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There have been 3 items by Havikinazuma (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#933703 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Havikinazuma on 06 March 2017 - 02:58 AM in Naruto General

To be far with Goku toriyama has said many times he hatted how the anime in Z/GT made Goku out to be this great hero when he is not as toriyama said all Goku cares for is fighting and get stronger, he does not care at all so Goku is not a hero and is in fact very selfish which has been shown many time why do you think he let past Villians go so he could just fight them again.
Its why he let Vegeta go cause he wanted to fight Vegeta again same with Piccolo and Frieza hence the new arc we are getting hell his own family or so far Gohan is asking what the hell Goku is thinking and doing hell both Beerus and Whis have said that this was a bad idea but again all Goku cares for is fighting that is what he lives for. So the Goku we are seeing is the Goku that toriyama says he should act I mean fans are asking why Goku is doing this is the power he has going to his head that much, kind of how we all wondered why Naruto keeps sucking Sasuke's kitten when we know Sasuke is a kitten. When a stroy is made the writer makes it so we need to think on the hero and how the act and grow.
With Pan well we have no idea I mean she is Gohan's daughter and look at him as a 4 year old and we have no idea what Piccolo is doing with her when looking after her I mean Raditz even said they sent babies to kill planets then there is Broly remember him saved his father and lives as Frieza blow up the planet, plus makes more sense than Naruto getting knocked out by is stupied daughter.
With GT Pan well your one of the very very few man, a lot of people say GT pan sucks with one saying she is just like Sakura a kitten that needs to die trust me I have meet them

About Goku... Sure he selfish and nieve just loke Toriyama wants, and Goku should be, but that doesn't NOT make him a hero. Not some Superman, gotta protect everyone with truth and justice kind of way, but "a country bumkin, gotta fight and get stronger while protecting my home and family" kind of way.

You see, without the English Dub's gloss, you see the real Goku, he's not dumb, but foolish and nieve on feelings and the feelings of others. Like Vegeta, he's a Saiyan, meaning a strong thirst for battle battle and keeps training, waiting for a challenge. According to a Toriyama interview, Goku doesn't understand the complexities of relationships, even going as far as viewing his family as close comrades.True he wouldn't let nothing happen to them, but, as you notice a change in Vegeta's character, you take notes on how much they differ.

It's not that Goku is a bad guy, it could be from lack of formal education, lack of social skills, and/or manners, or it could be from hitting his head. Who knows? Goku has huge level of intelligence when it comes to fighting, and stategy, but lacks ability to count high numbers, or understand if a girl likes him or what like/love truly means. He's a fighting fool, that makes bad decisions at times, and fights for the thrill, but still protect those around close him if they need help.

Tr;dr He's not traditional hero, and maybe a fighting fool, but still can considered a hero all the same.

#930243 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Havikinazuma on 12 January 2017 - 11:35 AM in Naruto General

I'm tied of waiting. I'm tired of giving up. I'm gonna find a way to contact Kishimoto directly, and ask for an alternate ending. Whether it'd be canon or not. I'm not asking for a ending change, mind you, I'm asking for a timeline or even a stupid dream that leads Naruto and Sakura, to find love together.

Please, I don't need pessimistic attitudes, I need the support from everyone. This is just one man, if he can get in touch with one of us, we can(respectfully) ask for the alt-ending we want. It may come woth fee, it may not, who knows(most likely will)? I think instead of moping and complaining, and some waiting for theories to come to fruition, act now. Get support from everyone who were old members, like Chatte or LadyGT, etc. If nothing else, just help me with support. I'm starting now.

#929294 This New Theory 100% Proves That Kishimoto Is Putting NaruSaku and SasuHina I...

Posted by Havikinazuma on 26 December 2016 - 02:42 AM in Naruto General

You guys let the thread die.... Why?