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There have been 24 items by Kwon91 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#903021 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 22 February 2016 - 10:53 AM in Artists' Square

ANNOUNCE: Because of time...I will make my doujinshi a "light novel" - Fanfiction + illustrations in this case.
Meanwhile I also uploaded some new drawings of mine.
*I am still practicing with background*







#899503 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 23 January 2016 - 10:07 PM in Artists' Square

Thank u a lot! Yes, I have some problems with lineart... D: I will do my best to be more accurate

#899502 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 23 January 2016 - 10:05 PM in Artists' Square


PAGE 8 tumblr_o1bm9pP1lH1qezuveo1_1280.jpg




#896290 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 03 January 2016 - 08:02 PM in Artists' Square


#896133 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 02 January 2016 - 08:57 PM in Artists' Square




#896112 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 02 January 2016 - 04:03 PM in Artists' Square

I also colored my old drawing :) I just you like it

Thank u also for compliment! ahahahhaahah


#895960 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 01 January 2016 - 12:58 PM in Artists' Square

HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!! :love: :nslove: :nsdance: :hug:

I could draw a new page of my doujinshi Painful Dream too. I hope you like it :D



#892791 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 14 December 2015 - 02:18 PM in Artists' Square

Thank you so much for all compliments <3
I will do my best to learn also better Kishi's style :D

but the way I am here with a NaruSaku fast christma drawing


#892684 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 13 December 2015 - 02:48 PM in Otaku Square

I feel like Kaneki is planning something ! don't know...I am just anxious!

 then  I will miss Kanae so much T.T


*ps:Kaneki is hot!

#892507 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 11 December 2015 - 05:59 PM in Otaku Square

Indeed. It's costly now, since it's limited time. Them Ebay guys are selling at a higher price. Same as Amazon Japan. Damn...

yes they sold out it fastly! I am just hoping to find it during  tha   manga and anime event in my city  in feb. D: 
but if I won't  find, I will enjoy pics on Internet D: suffering silently. :cry: this is very possible, because I have some doubts about finding it.


Yeah, Isida did a really good job. Btw, your Touken sketch you just made gives me life :smug: can't wait to see more!

Ishida art is something perfect... !!!
awww thank you so so so much :wub: ! lately I am having a lot of inspiration with them... :D


#892492 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 11 December 2015 - 04:34 PM in Otaku Square

I am loving this calendar TOO MUCH!!! :smexy:  everything is perfect!

#888607 Honest ask; going from 0 to 100% how much do you believe ns still has the pos...

Posted by Kwon91 on 20 November 2015 - 05:38 PM in Naruto General

 actually  now I don't care anymore if narusaku will happen or not...
animation is not canon to me... Naruto is finished without couple :D

#888604 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 20 November 2015 - 05:21 PM in Otaku Square

I didn't expect that too.
I always thought bae-Kaneki's mother was sweet and kind.   When she died it caused to me too much pain, now it's worst than before. D:
  she wasn't able to rebel to others and she vented herself on a baby. she is a disgusting coward!
 What actually i don't get why Kaneki always reminded beautiful moments of her mother and not this kind of stuff... maybe he didn't see the problem!? dunno!

I ship Kanae with Shuu ahahha :chuckle: but  if both  touch each other, it irritates me ...especially now that we know Kanae is a girl... ! :wha: but I had a bad reaction when  Ishida revealed Mutsuki was a girl ... I wasn't shocked, :superior:  I was really mad ! :hm: I cannot accept another   girl near to Kaneki/Haise. :down:
Touka is the only person for Kaneki. :banana: :th_yeah: 


but the way ahaha I found sweet when Kanae told "I just want to be loved", this confirms all her love for Shuu <3 awwww jeez  This is tooo much for my heart! :wub: :love:

#888524 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 20 November 2015 - 12:17 PM in Otaku Square

this last chapter was Oh My God just like last chapter as well.
Kaneki's life  is terribly tragic.  also now I hate his mother...if I think she vented her frustration on Kaneki, makes me mad D:


Screw unravel, get a eulogy ready. I hope Kaneki kills Kanae, I find her annoying.

personally I don't want to see my Kanae dead... the only death  I want to see...it is of Eto. she irritates me a lot LOL

#887150 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 14 November 2015 - 03:04 PM in Otaku Square

I read the bad news today...
I wonder if MS will translate chapter for real...
I just hope some good fan will translate chapter TT.TT

#887025 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 13 November 2015 - 08:40 PM in Artists' Square

New page of my doujinshi

To reply you, well the story is very longer...but I think I need to  fix the story to finish it soon. Because I don't think I will be able to manage too many pages of that story .

#886927 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 13 November 2015 - 09:30 AM in Artists' Square

I still didn't add a new page, I tried to draw something during summer, but the idea in drawing  wasn't that good D:
Then I started to work on PD and I didn't draw that anymore...

#886833 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 12 November 2015 - 04:53 PM in Artists' Square

I am finishing the new page of my doujinshi about new generation, so I post all other pages :)
Who doesn't know:   children of Karin and Sasuke are called Anzu and Hisoka. Actually there are two twins, but I will wait for them xD


#886754 Kwon91's drawings

Posted by Kwon91 on 12 November 2015 - 10:48 AM in Artists' Square

Hello guys, I saw there are some problems with gallery of forum,  I don't know why I can't  upload anything, it gives me server error TT.T So I've decided to open this topic sharing my drawings of NaruSaku, SasuKarin and new generation stuff with you.Naturally I just share my works finished D:

but the way I feel like I am wronging something LOL so if I made a mistake using this forum, please tell me!






I'd like to share also my doujinshi "Painful dream", but I will wait for it xD


#870282 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 19 August 2015 - 06:27 PM in Otaku Square

So where did I start at?

I took some Sasuke's pic... he is been my first character...
I used SP's pierrot style firstly...then I knew manga and I've started to copy Kishimoto's style...
if I can I will upload some pics to show you how I "worked"


I think manga of Tokyo Ghoul is 100000000 times better than anime.
SP mixed the time of the events and made fillers part deleting some part of manga D:


#870257 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 19 August 2015 - 04:54 PM in Otaku Square

Are graphic tablets easier to use than a mouse? I use cs6 (for coloring, i can't draw worth a damn lol), and I've heard that tablets are a lot easier to use.

Absolutly YES! graphics tablet is easier! using a mouse equivalent to being tortured aahahha I advice u to buy one :) trust me! initially it's difficult because it's like you don't know using a pencil anymore ahah xD but I think it's a good product!


Where did you learn how to draw? I don't care if it takes me a long time, I want to know.

"I've started" to copy characters of Naruto...  using grid to help me for drawing...
What helped me so much it was also my "comic"... because you draw characters in different angles


Do you guys think that Sasaki might wear Kaneki's mask one day?

if he does something like that...probably I will die because of my feels...
but I hope something epic will happen with that mask and Haise.



#869931 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 18 August 2015 - 07:51 PM in Otaku Square

Thank you all for compliments TT.TT too much kind with me! To draw I use Photoshop CS5 and graphics tablet

Tokyo Ghoul is a drug ! DRUG! LOL
Initially I didn't think it was so beautiful...
Thanks god I've changed my mind!

Then Kaneki is something hot.. :smexy: .I love him so much and  Ayato as well :smexy: * fangirling mode on*


#869870 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 18 August 2015 - 04:18 PM in Otaku Square

Hello guys and thank you for welcome :)
I didn't think Tokyo Ghoul could stalk me  also on NS forum . It is becoming an obsession!! :twitch:
Saiko will be saved...   she MUST  be saved !!! absolutly...

Thank you Touken4life *-* I am happy to know you like it and right now I am trying to finish that drawing xD

Ishida's style is killing me! damn Haise's hair! ahah

#869854 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Kwon91 on 18 August 2015 - 03:24 PM in Otaku Square

thanks god imperial uploaded this chapter...I was going out of my mind .
now I am just worried for Saiko... :sad: if I were her, I would have died of a heart attack. I did not give even  time to that "thing" to touch me.