 PM in Latest Releases

Ladies and Gentlemen......I have a few things to say. It'd be great of we support each other during this period instead of bringing each other down. This is the time when we need each other....the most. This is the time when we should be supporting each other.

Sure this was a scenario no one ever dreamed of. Not even a hint. But my friends, let me tell you this. This life follows the same pattern. There will be times when things will happen without a warning, without any foreshadowing and without even a slightesy hint....what will you do then? Deal with it? Or brood over it.

Its a depressing phase for all of us, myself included. This fandom....is a family....united by purpose....that is NS. It is the duty of every family.member to support the member when he's down. This is our pitfall. But with the amount of interaction and observation I've made here....I can tell for sure that such a petty thing cannot break the morale of the people in here. It needs something to break us. So what if things didn't turn out in our favour? Is it the end of the world? No....it isn't. We are not going down due to a stupid writing. It sure does require a great deal of effort to break us. Being upset is understood. But this isn't the end, friends. Life goes on and time flies....We all are headstrong people in here. Remember the times we've stood for NS. Not afraid of any damn thing. Let that positivity flow. I know we can deal with this. We are the most mature fandom afterall. Don't let the stupid writing ruin you. You deserve something better. I believe in you guys....Show the other fandoms that we are not as fragile as them and we can handle kitten! Show them how mentally strong we are. Teach those bunch of immatures, a lesson of their life. Loss today can be pur victory tomorrow. Show the fandoms how strong we are and things like this are two small to break us. Show them...what being a true shipper means! Tomorrow is a new today...future...untold! I don't know what will happen...but for all I know...whatever happens, good or bad, I can rise from it because I believe in myself! If I can do it...everyone of you can...

Now Chatte, girl why do you have to be upset about it? Because your theories went wrong? Hell! I've never seen someone as efficient as you in connecting the dots. It is the writer who doesn't make sense. Your theories were great and the most probable ones. Its the writer who kittented his writing. Don't let this get to you. For all I know....you deserve something way better than this. I really wish you continue making theories and stuff about other things on your blog. I'll be looking forward to read it :) Remember...its not you who is wrong...its the writer...your theories were PERFECT! The writer wasn't....Keep doing what you are good at...that's all I can suggest...

@LadyGT.....I am literally too small to tell you this and my compliment doesn't matter that much but girl, you are one hell of an artist! If there's someone who can give full justice to NS, then its you. The NS doujins you make....they have NS interactions even better than Kishi himself. You write romance, better than him. Way better, ya know? The fandom needs you....if you give up on NS, there's nothing left to cherish. Its not your fault that NS didn't happen. The writer's foolish! Our fandom does need you....the most at the moment. I request you to please continue making doujins for they are really really better than Kishi himself. You getting upset is understood and I hope you grow out of it soon and don't give on your drawing for your skills remain unmatched in all the fandoms. I don't see anyone who can draw better than you. We feel fortunate that you are an NS fan.

@James...tomorrow will be a new day, buddy.

I really really feel sad for all the uber members like James, Chatte, 4Life, Ladygt and all. But guys...you held the fandoms when it was about to shatter and maybe that's why....we are still here. You guys are just amazing! Don't let sheer stupidity get the best of you.

I have already said what I want to. I hope you guys take time to read it. Thank you for making my stay in here, the best experience, everyone :') And....NO I am not leaving this site and neither am I abandoning the ship XD As I said, I'd rather sink with it than jump! That's what NS is to me!

thank u for this amazing post  . count me in with u . i wish i had likes to vote but instead i give u my all respect .

#638429 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 05:18 PM in Latest Releases


It was a real pleasure to read all the things you and all the others have posted. I won't forget the joy we had here. Never. 


#638339 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 04:57 PM in Latest Releases

the turning point in this manga was 469 . that was kishis move to kill NS  and give life to ss and NH  .  i know . what was the point of girlfriend and kushina -sakura . ???  kishi  this story could have been much much better 

#638295 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 04:48 PM in Latest Releases

Wow. This is the worse.

I was becoming numb after the hero sasuke got to meet the sage with the supporting character naruto. I left this fandom naruot due to sakura and the sasuke fan fair in part one. Well nothing changed.

What was the point to all the trolling NS in the second part?

Naruto's only job was to fix sasuke' life so he could have everything.

Naruto failed. He couldn't beat his rival and get the girl.

I think kishi sold out to SP. I bet he got a lot of money to keep the series going. Who is naruto's clan again?

NH is ok, but the whole SS is sick! Domestic violence. Is that ok in Japan? Wow.

I will read the next chapter and then I done. I have despise kishi for a long time with his love for sasuke. I held out for NS and naruto becoming the next sage.

How can a women love sasuke after all he has done to her? It's beautiful in kishi' eyes. He is a sick man.

this is pure logic here .i finished my likes .

#638216 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by only Naruto on 05 November 2014 - 04:38 PM in Latest Releases

Gentlemen....Ladies....it has been a pleasure....

as usual james u always hit the spot . its been a real pleasure my friend .