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There have been 95 items by NaruSakuNo1Fan (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#626683 A Last Request to All of Heaven and Earth and NS

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 02 November 2014 - 07:26 PM in Naruto General

Sounds good.


See you on the other side, guys. May NS be with us.

#615198 Possible NS Spoiler In Movie The Last

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 26 October 2014 - 11:28 PM in Konoha Theater

made by pumtye (i think?)


she's friends with LadyGT on deviantart

#613368 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 25 October 2014 - 02:58 AM in Konoha Theater

And i heard the plot line changed?? Before i thought it was that pieces of the moon were falling off? now it's hinata's sister?


and what about the CD cover?

#613365 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 25 October 2014 - 02:56 AM in Konoha Theater


Sadly it can't be to Sakura, because he uses omae and not Sakura-chan. Naruto never uses omae with Sakura. I bet it'll be towards Sasuke and no one will be happy, haha

There goes the hope :cry:  :cry:

#613358 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 25 October 2014 - 02:51 AM in Konoha Theater

Guys I'm so scared

these horrible NH fans keep doing this i mean when is it going to end

this is like psychological torture

#613343 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 25 October 2014 - 02:45 AM in Konoha Theater

Guys, why is no one talking about these posts from Naruto: The Last's Facebook page??


"Here are colored versions of Shikamaru, chouji, Sai, Lee and Tenten. The previous post revealed a mysterious man (we'll call him Mr handsome until his name is revealed), this man has kidnapped Hanabi Hyuga, Hinata’s sister, and it’s up to Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Sai, and Shikamaru to bring her back home safely."


This doesn't necessarily mean NaruHina is confirmed but there is a chance of this couple getting together in the movie.


#NaruHina is canon (official)!?
ナルト:「オレはお前にどうしても伝えなきゃなんねーことがある 待っててくれ」
Naruto : "There's something i need to tell you! So please wait for me..."

#598489 "Evidence of NaruSaku"- post your evidence here!

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 08 October 2014 - 07:50 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I was gonna say that Sakura Uchiha is like I don't care about what you said that's basically who she is


I don't see your evidence! :cuss:


Really hope you're being sarcastic :sweat:





Anyway I just wanted to clarify that this is where people can post stuff for other people to use when they're debating or when they just need to fend off a rabid NH or SS fan.

#596729 "Evidence of NaruSaku"- post your evidence here!

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 06 October 2014 - 09:13 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku



I'd like to see NaruHina and SasuSaku fans give half as much evidence as this.


They could....

but it'd all be filler.  :chuckle:

#595565 Woman marries HERSELF because she's fed up with being single

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 04 October 2014 - 11:43 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

this is concerning i didn't know i had a clone

#595563 "Evidence of NaruSaku"- post your evidence here!

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 04 October 2014 - 11:38 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Hey everyone! I believe you all know as much as the next person how annoying/irritating/time-consuming/make-you-scared-in-the-fandom it is to encounter someone who doesn't ship NS. So I've made this thread to compile all the evidence I've come across. Most, if not all, of this stuff has been written by other people, so all I've done is bring it together (also, it probably needs to be updated). I would like to ask you all to post your own evidence here. We can make this thread a living testimony to our favorite pairing- every new chapter that comes out, we can post images, interpretations, blog links, anything right here! That way, you always have something to say when some other shipper stuns you to silence. 


I would like everyone that posts in this thread to keep in mind that anything you post can and most likely will be used by other people, so please don't go around yelling plagiarism 



I'll start:



He was serious. Why I think he was serious, for one when Sakura confessed to him he told her not to joke around. So he's serious when it comes to feelings. Then also he said that he hates people who lie to themselves, so if Naruto was just saying that Sakura was his girlfriend just to joke around, then he would be lying to himself. Am I right? 
I think the catch (because that's what it is, an actual hug involves frontal body contact and both arms) has more of a meaning like "I'll acknowledge you as a part of Team 7 by helping you". Remember earlier he said that he would have left her and Kakashi for the Infinite Tsukiyomi? And all the other times? I don't think he's had that much of a change of heart to go from 'willing to kill her' to 'damn i love her so much we're gonna restore the Uchiha clan as soon as Kaguya's sealed'. I think he went from 'willing to kill her' to 'okay, i'll acknowledge you are also as powerful as naruto and I because you just helped save me'. Besides, he's not that much of a jerk that he'd just let someone who'd spent a huge amount of chakra to save him fall to the ground right next to him, especially if said person was an ally.
It progresses as a real relationship would - not like the Disney romance that applies to NaruHina. 
Real life - Guy and girl begin as strangers, progress to friends, grow to lovers. There are ups and downs and bumps in the road. 
Disney - Girl bum rushes guy who has never really noticed girl with forced confession of affection, gets one of guys best friends killed because of her selfishness and suicidal tendancies. Guy falls head over heals in love with girl after this. 

NaruSaku compliment each other/make each other whole. Naruto lends humor to Sakura and she in turn keeps his humor in check. 
NaruHina there is no compliment, ther is no two making one. Hinata is too meak and weak-willed to keep Naruto in check; he'd run right over her and she'd just bend over backwards to his every whim. 

Sakura has grown stonger to protect herself, her friends and family, and her village. She came up with her own ninja way. Hinata tried and failed to grow stronger to impress Naruto. She couldn't even create her own ninja way, she had to plagiarize Naruto's. 

Sakura always saw Naruto as a person. Even when she didn't like him. Hinata has always viewed Naruto not as a person but as an ideal - as his nindo. 

NaruSaku is not only a mirror of Naruto's parents Minato and Kushina - Like Sakura to Naruto, Kushina did not like Minato at first but grew to care for him. Like Naruto to Sakura, Minato was the first to compliment Kushina on the physical feature she didn't like, etc - but of Sakura's parents as well. Sakura's father is jovial like Naruto and her mother is studious like she is. 
NaruHina has no such links. 

Sacrifice vs Suicide. We see in iron Country and earlier that Sakura was willing to not only risk her life but also her friendship with Naruto to keep him safe. Her desire was to place him out of harms way even at a great cost to herself. THAT is sacrifice. 
In the Pain fight and prior, we see that Hinata has no desire to actually protect Naruto. She simply wants to tell him how she feels and die by his side. This is not sacrifice, this is suicide. We see in manga that Hinata is aware she doesn't stand a chance against Pain. Instead of getting aid, she goes to him anyway. She doesn't try to remove a single rod or assist Naruto in any way. She has no knowledge that seeing another friend defeated by Pain would cause Naruto to give in to Kurama's rage. Nothing about Hinata's actiosn would have resulted in Naruto being "saved." He still was pinned, Pain still had the upper hand, and extraction was still a very real possibility. THAT is selfish (which she admits she is) and suicidal. 

Japanese culture. 
In Japanese culture, when a person confesses affection to another and the person being confessed to does not return those feelings, the polite thing to do is say "Thank You." When Sakura confessed to Sasuke, he left her with a "Thank You." When Hinata confessed to Naruto and later remindes him that his life was shared by many, he gives her a "Thank You." When Sakura confessed to Naruto, he never gave her a "Thank You" but later on did state to his father that Sakura was in fact his girlfriend...with Hinata standing in earshot. And Sakura did not deny it at all. 
Kishimoto has Sai detail at length that those who use the suffix "kun" (Hinata to Naruto and Sakura to Sasuke) will never develop deep emotional bonds with the person they use it on. Kishimoto then has Sai note that those like Sakura to Naruto who use no suffix and those like Naruto to Sakura who use the term of endearment "chan" will in fact develop deep emotional bonds. 

Fanbase. Sorry kids but it is true. The world over, NarutSaku is the more popular pairing. There are even conventions in Japan dedicated to the pairing. Easy answer as to why. In manga, Sakura is introduced in ch3. Hinata doesn't come in till around ch40. Thus, fans the world over got to see Naruto and Sakura begin their Road to Affection long before Hinata was even a blip on the radar. Even the actors who voice the characters of Naruto and Sakura root for the pair. 

Prize Factor. 
To NaruHina fans, Naruto is a prize that Hinata "deserves" for her being shy and introverted. 
To NaruSaku fans, neither Naruto nor Sakura is a prize for the other to "deserve" for whatever reason. They simply fit together. 
There was no reason for Kakashi to make the observation (that Sakura might still love Sasuke but no longer in the way she once did) unless it was to clarify for readers that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke are no longer romantic in nature.
1) Sakura was protecting Tazuna without getting scared while Naruto froze. What does that imply to us? Sakura knows her role as a ninja she acted as she was instructed in academy.
2) She was willing to give up on exam for Naruto's sake so that he wouldn't be forever stuck as genin. She said this to herself "Always acting like a fool who only knows one thing… Hokage, Hokage. I'm sorry Naruto… that impossible dream of yours… I don't want to see it crushed!" basically Sakura was the first person to support Naruto's dream. It shows us that Sakura learned who Naruto really is, from that moment we can see that she respects him, she wasn't even thinking of what would Sasuke tell her for doing something like that.
3) While Naruto and Sasuke were unconsious Sakura proctected them both, even as far as going to cut her hair by showing that she isn't obsessed with appearence.
4) Sakura protected Sasuke from Gaara's attacks, risking her life to put herself between him and danger. Gaara used his sand to immobilise her, and as the sand slowly suffocated Sakura, Naruto fought to defeat Gaara using Sakura as inspiration to not give up, and save her.
5) Sakura realized that telling Naruto to save Sasuke for her was selfish, to make up for that she replied that, next time, they would retrieve Sasuke together, and that she would be there to help HIM from now on. Determined to never be useless again and to save Sasuke and help Naruto, Sakura then asked to become Tsunade's apprentice, a request which Tsunade happily accepted.
6) Sakura was the only one among the Genin and a few other ninja's(Shikamaru) to be able to release the Genjutsu on herself and others.
7) Sakura gave Naruto the advice that he needed to be able to walk up the trees.
8) Sakura threw the kunai that kept Naruto from falling in the Forest of Death.
9) In Sasuke's databook it is said that the one that filled his lonely existence was Sakura. (some claim that databook's are false,NO! They're CANNON it's like an encyclopedia for Naruto series and it is written by no one else than author himself, naruto.wiki writes most of info about characters from databook). If we go back to chapter where Team 7 are waiting for Kakashi we can see that Sasuke noticed that both Naruto and Sakura are similar, he had that surprised face and said "Why does everything have to be so intense with them!", which implies that their presence is lively for him.
10) Jumps in and risks her life for Naruto who could've ended beheaded by Zabuza's sword if not for her.
Part 2:
1) Sakura saved Kankuro's life and easily created an antidote, which even best sand med-nins would never be able to make.
2) Sakura faces Sasori together with Chiyo, Sakura shows us her incredible regenaration, immunity to poisons, strenght,evasion and tactics. Together they defeat Sasori, Chiyo states that Sakura will surprass Tsunade.
3) Sakura heals Naruto after fight with Orochimaru.
4) Sakura found out about Sasuke's and Orochimaru's hideout.
5) Sakura told Naruto very determinedly that tears weren't going to bring Sasuke back.
6) In Hidan and Kakuzu arc: she healed the damage to Naruto's arm from the use of his new technique. Because this made it difficult for him to eat, she offered to feed him.
7) Sakura tried to comfort both Naruto and Tsunade. When Naruto blamed Tsunade for the death of Jiraiya, Sakura scolded him. She was then shocked to hear Naruto declare that he would get his revenge. She later tried to help decipher Jiraiya's dying message to find out more about the Akatsuki leader, Pain, but was interrupted by Pain's attack on the village. After saving some villagers and killing Pain's Giant Centipede, Sakura went to the Konoha hospital, where she was quickly asked to lead the medical front defending the building and healing what injuries she could, impressing Chōji through her leadership and skills.
8) Saves Hinata's life.
9) Protects Karin from being killed by Sasuke and heals her afterwards.
10) In war Sakura was healing many wounded people.
11) Sakura defeats Zetsu who was pretending to be 'Neji' After being punched the transformation technique wears off and the White Zetsu clone resumes him original appearance. Sakura then interrogates the Zetsu about how he was able to get onto the compound undetected. Together with this information and a report Yamato had compiled on Zetsu, she pieces together the Zetsu's abilities and then leaves the clone in the hands of two shinobi to inform headquarters of this latest discovery.
12) After being informed by Inoichi from HQ that Naruto and B were fighting the "masked Madara", Sakura and the rest of the Konoha 11 rush to his aid. As she runs, she thinks to herself that Naruto always got left with insurmountable tasks but this time would be different as not only her, but everyone would be there fighting alongside each other this time.
13) When Naruto was caught by Itachi's genjutsu Sakura helped him by touching his body and inserting her chakra to him to stop the flow.
14) Sakura was the first one to realize how Tobi's power's works.
15) Sakura and Naruto were people who made Sai want to understand Bond's/Feelings. Sakura was the first one that started to explain to Sai what Bonds are.
16) At war Sakura was the one to heal Kakashi's wounds.
17) Healed Naruto's wounds and helped him replenish his chakra.
18) With one hit she made enough destruction to kill ALOT of Juubi's clones.
19) Was storing up Chakra for 3 years to create a Byakugou sealing, which means in fight with Sasori she used only half of her chakra.
20) Gave courage to whole alliance.
21) Mastered Tsunade's healing Jutsu and Summoned Katsuyu, with this Sakura is able to heal hundreds of people at once.

In my opinion, the most important component of any relationship (romantic, friendship, family) is common values.  If two people hold the same values -- honesty, willingness to be selfless, respect, open-mindedness, faith, compassion, etc. -- then it matters less if they are similars or opposites in terms of their idiosyncratic differences. This is where SS is a complete failure.  Sasuke displays little evidence of having any core values in common with Sakura -- or anyone else, for that matter.  The things that matter most in life to Sakura are not on Sasuke's radar. At least with NH we know that, while Hinata is not a well-developed character with an expansive display of personal values (other than her obsessive worship of Naruto-kun), we do know that she is a nice person.  We know she is docile and submissive, and would likely be willing and able to submerge whatever identity she has in order to be overshadowed by a partner with a stronger personality. While NH might technically work in the values sense, it's difficult to imagine Naruto not being bored out of his skull with a girl who is neither capable nor really willing to challenge and correct him in the ways he requires. NS has neither of these issues.  Naruto and Sakura appear to share all the values that matter most to both of them, and yet they are strong enough within themselves to expect and bring out the best in each other.  Life for them would not be dull or unhappy. NH is less hopeless than SS, but in my opinion neither pairing would ever have what it takes to live a long, harmonious life together.  But NS does.  


I've always said that NaruHina is just a fan glorified version of LeeSaku.

We're nearing the end of the manga. Sakura needed something concrete, heavy, and hard to be thrown at her to really make her get over Sasuke, not some half assed moments where she 'should' have been over him. She needed something solid. Yes, he's tried to kill her before - and failed - but this time, she really 'felt' it.

I understand why Kishimoto is doing this, but i totally don't like the way he has decided. After that, it's no way Sakura will pursue a relationship with him, and yeah, it's kinda the way Kishi wants to destroy completely the hopes of they being a couple.

I understand that his genjutsu was cruel and is psychological torture, but...i feel like this is the answer she has waiting for. The last time this exactly happened, he said "Thank you". I feel like Sakura is looking for that part of him and he remembers that. That's why he said she's annoying, it's a bit nostalgic. Then, he answers that "killing" her and at the same time "killing" that old Sasuke she's looking for. Or, at least her hopes of finding him. 


I am fairly certain however she was trying to use this love to change his mind and Sasuke wasn't into it


If Sasuke was her gold medal, it would be like winning a trip to North Korea.

But If Naruto was her silver medal, it would be like winning a million dollars.

Which prize is better?

#591778 So does Sakura still want to be in a relationship with Sasuke?

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 29 September 2014 - 05:48 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Okay, that KakaSaku sig is creepy af. I puked in my mouth on that one

#590879 Chapter 693

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 28 September 2014 - 03:55 PM in Latest Releases

Well, this chap killed SS but it also kind of sunk us. We're hanging on by a thread...

#587538 Chapter 693

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 25 September 2014 - 03:26 PM in Latest Releases

Guys why are you not worried?? SS may be dead but NS is too!! She said that she still loved Sasuke! WTF KISHI



#584447 What is TenTen's surname?

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 19 September 2014 - 11:03 PM in Naruto General

i think she has a fan-given surname. it's mitsashi

#584443 Chapter 692

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 19 September 2014 - 11:02 PM in Latest Releases

i heard the new chapter is coming on monday. Is this true?


and are those movie designs legit?

#583437 Chapter 692

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 18 September 2014 - 08:38 PM in Latest Releases

where's the chapter?

#577096 When/Where will Naruto v Sasuke fight take place

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 07 September 2014 - 04:21 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Does anyone remember when Naruto saved Sakura from Sasuke at that river place?


well, if anyone remembers the conversation, naruto said something like "we're both high class ninjas now, so if we fight, we'll both die."


so i'm starting to doubt they'll have a fight. the expressions sasuke's been making lately are kind of fueling those doubts

#576914 What do you think Kakashi's face looks like?

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 06 September 2014 - 11:21 PM in Naruto General

Here they are!!
































From another angle:







#576912 What do you think Kakashi's face looks like?

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 06 September 2014 - 11:18 PM in Naruto General

you guys didn't know?? his face was actually revealed already


i'll post the pics here when i find them

#576911 Top 5 Hawtest Naruto Guys...? XD

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 06 September 2014 - 11:14 PM in Naruto General

1. That image Naruto had of himself being older. And just Naruto in general. :love:  :love:




Cute AND sweet. God, I'm a goner. :wub:


2. Sasukehh. He's an a** but DAYUM....


Kinda just wanna eat him up. Yumm-y. :wub:  :wub:  :wub:


3. Madara.

I can't help it. I'm a sucker for 1) longish/long hair, 2) seriously insane people (apparently :unsure: ), and... 3) Uchihas in general. They're so adorable, even if they all end up bloodthirsty murderers at some point in their lives.


Yes, Maddie, that Hashi-boob was quite unsightly. I'm glad you removed it, because now we can move on to... other things. :chuckle:


4. Nom nom. :wink:  Fourth is...


He's in fourth only because he has a kid and it's weird. But oh well. Too hot not to say.


I mean...dude. That hair. That face. Those eyes. He should be illegal. :smexy:  :smexy:


5. Nehh.. Can't really think of anyone in particular. Probably a tie between Obito and Gaara.



They're both kind of meh.  :happy:

#576876 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 06 September 2014 - 10:20 PM in Konoha Theater

I heard somewhere that although the movie is releasing in december in japan, it'll take months to be translated. is this true?

#576821 Naruto Shippuden 375

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 06 September 2014 - 09:07 PM in Premiere Screenings

Seriously confused. What's the deal with Mecha Naruto and Hinata?


And what is Mecha Naruto?

#576443 If you lived in the world of Naruto what would you do and who would you hang...

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 06 September 2014 - 05:19 AM in Naruto General

I'd want to be medic from a different hidden village... And I'd want to be Sakura's rival. Like, the Sasuke to her Naruto, but without the crazy obsession and me murdering everyone and stuff. I guess I'd want our relationship to be like Gray and Lyon from Fairy Tail. We fight with each other all the time but when we fight the enemy... we're so bada** everyone is terrified.

But as soon as we win the fight we try to beat each other up. :chuckle:

#576419 Sasuke Uchiha Appreciation Thread

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 06 September 2014 - 04:21 AM in Naruto General

His face.

On my face.

All day.

Every day.

For eternity.


His character is seriously flawed... but, let me just say... his face is definitely not. :chuckle:  :hehehe:

#575121 Chapter 691

Posted by NaruSakuNo1Fan on 04 September 2014 - 03:01 PM in Latest Releases

Loved it! :love:


Goodbye feels though :cry:  :cry:


Moving on: canonization of NS: APPROACHING