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#905557 Hillary Clinton Appreciation Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 03:57 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

it would be cool to have a woman president.


Thanks, I agree!


Here's another awesome video, "Chelsea's Mom".  XD


#905551 Hinata vs Pain

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 03:08 PM in Naruto General

Sakura > Hinata, forever and always.

#905550 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 03:00 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

i know.it was a joke. meaning they both got stuck with someone they called weird in part one LOL. but, they deserved eachother. because narusaku was meant to be!


Hinata will NEVER be the heroine.  NEVER!!

Agreed, NaruSaku will always be the true pairing for us real Naruto fans.

#905549 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 02:52 PM in Konoha Theater

The west took over.


I thought Hinata was popular in Japan though?  Isn't she the traditional Japanese wife moe type while Sakura is the liberated western girl?  No offense to Japan.


Well Kishimoto said Bolt was the "Bolt" keeping nH together. It is quite obvious that kishi hates the ending by this point. He most likely knew the ending was a bad idea but he wanted out and SJ and SP own the rights to the story. So what can he do? And he probably hoped that nH was what the fans really wanted and that the clowns at sp actually had the ability to tell a love story. 


Pathetic how it took a child to keep Naruto and Hinata together.  That doesn't even happen in real life.  I think there's one thing we can agree on: Kishimoto didn't love and care for his characters and story in the way that we did.


sometimes i wonder if narusaku would have happened if naruto were made from korea, or china. do the chinese, or koreans' use honorifics' to? i wonder what naruto, and sakura's names' would have been?


I dunno, "Naruto" and "Sakura" still sound pretty Asian to me.

#905547 My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 02:39 PM in Naruto General

What bothered me is that naruhina and sasusaku happened.  Yes, it was the end pairings that ruined the series, not even gonna lie.  At least naruhina fans still hate Sakura and NaruSaku which tells you something.



#905545 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 02:35 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

hey if naruto got the "weird girl" sakura shoulda got the "weirdo" [LeeSaku  LOL]


Naruto did not deserve to be Hinata's wonder boy trophy.  Eww.

#905542 Politics discussion

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 02:24 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I'll be honest looking from the outside, the US goverment seems to be the most backward politically run country around. The President doesn't appear to have any power, most of the politicians seem to be openly bribable, Race, religion and gender still appear to be a big factor in trying to gain votes. It's depressing to think that this is the most powerful country in the world, and it seems to be the most kittened u from all developed countries.


What the heck does that mean?  Because for over 230+ years in American history, every single f**cking president in our last 43 have all been white and male.  Every single one until only recently.  So if you're saying that they're the ones who gained votes because of their race and gender, because of racist sexist America, then I agree.  It is indeed f**cked up.

But if you're saying that Obama only won because he's black, or that Hillary is only winning because she's a woman, then you are being shamefully ignorant, shallow, and bigoted.  People who think this way are denying Obama and Hillary the credit that they got to the top because of their skills, service, and dedication, saying that they only became president because of their skin and genitals is deeply racist and misogynistic.  Their race and sex were liabilities, not advantages.  And they still made it.  Give them credit, stop being ignorant.

As for the bribing thing, I agree, but not when it comes to our current Democratic candidates.  (Bernie's not even a Democrat though) Bitter sexist Bernie fanatics like to say that Hillary was "bought", that she's a "corporate puppet" to dehumanize her and discredit her because they can't fathom the idea of the First Lady getting to the top and winning most of America without it all being a set-up.  Again, this idea is deeply misogynistic and sexist.  To them Hillary is all one big conspiracy theory, completely ignoring her lifetime of service, that she was Secretary of State, Senator of New York, and a long supporter of the Democratic party and President.  She's gotten more bills passed for women's rights than any other senator yet detractors try to claim that Bernie's a "better feminist" than her which is the height of arrogance and privilege.  They even try to claim Bernie would be better for black people than Obama, that he's "done more" for them than Hillary has, completely ignoring the fact that 90% of all African-Americans and minorities are voting for Hillary.  They're not stupid, they know Obama and Hillary are the better choices, yet Bernie fanatics try to explain this by saying black people are "low-information" and are too stupid to vote for Bernie, which only proves their ignorance and conceit.

Most Bernie voters are also white and middle-class which is not a coincidence.  I'm sorry, I like Bernie personally (until he started going negative on Hillary) but most of his supporters are spoiled selfish ignorant bullies who say they'd rather vote for Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton.  Well they can go right ahead because Hillary doesn't need selfish bigots like them to win, she already has all the support she needs in America and currently the most votes out of all the candidates!!




She's even got more votes than Trump. xD  GO HILLARY!! :boogie:

#905539 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 02:19 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Aizen i think it been awhile since you logged on.


Let face it we know why they like hinata. Western anime fans are beta males for the most part. They are obsessed with moe girls, and despise tsundere girls. Moe girls like hinata are quite, humble, submissive, obedient, easy to get and easy to keep. Though most of those girls are still more developed then hinata. Tsundere's are prideful, loud, stand their ground, and one has to work to get and keep them.



This sums it all up.  The only reason people like Hinata out of all the females is because she's the most traditionally submissive, empty-headed, and boring, simply a robotic Naruto worshipper for all losers who can't get girlfriends.and who hate real women to enjoy.  Seriously, who the f**ck likes this paper cut-out?  She is overrated as sh**t, EW!

I still cannot believe how Naruto ended.  Ewwey, ewwey, ewwey.  I told ya'll NH and SS becoming canon would ruin this series.


I've got two more guys :D




It's not bad, but I don't want clutter




#905513 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 06:20 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

We all know it's true




She's a shell.  Empty.  Simple.  Dry.  Nothing.  How anyone can prefer her to the complexity, brilliance, strength, flaws, and human-ness that is Sakura is beyond insane.  It is a disgrace.  A national disgrace.

And I know deep down that NaruHina and SasuSaku fans know this.

#905511 Established Rivals with Proper Development

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 06:00 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Yami Yugi and Kaiba make the best pair of rivals IMO.  They both wanted to be better than the other, were polar opposites in terms of motivation despite similar drive, but still had mutual respect for eachother.  It wasn't a hate-you-love-you f**ck-fest like so many other anime rivals but a struggle to see the others' viewpoint and finally join forces without actually liking or agreeing with eachother.

These two earn my respect:




Sasuke and Naruto are the most horrible twisted pair of "rivals" and "brothers" that the anime world has ever seen.

#905506 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 05:43 AM in Konoha Theater

I'm still wondering why they chose such a horrible name for him.

Boruto and Salada, Burrito and Salad, such horrible names.  They're not even Japanese.

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto...what happened to you and your story?



#905503 Hinata

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 05:29 AM in Naruto General

I still despise Sh**tnata and I always will.  I can't deny it.

#905498 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 05:07 AM in Otaku Square

Mimi back in the past made good friendship with Joe and Izzi, part 3 looks like Izzi X Mimi will be decide and the Kari X TK too.


I can't stand how Joe has a girlfriend now in Digimon Tri or whatever.  HIM AND MIMI WERE PERFECT TOGETHER!!




Izzy and Mimi doesn't even make sense, he was always busy on his computer and I remember that one episode where she cried over him ignoring her for his laptop.  Joe is protective of Mimi and would give her more attention.  Plus he grows up to be a doctor, which equals more money, which equals lots to spend on Mimi! LOLOLOL

I love TK x Kari of course but it isn't enough for me to like the disappointment that is Digimon Tri.  And I still hate Sorato...f**ck it.  TAIORA FTW, BIATCHES!! :dance:

#905495 Favorite Youtubers

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 04:55 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Onision is hilarious.  Best guy ever!! <3  If you enjoy politically incorrect things, subjects like anime, offensive humor, and politics, and are pro-vegan, anti-religion, and pro-feminist, you will definitely love him!.

Us both being vegetarian, here is one of my favorite videos of his. XD




He's also very sexy! :love:  :smexy: 


#905493 Is Naruto the Last the worst movie?

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 04:44 AM in Konoha Theater

It is indeed the worst abomination to ever land in the Naruto series.  Just horrid.  Hinata sticking her ass and t**ts out, Naruto not knowing the difference between loving ramen and loving a f**cking human, and Sakura hung up in such disgusting fetish on her attempted murderer.

Gosh I hate Sasgay.  (no offense to gay people XD)  He is so stupid!!  I have no idea what Sakura sees in him, and although Naruto isn't a catch himself he is still 100x better than Sasuke.

I'll be honest I haven't seen the movie yet, only clips and trailers.  But the thought of it already makes me barf rainbows.  At least most everyone knows how stupid the random crack movie is.

#905491 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 04:33 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

NaruHina does not make sense and never will.  There's a double standard for Hinata-- "but she loves Naruto!"  So did Naruto for Sakura, Rock Lee for Sakura, Ino for Sasuke, and Karin for Sasuke.  So did Jiraiya for Tsunade.  Hinata may have got her happy ending at the end but it still doesn't make sense.

Naruto was supposed to find a girl like KUSHINA.

Naruto's love interest was SAKURA.

Sasuke treated Sakura like trash.

The heroine wasn't supposed to get this kind of ending.

All for Hinata.  I admit, I still despise her deep down.  My disgust for this character is unlimited.  She ruined my Sakura-chan and for that she can go f**ck herself (even though she's not real lol).

Well, NHtards and SSsettlers have the so-called "canon" ending but we still have the entire series.  Endings don't matter when they don't connect to the story.

Ugh, I still can't believe what Naruto has turned into.  I don't give a sh**t about Boruto and the horrible naruhina devil spawns.  NARUTO AND SAKURA STILL MAKES MORE SENSE! :)

#905489 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 04:05 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't hate naruhina or sasusaku anymore, however, after all this time I still will never accept the ending.  NaruSaku is and always will be the true couple of Naruto.  And although I don't HATE NH and SS, I still dislike them.  The pairings suck major ass, let's be honest.  NARUTO X SAKURA FOREVER!! <3

#905488 Hillary Clinton Appreciation Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 04:01 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Since it looks certain that Hillary Clinton is going to be the 45th President of the United States and also the first woman to be leader of the free world, I decided to post this tribute to her.  :D  :love:


Hillary is a fighter and never gives up.  She's been with us and the Democrats almost her entire life.




She is loyal to President Obama, the first African-American commander-in-chief, even when she lost to him in 2008.  He made her his Secretary of State.










As First Lady and wife of one of the most successful Democratic Presidents, Hillary fought for the rights of children and is also a CHAMPION for women's rights.  She coined the famous phrase "women's rights are human rights" in her 1995 speech in Beijing.








Even Donald Trump, her Republican presidential opponent for the White House, likes her! XD



Famous people like Morgan Freeman, Katy Perry, Russell Simmons, Elton John, Cory Booker, Madeleine Albright, Civil Rights legends like Dolores Huerta, John Lewis, and Gloria Steinem have all endorsed and support her!  She's also very popular with minorities and African-Americans.




If you're American, please vote for Hillary!  We cannot let that sexist racist bigot Donald Trump win!!

#I'mWithHer, HillaryClinton2016




#905487 Politics discussion

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 March 2016 - 04:00 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar


I supported Bernie Sanders but he got beaten bad in the last Super Tuesday-- Hillary winning all 5 states in one row!! <3  She's a boss.  :wibble:  :wha:  She's going to be our first female President and haters gonna hate. XD  This is what Sanders supporters and Hillary-haters get for disrespecting and underestimating the First Lady and the most qualified candidate in the race.  I also supported Obama and I'm very glad his former Secretary of State is going to succeed him.

HILLARY FTW!!  F**CK DONALD TRUMP!!  Can't wait to see the debates between them, lol.  Clinton will kick his ASS!!  DEMOCRATS, CLINTON, AND OBAMA FOR THE MOTHERF**CKING WIN, B**TCHES!!





I know nothing about USA politic. But I think Hillary will win it with just using the first female president.









SHE WINS, B**TCHES!!  ACCEPT PRESIDENT CLINTON!! :banana: :fu:  :dance: 

#846118 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 June 2015 - 04:34 AM in Naruto General

Hinata is a wolf in sheep's clothing, the devil in disguise. She acts so sweet and innocent but she is the character who single-handedly f'ucked up this entire series due to her insane popularity. When new people get into Naruto I'm going to warn them about Hinata and tell them not to be fooled by this sweet little moe character, that she's the one who's going to mess up Naruto and Sakura's love and get an entire sh'itty spin off and crap shojo movie based on her. I won't be fooled any longer by Hinata's personality, when it comes down to it her fanbase messed up this entire story. And for that she is on my sh'it-list forever. Not my fault blame Kishi & the fans lol.

#843030 Crazy Requests Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 14 June 2015 - 03:46 AM in Crazy Love

Uuuuuuuh Bart x Sakura I saw a cross over for them once. :D

Simpson if you didn't know

Speaking of Simpsons pairings, Lisa with Nelson or Lisa with Milhouse? Lol. I also ship Stan/Wendy from South Park. XD

#843029 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 14 June 2015 - 03:43 AM in Naruto General

yeah if you let your fans control what you want to write, thats BAD.

That crap should only stay in fanfictions where people vote for pairings. XD

#843026 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 14 June 2015 - 03:39 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

also beta males and girls who just want everything to be handled to them with little to no hard work what so ever.

I would hate to be Hinata and to be lusted over by perverted shallow fanboys who only liked me for my boobies. I'd rather be the strong female character everyone hates for having a brain (Sakura). Again this is only first half-Shippuden Sakura but she's still a better character than Hinata currently is.
Also her movie sucked, glorifying kidnapping in some cheap romance plot. It really is pitiful how much they do for Hinata and how hard they're trying to make her like Sakura. So pitiful that I can't help but be repulsed by Hinata in disgust. Lol.

#843022 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 14 June 2015 - 03:27 AM in Naruto General

I think the whole thing about "NS being more popular in Japan" is a bunch of bull. Who cares what's more popular, what matters is that Kishimoto messed up the romance. He was supposed to choose correctly regardless of what the fans thought.

#843018 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 14 June 2015 - 03:19 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I lose respect for people who ship SasuSaku. Naruhina isn't that bad imo.

I used to feel the same way about NH but really naruhina is for Sakura bashers or for people who don't care about her. I'm sorry I just can't forgive the Hinata fanatics/SP for what they did to this series. (along with Kishimoto but whatever)