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There have been 43 items by LuckyChi7 (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#991338 Sonic The Hedgehog - Movie

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 20 September 2024 - 11:30 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Absolutely, and I just know how amazing this movie is going to be when it comes out!  

#991335 Sonic The Hedgehog - Movie

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 14 September 2024 - 03:20 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I know the trailer came out a couple weeks ago, but..... THE ULTIMATE LIFE FORM IS HERE!!


#991270 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 05 August 2024 - 09:30 PM in Otaku Square

It's honestly crazy to think that 10 years I kick started this thread, and seeing the discussions still be carried on too this day just makes me so incredibly happy with how engaged you guys all have been for all those years.. Even though, I might've dipped out a after a certain period of time, I never stopped reading the manga because of what this meant for me.
Having said that, Looking back on how I started that initial post... I do have one confession to make and it has got to be the biggest oversight on my part.   That is this opening statement right here on November 20th 2014:

So for the past couple of days ever since Naruto ended, I've been trying to find a series to fill the void (aside from Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Attack on Titan). There needed to be a proper void to make things satisfying that it could take Naruto's place. So a couple weeks now, Ive came been keeping my eye on Weekly Shonen Jump's rankings, and I saw this manga get between #1 and 5 during those couple of weeks. 





I had actually started My Hero Academia prior to making this thread, it was August 25th 2014 which was a little over 3 months before Naruto came to an end. A lot of my attention at the time was on Naruto  as it was coming to an end so a lot of my personal investment was there, and My Hero Academia had fallen into the very back corner of my mind at the time especially around the conclusion of the Kaguya and leaning into the the Naruto vs Sasuke fight.


Then when it came to an end, Many of us were left in devestation and pure depression over what had transpired, and looking for that space to fill a void from what happened with Naruto. In fact I can even say that a lot of the other series I was into at the time I gave little to no importance especially for like newer shounen manga anime because of the legendary status Naruto had.  Due to that, I subconsciously forgot about My Hero Academia in that 3 month time span because of Naruto, and factoring dealing with being in my first year in College too... Grades were another huge factor that i swallowed into to distract myself from what happened with Naruto. 



Then comes the middle of November,  I came across My Hero Academia without having realized that I had actually read it before which kinda shows how badly Naruto's ending had devastated me personally that I had forgotten even when I had originally My Hero at all.


It actually took me until The Dark Hero Arc where I really sat on the direction of the series and a lot of what Deku was going through at the time.... How he had distanced himself from everyone. Ironically,  when I had my seizure for the first time back in May 2021 That was when I truly remembered where My own journey with this series happened before Naruto ended. 


So I do deeply apologize for the confusion on this everyone, and it probably doesn't mean much to anyone, but.... It was just a realization I've had for a while, and I wanted to bring that to light as the guy who kick started this thread.  :cry:



Now with that said, I can finally share my two cents.... Don't take this as review on whether the ending is good or bad.... Just tackling a few points that have been made..


Regarding One for All Situation & IzuOcha aka Green Tea

#991251 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 28 July 2024 - 03:31 PM in Otaku Square



I totally get the sentiments there Phantom, and trust me the bridge had already burned for me twice once with Naruto and the other with AoT when it came to the romance subplot elements... The only exception  I'm willing to make is  if the mangaka has proven that he or she is capable with a well rounded compelling story with a good romance subplot from start to finish with their first series. 


More so, whether the work made them famous or was financially successful  makes no dfference <- big example being a series we all know too well.



 That said, without diving too much into the contents of the chapter, I did like the IzuOcha moment in the penultimate but at the same time I do also think if it was entirely dedicate to them kind of similar to Eden's Zero Chapter 291 with Shiki and Rebecca's confirmation and by that I mean... no interruptions. 


Though,  I am still waiting to see what wet in the final chapter for the full confirmation.  

#991225 Fairy Tail

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 11 July 2024 - 10:02 PM in Otaku Square

Saw it, didn't realise that Lucy first outfit in 100 year quest is simalr to her first outfit in fairy tail


It's a really nice callback! 


Of course we know that does eventually change as the story progresses much like the original series! 

#991219 Fairy Tail

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 08 July 2024 - 08:54 PM in Otaku Square

Just thought I'd give everyone the heads up, the Fairy Tail anime is back with 100 Years Quest!  :happy:


The first episode just came out yesterday.

#991210 Black Clover

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 06 July 2024 - 04:01 PM in Otaku Square

We're waiting til August but hey at least The quality will be better


It's gonna be so close!! 

#991198 Black Clover

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 28 June 2024 - 11:27 PM in Otaku Square

And it turns out I was right.  Tabata's new modus operandi is to produce two elongated chapters every four months.



I like that he is releasing the chapters on his own time instead of rushing throughout to get to the finish line! 



So I honestly can't wait to see what comes about in the next two upcoming chapters :) 

#991194 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 26 June 2024 - 03:37 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Yeah, it was a beautiful ending, though I do feel bad that Shiki (Ziggy) missed the opportunity to have proper closure with his Rebecca (Chronophage). Not to mention the added tragedy of Ziggy being forced to kill their own son.


I do too, and totally agree with you on that Kago, it would be cool to see Ziggy get his sense of closure with the Chronophage! 


Just happy that Hiro is still showing other shounen mangaka how it's done!  :happy:

#991192 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 26 June 2024 - 12:38 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku





Hiro - The modern day king of shounen romance strikes gold once again with another couple! 



Shicca (Shiki x Rebecca)  - Edens Zero 



6 Years of storytelling, and build up within the story with subtle romance that was core to the narrative of Eden's Zero ended with Shiki and Rebecca becoming a couple, and at the same time... THEY BECAME NEW PARENTS TO THEIR FIRST NEWBORN DAUGHTER!!





PS -  I would show a picture of Shiki, Rebecca, and their baby however that wasn't shown in the magazine and some pages were definitely missing because other series also run in Weekly Shounen Magazine. Hiro will mostly showcase the missing pages with Shiki, Rebecca and their baby girl when the final volume comes out in August. 

#991191 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 24 June 2024 - 02:08 PM in Otaku Square










My Hero Academia will end on Chapter 430!!





link: https://www.animenew...hapters/.212355

#991187 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 21 June 2024 - 11:44 PM in Naruto General

This anniversary Podcast was from last year, and it took a long while for me to have it up on the channel because I had been ill for a while especially from January to late march, and it wasn't until April that I was able to get to working on finishing it up  especially while I was dealing with work and spending time with family and creative writing too. 
That said here is 2023's Naruto Anniversary Podcast: Madara Uchiha - the Symbol of Fear

big thanks to @bluestarsaber,  @NaruSakuFaninKentucky, Vanitas, and TheFirstEvil100  :happy:



ps -if you here that background noise in the beginning it ends around the 2 minute mark! 

#991172 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 10 June 2024 - 11:48 PM in Otaku Square



Shonen Jump will back after 2 weeks.



June 30th is when it'll be back! 

#991160 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 03 June 2024 - 12:46 AM in Otaku Square

424 - More





424 Thoughts

#991150 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 25 May 2024 - 09:06 PM in Otaku Square

I feel like it could be July which would be fitting given that it's the 10 year anniversary when the manga debuted... Kohei does have a trend of giving proper closure for like four to five chapters to the aftermath of each arc. Given that this is the final arc I definitely feel like he isn't gonna rush job it given how he's tackled it before.

#991092 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 09 May 2024 - 10:54 PM in Naruto General

it's like saying "kakashi and rin would have happened". why even ask for that? if not for obito kakashi would have let rin die... 
kishimoto and his brother were probably close so he wanted to keep the team the way it was in the story. even in dragon quest/hunterxhunter/o-parts hunter they all have a character kind of like sasuke



I'd make the argument that Seishi kept Ruby Crescent (the heroine) a core integral component to the narrative of O-Parts Hunter, and specifically to Jio Freed since the first chapter of the series all the way to the end. You could just tell inseparable  Seishi made Jio and Ruby which really shows.  The final chapter cover also speaks a lot on that front too.










Masashi really needed the same touch that Seishi had when it came to developing his female characters and of course the romance aspect of it for Naruto and Sakura. 



I do wish so much that we got the same level of love and care for NaruSaku especially in the later half of Part 2 without Masashi throwing a bone to get the fandoms to wag their tails... like "OMG could it be? Could it be?"  and I'm just like thinking.... as an aspiring writer..... this is not how to win over your readers when it comes to developing romance between two characters. 



I know the argument a lot of people make is "Well Naruto isn't a romance therefore it's fine we didn't get a lot of focus..."  that has always been such a poor excuse I've heard time and time again.



Which, I'm gonna say this.... if romance isn't gonna be a super integral piece to the narrative of your story.... which is totally fine because any writer has the freedom to do that, but...  here's my advice.... Don't just fool around with your readers about which couple will be canon..... 


If you as the writer already know from the conception of your story that this couple is going to be canon then just focus on developing that pairing as you are telling the story you've created. 



That is definitely the #1 thing Masashi didn't understand when it came to Naruto. 

#991087 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 09 May 2024 - 12:22 AM in Naruto General

I'll give my two cents on this whole thing, and given that we're slowly reaching the 10 year anniversary since Naruto ended.... 



More so with Part 2  to be perfectly frank, but here's the one thing I realized when it came to most of Naruto and Sakura's conversations.  A lot of them are all centered around Sasuke whether it's directly stated or not. Their  dynamic is great  and I still like it, but  I can't fathom how annoying it is just hearing them talk about Sasuke throughout Part 2. 



I think it's perfectly fine for Naruto and Sakura to start off Part 2 that way with them talking about the good old days with Sasuke, but... really when I look at at other series like Kenshin,  Yu Yu Hakushou,   Rave Master,  O-Parts Hunter,  Kingdom Hearts,  Shaman King, Final Fantasy, My Hero Academia, Black Clover, Avatar The Last Airbender, etc... a lot of the couple dynamics talk about more things than just one particular friend all the time. They talk about the future, and where they want to grow as time goes on. What they can do to better themselves as an individual, and how to make their mark on the world. 


I definitely feel that is one aspect that Naruto and Sakura heavily lacked in when it comes to the canon lore, they were too tied to Team 7.  Which I totally understand that Team 7 was a big focus point in Naruto, but let's be real.  Naruto and Sakura really needed to grow and move past their bonds with Sasuke and see the world for what it truly was.   


It's like real life, you start off thinking as a adolescent, but over time you mature and become wiser, and better. That is the one thing I truly feel Naruto and Sakura really needed, and that would've made them even more accepting.  However, there in lies the problem with not only just Naruto and Sakura, but for the series as a whole. 



They never really matured at all, and remained very one note about that.  Which is honestly a real shame when you really take a look at what Naruto and Sakura are, and how they could've been so much more than what they were given. 

#991032 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 11 April 2024 - 01:33 AM in Naruto General

It sure has been a while, 



#990904 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 13 January 2024 - 07:16 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I am starting join you, Lucky in the LuNami bandwagon.


Love to see it!  :w00t:

#990902 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 12 January 2024 - 12:13 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku





I'm glad to see another of my OTPs end happily for the most part.







#990892 Blossoms in The Wind

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 02 January 2024 - 02:56 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

This was originally conceived as a one shot  that I've had in the back of my mind for a very very long time, but then as I began typing again it made me realize that there was so much more  to tell here. 







Synopsis: The world is recovering from the devastation of The Fourth Great Ninja War, and Naruto enters a new phase in his life with new challenges ahead as he is accompanied by his teammate Sakura Haruno, and together a they grow and become even more in-sync as team.. Perhaps even on a deeper understanding beyond friendship.






Chapter 1 -  Next to You! : https://www.fanficti...oms-in-the-Wind

#990891 2023 Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 02 January 2024 - 02:39 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Off by a day. but  just wanna everyone a great and beautiful start to this amazing and wonderful new year! 

#990843 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 16 December 2023 - 04:14 PM in Naruto General

One significant change I would personally make for a live action Naruto series is make Tsunade the inspiration for Sakura in wanting to be a kunoichi, and maybe this could be something that is talked about amongst the girls.... Like a passing conversation from Ino to Sakura and those tales gives her the motivation...



The reason she would want to be a kunoichi most of all is to help those in need, and the leave the romance aspect to a high minimal focus. 




That would be me though.   

#990791 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 28 November 2023 - 02:49 AM in Fun Cafe

Youre welcome HalfDemon I use my powers for good and now to erase NH/SS from history.

No Chi I wont Ill do something more wholesome a NaruSaku art.


I like it!  :happy:

#990786 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 27 November 2023 - 05:27 PM in Fun Cafe


It was the wish of HalfDemonInuyasha. 😢

But unfortunately first evil since you responded now you have to share an NH/SS pic or gif per the previous rule! 😅