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There have been 29 items by LadyofHubris (Search limited from 24-June 23)

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#644679 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by LadyofHubris on 06 November 2014 - 01:35 PM in Latest Releases

THIS. just because of sasuke's look? kishi made sakura to her 12 yo self, she will never get over with sasuke. really can't blame naruto for giving up.

I think he saw the look on sakura's face when sasuke said "see you real soon", and thus, gave up.


Naruto been gave up on Sakura. I believe it was when the confession was made. I just thought things would come around if Sakura finally started to realize that she had feelings for Naruto all along. There were so many opportunities for NaruSaku to be, but Kishi just missed the marks. 

#644489 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by LadyofHubris on 06 November 2014 - 12:58 PM in Latest Releases

Yeah, I don't think I can ship NS anymore. Kishimoto dropped an atomic bomb on Sakura's character with this one. The only one to blame is Kishi, and he has made her out to be a true idiot. You can't blame Naruto for moving onto someone who actually loves him and is willing to risk their life for him. In the meantime, Sakura is still fangirling and childishly loving a guy like she's still twelve. On top of that, there is NOTHING about Sasuke's character that Sakura has ever stated to be attracted to. Just his looks and that makes this even more worse.


I can't imagine someone like that being paired with Naruto. So, nope. I'm done with this. 

#644401 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by LadyofHubris on 06 November 2014 - 12:44 PM in Latest Releases

Yeah, it's almost to the point of being offensive that Kishimoto would make Sakura return to the man that almost killed her a multitude of times and has blatantly treated her like a piece of trash. What type of message is Kishimoto trying to send here? That women are weak, foolish beings that will always go back to their abuser? The guy was cruel to her and he even told her that he wasn't interested in her before the fight and ALL OF A SUDDEN, HE LOVES HER?


People have said that Kishi was sexist and an awful writer, and I believe it. 

#587915 Chapter 693

Posted by LadyofHubris on 25 September 2014 - 06:48 PM in Latest Releases

It's been a while since I've posted here but I'm going to give my two cents.


I'm not exactly pleased with where all of this is going. I am going to keep my fingers crossed because I do have a feeling that the next couple of chapters will really tie up some loose ends as far as where the relationships go. I see now that the subject of love has been brought up and it sort of seems like a foreshadowing of something to come. Not only that, but Naruto's promise to Sakura was brought up as well and I think that will also play a huge factor in something. Not sure what, but something. What I do know is that:


  1. Sasuke has no romantic or any interest at all in Sakura. It's pretty obvious that SasSak will not be the ending product unless Kishi decides to do an asspull with Sasuke's feelings. 
  2. Sakura spoke of her love for Sasuke in the past tense. Is it possible that she still might hold some romantic feelings even now? Maybe.
  3. The idea of love transforming into hate. When that line was stated, Sakura's image was in the background. Could Kishi be foreshadowing to the possibility that this might just be the turning point of Sakura's feelings? This is the third time Sasuke has placed harm on her, so could it possibly be the last? Three strikes, you're out? Maybe?
  4. Last but not least, Hinata is not in the mix of this. NarHin is not a threat at this point because she never had anything to do with the team seven love obstacles. 


As for now, I'm not jumping ship. I still have faith that something can happen. Sakura still hasn't gotten her full development since she's still conflicted when it comes to Sasuke and there needs to be a resolution to her feelings. Just as Kakashi and the Hermit stated, "The past is there to teach you a lesson". What could the past be teaching Sakura about her love for Sasuke? I think we'll get that answer soon enough. 

#529324 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 15 May 2014 - 06:20 PM in Latest Releases

In dream world, sure, I think. I don't see any damage. Heck, I'll go far as saying "With this technique, I can please all fans. Then go for my ending!"


The infinite Tsukuyomi would be based on what each character desires so in Naruto's perspective, his genjutsu would consist of him being Hokage, his parents being alive, etcetra. Hinata's genjutsu would probably have her with respect from her father/clan, more confidence, and etcetra. The RTN theme is coming soon, no doubt. Fortunately, I think the only thing that will negatively affect anyone in regards to love is Sakura because Sasuke was a player in the alternate universe. 


And you know how that turned out, right?


Sasuke was flirting with other girls in the village and she immediately wanted to go home after that. With Naruto, however, it was the fact that his parents didn't believe in him that drove him home. The NH fans or SS fans can't expect anything really because the only relationship really affected negatively was the SS one. NH didn't even have a chance because Naruto still wasn't interested in Hinata even when she was a bit more bold. 


On the other hand, Sakura was able to understand Naruto a lot more because of the alternate world. There were times where she felt lonely and she asked herself, "Is this what Naruto was feeling like?" This was definitely a plus for NS. 


What could they possibly hope for?  :lulz:

#529312 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 15 May 2014 - 06:08 PM in Latest Releases

I definitely think there is going to be more involving Hinata's feelings for Naruto. 

#529073 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 07:17 PM in Latest Releases

This chapter really reminds me of Lil Wayne's No Worries. Listening to it right now lol. 

#529059 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 06:29 PM in Latest Releases

Sorry but as the bottom panel shows, he's not even close to Sakura by the time Madara fights back



Well, Naruto does pull her out of the way so . . . 

#529018 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 05:30 PM in Latest Releases

But it's not because of her love and all, it's because of distrust! She is not doing those scenes because oh how much she loves Sasuke and she is down because he doesn't reciprocate. Sakura has dealt with that a LONG TIME AGO, it's just people keep pushing that idea, however, all she EVER wanted was Team 7 together but she sees that Sasuke isn't fond of the concept so that's why she is sad. She's NOT a lovesick puppy...


The way it was drawn made it appear as though Sakura was thinking solely about Sasuke not caring about HER ( in a romantic sense ) and not the team. Perhaps I was mistaken. 

#529012 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 05:19 PM in Latest Releases

I hope Kishimoto deals with Sakura being a lovesick puppy issue pretty soon because it's getting rather old and I'm sick of seeing it every few chapters. He needs to either make some obvious changes with her emotions or keep it out of the freaking panels.


It's making Sakura look stupid and undeveloped.  :ermm:


Honestly, I don't even understand why she loves Sasuke. Is it because of his looks? Because there sure as hell isn't anything redeeming about his personality. Hell, the idea that a "heroine" like her loves such an a**hole still should be an insult. It looks to me as if she is hurt because the person she used to love/still has feelings for doesn't care about her or could it be because he is a teammate that doesn't care?


It's hard to tell but from the looks of it, it's from the former. I doubt she would sulk like that if it were Naruto. 


I think I might need to take a break from this manga for a little while and come back after a couple of weeks. No progress is being made with anything. 

#528962 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 03:25 PM in Latest Releases

I think we should all be weary about next weeks chapter, remember what Road to Ninja taught us about the Genjutsu. The Jutsu did not put them in a world their heart desires but in a world they thought they desired, for Naruto it was his hearts desire, he had his parents, and apparently according to the CD Drama the Sakura of that world loved him. Sakura on the other hand didn't get what she wanted but what she thought she wanted, her parents were heroes, she got freedom and recognition, and oddly even in her idea of her ideal world Sasuke did not love her, her ideal world had Sasuke being attentive to her but not love her...hmm...wonder if Kishi was telling us something. And before anyone says it's not Canon, it was written by Kishi so he would have written it with ow hhe knows the charactors so holds some truths.


So next week I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't look positive for usat first, but I think it could actually work out in our favour as it could force Sakura to confront her feelings and realise who she really wants.


That's what I think'll happen. Sakura will be forced to confront the feelings in the Genjutsu most likely. Reminds me of that episode of Inuyasha where everyone was pretty much dead and Inuyasha was missing Kagome so much that he wanted her to tell him to sit. LOL. They came back, of course. 

#528950 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 03:08 PM in Latest Releases


Because she's a kind girl and she will always care about her former nakama.

That's basically what the previous chapter said to us...




You should've known Sasuke didn't care about you when he tried to make a peg dispenser out of your ass! You're intelligent medicinally, but when it comes to actual romance, Kishimoto makes you out to be a jackass. 


Seriously, love makes a fool out of this girl.

#528945 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 03:02 PM in Latest Releases

I must admit that Sakura's naivety when it comes to Sasuke is highly annoying. It took her all of this time to realize that Sasuke doesn't care about her even when the guy tried to take her life. Obviously he doesn't care about you if he tried to kill you, right Sakura?  :roll: Someone needs to write Kishimoto a letter in Japanese and inform him that girls are not as dense as he believes us to be. 


After I read that line over, it sort of pissed me off. 

#528929 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 02:32 PM in Latest Releases

Anyone think Sakura feelings will get resolve within the infinite tsukuyomi?


Me. This sort of thing reminds of the Road to Ninja. You saw how that ended up, right? Sasuke came back but he was pretty much a player and she wasn't the only girl he flirted with.. Either way, Sakura is unhappy. I think this will make her see that either way, she will never get Sasuke's love. Even if Sasuke is saved from the darkness, he will never love her. 


More than anything, I think Sakura will be the only one truly affected by the Tsukuyomi and what happens. 

#528917 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 02:14 PM in Latest Releases

The problem is that she had no knowledge about Madara fighting skills, so she wasnt the proper one to start a tactic the wise move was to follow Naruto and Sasuke but no, Naruto told her to wait and simply asked them to charge in.
Ignoring that the Madara had limbo.

She pratically didnt made a plan, she just went in to make a diversion, the wise tatic was for her to follow Naruto and Sasuke and land her blow on the right time, in fact she was OOC and lacked her traits of patience and analythical thinking.

Pretty much but if Kishi likes her character he will stop trolling her and give her a powerup.


i agree with some of this, however, let us not forget that one important thing about Sakura is that she has this insecurity about being a burden to someone. I can totally see her strive to be useful by being a decoy. I can understand that she was out-of-character if she had just charged in with the intent to actually take on Madara with killing intent. No, she was being a distraction for Naruto and Sasuke since she is the weakest link in the group. The distraction is most likely the weakest of the group. 


I do agree that she really needs a power-up though. Perhaps she could eat the fruit and inherit Kaguya's power?  :headscratch:

#528905 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 01:53 PM in Latest Releases

I know unless she eats the fruit. Lol.


Sakura needs to eat the fruit.  :yes:

#528895 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 01:40 PM in Latest Releases

The way I see it, there is parallelism in the concern that Naruto showed her with the lack of concern that Sasuke showed her. Just as there was a parallel between on Hinata's positive feelings towards Naruto and Sakura's negative feelings towards Sasuke during the fodder ninja love letter incident.


Naruto was the one calling her name in panic while Sasuke was willing to slice right through her to get to the enemy. Sasuke clearly doesn't value her life and Sakura is beginning to see that more and more now. On the other hand, she knows that Naruto worries for her, "Don't worry, Naruto..." and it's saddening for her because she sees that Sasuke doesn't care like Naruto does.


It's a painful reality for her and it could possibly bring up the question of: "Why did I ever love someone like him?" I think Kishimoto is going about this in a logical way. It takes time for someone to get over their first love. Trust me, I'm going through something similar. Now that Sakura is really seeing what she never saw before, it will help in making her realize that Sasuke is not the one that she should love. If she sees how Naruto is in comparison, it will help to draw her more towards him than Sasuke.


Love is a complicated thing. It makes you do crazy things as well. After-all, this ordeal that Sakura is going through is what makes her human. Kishimoto stated that she is the most realistic person in this manga and after seeing the turmoil that Sakura goes through with her love for Sasuke, I really believe it.

#528863 Naruto 676

Posted by LadyofHubris on 14 May 2014 - 12:54 PM in Latest Releases

I'm sort of getting this feeling that the next few chapters will be like Road to Ninja. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke will be sucked into this dimensional world where they each get what they wish for in life:


Naruto becoming Hokage and walking down a path of maintaining peace, Sakura having Sasuke return to the village (with requited feelings, which I feel will be a disaster), Sasuke gaining power to accomplish his goals. 


I think the scenario will be the same as it was in the movie. Naruto will see the hardships of being Hokage, Sakura will most likely see how Sasuke is undeserving of her love / how Naruto has always been there for her, and Sasuke also becoming Hokage but leading a path of destruction. 


I think by the time they all come out of the Genjutsu, they will come out with new resolves. I can guarantee that Sakura will definitely have seen that loving Sasuke is not worth it and will begin to love and appreciate Naruto more afterwards.


I'm placing a bet on that and saying that this is what I'm thinking is going to happen.  :pimp:

#526504 Naruto 675

Posted by LadyofHubris on 07 May 2014 - 03:28 PM in Latest Releases

 Like the fake confession, in which he contradicted how Sakura was apparently falling for Naruto (there's no other way to interpret those scenes in the Sai & Sasuke arc. Unless Yamato was flat out wrong, which would still make it bad writing since he's purposedly fooling the readers).


The confession was fake according to him? Naruto? 


The only thing deemed as a lie was her claim that she no longer cared about Sasuke. The thing that has yet to be proven as a lie was her love for Naruto, which hasn't even been touched on since then. I genuinely believe what she said about her feelings for Naruto. 

#526484 Naruto 675

Posted by LadyofHubris on 07 May 2014 - 02:46 PM in Latest Releases

Well, I threw my opinion in on the NF Forums, so here is my opinion here: 


Sakura's feelings keep being thrown into our faces every time she and Sasuke are in the same vicinity. This lets us know that Sakura's love for Sasuke had a red flag behind it to begin with. In this chapter, Kishimoto is speaking to us through Kakashi and letting us know that Sakura's feelings for Sasuke have changed. They have changed to a more caring and platonic nature rather than just romantic. In all honesty, I'm getting the vibe that Sakura may be in the process of falling in love with Naruto while out of love with Sasuke. I can guarantee that this entire thing will be resolved by the time we get around to the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke. 


No doubt, Sakura cares for and likes Sasuke (platonically now), but I think Naruto will soon be entering the deeper romantic recesses of her heart if he hasn't begun to already.

#516939 Advice on my fanfic.

Posted by LadyofHubris on 27 February 2014 - 04:17 PM in Writing Discussion

Thank you so much, guys! I'm going to work on that past-present tense issue you pointed out, Bake. I will also take a look at your thread, Night.


I appreciate it. 

#516872 Naruto 666

Posted by LadyofHubris on 27 February 2014 - 12:53 AM in Latest Releases

I can't wait to see what's in store for Naruto after this chapter. Hopefully, they won't be interrupted again. I want to see how Naruto'll react to Sakura's hand inside of him.  :lulz: Maybe she'll take it out as his heartbeat grows stronger. Who knows?


I can't wait to see what plays out between them, although I really am a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see Sakura get a little bit flustered at the thought of Naruto dying. Even though she did a bit in the beginning, I wanted to see more. But anyway, if we get a teary embrace from Sakura, then I'm satisfied.

#516867 Advice on my fanfic.

Posted by LadyofHubris on 27 February 2014 - 12:27 AM in Writing Discussion

Hello people!  :smile:


Alright, so, I'm currently writing a one-shot between Naruto and Sakura. I don't know where to take this, to be honest. The chapter starts with them stopping at a resting spot as they are on their way to Orochimaru's lair in pursuit of Sasuke. 


Now, the plot is going to take place during the Sasuke rescue mission, which would be around the time that Sai first joins the group. In this fanfic, he has already left them and followed Orochimaru to the lair. 


I don't even know whether to make this M-rated in case of a lemon or keep it T-rated and just include a bit of a kissing moment. You know, have a special moment between them where Naruto reassures her that he's definitely going to bring Sasuke back for her, etc, etc.


Maybe I'll add a bit of angst between them about Sakura getting injured when Naruto went four-tails. I have no clue where to take this. So, please, give me some advice and if you see something that needs to be retouched, be my guest and tell me.


Thank you guys!  :blush:


We will rest here for the night,” Yamato had said.


The waning sun had almost completely descended underneath the horizon, indicating the swift approach of nightfall. The recurrent chirping from the crickets amongst the surrounding wilderness accompanied with the occasional hoot of an owl alerted the small group of the nocturnal creatures watching their every move.


Yes,” the pink-haired kunoichi called Sakura replied with assent. The young woman is standing with her intertwined fingers resting demurely at the small of her back. She is the medical-nin of the group which means that her importance is above all others. The splotches of dirt present on her clothes as well as on the surface of her fair skin indicate her work on the battlefield, for she wasn't a girl without strength.


When hearing the order to take the break, Uzumaki Naruto, extends his arms above his head and bends them down to lock his hands behind the base of his neck with an enthusiastic 'yes sir!'. The young man is as strong as an ox with limitless stamina. He could travel all night if underneath the right circumstance, but no complaints were given.


He, too, is covered from head to toe in dirt splotches, but even more so than his pink-haired companion who he offers a broad grin when he feels her jade eyes flicker towards him for a slip second with her mouth lifted slightly at the corner. His azure eyes soften with affection as he watched her for a brief moment. She was the girl he had been in love with since he was twelve, he reminds himself.


Back then and even today, her smile was the cutest thing he had ever laid eyes on. Even if it were for someone else, it still remained implanted within the confinements of his mind. The way the corners of her perfect lips curled upwards as she showed a row of pearly white teeth would let him know that everything was alright. Whenever she smiled, everything was alright. The world was a better place whenever her smile graced his presence.


Her smile was worth preserving. It was worth saving. It had always been a personal desire of his to see her happy at any means necessary. He would do anything, absolutely anything, to keep that smile on her face. Even if it wasn't he who made her smile, but rather bringing back the person that did make her smile. He would do anything just to see it again.


They had a few more hours to go before they reached Orochimaru's lair. Just a bit more—


Naruto!” An all too familiar voice thunders somewhere next to him and he snaps out of his reverie as he turns to acknowledge the lissome figure of the love of his life. He blinks, processing the nettled expression on her face which quickly melts into exhaustion.




You're collecting the firewood,” she states listlessly, yet the brassy timbre of her voice rings clear that the order was not open for discussion. The captain had already taken his position up in a tree, more than likely his resting spot until it was time to get moving again. His decision to settle down also indicated that the responsibility of getting a fire started was up to them. She was already aching and in a filthy state of hygiene, so she left the task up to Naruto. Besides, he was the one left with plenty of energy.


Sure,” he assures her as a signature grin adorns his face accompanied with a 'nice-guy' pose. “You can count on me!”


She shook her head, a tender feel to her expression now. 'Always', her inner self whispers to her and she responds with a gentle smile.


It didn't take long for the knuckle-head shinobi to collect a small stack of wood. Sakura didn't look up as he continued with the task of preparing everything. Before long, a decent-sized flame was gleaming before them. The twosome unconsciously scoot closer to their only source of heat for the night.


Sighing, Sakura withdraws into herself. 

#514958 Naruto 664

Posted by LadyofHubris on 12 February 2014 - 04:29 PM in Latest Releases

Also, in a way, I think I can already predict how this entire scenario will play out. I picture Sakura reacting the same way Naruto did when Gaara died. She's going to cry when she realizes that she might not be able to save him and she's going to say something like, "He was on his way to becoming Hokage", 


or, "I couldn't even save him".


Or something along those lines that connects back to her usefulness and ability to do something for Naruto. Remember, Naruto was the same way about not being able to save Sasuke and then not saving Gaara. I don't know, but that could also be a type of situation that pops up later on if Naruto isn't revived soon. The only question is, who would be the sacrifice?


I can't picture Sakura dying because she is pretty much essential as a character. Probably not battle-wise, but plot-wise. She's important, no matter what the haters say. 


Gaara, maybe? Naruto helped save his life, so he gives his in return? 

#514951 Naruto 664

Posted by LadyofHubris on 12 February 2014 - 04:15 PM in Latest Releases

I really think that this is just another build-up chapter for what's to come, but for the most part, I am completely lost at how they're going to bring Naruto back. Unless, somehow, Minato with the help of Kakashi or Sakura find some way to take the Kyuubi out of Madara and seal it back into Naruto. Just like the time Naruto's chakra grabbed hold of Kurama's chakra and he took it from him, could the same thing be possible here? Maybe Minato could use his chakra to grab a hold of the Chakra inside of Madara and extract it, thus sealing it back into Naruto.


I don't know. I'm just coming up with crazy ideas here. 


But, one way or another, something is going to pop off. I think it was more than a coincidence that Madara showed up just in the nick of time like that and I think that those "tools" have something to do with what is about to happen. 


NarSak Note: Think about it this way, the more of a build-up we get, the bigger moment we will have between NarSak. With all of this distress and hopelessness passed around, Sakura is bound to crack knowing that there is a possibility that someone she cares about so much might not make it after all. This realization may push her to the brink and make her realize how uncomfortable her life would be without him. Remember, she says that Naruto is "close to her" and that he comforts her in the confession. If this is true, which it is, then it will dawn on her that she is losing somebody that actually makes her happy and content. 


Right now, she is trying to stay focused and calm because they're in the midst of war, but if this continues, I have a feeling she's going to blow. It is very telling that during this crucial moment, it is Sakura that is by Naruto's side, not Hinata. With all of the MinaKushi parallels floating around and Sakura's deep-rooted desire to save Naruto and the cherishing of his dream, there is definitely something bound to happen. It's paralleled because at first, Kushina thought Minato's dream to become Hokage was stupid and ridiculous as well, but she quickly adopted that "stupid" dream as her own, just as Sakura did later on. 


I think that this may be one of the components to making NarSak endgame. I bet Minato will probably see that in Sakura and parallel her to Kushina, once again. Remember the line about Kushina making him Hokage? The same can be said for Sakura helping Naruto to become Hokage. You have never once seen Hinata express any desire to see Naruto become Hokage. The only thing she talks about is protecting him along with her own selfish aspirations and desires. 


He wants to protect everyone himself, not have everyone protect him.