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There have been 4 items by Yori Uzumaki (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#291432 Facebook vs. Myspace vs. Twitter

Posted by Yori Uzumaki on 02 August 2010 - 09:34 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I have all three. I have a myspace (which I haven't been on in forever) and I liked it better than Facebook, but all of my friends migrated so if I wanted to keep in touch then I had to move too.

I got a twitter account just to see what it was all about. But I lost interest 2 seconds in and never logged back on. rolleyes.gif

#246327 H & E; After Naruto

Posted by Yori Uzumaki on 30 October 2009 - 02:30 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I don't really want to think about it. I've been apart of a tv show forum that fell apart once the show was over. It was a RobinxStarfire Shrine (Teen Titans) and it was a pretty booming place. Once Teen Titans ended, sure people stuck around, but soon after that, almost everyone dispersed. It's depressing to go back and visit the site now (Now just a general Couples Shrine)

I think this forum will last longer after Naruto is over though. There are so many members and Naruto is waaayy more popular than Teen Titans was. Not to mention we'll probably still have the anime for a while after the manga ends.

#246324 Naruto Shippuden Dub is here!!

Posted by Yori Uzumaki on 30 October 2009 - 02:23 AM in Konoha Theater

I'm not going to lie, when I first heard Naruto Shippuden was going to be on DisneyXD I wanted to cry. XD I was excited that it was back on tv, but on Disney? Really?! I mean, when I think of Disney, I think of young kid shows that are age appropriate with no blood of nudity. And I thought that Disney was just going to butcher it.

But luckily I was proved wrong and everything went okay. The voices sound okay (thank God they kept the same voice actors, since I've grown used to the voices)

And I agree, it needs a Saturday time slot. Wednesday night slot is just...weird to me.

#246319 Naruto 469

Posted by Yori Uzumaki on 30 October 2009 - 02:13 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Omg, I haven't been on here in like...2 years. This chapter just propelled me to express my thoughts.

Sakura does love Naruto- I'm pretty sure of that. And I think (think) she has fallen out of love with Sasuke. She wasn't lying to Naruto when she said that she liked him. She was telling the truth on that matter. She did lie about not wanting to get Sasuke back. Which made Naruto mad. They both want him back, but I think Sakura is afraid that if they keep pursuing Sasuke then it'll drive Naruto 6 feet into the ground. And she does feel bad that because of their promise, Naruto is suffering. Even though he is keeping the promise, not only for her, but for himself too.

Idk what's gonna happen in the next chapter. They may get mad at eachother, she may prove her feelings, the relationship that we've waited for so long for may be delayed. Only Kishimoto knows the answer to that.

But after reading some of the posts on here, don't you think that we dig a little too deep into character emotions. -.- *don't shoot me* Some of the observations and suggestions blow my mind.

And what about Hinata? She confessed her love to Naruto and nothing has really been done about that since it happened. Who knows when she'll come into play.