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There have been 1 items by starlitestarbrite (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#973383 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by starlitestarbrite on 04 July 2019 - 08:00 PM in Naruto General

hello! it's always fun, and interesting sometimes to revisit places that once brought joy, friendship, and just good memories'. so, what all has changed now since 2016? i haven't watched, or read naruto since the manga ended, and i haven't ever read/watched boruto. does anyone ever keep up with the boruto series or is the narusaku fandom gone for good? what's the next big thing that's replaced the naruto fandom?


have the naruhina fans calmed down, or finally met their match?, OR are most of them done with boruto? if so, i wonder what it took for them to give up their obsession with hinata, and naruhina? what is the most active forum/thread here now? no one seems to post in the i-blogs forums anymore, and no one posts in the random thread anymore either. did everyone give up on talking to each other unless it's about naruto/boruto? lol