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There have been 38 items by TheFirstEvil100 (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#991318 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 03 September 2024 - 11:27 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Damn! Bail with the epic mike drop!

What's funny is that all of it could have been fixed so damn easily. We know Kishi kept getting bugged by the Hinata fans who kept telling him what he should do with Hinata even if he didn't get why so many liked her. I have said this, but if I were in Kishi's spot, this would be before Pain, and I was told again and again to have Hinata do something to take the spotlight from Sakura.


I would have told my editors I would give Hinata a big moment. Her death at Pain's hands outside of the range, so she isn't coming back. It would be a way that shut up the ones who all pushed for Hinata, who kept bothering to push her into the light.


Then, with Sakura. She, Shikamaru, and Neji would all fight to save Naruto.


I would have it so that as the two keep Pain away, Sakura would free Naruto, saying she believes him and how much Naruto has helped her grow and she wants to be by his side when he becomes Hokage, sadly before she could remove the last rod Pain will use his pull and stab her in the stomach that way we would still get the Minato part.

#991315 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 26 August 2024 - 10:03 PM in Naruto General


And that is why I treat the entire franchise as a joke. You are either invested in a character whose presence and importance to the plot was never there to begin with and flog that importance over the head of everyone else until they comply/give up on the story all together, OR you are treated as an idiot for not seeing how important Hinata Hyuga-chan-megami-hime-sama was to get everything she wanted and was Naruto's stealth "true love" and were too blind to see it. You lose either way, and wonder why you bothered with it. You were either reading for a side character that never mattered or you were one of the many many MANY long time fans that got screwed over investing your time on the series BECAUSE said irrelevant side character had to be catered to. It felt like a waste of time in the grand scheme of things because you were cheated out of a proper resolution to a story you WERE passionate about, or you now find out Hinata's love never meant anything, and she only got together with Naruto because OF PITY and not because of genuine love. Hinata got the man of her dreams because she never gave up? I thought the idea was "they were always in love..." So I'm just laughing at the whole thing. READING COMPREHENSION AT IT'S FINEST FOLKS :lmao:

Lol, well, I have read many of Tolkien's books, so I guess I have more brains than the fans who still read this just to see who will hook up in Boruto, as that is all they care about while we wanted to see how Naruto would become Hokage.


Hinata fans- They just wanted Hinata to get her happy ending.


SS fans- well we know how crazy they can be lol.

#991239 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 24 July 2024 - 12:21 AM in Naruto General

I dont care either cause theyll just make Sakura look bad so not going to even bother with it.

#991168 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 10 June 2024 - 12:50 AM in Fun Cafe

Well Blue I went to a world in which you ruled over the whole Earth and HalfDemon was you slave or top commander.

#991155 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 May 2024 - 12:26 AM in Fun Cafe

Hey at least I can go into other words that are better. 😁

#991144 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 24 May 2024 - 01:39 PM in Latest Releases

Honestly, forgot today was the 20th...lets see something in the news. Oh apparently the Assassin Creed game's Japanese expert is a Fujoshi that is a yaoi-shota fan. That has actually written books on Monk on Shota action. Not an expert on the Sengoku Jidia the setting is based on but how to make the idealize hot Japanese fantasy underage F*&kboys...What a world.


Summary Time: Chapter 90/(10). Kernel. Right. Lets see the BS they make up to justify Kurama's return.


Cover page is tiny Kurama and the daughter. Ikemoto inability to convey expression makes it look like they are antagonistic towards each other. 


Neo-Ino-Shika-Cho are fleeing on an art bird. Tree-Jenga question why they are even bothering to run. Oh Finally! Some adult are coming to join the fight...oh its Konohamaru with a few mooks. Also Ikemoto has changed his design of Konohamaru. So, he isn't completely unrecognizable like he was at the start of the manga. Shikamaru informs both Bolt and Nail that they are after the daughter. He then ask Nail to make a temporary truce. Nail having some standards seem to feel he is required to protect the daughter...despite ignoring the fact he was told she was in danger last chapter. Character Consistency, what is that? Tree- Jenga goes off to chase the daughter. Leaving Tree-Sasuke to deal with Konohamaru. Konohamaru is shocked that Sasuke is one of the intruders, because it has taken forever for someone to tell Shikamaru the info hasn't been passed down through the Ranks yet. Oh and Salad appears Tree-Sasuke's target. They attack each other with Chidori. Salad question who this person is...it can't be her father because he has a left arm. Oh the tree people have these weird hand feet instead of the Freeza style the nudist had before.


Now the conversation with Kurama...why does it feel like Ikemoto can't even draw him properly. Yep, I thought so. So, Kurama 'died' within Naruto but a kernel remains and was able to restore itself within the daughter. What did I say last month. "If it doesn't kill the Biju and allows them to escape their host without killing them either, why didn't the tailed beast use their suicide nuke modes in the century they were used as weapons by the villages? Just tell/trick their host about this super mode. Then go into hiding while they assume the tailed beast is dead." The funny thing is they know this is all BS. So they give multiple reasons, all but saying 'it could be anything,' but end on the fact that she is a Hyuuga and Uzumaki. You know a thing that nH fans will love and stand by as it justifies their pairing happening. "Naruto and Hinata had to get together because their children would be so much more powerful than the children Naruto could have with Sakura. The only reason the daughter has Kurama without any seal is because she is Hinata's daughter." Kurama also says to not give it too much thought. Again. BULL. BULL. This whole thing is BULL.


So the answer to, was this planned from that start? No. They did not plan this. Kurama's death was so they wouldn't have to kill off Naruto, remember it was hinted that he is suppose to be dead at this point, they couldn't go through with that because his death might destroy the viewership they had left, and his revival is to give the daughter power to fight in the manga because they were told to add more characters into the cast that would fight beyond just Bolt & Nail. None of this was planned.


While they were having this conversation. Tree-Jenga caught up to them and shoots them down. What is up with Kurama's face. Kurama informs the daughter to use his power and that she has a higher affinity with him than anyone else including her father. So they fight, but it takes the likely death of Blond Sai, he was spiked through the chest, for the daughter to awaken Kurama's power. Oh her hair also looks like the nine tails like her grandmother.


There is no seal. Kurama has nothing stopping him from giving her his chakra. Which she supposedly has the highest affinity for. Why does she need to awaken it like a super mode? Naruto needed to get emotional to weaken the seal to let Kurama's Chakra pour out. Once they become friends that was no longer needed. Naruto just needed to ask.


Where going back into something does happen (The daughter's powers awaken, Tree-Sasuke is revealed to the village, and the likely death of a characters) but most of the pages are filler again with Ikemoto. Soon it will be one thing happens again, then 5 chapters for something to happen, and then fifteen, and so on.

.....? What the hell do I mean the hell are they even doing anymore? This is just so...  Argh, take it away, Critic.


#991116 Naruto 10th anniversary podcast This Summer

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 15 May 2024 - 10:46 PM in Naruto General

Sadly, I can't man still ill, as I would keep coughing.

#991115 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 15 May 2024 - 10:43 PM in Fun Cafe

Yay! lol

Yeah, sadly, we don't live in that world.

#991112 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 14 May 2024 - 10:53 PM in Fun Cafe

Are Sauceke and Hinatatas miserable too?

Sakura killed Sasuke to save Naruto, as in that word, Kishi kept Sasuke evil.


And yeah, Hinata is miserable; I read an interview in that world as Kishi had his wife helping him, and one NH fan attacked her, calling her names; after that, Kishi wanted Hinata to suffer, and Kishi also had more of a spine.

#991109 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 14 May 2024 - 12:53 AM in Fun Cafe

Hi guys back from a universe in which NS became canon and have 3 kids with a 4th one on the way.

#991042 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 19 April 2024 - 12:38 AM in Naruto General

...So, according to the spoilers, it turns out that Himawari has a smaller version of Kurama existing in her body,  which is why she's so abnormally strong.

Wow really? What the hell are the writers even doing anymore?

#991031 Naruto 10th anniversary podcast This Summer

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 10 April 2024 - 04:36 PM in Naruto General

Sadly I cant join dont have the time right now with everything going on in my life.

#991025 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 01 April 2024 - 12:57 AM in Naruto General

Hmm something fishy is going on with that.

#990971 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 08 March 2024 - 01:42 AM in Naruto General


Lol, facts.

#990950 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 February 2024 - 01:36 AM in Naruto General

At this point Naruto is a dead brand, and SP, since we know they are the one running Naruto now.

Still it seems like they will keep on trying to keep Naruto running, thinking it brings them billions.

As a wise old man from South Park once said: Sometimes dead is better.

#990939 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 16 February 2024 - 10:59 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Well, I think I know what has taken Tokai so long.


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#990889 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 02 January 2024 - 01:04 AM in Naruto General

HAPPY NEW YEAR, let's hope this year will be better than last and cause it was News Year some sweet NS art I found.



#990877 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 December 2023 - 01:39 AM in Naruto General

Ill send it tomorrow Im dealing with a lot of stress with my sister in the hospital right now.

#990868 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 26 December 2023 - 01:57 AM in Naruto General

Isn't that a little too naughty first evil?

My bad I can delete it.

#990865 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 26 December 2023 - 01:06 AM in Naruto General

I hope everyone had a great Christmas.

#990837 Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 15 December 2023 - 01:56 AM in Latest Releases

The thing I want to know Bail is why is this trash so protected why are they keeping this going?

#990836 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 15 December 2023 - 01:52 AM in Naruto General

They really did Sakura wrong in the anime. If it wasn't for SP's biasness with Hinata, Sakura very likely would have been extremely popular. 

True that and if brainless morons realised that Sakura was kittening 12 years old and not someone in their late 30s. Sadly most of her haters are all stupid who need to go to a school that teaches writing.

Sorry if this is short I will say more tomorrow I just need to get some sleep as Im very ill right now.

#990825 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 07 December 2023 - 12:37 AM in Fun Cafe

Well, guys, I find a few worlds in which NaruSaku are canon. There is no Kaguya, Naruto, and Sasuke are not reincarnations and the war was done better.

#990814 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 05 December 2023 - 01:31 AM in Naruto General

Well you cant fix whats already broken beyond repair. And this goes for Netflix and doing a live action Naruto, its going to flop big time but again if they do make Naruto and Sasuke gay for each other. Well we can have a great time laughing at the NH fans who will most likely have a fit over this.

More funny if Hinata gets cute out altogether since this is a female director doing this and yeah look at what woke feminists have done recently to others franchise.

#990798 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 29 November 2023 - 09:10 PM in Fun Cafe

Oh yes, here is some sweet NS art.

