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There have been 7 items by AHK (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#985564 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by AHK on 01 November 2021 - 03:12 AM in Naruto General

I think this is what you're looking for? https://www.fanficti...8308113/1/Yurei

That was it! Thank you very much, was driving me nuts. And it was written by KnS, how could I have forgotten? Thank you!

#985529 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by AHK on 27 October 2021 - 03:03 AM in Naruto General

Hey guys, hope you’re doing well. Just had a quick question regarding a fanfic I think could have been deleted, was hoping you guys could help. It just came to me last night and it’s bothering me lol. Don’t have the name of the fic or the author (obviously), but I remember the plot. Essentially, Naruto and Sakura are married and have a kid together, but Sasuke is dead (Naruto tried and failed to bring him back). It’s either once a year or once every full moon or something, but Sasuke’s “ghost” haunts Naruto while he’s asleep because he can’t let it go, and Sakura has to pick up the kid and watch as it happens because she can’t do anything else. Iirc she pleads with his ghost to leave Naruto alone and he does, can’t really remember how it ends. Does that sound familiar to anyone else? It’s killing me lol.

#982602 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by AHK on 28 December 2020 - 07:50 PM in Naruto General

Ok, another help request, as I’m still stuck in that NS fic wormhole (still haven’t had the chance to read that other one you guys helped me find a few weeks ago).

So I don’t know the description of it, though I do know it was fairly long. From what I remember, Naruto and Sakura got together and then did the do (can’t remember if it was a one night thing or if they were in the relationship at that point). Shortly thereafter Naruto has to go on a mission and Sakura finds out she’s pregnant (might be the other way around, I can’t remember).

I do remember that Naruto’s absence strains their relationship (pretty sure Sakura gives birth while he’s away) and they’re trying to work through it, and decide to get married.

What I remember for certain is that on the eve of the wedding, they have separate bachelor and bachelorette parties, and Sakura ends up leaving hers to go to Naruto at the bachelor party, and gives him a lap dance (in a black dress, if it helps) and then they go home and “relieve some stress” (lol) before the wedding the next morning.

This came to me this morning as I was thinking about a song I remember associating with that fic, though I think it may have ended up deleted as I couldn’t find it in my favorites list. Would that happen to ring a bell with anyone? Hopefully I can find it, read it and the other one you guys helped me with, finish up the one I’m currently reading, and then be done with the series for another long period of time lol. Thanks in advance!

#982238 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by AHK on 09 December 2020 - 04:10 AM in Naruto General

Could have been Perfectly Imperfect Love. The name is on the tip of my mind.




yeah. This is it: https://www.wattpad....artbreak/page/4

Dude holy hell, thanks a lot! I was looking for that for ages. Totally going to have to read it once I read through these other few stories. Perfect way to end a once-a-year binge; in misery and depression, just like the series its based on XD

#982234 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by AHK on 09 December 2020 - 03:41 AM in Naruto General

In the story, did she basically disguise herself as someone else? Like she took on another identity in order to get close to Naruto in the ANBU? And basically had Naruto fall for her? Right?

Yes! That’s it! If I recall, she disguised herself and dyed her hair a dark red or something?

I think that is it tbh.
He might have to check on AO3

That’s a good idea. Never thought of even looking there, though if it was deleted from FanFiction.Net, it would have probably been deleted there too...

#982231 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by AHK on 09 December 2020 - 03:28 AM in Naruto General

You probably mean this I think?
I remember the fanfiction you mean but I'm not too sure if it is this.  I read that one YEARS ago and think it was unfinished.

Nah, that one wasn’t it. Sort of the same theme, though, so definitely on the right track! The one I’m talking about got taken deleted by the author, I believe, so I don’t think it has a link anymore. I can’t remember the author or the name of the story, but I remember so much of the actual plot. So frustrating. Lol

#982226 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by AHK on 09 December 2020 - 02:33 AM in Naruto General

Hey everyone, hope you guys are doing well. Haven't been around here in a long while. I had a quick question that I was wondering if anyone had the answer to. I've accidentally fallen into a fanfic wormhole with this miserable series (even though I swore I'd never get back into it, a couple times a year I allow myself to see if there's any decent fics and scratch that what-couldn've-been itch), and I'm currently reading my way out of it. 


A while back, I was looking for a fic that has since been deleted (hoping to find it on the archives), and I was wondering if anyone knows it by the description? Pretty sure it's been mentioned on this site before. Essentially the plot is that Naruto and Sakura spend the night together after the war, and Sakura does something that's pretty taboo during, and it crushes Naruto. Sasuke ends up coming back to the village after Naruto had beaten him, and he and Sakura get together (I know, yuck). Naruto is depressed and distraught, and ends up joining the Anbu and given his team, and has a complete change in personality. Meanwhile Sakura realizes she was wrong and that she actually loved Naruto, Sasuke gets executed for something, and Sakura runs off to Tsunade and joins the Anbu, and was placed on Naruto's team in order to help save him. The last written chapter had ended with Naruto finding out that Sakura was on his team, that he had fallen in love with her again, and he was furious about it, and she chases him into a storm.


The whole thing was brutally dark and depressing, and really well written. I was trying to find it again to read it and download it, but unfortunately the author deleted it. Would anyone happen to remember the name of it? Appreciate the help, if so!