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There have been 7 items by narusakulove2013 (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#536263 Things that make you smile or feel good.

Posted by narusakulove2013 on 09 June 2014 - 02:23 PM in Fun Cafe

Sup people? A big Morning or Evening, depending on where you live. :-)

Well, this topic isn't very creative (it is actually a spin-off of things that make you rage), but I feel like we can all use a smile while we talk about things we love, right? So what are those little things or those big things that either make you smile, make you feel good or simply, they make you say "wow" or "awwww"?

Some of mine are:

-NaruSaku and NS scenes, of course. :-)

-Building Car model kits (makes me feel great since my hands get shaky when handling small pieces and to put them where they belong, along with seeing a car taking shape... its a good feeling).

-Talking to some of my friends. Most of the time they usually have something to share and usually it is something that either is good, or is something that I can help with, which of course, makes me feel good and makes them feel better (you don't say XD).

-Coffee (A good cup of coffee, especially on a rainy day like this... priceless).

-Music (Either Rock Band or simply listening to it on my cell)

-Making someone else smile, like when they feel a bit down and you remind them how great they are. :-)


-Sitting in a park while reading a book

-And well... loving someone. :-D

Those are just some from the top of my head. How about you guys? What things make you smile and feel great?

that's great :D

#507410 Narusaku stories

Posted by narusakulove2013 on 17 December 2013 - 01:47 PM in Writing Discussion

Im a new writer here but i haven't even written anything yet and i'll really like help creating narusaku K-M rated  :narusaku: stories so can anyone help me i'll really like it  :twitch:

#505366 The anime is already done with volume 63

Posted by narusakulove2013 on 26 November 2013 - 05:49 PM in Konoha Theater

I really would like to see :narusaku: together in the end

#504977 Pokémon X and Y

Posted by narusakulove2013 on 21 November 2013 - 03:48 PM in Gamer Lounge

about the game does anyone have a Honchkrow

#504699 Heaven & Earth 2.0! [New Features Listed]

Posted by narusakulove2013 on 18 November 2013 - 03:39 PM in News and Announcements

I love this group

#504697 Fanfiction.Net Writers Unite! XD

Posted by narusakulove2013 on 18 November 2013 - 03:27 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

I would like to write narusaku lemons on fanficion.net

#504695 Narusaku

Posted by narusakulove2013 on 18 November 2013 - 03:18 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

How many of you want Naruto and Sakura together once and for all  :narusaku: