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There have been 945 items by TsukiChan ♥ (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#816625 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 04 May 2015 - 11:45 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Don't fall for that. There are no official spoilers for chapter 3 yet. Those are completely fake articles based on speculations.


:( lol

#816618 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 04 May 2015 - 11:34 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles


seriously?? omg PLEASE be real lol

#814869 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 02 May 2015 - 08:04 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

lmaooo im loving this

#814855 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 02 May 2015 - 07:34 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Originally Posted by Addy viewpost.gif
sakura is not the mother?

seriously, i have nothing else in mind aside from her being born in a lab/cave/moon tumblr_m42qtuDuo21r58lid.gif

More like...

It's the logical conclusion that Sarada wasn't born in Konoha because...

#814851 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 02 May 2015 - 07:18 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Oh the sweet sound of SS fans crying....... I can already hear it.


apparently we got trolled since ChouChou doesnt believe she is her parents child (lol) and now they believe sasuke hasnt been home cause of his job with this new akatsuki tracking thingy or whatever and that theyre after him, how delusional and desperate could they be? xD

#814847 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 02 May 2015 - 07:01 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

me to destroying nh would be better since her rabid fans would keep quiet but destroying 1 pairing out of 2 isn't bad besides nh became canon on a cop out 


yeah nh fans are annoying but at least everyone knows theyre a copout including them, SS fans on the other hand need to learn a lesson, theyre too violent and very annoying and delusional

#814838 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 02 May 2015 - 06:47 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

interesting spoilers from tumblr it turns out sasuke wasn't sensing his daughter which is another blow to the ss fandom i swear they get so desperate but still no info on karin being the baby mommy i hope she is not just for crushing ss but cuz i had a feeling sk was gonna be canon all along


there's more?? LOL I soooo want to see kishi destroy SS honestly

#814836 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 02 May 2015 - 06:42 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

new spoilers for 702 from evil and others I think:



#812580 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 28 April 2015 - 07:00 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I honestly just want to see kishi crush the SS fandom and the NH fandom

#811317 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 05:40 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Much appreciated :D But I still suggest you take more opinions on it though XD


haha ok :P



But we still don't know if Sarada actually needs those glasses or not. If she does medically need it, then there is something fishy about her parentage..... :hm:  :hm:


I think so, I saw a photo of her as a young child without them, now all of a sudden she wears glasses...and we never see her with them off, this is the first Uchiha I've seen with glasses though :| kind of weird


Just a little info on the eyesight thing. It's not necessarily known whether bad eyesight is genetic. However, nearsightedness is seen as having strong genetic links. Such as my mother and I both being nearsighted. I have an eye disease that developed later on, but I only know of one other family member having it as well. And she's just a cousin. I've yet to be told that the disease could possibly be passed on to my children.


I see, and I read your earlier post, i hope all goes well with you :(


if you damaged them from an outside source, then no, it cant be passed down. It's like cutting off your arm, and then having a child. That child wont be born without an arm because its it wasn't a hereditary trait. 


I was thinking about that! xD haha thanks

#811304 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 04:54 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I don't have an acute knowledge on genetics for my opinion to be relied on but based on whatever I know, I'd like throwing in my two cents.

I think if the disorder is genetic, if it has been caused due to a faulty gene, then it has the potential to pass down to the children. Genes develop our lifetime. Hence we just have some traits similar to our parents and NOT all of them. Our upbringing, our social environment and other causative factors determine the genes and by default, the traits. But yet again....not all of them are passed down. That is why only certain genetic disorders are passed down. But even yet, as a contradiction to what I am saying, it is a proven fact that even if the mom/dad has certain genetic disorder....the child won't have it. The child has a high probability to have that...but not necessary he'd have it.

Maybe you can ask Naruko when she comes online. She's an expert on the subject XD


alright then, but I still like your insight on it :D

#811302 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 04:42 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Yeah I do like Sasuke as a character, I just think he's more fun as an enemy. XD It's a shame he was never really able to be friends with Naruto & Sakura again.
As for your question, I don't know! XD I know the genes you are born with can be passed down but I don't know if you can pass down developed afflictions or if your genes change as you live lol. What is it that you came up with?


Yeah he is kind of funnier as an enemy lol and yeah :/ its like he was only redeemed for a day and then -- poof! lolll

Ohhh i see, well after reading a SK post on tumblr, I came across a panel of Sasuke straining his eyes to get the black flames off of Karin, and then I thought back to what was shown in Gaiden, where Sarada came across the photo of Karin, and when she asked Sakura if Sasuke wore glasses which brought me to a theory that Sasuke might have strained his eyes so badly during the time that that's probably why Sarada had glasses, because it was passed down, but not fully, just so that all she needed was glasses, which brings us back over to Karin. If she confronts Sasuke on Karin, and he strained his eye during that time when he saved her, he would probably tell her about the time he saved her straining his eyes, and then tell her about not just Karin but also Juugo and Suigetsu? I just felt like that specific panel might just tie it together somehow.





Dem feels  :cry:  :cry:




If it's genetic, i think it can be passed down. I mean if it's inherent in your genes, there are chances of it being passed to your kids, but if it develops later due to outside influence, it can't be called genetic  :confused:  :confused:



alright then, thanks :)

#811288 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 04:06 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles


I wouldn't even want them as bros/sis cuz Sasuke and Sakura barely talk. xD  I honestly hate Sasuke's relationship with both Sakura & Naruto.  After he left Konoha at the end of Part 1 it just became really bad IMO.  He fits better as more their arch rivals/ex-friend lol.


I dont know! xD lol I always liked Sasuke as a character so seeing him redeemed was something I wanted to see (not that crap at 699 and 700...ugh....and why does it look like he goes right back to emo Sasuke when he was smiling at Naruto and stuff...lollll but 698 was a true Sasuke masterpiece)

seeing him as their arch rival/nemesis is something to think about though






lets say you damaged your eyes right?...is it possible to pass that down to your children? through genes? like a bad eye gene that they would need glasses? I just came up with something

#811261 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 03:13 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles


Whether Sakura knew Ino liked Sasuke or not is irrelevant.  Sakura did not love Sasuke because of her rivalry with Ino.  If she did, why does she continue loving him even though Ino already has a child with Sai? 




Sakura and Ino's fight wasn't about getting Sasuke's kitten, it was about Sakura surpassing Ino and proving herself to be her equal.  I think Sasuke was just an excuse, because Ino and Sakura weren't talking about who "won" him when they both woke up after the fight.  Instead they became friends again and Sakura continued to like Sasuke.  The one who could be argued about liking Sasuke only over a rivalry would be Ino, who deliberately flirted with him in front of Sakura just to make her mad.  Sakura never did any such thing.

So all the times in Shippuden that Sakura cried over Sasuke was only because she was thinking about beating Ino?  Ino did not appear in Sakura's head when Sakura felt guilty about being in love with Sasuke, when she confessed her love to Sasuke again in 693, or when she blushed when Sasuke poked her on the forehead.  It was only in Part 1 that Sakura competed with Ino for Sasuke's affections, the same way Naruto competed with Sasuke in order to get Sakura's love (except that according to canon, he kept doing it all through Shippuden)

How is Ino a disgusting person for moving onto Sai?  Sure he looks like Sasuke but who cares.  Maybe it's not Sasuke himself Ino liked but just dark mysterious types.


We all know that, and I think its because she got the chance to really know Sasuke, unlike the other fangirls, she also got to see sides of him that not a lot of the others girls got to see, and despite all that, loved him...I dont get why cause he treated her like crap honestly, SS would've been better off as a BROTP thing

#811194 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 01:02 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Sakura didn't have a crush on Sasuke because she wanted to "beat" Ino, she liked him because he was "cool" and "hot". She didn't even KNOW Ino liked Sasuke! Yes, Sasuke did up their rivalry but Sakura's rivalry with Ino was not the reason why she loved Sasuke.


I dont know about that statement, but, Ino technically did like Sasuke first and was very close friends with Sakura....how did she not know Ino liked Sasuke?

#811185 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 12:53 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

No it's not bad it's called sweet delicious revenge. :) SS fandom finally knows how NS feels. XD


goodie >xD

#811174 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 12:28 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

is it bad that i have no remorse for the SS fandom at all and if things go worse for SS im gonna literally have the best laugh of my life?

#811172 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 27 April 2015 - 12:24 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Hilarious how SS fans are trying to completely deny canon, saying this part of the series doesn't exist, that it's OOC.
Karma is such an awesome b*tch.


kmfllll I need to see this myself!

#811123 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 26 April 2015 - 10:00 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Heres another one right from naruto wikia:


Aka Shi Crow wrote: Welp, kitten. If Sarada result to be Karin's Daughter i will take a plane to Japan, terrorize Shueisha to make them give me Kishi's direction, go to Kishi's, take down his door and do the 4:20 with him since HE GOTTA BE kittenING HIGH TO MAKR SAKURA TAKE RESPONSABILITY OF SASUKE'S AFFAIR ._.

#811119 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 26 April 2015 - 09:50 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

The height of desperateness:


Guys really stay calm and strong.
Do you really think kishimoto doesn’t know what is he doing?
Why ? He is the same author who made sasuke did that precious poke on sakura’s forehead as ultimate expression of love .
The same author who almost killed us when sasuke tried to kill sakura but actually he loved her.
He is even him!!!
We doesn’t know anything it is only the first chapter , think carefully!!!
Why sakura had that taka picture ? We don’t know …why she didin’t destroyed it if there were the probabilty for sarada to see it? We don’t know!!
Why sakura is trying to cover sasuke and why sakura didin’t said anything to sarada about the uchiha clan?
We still don’t know!

Plus ! Don’t u think it was strange what sarada said? She said that “ for what she remeber ” it doesn"t necessarly means she remember well !
Have we the real real proof that Sasuke never come back ? What sarada said doesn’t mean it is what really happened but what she remember.
Every theory is possible at this point , also that sasuke was trapped for what we know , also that sasuke come every night to see sarada !
Also that sarada doesn’t remember well what truly happened!!!
C'mon guys , do you really think that kishimoto doesn’t know that showing sasuke as an absent father means kill his own character? Kishimoto is a father and kishimoto is the same man who is sorry with his children for being absent!! He know what a child feel when a father is absent!!

Do you think this is the message he want to convey to the audience?
Kishimoto by sarada’s word “ for what i remember i never seen him” is porposely opening the interrogative!
Kishimoto pourposely choose put those words in sarada’s mouth for a reason…. and why put those words in a little girl if he isn’t aware of the meaning of them.

Stay positive and read everything!!

lol SS fans amaze me

#810192 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 25 April 2015 - 08:31 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

How can these be real when Salad has never met Sasuke?

Because they have one dynamic and that is angst. Nothing more.



The Sakura from the drawing is nothing like the Sakura that was presented in the manga


The SS portrait isnt canon manga wise to me, I think its just there to show everyone the new SS family, or the characters a part of that family, nothing more, unless Sasuke comes back and things go good and then they all decide to take a picture, but then again Sarada and Sakur are in different clothing

#810171 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 25 April 2015 - 08:15 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

something so isnt right with SS...

The kiba one shot came out and i see literally every pairing in it dating except ss, they dont even have any moments in their own hiden, so its like, how the hell did they even get together in the first place? lollll

#810160 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 25 April 2015 - 07:59 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I just realized, Ino sure as hell dodged a bullet moving on from Sasuke

#810129 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 25 April 2015 - 06:55 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Right now, we're in a predicament where anything that can possibly reckon this will make SS actually worse, not better. 


Because if there was a slim chance that Sasuke still kept in touch with Sakura or Naruto, that means that all this time Sakura never introduced Sarada to her own father; this also means that Sasuke knew and never came to see her; Sasuke never helped Sakura with her financial issues; and Naruto never cared about fixing a broken household. 


There's literally no way you can fix this. None.


unless you use a nonsensical reasoning for it all just to dismiss it, i wouldnt hold that against kishimoto at this point


100 % THIS !!!   :zaru: .  Damn this like limit :twitch:

She's all Sasuke but in his sick Uchiha wanking mind but she also has"Some" components of Sakura !? LOL Yeah sure that's why you put Karin in the picture and the only thing that is Sakura is her cloths and nothing more . What a Lame sh*tty excuse  Retcon the Retcon I swear this guy and his nonsense interviews   :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao: .  With each interview he only gets more and more pathetic  :facepalm: .







Kishimoto is not above retconning everything he has said in interviews and databooks so why should this stop him from making Salad Karin's kid? I mean, this is a dude who said "Naruto and Sakura had the strongest bond" and yet made them completely ignore one another as soon as Hinata married Naruto. What did Hinata forbid Naruto from ever seeing Sakura again?

People need to understand now that Kishimoto's word is worthless now. I don't care what he says and even so, this just makes the drama of Salad wondering who her real mother is and Sasuke not being there for 12 years all the more stupid and pointless. Like I said, SasuSaku is Kishimoto;s new target and he is going to ruin their lives just like he ruined Sakura's and Naruto's.

Kishimoto is not a good nor truthful person...he is just a man drawing pictures of some of the worst written fan-fictions I have ever seen.


in order to reel in the old fans that he lost aka sns, ns, and sk shippers or fans and any other logical fans that werent apart of the 2 other idiot ships.

#810105 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by TsukiChan ♥ on 25 April 2015 - 06:18 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I'm positive that she's Sakura's daughter and this was just another red herring. 


But my question would be why does that matter? Red herring or not, it doesn't change the fact that Sasuke never came back to visit the village for over 12 years. This is still a broken home.


That's true but I feel as though kishi is gonna troll us some more, probably some reveal about how he and Sakura and Naruto have actuallly been in contact those 12 years all along and stuff and then a huge SS and Sarada scene

idk, these days its like he tries his best to bring in the antis and then troll them like its a joke or something